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Author Topic: Space: The final frontier  (Read 44202 times)

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Frequency equals matter...

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I am now using the Frequency generator program posted by Wattsup.
This allow the faster frequency sweep than Room3327's lead-lag phase adjustment.
A reader coil is on the bottom.
This setup is now good to go. I found the resonant freq of the secondary biphase 30awg of ~12k.
Next step is to calc the length and turns of the 22awg primary and and the trinary 'head' coil.
The 30awg winding picks up everything. It is a very sensitive antenna. It took about 12 hours.

Left and right channel frequency and volume. At 90d phase.
1   12115   35.7065967002153   12115   35.7065967002153
« Last Edit: 2011-02-13, 15:46:23 by giantkiller »


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It's not as complicated as it may seem...
That coil must have taken quite some time and effort to make GK.

What is the significance of those numbers?


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa

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Frequency equals matter...

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Final stages finished.
Programmable primary and trinary. Silver coated copper.
« Last Edit: 2011-02-14, 19:13:46 by giantkiller »

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Posts: 520
Hi @GK,

Looking good ma man.
The ability of those two outer coils to slide to different areas of the ring is a very good idea for flexibility in testing.
Can you indicate how you plan to start driving this although I know the options are so great.

However you drive it, try to find a fast acting diode and a good sized uF capacitor as your load. If you have a 150000 uF 16 VDC or more capacitor, this will permit you to capture even the high voltage and high frequencies and have the capacitor stabilize it for reading. Put a volt meter on the capacitor. Then put a scope probe on that output. This will give you your output readings and help you find the most energy producing effects to compare different pulsing schemes.

I cannot build for a few days for personal stuff. After Wednesday, I will make two new coils and post them here just to show you what I have planned for a bigger build as next move. Hopefully by them you will have some results of preliminary testing.

Oh, a few days ago I purchased a HP AGILENT 8116A 1-50 MHZ PULSE/FUNCTION GENERATOR for 350cdn landed.
They are going for too high a price these days so this one was good to get.
This will go with my other one at 20mhz and now I want to buy a third up to 500mhz. Then I can play some triolets.
Then I can test more ways faster.

Since my brother is an avid E-bay seller, I will be putting my EC600-90 up for sale since it does not do what I want. I will give him some other equipment to put up for sale because I am not using them and I am starting to look for more space. This summer I will have a garage built and transfer everything there. I want to make a large coil grid where you have a good 20 types of coils and connected to a patch system so you can put any or all on online by the push of a button and do some great testing.

Speak to you soon,



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The number of designs I have seen over the years fall into 2 camps.
Spark gaps and High Q resonance. Combine both of these and you get tremendous effects into the environment.

Using square waves into coils produces EMP and other emmisions, strictly spurious harmonics or flying monkeys. This area is real easy to create WMDs. I do this in my sleep.
Using square waves to charge a circuit for a spark gap is the easiest way to generate the high impact for a coil. The series LC is the control gate or window for the output frequency.
Using sine waves to charge an LC loop to create the spark gap necessitates the need for a cheap sine wave generator. Many avoid this because of the 555 for square waves is just plain easier.
Using a sine wave to resonate high Q to clearly transmit at 95% and above is the purest of finesse. This gives the strongest control of the media. There is better control of the matching of the destination resonant frequency with the generation frequency and this is the key to manipulating the reality we live in.
With radio we take an input, impress it into a resonate relationship, the correct frequency to surrounding space, and ship it out. This shipping is a good match of the 2 factors of exercising the environment for the the greatest distance to a destination. At the destination the exact opposite occurs. We extract the information from the carrier.
Let's overlay this process onto the TPU. We put the receiver inside the transmitter to achieve near field reception and near field feedback.
Mobiously well done...

