Hi Grumage,
Thanks for you feed back.
Verpies has stated many times that the transformer is the most least understood
electrical / electronic device that we can use !! So many winding configurations !!
I Do agree with this very statement!

About the vid: " Split core transformer"
Splitting the core is adding another (very small but more important) capacitor. No?

While we are at it, some new experiment with trafos. 2 pictures.
Sorry if it is not new for you.

About my 2 PdfS:
My reasoning is very very simple, as usual. I'm not a scientist.

Eric P. Dollard and Jean Louis Naudin (JLN) seem to get very interesting (OU?) results
using what it is called a "Longitudinal 'Magneto Dielectric'" configuration.
This, with just a kinda analog computer (for JLN).
To get this called "Longitudinal 'Magneto Dielectric'" configuration it sounds like
that you just have to 90° CCW rotate the called "Transverse 'Electro-Magnetic'" configuration
(the classical Transmission Line).
Hence, the famous 'multiplying by the square root of minus one'...
Please, notice that I can wrongly understand this Eric P. Dollard statement! 
Then, firstly, comes Konstantin Meyl with a similar (Transverse) configuration (his open capacitor) that
IMO, resembles the 'Transverse' stuff. Not to mention some Tesla patents.
After that, appears Vladimir Utkin, with, indeed, very interesting inputs. No?
So (#1), I'm just wondering whether (one of) the (main) 'secret' might be that simple...
So (#2), I'm also just asking me: what if all these 'inventors' have just figured out
one of the essential 'secret' and, after some experiments, were able to design strange devices?
Without, of course, telling from where their inspiration came...
Just my 2 cents,
All the Best,