You guys are far ahead of me and far ahead of anything I can construct here with my limited resources. So tell me then, have you been able to get any unusual, super-efficient electrolysis results with those drivers and mosfets and circuit boards and such? Have you been able to validate the basic claims found in the documents listed on the first page of this thread? How about validating the use of the circuit presented there as the "nano-pulser"? Do you think the, sorry, the _statements_ of Les Banki have any merit? Do you know of any demonstrations by Banki that support statements? Is there anyone who has even tested that circuit with an electrolysis cell? Depending on the pulse width, it is possible to at least heat up some power resistors as load, as well as warming up the little pot-core transformer I'm using, so I know it will transfer some power to a cell.
I've been thinking about implementing the full PLL functionality of that circuit (as given by Banki it only uses the chip's VCO, so could really be any oscillator at all instead of the specified 4046 chip) and turning it into a PLL-SSTC driver, with a few alterations like eliminating the unobtainable SITh device, and having the mosfet switch a higher voltage rather than simply switching the 12 v positive rail supply voltage through the load.
Oh... wait.... it looks like I've already implemented that in the circuitry for my TinselKoil IX. The only big difference is that I don't use a gate driver chip in that circuit, instead I used a simple 2-transistor gate driver. I wonder if it would work better with the tc4420 instead. It already works pretty well.
I think I'll go ahead and wire up a couple of the unused logic gates from the 74c14, as shown in the Banki schematic, to use the 555 interrupter module from the TKIX circuit, so that the main 24-240 kHz "nanopulse" train can be gated at much lower audio frequencies.
Here's a comparison of the FFT of the PLL VCO output (a square wave, only odd # harmonic content) and the Drain signal (which has considerable even # harmonic power due to the ringing.)
« Last Edit: 2015-06-11, 19:16:37 by TinselKoala »