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Author Topic: Paradigm Shift (locked)  (Read 91452 times)
Group: Guest
Student project.

This document is in draft form.  It will be updated periodically.

The goal is to break the lead-out energy flying saucer projects into pieces suitable for groups of university students.

Please go to overunity.com for discussions.

File updated on July 27, 2015

« Last Edit: 2015-07-27, 01:50:00 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest
The draft document to be presented to the World at the appropriate time...

The attached document will be updated or revised without notice.

Latest modification is on Dec 31, 2015. 
« Last Edit: 2016-01-07, 21:17:26 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest
Chance to present Lead-out Energy

Dear All,

We now have a chance to present our ideas together with St. James Jockey Club Upcycling Center and the Hong Kong Government Environmental Agency.  There will be an annual event in June with emphasis on Energy and Environment.

We have been invited to participate in a number of ways.
1.   Think about a gift to be given out in the event.  One possibility is the improved Joule Thief circuit with super capacitor.  The charging can be done by hand winding.  The resulting lighting can be much longer.  We can already demonstrate charging by an AA battery for 10 seconds and the LEDs remain ON for over 10 minutes.
2.   Improve the standard exercise bicycle charging/lighting so that the Public can see electricity generated by their own efforts.
3.   Introduce the Lead-out Energy Flying Saucer concept so that the General Public and the Media will talk about it.

I shall focus on point 3 here.
a.   We shall leverage on the many UFO sighting news recently.  We shall have articles on whether UFOs can be man-made.  The articles in overunity.com under the “UFO Propu” thread will be useful.
b.   We shall build a large Milkovic Two Stage Pendulum.  The emphasis will be to show the leading-out of gravitational energy.  We shall direct attention to the weight remaining stationary when the amplitude of swing is small.  After a certain amplitude is achieved, a tiny push from the fingers will lift a heavy weight.  (Refer to the Rhead youtube video).  We shall clearly mark when the lifting occurs.  The banging noise is expected to attract attention.
c.   We shall do the electromagnet repelling magnet experiment.  We can explain the leading out of magnetic/electromagnetic energy.  We shall improve with pulse circuits so that the duration of the pulse is consistent.  We shall also add the advantage of using ferromagnetic materials.
d.   The theory of the lead-out energy diagram will be heavily promoted.  Lead-out energy machines are NOT the impossible perpetual motion machines.
e.   The design diagram of the Lead-out Energy Flying Saucer will be thoroughly discussed.  (We may not be able to have a working prototype this time but we shall try.  Miracles?)

We shall have some brain storming sessions and internet discussions.   Your participation is well appreciated.

Lawrence Tseung
Jan 8, 2016
« Last Edit: 2016-01-08, 19:08:18 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest
Happy Chinese New Year of the Monkey.
« Last Edit: 2016-02-27, 19:16:49 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest
This presentation has been updated multiple time.  The first presentation focused on leading-out or bringing-in energy from still air.  It is well known that one can get energy from moving air (e.g. sail or wind turbine).  Air consists of molecules in motion and thus have kinetic energy.  The first thought was – can we use such energy?  The first experiments indicated success in 2000.  A hand beach pump was used to pump water plus air via one-way valves to more than 5 floors.  The water plus air temperature gets cooler at exit.  Similarly, the water rocket gets cooler after firing.  Some of the kinetic energy of air molecules may have been converted into mechanical energy.

The late Mr. Lee Cheung Kin, a retired rocket scientist trained in USSR, learned of the experiments and visited Mr. Lawrence Tseung.  Mr. Lee suggested that gravitational energy can be led-out or brought-in.  He showed videos of the Laing Car, the Wang Shen He Device and other “free energy” research work in China.

That started a full research and lead to a presentation at Tsinghua University in 2006 where we learned about the 225 HP Pulse Motor and the Energy Multiplier.

In this presentation, we shall focus on the Milkovic Two Stage Pendulum and show how it can lead-out gravitational energy.
Group: Guest
After the Tsinghua University presentation, we learned that the lead-out energy technology might have become top secret in both China and USA.  The reason is the potential military applications.  If we can bring-in gravitational energy, we must be able to bring-in magnetic or electromagnetic energy.  We can have a plane that can fly forever.

We soon realized that we could actually design a man-made flying saucer.  The principle is relatively simple and will be discussed in slide 6.

In our research, we found that many people are also researching in the field of “free” energy.  Some believed that the energy source is the Zero Point Energy.  Zero Point Energy refers to the energy that is still available when the temperature drops to absolute zero.

