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Author Topic: Akula0083 30 watt self running generator.  (Read 984041 times)

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Dear All.

You are cordially welcome  to join in, with what appears at first sight to be a promising self running device.


Over the weekend Groundloop has painstakingly converted the schematic into a PCB layout suitable for us to make a, hopefully working device.

T-1000 has said that the transformer is the "Magic" bit of the device. If you study closely the Primary and Secondary windings are in fact separated !! Each wound on a Ferrite half. He has also found out there is a slight air gap created by gluing the two halves together.

I am passing on the data provided by Groundloop to my friend Richard of RM Cybernetics who, I hope will make us a few prototype boards ready for testing.

That's all for now, Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)

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Dear All.

Here is a rather poor resolution close up of the transformer.

It does however show the coil orientation.

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Professor
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Posts: 3026
  Thanks for the heads-up, Grum!
If your friend makes a few boards, pls count me in if you can -- and I would be most happy to pay for it!

Also, I think I have some ferrite cores a lot like the ones you show... and lots of wire...
Group: Guest
I found that Akula0083 is Roman Karnouhov from Russia.  I can't find much on him.. does he have youtube, blog, or post on any forums.. I would like to see more of his work.
« Last Edit: 2014-03-10, 00:19:37 by 4Tesla »
Group: Guest
Found the thread on Akula and his videos.. very interesting.

Do you guys know of any successful replications of any of his circuits?

Edit: To answer my own question; x_name41 may have and that's his video in the OP.

« Last Edit: 2014-03-04, 08:04:12 by 4Tesla »
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I found this 1W version over at OU.com

Edit: Attached higher res a few post down in the thread.
« Last Edit: 2014-03-03, 21:53:02 by 4Tesla »
Hero Member

Posts: 520

It is good you opened a thread on this Akula guy.

Because the 30watts video is showing a self-runner, which is a great statement of OU if true, I decided to take a look at his video before I consider spending any time on it myself.

Sadly, I am not convinced this video is real.

I am showing a few images.

Image 1 shows wire going under the battery.
Image 2 shows wire that was under the battery once the battery was removed.
Image 3 shows same wire from another angle.
Image 4 shows a second wire going through a hole that he tried to cover with some gadget.

So the circuit is spiked from under the table coming up directly under the circuit. You can see other small holes were drilled probably the first holes that he decided did not position well the circuit and transformer on the table.

So consider the circuit position on the table is anchored or locked in with two wires holding it from underneath the circuit. This explains why the circuit DID NOT MOVE while he was manhandling it when he was.........

1) placing the hot wire from the battery to the circuit input diode.
2) removing both the red and black clips when he removed the battery.
3) taking the transformer in his hand, again the circuit did not move any more then a circular angle movement or pivot that is consistent with the circuit being anchored from underneath.

Anyone else in this world that would handle the circuit in such a manner would have surely moved the circuit from its position on the table. I have cursed more then once when that happens. Now that you have this information, go back and look at his video and look at how he compensates his movements especially when he realizes he videoed the two wires, he moves the camera away. Then look when he manipulates the connections or removes the battery.

Sorry to break your bubble but if you guys are to spend another ion of time working on this, Akula will have to make a much better 30 watts video with less crap.

I get the very uncomfortable feeling that these guys build something, then they know it is not a self-runner but the trick their videos to make it seem like a self-runner to entice replications and if by chance one of the replicators works out some miraculous final bug to make theirs a self-runner, Akula will grab all the glory.



Ya, Ya, I know. It's that damn @wattsup again with his Wire X. But WTF man. You want to spend your life running after shadows or do you want to spend your life working on real devices. These Russian guys make their videos, never show input and output results, always make videos from hell and then we have to lick their asses for some crumbs. Not a good OU research strategy at all.

I think this exposé would merit a response from Akula to make a better video if his device is real because right now, it smells of faked juice.


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Dear Wattsup.

I will open this reply with the point that the video WAS NOT presented by Akula. However your comments and pictures are noted, and DO seem valid !!

What more can I write ?? Groundloop has gone to a lot of trouble for us, so I think the least I can do is to carry on regardless as the parts are of minor cost. And see what happens!!

I will however state that this schematic is a follow on from some earlier work from a Russian named Pantiuchov. I built a device from the schematic that self ran for 30 sec's before the storage cap dramatically exploded !!
So I think there may be some merit to this one, time will tell.

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Guest
Oh sorry, I didn't save the image correctly.  Here is a higher res image of the 1W version.

Seems Akula started big and has been working on scaling down.. just the opposite of what we normally see, but easier to replicate.

I wish that there was some detailed instructions on how to make the transformer.
Group: Guest
I found a video on the 1W.

