Thanks for doing the experiment. I have included a link to a video of my results done a few years back and I'm curious to see if you get the same results with your PM assembly.
My question is, why the apparent attraction to the bloch wall?
Ok,this is indeed odd,and maybe some one here can explain it,but i cant.
My question is, why the apparent attraction to the bloch wall?
I have found it depends on which way your PM is facing as to whether the current carrying conductor is attracted to the center of the magnet,or repelled away from it.
So far i have found the following
1-the current carrying conductor is repelled by both the north and south fields of the PM,even though the current flow direction remains the same.
2-if the current carrying conductor is attracted to the center of the magnet,you can either invert the current flow through the inductor,or spin the magnet 180* to make the conductor become repelled by the center of the magnet.
3-The conductor is always repelled by the center on one side of the PM,but attracted to the center on the other side of the PM.
I think this effect is caused by the field within the center of the PM,and not the outer field of the PM.
If we look at the picture below,where we see the field of the PM,and the field of a current carrying conductor,and we take note of the PMs field inside the magnet,and disregard the field around the PM,we see that if the conductor is on one side of the PM,the magnetic field flow is the same direction. If we place the conductor on the other side of the PM,we see the fields flow is in the opposite direction. So on one side of the PM the conductor would be attracted to the magnet,and on the other side it would be repelled. And as i have stated before,the magnetic field is at it's most concentrated at the center of the magnet,not at each pole.
This would explain what we see in my video below. calling this the Partzman effect

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