Stranded silver coated copper of two horizontal layers. Why copper? Because I want to affect the magnetic field for my purpose and the storage has no losses in the core. There is no latency or dimunation like ferrous type materials. My current build in the diagram is 2 tesla coils side by side. The multipactor is 2 multipactors side by side.
In other words instead of manipulating a force or a set of parameters in a ferrous material I can affect with a different set of parameters by sliding the yellow primaries to different postions. Why? This has not been in the OU camp that I have seen and I see this as another tool to try to pry the logic from the mystery. It can be done and this will then hopefully get me or us past the extraction point to play with the next or higher set of parameters. To actually affect physical parameters of objects in this physical reality. Not too big of a request I hope. I want to reproduce the Hutchison effect with exacting processes.

« Last Edit: 2011-03-04, 21:39:23 by giantkiller »


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The mindset of 'Needing' current is incorrect.

Uh oh I can hear it now.

How else can a bulb be lit with one wire? Kinetic force. We don't burn the destination, we shake it.

I repeat, uh oh.

We shake it?
This is what the kinetic force does by application of very, very fast, high speed, high frequency pulses or spark gaps. Same thing. Uh oh...

All the circuits that are mysterious all have the same thing. High speed switching, heterodyning multiple frequencies or spark gaps.
Why are there so many arguments over this application? If the device has this aspect included in it then the viewer that is suspicious or argumentative should take a deeper look. Who dare would argue with Tesla, Dollard, Moray, Smith, EVGray or Hutchison? They all have spark gaps. Hello?
Tesla production was with spark gaps which propelled his circuits into resonance. Hutchison goes one step farther by application of the resonance to produce molecular stress using Tesla coils. Keely is the grand daddy of them all by applying high frequencies created from metal spheres, very high frequencies and applying them to stress the molecular bonds.

Does any body else see this? Am I alone in this vigil?

Note that this does not violate any rules of conventional physics. If we add stronger EM fields, they sum with the incoming EM plane waves and cause these radio waves to bend towards the tiny antenna, and the antenna absorbs them. This increases the antenna's EA (effective area, or effective aperture.) We can use this process to alter the coupling between the antenna and the surrounding space, but the total energy still follows the conservation law. The altered fields only change the "virtual size" or EA of the antenna.

More importantly, the phenomenon is quite limited. We can only use it with electrically "small" antennas. We cannot increase the "virtual size" much beyond a quarter wavelength for the waves involved. If we already have a large 1/2-wave dipole, then no matter how large is our artificially-add AC voltage, we cannot make it absorb more incoming waves. However, if we have an extremely small antenna, say, a 10KHz loop antenna the size of a pie plate, we can make that antenna seem very, very large indeed. Think like this: how large is the diameter of the antenna's nearfield region at 10KHz? Around 10 kilometers? What if we could extract half of the incoming energy from that entire volume?!! In theory we can: half can be absorbed, and the other half scattered. In theory a tiny loop antenna sitting on your lab bench can intercept just as much energy as a longwire 1/2-wave antenna which is 10KM long. Bizarre, eh?

OK, if this supposedly explains how tiny atoms can receive long light waves, how can we increase the voltage signal to a SINGLE ATOM?! Actually it's not difficult. No angstrom-sized radio transmitter is needed. The key is to use EM energy stored as oscillating fields; i.e. resonance.

If an atom resonates electromagnetically at the same frequency as the incident light waves, then, from a Classical standpoint, that atom's internal resonator will store EM energy accumulated from the incoming waves. It will then behave as an oscillator, becoming surrounded by an increasingly strong AC electromagnetic field as time goes by. (Quantum Mechanics might say that the atom is surrounded by virtual photons at the resonant frequency.) If this alternating field is locked into the correct phase with the incoming light wave, then the atom's fields can interact with the light waves' fields and cancel out quite a bit of the light energy present in the nearfield region around the atom. The energy doesn't vanish, instead it ends up INSIDE the atom. Half of the energy goes into kicking an electron to a higher level, and the other half is re-emitted as "scattered" waves.