« Last Edit: 2014-03-03, 21:20:02 by 4Tesla »
Group: Guest
Here is the schematic in the video.  I think this is the blog in the schematic, but not Akula.  http://renuar.blogspot.com/
« Last Edit: 2014-03-03, 18:45:22 by 4Tesla »
Sr. Member

Posts: 350
We all know Wesley right?   The guy who went to visit Kapanadze in person.  Akula is one of his friends (or fellow experimenter) who Wesley has worked with a lot.   In my book Akula has high credibility and I don't believe what wattsup is presenting here is any proof at all of fakery.   Where wattsup sees wires and holes seems like imagination getting carried away to me.   Sorry wattsup but I am not buying this hidden wire conspiracy this time either.  Could we ask Akula to do a better video?   Sure but then someone would come along and say he edited out the hidden wires.  Not hard at all to do with a video editor.   I'm not against asking for another better video though ....  

I'll add a couple more thoughts too.  Most people are terrible at doing video's.   Most move the camera around too fast and too much.   Also don't you think if someone was going to go to all the trouble to build that circuit and then to fake a self runner they would have done a much better job of hiding wires and holes if those were really part of faking a self runner?   I know I wouldn't want to get caught making a fake and stand losing all credibility .... only makes sense such a person would cover all obvious sources of fakery if they were faking it.  My opinion anyway ....
Sr. Member

Posts: 375
We all know Wesley right?   The guy who went to visit Kapanadze in person.  Akula is one of his friends (or fellow experimenter) who Wesley has worked with a lot.   In my book Akula has high credibility and I don't believe what wattsup is presenting here is any proof at all of fakery.   Where wattsup sees wires and holes seems like imagination getting carried away to me.   Sorry wattsup but I am not buying this hidden wire conspiracy this time either.  Could we ask Akula to do a better video?   Sure but then someone would come along and say he edited out the hidden wires.  Not hard at all to do with a video editor.   I'm not against asking for another better video though ....  

Well, for Wesley you can ask himself in PM and I also have Roman's contact in skype. The latest video you seen is just another replica and Akula was not there :)

If you did lots of research over last few years you might notice about people doing some "magic" to transformers in way how they are made and connected in order to reach unconventional effects. For example, there is no single conventional circuit showing connected BEMF in series with charged cap and dumping that back to power source. Also when transformer is asymetrical and bloch wall moves inside of it that cause all other effects and it is interesting topic to do experiments on. You might find lots if different people refered by this but there is something interesting for sure...

Group: Guest
Well, for Wesley you can ask himself in PM and I also have Roman's contact in skype. The latest video you seen is just another replica and Akula was not there :)

If you did lots of research over last few years you might notice about people doing some "magic" to transformers in way how they are made and connected in order to reach unconventional effects. For example, there is no single conventional circuit showing connected BEMF in series with charged cap and dumping that back to power source. Also when transformer is asymetrical and bloch wall moves inside of it that cause all other effects and it is interesting topic to do experiments on. You might find lots if different people refered by this but there is something interesting for sure...


Can you ask Roman for detailed instructions on how to make the toroid transformer?


I see Itsu worked on the 1W a bit.. anyone else?  I noticed the schematics he used didn't have the transistors marked, but the one in this thread that I got from OU.com does.. maybe that will help Itsu.
« Last Edit: 2014-03-03, 20:30:15 by 4Tesla »
Hero Member

Posts: 520

Regardless of who made the Akula0083 video, the video IS faked. There is simply no way a circuit board would stay in one place like that with all the manoeuvring he did.

So to confirm this, I did a small screen capture using my virtualdubmod program to show you directly. Because the file is too big to post here and I did not want to upload this video into my youtube channel, I put it on my ftp web site here...

Sorry if I said Akula made that video. Look, I don't know why people do things like that but I do know that other people wind up wasting a load of time and money. This is one reason why I no longer do any replications based on a video before I do any due diligence. Time + Effort + a dab of luck = OU. Wasting your time = no OU.



Group: Moderator
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Posts: 2777

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Dear 4Tesla.

I have noticed that you have posted a slightly different schematic for the 1 Watt device than that of the one Itsu used !! Already there is one of two conclusions we can draw!!  Is the later one correct ? Or just another round of disinfo !!

I do agree with some of wattsup's arguments but as I wrote earlier as the device should not cost more than £50.00 to build then , what the hey, let's give it a go !!

There is a lot of chatter over on OU.Com about Akula seeming to now have more expensive test gear. They presume that he is making money from his videos. But as stated earlier, this was not him, just another guy !!

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Guest

Hi People,

T-1000 has said that the transformer is the "Magic" bit of the device.
If you study closely the Primary and Secondary windings are in fact separated !!
Each wound on a Ferrite half.
He has also found out there is a slight air gap created by gluing the two halves together.

My two cents:
What is a trafo with (physically) separated Primary and secondary?
IMHO, it is a (small, indeed, but real) capacitor.
You can call it a Coilcap.

As I (curiously) keep on seeing (non conventional) capacitors everywhere, I recently
made these (attached) 2  short pdfS.
I, of course, did not discovered this by myself but while reading Vladimir Utkin's texts
(a Russian guy, BTW).

