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2024-09-08, 10:19:41
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Online Itsu 10:18:02 Viewing the topic Gravity Modification experiments; leading to FE?.
Online Excelsior 10:17:59 Viewing the board index of OverUnity Research.
Guest 10:13:53 Viewing the topic Magnetic Delay Transformer.
Guest 10:13:33 Viewing the topic Bedini SSG measurements.
Guest 10:13:27 Viewing the topic Dose it take energy to create a magnetic field.
Guest 10:13:03 Viewing the topic William ENKI.
Guest 10:11:48 Viewing the topic Did we go to the Moon.
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Guest 10:12:16 Viewing the board index of OverUnity Research.
Guest 10:12:50 Viewing the topic Ether - Does it Exist?.
Guest 10:17:05 Viewing the topic Kapanadze replication.
Guest 10:03:13 Viewing the board Gray's Devices.
Guest 09:53:57 Viewing the board index of OverUnity Research.
Guest 10:15:39 Viewing the topic Beyond mainstrean science without falling into the nonsense.
Guest 10:11:33 Viewing the topic Prof. Steven Jones (PhysicsProf) JT variant.
Guest 10:11:44 Viewing the board Gray's Devices.
Guest 10:11:45 Viewing the topic Replication attempt of TinMan's Rotary Transformer (RT V3).
Guest 10:09:20 Viewing the topic Paul Thibado | Charging Capacitors Using Graphene Fluctuations.
Guest 09:58:06 Viewing the board Power Measurements.
Guest 09:52:38 Viewing the topic Gravity Control With Gyroscopes?.
Guest 09:59:46 Viewing the board index of OverUnity Research.
Guest 10:06:57 Viewing the board index of OverUnity Research.
Guest 10:16:09 Viewing the topic Moving on from the 1Mhz build, A triple Frequency device..
Guest 10:08:11 Viewing the topic Reactive Generator Research for everyone to share.
Guest 09:56:09 Viewing the topic Switched capacitor motor.
Guest 09:58:18 Viewing the topic New Methods of Cummunication.
Guest 10:12:18 Viewing the topic Standing wave in Xenon gas.
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