By resonantly creating an "anti-wave", which superposes with incoming waves and bends them towards the atom, the tiny atom has "sucked energy" out of the enormously long light waves as they go by. And since the atom has no conventional copper coils inside it wasting energy, it can build up some really strong fields which allow it to behave extremely "large" when compared to it's physical diameter.

Or is this all just a circle jerk? Uh oh.


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Analysing the conguration between the AC source coil and the primary of the output stage.
I can hide a neon bulb in a black box.

Two different views of the same thing that most cannot even conceive of:

What dreams are made of...
Magnifier Transmitter

Of a truth, dielectric energy was native source of incredible proportion and virtually eternal duration. Able to use such a kinetic source, one could dispense entirely with the Power Transmitters necessary in stimulating and impressing "extra pulsations" on the aether flow. Tesla often defined the dielectric field as a natural flow of aether particles, one that seemed impossible to utilize through lack of appropriate resistive materials. In order to obtain momentum from the flowing particles of a dielectric field, one required special matter poised in equally special symmetries. The otherwise continuous flow could be absorbed directly, being exchanged to utilities, appliances, and other applications.

Tesla had already considered the condition of charged particles, each representing a tightly constricted whorl of aether. The force necessarily exerted at close distances by such aetheric constrictions was incalculably large. Aetheric ponderance maintained particulate stability. Crystalline lattices were therefore places within which one could expect to find unexpected voltages. Indeed, the high voltages inherent in certain metallic lattices, intra-atomic field energies, are enormous. The close Coulomb gradient between atomic centers are electrostatic potentials reaching humanly unattainable levels. By comparison, the voltages, which Tesla once succeeded in releasing, were quite insignificant. In these balanced lattices, Tesla sought the voltages needed to initiate directed aetheric streams in matter. Once such a flow began, one could simply tap the stream for power.

In certain materials, these aether streams might automatically produce the contaminating electrons, a source of energy for existing appliances. One could theoretically then "tailor" the materials needed to produce unexpected aetheric power with or without the attendant detrital particles. Tesla did mention the latent aetheric power of charge forces, the explosive potentials of bound aether, and the aetheric Power inherent in matter. In these studies, Tesla sought replacement for the 100,000,000 volt initiating pulses which natural law required for the implementation of space aether. Tesla had long been forced to abandon those gigantic means by other, less natural laws.

Thereafter, Tesla shifted his attentions from the appreciation of the gigantic to an appreciation of the miniature. He sought a means for proliferating an immense number of small and compact aether power receivers. With one such device, Tesla succeeded in obtaining power to drive an electric car. But for the exceptional account, which follows, we would have little information on this last period in Tesla's productive life, one that very apparently did not cease its prolific streams of creativity to his last breath. The information comes through an unlikely source, one rarely mentioned by Tesla biographers. It chanced that an aeronautical engineer, Derek Ahlers, met with one of Tesla's nephews then living in New York. Theirs was an acquaintance lasting some 10 years, consisting largely of anecdotal commentaries on Dr. Tesla. Mr. Savo provided an enormous fund of knowledge concerning many episodes in Tesla's last years.


We wish to tell you this night of a specific kind of energy. We wish to tell you this night of what some of you will think of as an object, but it is not—it is a phenomenon. It is something so common that it is around all of you, yet so mysterious that few know of it. It is the missing piece of energy that you have been looking for so long. It is the energy of love. It is the energy of Spirit. It is the energy of the Universe and we are speaking this night of something in English that we will call "The Cosmic Lattice." I will dole out this information carefully and slowly to my partner so that you will understand what it is and how it works. And before this meeting is finished this night you will understand how it applies to you.

It is very common in the teaching of Kryon that we start with the big and go down to the small so that you will understand the overview and how it affects the human heart. The Cosmic Lattice, dear ones, is the common denominator of the unified energy source of the Universe. The common denominator—meaning that all things emanate from The Cosmic Lattice. It is difficult to define this all at once, so we will tell you its many attributes slowly this night. The Cosmic Lattice is everywhere. It is throughout the Universe. Everything that you can see and everything you cannot see contains the lattice. From the smallest particles of your physics, and from the electron haze forward, The Cosmic Lattice is present. Those of you in physics will begin to understand and recognize this principle, and it will start to make sense as to what this lattice actually is.


