Bits-n-Bytes, I begin to understand some of what is going on. (Technical data vs. Personal opinion...)
As I have insufficient information, I can make no further comments. I have seen my basic Tesla switch not work correctly, and HAVE seen a unit made by another actually do things I considered impossible. I have learned to keep an open mind. As I mentioned - not enough data.
I am going to keep watching and listening, as I don't expect you to suddenly provide enough information for me to actually make a hard and fast decision. From the small pictures I saw, and the non-technical information presented with them, it would seem that MileHigh's concerns are valid. It would also seem that a careful validation of the batteries charge state, after two days, would also be enough "Proof" to state that there WAS a level of energy influx. Sorry, I have insufficient data for me, the ultimate skeptic, to make a decision either way, although just that fact states a little more than I care to admit, at this time.
ARGGGG. This now requires me to research further, get information from multiple sources (Facts, not opinions, of course.) so that I may make some kind of determination. I didn't see any real tech info on the "10 Coil" device, but I'm sure the info is out there.
Be assured, I WILL get more info, and return when I can be more assured of the accuracy of my response. Unfortunately, I must agree with the three stages part, and do know of certain military devices with certain "Similar" types of properties, but I have seen many more fake devices than real, and have been involved with several manufacturing companies that have gone out of business, chasing a dream that had not been properly vetted before beginning production. I won't allow myself to repeat certain mistakes.
I still feel that MileHigh has a good point, but, as he just asked for the data needed, you may have already done the exact test requested, just not in the way suggested. I.E. Is there a specific gravity charge level reading for each cell in a before run and after run condition? Little specific things like that make all the difference. I'd be overjoyed to peruse any detailed data you wish to share.
If this type of information is or has been already posted somewhere, links would be greatly appreciated. Verification of any data supplied would wait until needed, as I will give the benefit of the doubt to anyone, until final verification time comes. AT that point, I have to actually see and build it myself, so you can't help me there, other than specs... Don't think I feel I deserve any special attention but as there seem to be quite a few watching this, this might be a good place to tabulate data, or links to data, if you like. Not my place to even suggest it, but I guess I have. (You don't need to make it easy for me. I'll find the data if it is out there.)
TO All: These type of questions and comments may seem cruel to some, and, like I felt earlier, not cruel enough to others. They ARE necessary to truly vindicate people that come up with great things, as there are too many out there that just want to make a buck. This type of grilling is the best way. As someone just said: "If it is true, you can prove it." I first read that in my 7th grade science class, which is longer ago than I will admit, but remember reading it in the extra books I used to study. On the other hand, if this turns out to BE just another one of those high efficiency devices, then the word scam WILL be attached to it and all involved. I would be willing to bet that certain names will have a bad reputation for a lot longer than their lifetime. (It works both ways. Tesla had to die before getting 1/10th of his deserved credit. We certainly don't want a repeat of that. Then again, I could mention other names that have the opposite fame. No need to go there, either.)
I know I sound wishy-washy on this one, but I would like to think it's just open-minded thinking on a subject that I truly haven't enough information to decide with certainty whether it fact or fiction.
I guess I should have been more aware of this a long time ago, but the crazy charge field stuff has been keeping me busy. (Yeah, that's just an excuse, and not even a good one.)

By the way, MileHigh, Do you actually believe that "Radiant Energy" does not exist in any way, or are you stating that it doesn't exist in this specific application? If you can say, with complete honesty, that you understand "Exactly" how an inductor discharges, then that is another discussion we must have, at another time, in another thread. (That implies you understand "Exactly" what a magnetic field is, which I was under the impression is still an open topic, for most physicists...) Just for reference, there are many. well respected people, not related to the OU movement at all, that would have very strong opinions on these subjects. Does a Magnetic field exist in the vacuum of space, or is it the mass it encounters that pull it back into being from the distortion of 'aether'/'dark matter' or some other descriptive and undefined word? These are very difficult experiments to preform, but some are worth it, just for the experience. Then again, many don't have the "I need to see it to believe it!" bug, like I do.