Without the SEP, it relies on a much weaker ambient field.
Can anyone guess what it is?
Here is a clue: the tetra without an outer coil (SEP) stops when flipped over. So did the first TPU (video one that is).
I have a large zip file somewhere on the MAGVID, but I'd go with the Spherics stuff instead. MAGVID had no output as it was for other purposes.
My question is just how much current I need to pump into this thing. If I can get it under 1Mhz I can plot the relationship between the two for my setup. My PSU goes to 60 volts and 15 amps, which will be my upper limit for the SEP coil. I can't imagine it would take 15 amps to get a low enough pulse rate, but right now I have no clue. Well, the aether is the universal "fluid" or field, and the magnetic and electric "fluids" are modifications of that universal fluid. I would guess the aether, which spherics pointed out already. If you can share the zip sometime, I would appreciate it. I don't need it for this project, but I was interested in the effects that device produced. No need for distractions at the moment though. Working on a form for the outer SEP at this time. I have the coil mounts figured out, but I need to get some bigger wood blocks.