Let us first begin with its size. This is only appropriate, even before we define how it works and what it is. The Cosmic Lattice is the largest energy you have ever conceived of. It encompasses the entire Universe and more. It is present everywhere. There is no place that you can conceive of—no matter what the dimension—that is without the lattice. The Cosmic Lattice is perhaps what you could call the consciousness of God and yet it is physics and it is energy and it contains conscious love. Therefore, what we are telling you is that it is pervasive everywhere and encompasses the entire universe, including all dimensions. Can you conceive of something so large? As far as you can see in the skies—as far as any astronomer can gather light over ours on a photographic plate—The Cosmic Lattice is already there. And yet it has one single consciousness all at the same time—always at the same time. Distance is nothing to The Cosmic Lattice and this, my partner, is where things get difficult to explain.

« Last Edit: 2011-02-24, 19:53:56 by giantkiller »


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Frequency equals matter...

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Worthy of saving...
I will preface this post with a comment,
Grumpy I will delete Posts you feel are Off topic here
Or I won't post anything here if you wish!
And no offence will be taken [even if implied!:}

Q2 Comments on a post from Wattsup, where he  made some observations on Q2

If you were not so completely ignorant and crazy, you would be conscious enough to realize I am a lap ahead of you on this.

The foam coming out the end of the coil is the dielectric insulator. It is called a home made HV polystyrene capacitor {deleted Nasty]


In the SR193 device and others, they are using bifilar wound coils and using the inductive capacitance between winds as a capacitor {Same Nasty with more vitriol "deleted"]

When the spark gap fires, it is the same effect as explosive used the flux compression generator just like I stated {concentrated Nasty Deleted]

I guess you were one of those people that was too stupid to notice that there is a tan wire going into the first layer of the SR193 device on one end and it magically comes out as a blue wire on the other end weren't you [The last Nasty in this theme Deleted ]

I'm not going to disclose any more on how this thing works because quite frankly, you are too stupid to work with high voltage and compressed magnetic energy and don't deserve the help.

If you want to help, stop posting since all you do is drive the smart people away.

Yeah... Just ignore Kapanadze's finger pointing at a cold war EMP device while he explians how it works and where he got the information...  Just ignore that coper 1 turn tube running through the center of the coil... Just ignore that high voltage GTK wire being used on his coil... just ignore the same coil shape and parts configuration between the Russian EMP and Los Alamos devices... and instead, believe a rumor that some idiot calling himself wattsup heard on-line... That a magical hidden spark gap is what makes it all work.

{Deleted A gardening tip From Q2 here {Off Topic}

EDIT  { edit to edit ,thats not my edit its Q2's]

I told you to read the Vladimir Utkin stuff. Maybe Wattsup was too stupid to find a link. Here:



also I asked q2 a question His responce,

Whats A "magnetic seed"?
Home Depot doesn't seem to stock any?

Q2 quote:

You just don't know where to look. You need something to produce a magnetic field to move the voltage field. Notice on the 3K kapanadze device how the ends of the coil are larger? Seeds? I would look at the ferrite ring magnet section near the fasteners.

Ferrite ceramic ring magnets used in speakers have coils wound around them but do not lose their magnetic fields because they are tough like me.

The people you need to be listening to are DOLE, StiveP and a few others. I moved on from this days ago and am back to working on another project. I just stopped in to see what was going on and happened to notice the { a nasty deleted here] was trying to defend his inability to back up his claim by dismissing my claim that is backed up by Kapanadzi himself.

Here, I'll make it easy on you. Search and find this file. "free-energy.geo.avi"

Go to 90% towards the end and you see the part that was not on youtube. Kapanadze explains how it works or where he got the idea when he apparently sold out.