Beware the Russians!  :)  OU-wise they are genius! (IMHO).
I should have learnt the Russian language instead of the German one when I was young.
Morality: 2 years of German course and the result appart from
"Die Kleine Vögel fliegen im Himmel" is: nichts, nothing, nada, niente, rien, nihil, etc...
About Vladimir Utkin, you can consult:
http://freenrg.info/4OUR_F/V_Utkin_Free_energy2.pdf  (about Don Smith's SEG)
http://freenrg.info/4OUR_F/Vladimir-Utkin_newest.pdf (not the newest)
http://freenrg.info/4OUR_F/Vladimir_Utkin2.pdf (about the 'Electro radiant Effect')
http://freenrg.info/4OUR_F/Vladimi_Utkin_june_2012.pdf (the very newest)

These are different versions of basically the same text.

Beware! Vladimir Utkin is not the Bible.
I notably beg to differ with the page 57 of "Vladimir_Utkin_june_2012.pdf".
More to come, should anybody be intersted in my considerations.

All the Best,
Group: Guest

Regardless of who made the Akula0083 video, the video IS faked. There is simply no way a circuit board would stay in one place like that with all the manoeuvring he did.

So to confirm this, I did a small screen capture using my virtualdubmod program to show you directly. Because the file is too big to post here and I did not want to upload this video into my youtube channel, I put it on my ftp web site here...

Sorry if I said Akula made that video. Look, I don't know why people do things like that but I do know that other people wind up wasting a load of time and money. This is one reason why I no longer do any replications based on a video before I do any due diligence. Time + Effort + a dab of luck = OU. Wasting your time = no OU.


Hi wattsup,

I appreciate you analyzing ou claims on video.  I agree it is very frustrating to see all those fake ou videos and hard to get excited about new ou devices when we've had Mylow, RomeroUK, Steorn and so on.  I hope that Akula's work is real.  I haven't seen enough evidence to convince me either way.  At least these lower watt schematics won't take too much time to try out.. if we can get more details on the transformers.
« Last Edit: 2014-03-04, 03:44:39 by 4Tesla »
Group: Guest
Dear 4Tesla.

I have noticed that you have posted a slightly different schematic for the 1 Watt device than that of the one Itsu used !! Already there is one of two conclusions we can draw!!  Is the later one correct ? Or just another round of disinfo !!

Yes it is slightly different and has the components labeled.  I have no idea where GeoFusion over at OU.com got it from.  Here is a link to his post.

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Posts: 2777

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Dear Jean.

Many thanks for your, as always, detailed observations.  Verpies has stated many times that the transformer is the most least understood electrical / electronic device that we can use !! So many winding configurations !! Also note that the Russian transformers that appear in so many OU videos are usually separate limb types. Not like the European concentric wound!! ??  Could there be something in that single observation ??  ;)

With the mention of GeoFusion by 4Tesla earlier on I remembered that it sparked off a series of experiments for me, starting with the video posted below. I found that if you place a coil across a gap somehow the frequency doubles from that of the input !!


I have quite a few more in the Ferrite saga, as I called it!! Showing various interesting acoustic phenomena !!

On a lighter note I am glad that this thread has sparked a little more interest than the last one I started !! ;D

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
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Group: Guest

Hi Grumage,

Thanks for you feed back.

Verpies has stated many times that the transformer is the most least understood
electrical / electronic device that we can use !! So many winding configurations !!
I Do agree with this very statement!  :)
About the vid: " Split core transformer"
Splitting the core is adding another (very small but more important) capacitor. No?  :-\

While we are at it, some new experiment with trafos. 2 pictures.
Sorry if it is not new for you.

About my 2 PdfS:
My reasoning is very very simple, as usual. I'm not a scientist.  :P

Eric P. Dollard and Jean Louis Naudin (JLN) seem to get very interesting (OU?) results
using what it is called a "Longitudinal 'Magneto Dielectric'" configuration.
This, with just a kinda analog computer (for JLN).

To get this called "Longitudinal 'Magneto Dielectric'" configuration it sounds like
that you just have to 90° CCW rotate the called "Transverse 'Electro-Magnetic'" configuration
(the classical Transmission Line).
Hence, the famous 'multiplying by the square root of minus one'...
Please, notice that I can wrongly understand this Eric P. Dollard statement! :-X

Then, firstly, comes Konstantin Meyl with a similar (Transverse) configuration (his open capacitor) that
IMO, resembles the 'Transverse' stuff. Not to mention some Tesla patents.

After that, appears Vladimir Utkin, with, indeed, very interesting inputs. No?
So (#1), I'm just wondering whether (one of) the (main) 'secret' might be that simple...

So (#2), I'm also just asking me: what if all these 'inventors' have just figured out
one of the  essential 'secret' and, after some experiments, were able to design strange devices?
Without, of course, telling from where their inspiration came...

Just my 2 cents,

All the Best,
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Posts: 3026
  Looking at related youtube vids, came across this by Wasaby:


Screen shot shows some detail, but no ckt diagram is given:
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I read the last few pages of the thread "Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel Kapanadze" from page 1417 over at OU.com.  Good stuff, but no way I can start from the beginning.

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