I built one of these many years ago-->the bearing motor. I am going to build another one,so as i can work out once and for all how it works. Common theory is that the balls heat up,and cause an elliptical shape,and this is what makes it spin. But i would think that this elliptical distorsion of the balls in the bearing race would cause an equal force in both directions  . I believe there is some sort of magnetic field spin being created,and the direction of spin is determined by the starting spin direction. I remember years ago when i use to install new dairy's,that we use to use an electric motor that would also spin in the direction you spun it in-->how would that work. These were on the vacuum pump,and when you wanted pressure to blow the vacuum lines out,you just stopped the motor(switched it off),gave it a quick spin in the direction you wanted it to spin in,and switched back on the power. This was over 20 years ago now,and i haven't seen any other electric motors that could do this. It was a German brand motor. Anyway,i will throw a setup together tomorrow,and see how we go. The plan is to keep the bearings cool,so I'm thinking of putting them in a water box,so as the bottom of the bearing is just under water. But the first thing I'm going to do when it's up and running,is place a compass near the bearings,and see if i can detect a magnetic field. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7LOF1GZpdo
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