The How its Done post

The principle of operation of the Kapanadze device is simple. You build up an electrostatic field between windings of a bilar coil, or a steyrofoam capacitor in the core, or many other methods. Then you blast that down the core and pickup coil with a electromagnetic field.

If you look at that last schematic I re-posted, you see how the modulation coil opposes the blast coil (Bloch wall) and how the blast coil is wound unidirectional I.e., like Norm Wootan coil from years ago. (Acceleration???) Notice how SR193 has a stack of ring magnets on the end acting as backing iron.


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Frequency equals matter...

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Without gnd connected the output measures 510mvp-p.

« Last Edit: 2011-03-02, 04:21:28 by giantkiller »

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Posts: 520

What you see here is a beat frequency of 1, because only 1 hertz between both.

Try it up to 7 or 8 hertz spread will give you more aggressive shifting but I find any higher and it lessens.

Also, try to off phase one side by 6-8 degrees only.

Then try the F1 and F2 to start on same side with ground on the other side. So both horizontals receive their frequency from the same side but slightly off phase. This will give you an up and down pulse hitting on the outer red coil. I think in the reverse way you are doing it may be making cancellations in the verticals. You want to push everything the same way.



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I saw the aggressive beat frequency at that spread and the diminishing at anything higher.
The 7 to 8 hz is the Schumann resonancy.
I also have the combination of different connections in the list next so all the fields go the same way.
Thought I'd post a step of progress. One of these nights I plan to open up the ceiling to let the lightnining in. Muwhahaha...


What you see here is a beat frequency of 1, because only 1 hertz between both.

Try it up to 7 or 8 hertz spread will give you more aggressive shifting but I find any higher and it lessens.

Also, try to off phase one side by 6-8 degrees only.

Then try the F1 and F2 to start on same side with ground on the other side. So both horizontals receive their frequency from the same side but slightly off phase. This will give you an up and down pulse hitting on the outer red coil. I think in the reverse way you are doing it may be making cancellations in the verticals. You want to push everything the same way.


« Last Edit: 2011-03-01, 19:30:31 by giantkiller »


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Frequency equals matter...

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Both Horizontals are pulsed with sine waves in same direction.
Beat frequency of 10 at 18,006hz and 18,016hz,
Phase of 6.3 and this trace just jumped out of the scope.
Very tight parameters for tuning  high number of turns of 30awg.
Again: 90 coupling... ;)


Slower time per division:

Frequency generator data:
1   18006   42.0074109023513   18011   42.0074109023513

I noticed the FTPU pics on the 'new observations' thread has three horizontals. This leads me to think of adding another around the outside of my gk201102 coil. I am curious if that would be different than having it inside the windings. My gut tells me yes. I will make another if I have to.


What you see here is a beat frequency of 1, because only 1 hertz between both.

Try it up to 7 or 8 hertz spread will give you more aggressive shifting but I find any higher and it lessens.

Also, try to off phase one side by 6-8 degrees only.

Then try the F1 and F2 to start on same side with ground on the other side. So both horizontals receive their frequency from the same side but slightly off phase. This will give you an up and down pulse hitting on the outer red coil. I think in the reverse way you are doing it may be making cancellations in the verticals. You want to push everything the same way.


« Last Edit: 2011-03-02, 04:51:22 by giantkiller »

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Posts: 520

Also, before you make any changes to the build please try this.

This may create multiples in the loop. You may have a hard time catching this on the scope because it moves.



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I lifted ground from the scope and the p-p vout rose to 1,24 vp-p.
I lifted ground from the horizontals and the volt p-p is 3.24v.

Next I will add one of the yellow driver primaries between the cap negative and the red secondary.

Schematic updated. Looks like the center of the stun gun circuit.
« Last Edit: 2011-03-02, 22:55:05 by giantkiller »


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Added the inclusion of the yellow primary in the loop.
This raised the scope voltage display to 4.5vp-p. Am only reading half the red secondary.
I consider this an important finding in the creation of the allusive looping.
The yellow I included is on the other half of the red secondary.
I will include the other secondary half next.
This next setup will create a cross coupling of the primaries to opposite secondaries. A mobious type configuration.