We took a slightly different approach.  We believe that anywhere in the Universe, there will be gravitational forces and electromagnetic waves.  Such energy sources can be used.  There is no violation of the Law of Conservation of Energy if we can use such energy.

After years of research, we found that the most convincing and the simplest explanation came from the Milkovic Two Stage Pendulum.
Group: Guest
When we realized that UFOs could be man-made, we knew the potential political and military significance.  If an UFO can:
1.  Use virtually inexhaustible energy without carrying chemical fuel;
2.  Fly to outer space;
3.  Hover and make sharp turns;
4.  Propel itself without ejecting hot gases or pushing air;
5.  Effectively make cars, trains, ships lighter…

Such a technology will wipe out the military superiority of USA.  USA Government will want to keep such a technology top secret.  China will want to build up as large a lead as possible before disclosing such technology to the World.
UFOs made in USA and China are flying.  Many individuals have mobile phones with video capabilities.  The sightings can be captured and shared.

One of the dying wishes of Mr. Lee Cheung Kin was to share his findings with the World.  He also realized that the technology might be used for evil and endanger the entire Human Race.  Thus in disclosing the technology, we should also preach World as One.  The best way to create lasting peace is to get every Nation rich via knowledge and hard work. 
We should Love Our Enemies and turn them into Brothers and Sisters.
Group: Guest
When we first presented the concept, some people, including scientists, immediately dismissed the whole concept as stupid and unscientific.

Some established scientists said: “You are trying to produce the impossible perpetual motion machine again.  You have a degree in Physics.  How can you be so stupid as to waste your time and our time?”  They refused to  review and study our information.  When we preached Mutual Credits to make every Nation rich, some laughed at us as impractical dreamers.

A true scientist should always be prepared to challenge existing concepts.  Scientific Breakthroughs often come from thinking outside the box.
Group: Guest
This is the most important technical slide.  If we can lead-out or bring-in external energy, we do not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.

The discussion then turns to whether we can bring-in such energy.

If we can bring-in such energy, how much can we bring-in?
Group: Guest
This is the slide Mr. Tseung presented and passed out at Mr. Lee’s funeral service.

It showed that Mr. Lee first suggested that the pulsed pendulum might lead-out or bring-in gravitational energy.  (This can be confirmed with the Milkovic Two Stage Pendulum in slide 10.)

It also showed that an UFO can be built with net thrust produced by differences in Centrifugal Forces.
The Pulsed Drive Coil brings-in magnetic or electromagnetic energy similar to the 225 HP Pulsed Motor.

The secret of the lead-out energy flying saucer is shown in this single slide…
Group: Guest
This slide emphases the circular motion concept again.  The magnet moves in the clockwise direction.  It can be started by hand.  When it just passes the center of the Drive Coil, pulsed DC current is passed.  The Drive Coil becomes a magnet to repel the magnet, giving it energy and higher angular velocity.  The angular velocity can be built up via each passing.

When the angular velocity is high enough, we can use the Collector Coils to extract some energy and generate electricity.  We can then produce the situation as shown in the above slide.  The velocity of the magnet at the top of the circular path will be much higher than that at the bottom part.  This will result in a difference in Centrifugal Force.  The difference in Centrifugal Force will provide a Net Thrust.  In the diagram shown, the Net Thrust will be upwards.  But this Thrust can be in any direction.

Note that the generation of the Net Thrust does not require ejection of any hot gases.  Such a device can be thought of as a propulsion unit.  A flying saucer can have multiple propulsion units. 

The youtube video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_yMdmavq_U, showed a similar device.
However, the above slide shows a much simpler design and points to the possibility of using lead-out energy…
Group: Guest
On Nov 7, 2015, thousands in California saw what appeared to be an UFO.  The USA Navy later said that it was their Trident Missile showing UFO like characteristics.  It was speculated that USA wanted to show that it mastered some UFO technology.

China showed a Flying Saucer in 2006.

The Milkovic two stage pendulum demonstrated leading-out gravitational energy.
1.   At 2:07 time, the 46 pound pendulum was at its maximum height position.  A small push with the fingers lifted the 74 pound weight twice.
2.   Between 2:07 and 3:30, note that the weight was lifted twice with each push from the fingers.
3.   The weight was lifted when the pendulum was at the lowest height position.
4.   That position was the highest velocity position.  The centrifugal force was highest.
5.   Notice that the maximum swing position hardly changed.

Study this video very carefully.  It shows the leading-out of gravitational energy…
Group: Guest
The comments after our presentation on March 14 include:

1.  The Input Energy to the Milkovic two stage pendulum is to keep the pendulum swinging like any other pendulum system.  It is used to overcome friction and air resistance.  A pendulum can be 99% efficient.

2.  The up and down motion of the seesaw or lever system is created from the varying centrifugal force of the pendulum.  It is free.  Note that the highest position of the pendulum is hardly affected even though the weight is lifted twice.

3.  This free energy is considered as the lead-out gravitational energy.  It can cause the hammer-like weight to do work.
If gravitational energy can be lead-out or brought-in, magnetic or electromagnetic energy must be able to be brought-in.

The Milkovic Two Stage Pendulum has been around for many years.  We were aware of it since early 2000.  However we did not come up with this presentation until March 2016.

We actually have almost inexhaustible, non-polluting, easily accessible energy available everywhere on Earth.  All humans can enjoy a high standard of living provided that we do not have population explosion.  If all Nations get prosperous via knowledge and hard work, they will seek peace to maintain their prosperity…

Milkovic Two Stage Pendulum is an Overunity Device…
Group: Guest
Overunity refers to the phenomena of Output Energy greater than Input Energy.  The conventional thinking is that the maximum Output Energy can only be equal to the Input Energy in any device.  There will always be frictional and other losses in the device.  Thus overunity is impossible.

Once we changed our thinking and look at bringing-in or leading-out energy from the external environment, the New Input Energy is then the sum of the supplied Input Energy plus the Lead-out Energy.  This sum can thus be greater than the Output Energy.
We can always use gravitational energy once – such a rock rolling down a hill.  But previously, we were not able to use such energy continuously.  With the Milkovic Two Stage Pendulum, we can now do so. 

The Milkovic Two Stage Pendulum opens a whole new field of research.  Bringing-in Energy from the environment is now “respectable”. 
Group: Guest
It is clear that the USA Government is aware of the Lead-out Energy technology.  It granted the above patent to Jesse McQueen.
Normally, if a patent application is classified as the impossible perpetual motion machine, it will be rejected.

Please read the wordings of the patent carefully.

The term QMOGEN was coined by Sterling Allan.  MO refers to a Motor.  GEN refers to a Generator. Q refers to feedback with extra energy left over.  In other words, a QMOGEN can be started externally.  The Motor rotates faster and drives a Generator.  The Generator can then supply electricity to the Motor plus other electrical appliances.  The external power source can be removed.

Apparently, USA patent Office allowed a perpetual motion machine patent.
Group: Guest
The Lead-out Energy Flying Saucer represents a new paradigm.  Imagine replacing the family car with a Flying Saucer.  We can:

1.  Use virtually inexhaustible non-polluting energy;

2.  Fly anywhere including outer space;

3.  Enjoy a new prosperity previously unimagined.

Europeans used their technology gained since the Industrial Revolution to colonialize and enslave other Nations.  They caused untold sufferings and created new Nations.  That pattern of getting rich is evil.  The correct way to get rich is to use technology to get others rich.   If you want to sell, you want your customers to have the money to buy.

If all Nations respect one another and grow more prosperous together via win-win commerce and trade, lasting peace can be maintained.

We must not destroy ourselves with hatred or suspicion.
Group: Guest
The new paradigm of Lead-out Energy Flying Saucer is coming.  Much more scientific research is needed.  However, many UFOs are man-made in USA or China. 

Should we keep the knowledge top secret or should we share it with the World?

Imagine the benefits this will bring…
Group: Guest
With Internet, knowledge can be shared quickly.

The Milkovic Two Stage Pendulum is easy to replicate.  Gravitational energy is everywhere including outer space.  It opens the door to the entire field of overunity research.  That field is scientifically correct and will now be respectable.

This overunity research field is new and every Nation can jump in.  We expect  a very rapid pace of development similar to the Internet.  Its potential impact is even more than the Internet.  Imagine the Lead-out Energy Flying Saucer replacing the family car…

We have to respect one another and view the World as One.

The Lead-out Energy Flying Saucer will bring us much closer and much more prosperous…
Group: Guest
The next group of slides discusses the non-technical aspects of the Lead-out Energy Paradigm.

The old evil way of getting a Nation rich was to conquer, colonize and enslave other Nations.  Europeans did that and took over vast continents and resources.  Such an evil way must not happen again.  The weapons of mass destruction might destroy the entire Human Race.  No one will get rich.