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Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent.
It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.
(Albert Einstein)

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
(Leonardo da Vinci)

« Last Edit: 2011-03-03, 20:07:31 by giantkiller »


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A selection of configurations.

« Last Edit: 2011-03-05, 03:23:43 by giantkiller »


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Partial schematic supplied from SM
This has 2 drivers facing each other

Bifilar supplied from Wattsup
This has 2 drivers facing each other

Fet triggering with ghost pulsing supplied by Peterae
This is a noisy dual pulse protocol

Regenerative feedback supplied by EM

Effective aperture supplied by EMdevices
This is the external feedback loop caused by an internal feedback loop

The 2 drivers facing each other cause a virtual sparkgap. I believe this is part of the center toroid thingy.
This is easily pickuped by a perpendicular winding and can be part of the loopback. But what about using larger loops?
When I stated to SM that I wanted to place a 20 foot loop on stun gun terminals by an airport he said 'No'.

My thinking is what I have currently is 2 pieces of the puzzle but that each piece sits at different places than what I have configured. There would be another stage between the 2 pieces I have and there would be an output stage. But I can't place it just yet. The post by EM fits in this configuration. I have the large loops from a setup I did with Bruce_TPU and am thinking of applying EMs schematic to it.

Another thing I see is that an NST and a 555 ckt are interchangable. The NST gives sine waves but HV. This is a comparable action to the fast rise time of the square wave so HV would not be necessary using square waves..
« Last Edit: 2011-03-05, 06:29:12 by giantkiller »

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Have you seen Loners latest post Here?


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I pity the fool who forgets history.
That is intended for all.


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What if when the driving pulse subsides the collapse is faster than light and more powerful?

Place the Kunel Patent and the tv demo on top of each other for a configuration verification.
You don't want to use batteries? LOL. LOL. LOL. LOL. Excuse me for that but simplicity is raking me over the coils. Put a coil on the ring to bias the iron wire into a polarized magnetic field. MuwHaahahahah! 90 degree coupling again. Oh yeah! AND(drum roll please) you can control the magnetic field at your whim! (This is a biggie).
Instead of a big ol' fat iron handful you could use a single strand of iron wire and make it as small as you want to create the virtual spark gap. MuwHahahaha!

And you can short that whole mess when ever it deems fitting. A very big MuwHahahahah!

Placement, alignment, polarity and timing.
It is going to be a very great weekend!

p.s. Don't beat this info up with hypos or technikies. It is just too simple not to bench it out, turn it on and let it rip!

« Last Edit: 2011-03-11, 17:24:17 by giantkiller »

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I hope you have a very productive weekend,The world gets scarier by the Day.
5 reactors in Japan could go chernobyl..........................

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How's Tings??


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Doing well. I've come down from the mountain once again to divulge info.

#1: Doesnt matter how we produce the bemf, just capture it, and charge a cap.
#2: http://profiles.nlm.nih.gov/WG/

Funny you should mention 'Tings'.

I miniturized the Quatum coil by following a book lead that Grumpy had posted. The 'The body electric' isbn 0-688-06971-1.
Attached is the schematic. Of course it has a stun gun. The connecting wires are 3 feet in length, silver coated copper. Wrap them around the sore joint or along the pain area and Viola'. Pain gone and you sleep. Oh yeah... I have been doing this for 2 weeks now. Suffered a snowboarding fall and this is the ticket. Cheap too. And fully documented by Dr. Rife and Dr. Dotto. You got pain, arthritis? Then apply this technology. Tesla said it works. Now who you gonna argue with? I had over extended my knee and then could not lay on my side. Hey! Its me and I got the technology! Now I sleep with no pain through the night like  baby.  8) O0
I am going to expand on the configuration to include the hypothalmus, thyroid and pituitary. Since this application creates sleep then it causes the production of endorphines. I am looking to control production of DMT in the brain also.

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