Some Westerners still believed that if they kept the Military superiority, they could repeat and maintain the superiority forever.  Fortunately, the World have found a new way to get wealthy.  Germany, Japan led the way with hard work and exports after the Second World War.  Many other Nations such as South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan followed.   China created its economic miracle without any conquests.

China also discovered a new way of getting rich.  If one wants to get rich, one should get others rich also.  This is totally different from the old evil way of conquests.  The Lead-out Energy Flying Saucer solves many problems, includeing:
1.  Non-polluting Energy;
2.  Ease of Transport;
3.  Ability to travel to Outer Space.

If the World Population does not increase too fast, every Individual can enjoy a high standard of living.  The National Boundaries will slowly disappear.  Nations will respect one another as all acquire knowledge and hard work...
Group: Guest
This presentation should follow the technical presentation.  This presentation assumes that the audience is aware of the Lead-out Energy Flying Saucer Technology and accepts that man-made UFOs are possible. 

The late Mr. Lee Cheung Kin, a retired rocket scientist trained in USSR, suggested that gravitational energy can be led-out or brought-in.  That started our research.  We now can design lead-out energy devices and the Flying Saucer.

At one time, Europeans believed Wealth of Nations came from Land, Population and Productivity.  They colonialized and enslaved other Nations with their technology.  That approach is evil and will generate hatred.  That hatred will cause wars and terrorism.  The oppressed will seek revenge – to the point of scarifying their own lives.

The correct way to get rich is to get others rich at the same time.  Knowledge can be shared.  Technology can benefit every one.  Modern Wealth is the quality and quantity of Meaningful Economic Activities.  If all Nations get prosperous via knowledge, hard work and win-win commerce, lasting peace can be maintained.

The Lead-out Energy Flying Saucer is a New Paradigm…
Group: Guest
The lead-out energy technology may be top secrets in both China and USA.  The reason is the potential military applications.  If we can bring-in gravitational energy, we must be able to bring-in magnetic or electromagnetic energy.  We can have a plane that can fly forever.
In our research, we found that many people are also researching on the field of “free” energy.  Some believe that the energy source is the Zero Point Energy.  Zero Point Energy refers to the energy that is still available when the temperature drops to absolute zero.

We believe that it is a matter of time when scientists understand and develop the Lead-out Energy Flying Saucer.  Probably a third Nation will demonstrate it first.
Group: Guest
When we realized that UFOs could be man-made, we knew the potential political and military significance.  If an UFO can:
1.  Use virtually inexhaustible energy without carrying chemical fuel;
2.  Fly to outer space;
3.  Hover and make sharp turns;
4.  Propel itself without ejecting hot gases or pushing air;
5.  Effectively make cars, trains, ships lighter…

Such a technology will wipe out the military superiority of USA.  USA Government will want to keep such a technology top secret.  China will want to build up as large a lead as possible before disclosing such technology to the World.
UFOs made in USA and China are flying.  Many individuals have mobile phones with video capabilities.  The sightings can be captured and shared.

One of the dying wishes of Mr. Lee Cheung Kin was to share his findings with the World.  He also realized that the technology might be used for evil and endanger the entire Human Race.  Thus in disclosing the technology, we should also preach World as One. 

We should Love Our Enemies and turn them into Brothers and Sisters.
Group: Guest
One of the comments on the Internet was – this technology may be a game changer.  UFOs and Aliens may be real.  They may  get the Humans to destroy one another so that they can take over the resources of the Earth.

They can point to Human History and say: “This is Human Culture.  It has been there for thousands of years.  Humans believe in survival of the fittest.  The Europeans were the fittest at one time.  They “devout” others.  Who is the fittest now?”

We must change that mindset. 

UFO technology is a game changer…
Group: Guest
This is the most important technical slide.  If we can lead-out or bring-in external energy, we do not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.

The discussion then turns to whether we can bring-in such energy.
If we can bring-in such energy, how much can we bring-in?

Are Aliens using such energy sources?
Group: Guest
This is the slide Mr. Tseung presented and passed out at Mr. Lee’s funeral service.

It showed that Mr. Lee first suggested that the pulsed pendulum might lead-out or bring-in gravitational energy.  (This can be confirmed with the Milkovic Two Stage Pendulum.)

It also showed that an UFO can be built with net thrust produced by differences in Centrifugal Forces.

The Pulsed Drive Coil brings-in magnetic or electromagnetic energy similar to the 225 HP Pulsed Motor.

The secret of the lead-out energy flying saucer is shown in this single slide…
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