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2025-02-08, 13:23:00
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Author Topic: Tiger's Blocking Generator replication  (Read 15672 times)
Jr. Member

Posts: 50

thank you for the data.
One thing catched my eye...see attached detail from your video.

This chocke is wound from thin rf-litzwire ( air-coil with an tuning ferrite) and certainly is from an LC-tuning-part of an old radio:
can you please measure the DC-resistance of this coil ?

I think that the dc-resistance is too high and responsible for additional thermal losses in the rectifier-section.


Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 4165

Good catch Kator,

yes, it came from a 1950's TV set, one of my first dismantle projects to get some parts.

I measured it to be 7.5 Ohm (1.5mH).

But i was looking for a bigger one later, so found a more modern 9mH choke which i was / am using in the last setup's, but it also measures 6 Ohm.


Jr. Member

Posts: 50

yeah, 6 Ohm...too much. I have to look at my little stock to measure some with ferrite core.

Here they are:

The blue one is 2 x 3.3 mH, you  mainly find them in the 230V-Input-section of power-supplies.
Pretty good low resistance
The big one I bought for some other purpose than filter.

I apologize, but the orientation of the pics  looked ok before upload, but changed in the upload...some hidden information >:(

« Last Edit: 2021-10-10, 20:30:22 by Kator01 »

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3511
I apologize, but the orientation of the pics  looked ok before upload, but changed in the upload...some hidden information >:(
You can use this online tool to remove the EXIF information from your photos.
...or another exif stripping tool that you install on your computer.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3511
Below is a video of a very similar device to the one discussed in this thread.

How long will a 2200μF cap keep this LED lit ?
Jr. Member

Posts: 50

thank you for this hint., very helpful. On my old computer ( XP) which I do not use any longer for browsing the web.  I have a picture-viewer where you can see and modify the exif data.

Yes, G.Sav's Cicuit is a kacher in the blocking-mode, very interesting, however no info about this big core, He says it's from ebay :(
But I think the big coils in old computer-power-Supply might do the job also.

Did you read the comments ?


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3511
I did now.
Jr. Member

Posts: 50
Hello all,

I was doing research on a topic about the so called Romanov nod.
There is a collection of vids I found. The first one caught my attentions because of the circuit I saw on the initial still-picture


So it seems, Tiger has used this setup and changed it.

This guy Romanov is referred to by some other guys and it seems to me that he is some crucial figure these Kacher-based Long-Runners,  so I posted some of my findings in Vasiks thread about "different things"

Hope Vasik can help us with translation

@Itsu what do you think ?


Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 4165

Hi Kator,

thanks for the links here and in the "About different things" thread.

I know the "romancorp" guys have good video's etc., but like you i have problems understanding what is said, even with (or because?) google translate.

It looks similar as the Tiger setup, but with an extra (buffer?) part to the right.     Not sure if they use a yoke for the transformer.

Group: Guest
Hello all,

I was doing research on a topic about the so called Romanov nod.
There is a collection of vids I found. The first one caught my attentions because of the circuit I saw on the initial still-picture


So it seems, Tiger has used this setup and changed it.

This guy Romanov is referred to by some other guys and it seems to me that he is some crucial figure these Kacher-based Long-Runners,  so I posted some of my findings in Vasiks thread about "different things"

Hope Vasik can help us with translation

@Itsu what do you think ?


As I wrote before, Romanov is very interesting case. He is running private courses and teach
people electronics and how to build OU devices probably for more than 10 years now. Many
persons who you see in Russian internet showing something OU are his students. He also discuss
many different OU setups and it seems that many of devices we see now are originates from Romanov.
Taking into account his military background and specialization in electronics (!) raise lots of disturbing questions (at least for me).

There is some useful information in his videos, but it buried under tons of fancy bla-bla-bla. I do not consider watching and even translating this "bla-bla" this as reasonable way to spend time. Sorry guys.


PS Romanov's kacher takes energy from radio waves as crystal radio. If you interested in such device I can share few much more reasonable devices.
Group: Guest
  As far as I know, Romanov has never shown a self runner, nor OU.
Same with Tiger. Tiger has not lied, but it seams to me that Romanov wants people to think that he knows more than he does.
However if you find some information showing a self runner, and not just bla bla bla, please let us know.

Jr. Member

Posts: 50
Hello Vasik

There is some useful information in his videos, but it buried under tons of fancy bla-bla-bla. I do not consider watching and even translating this "bla-bla" this as reasonable way to spend time. Sorry guys.


Understood...I fully agree. The problem is that I did not know anything about this guy. Also I noticed something hard to prove
concerning the quality of translation with google.
When I was - after a pause of 3 years - resuming my research in 2016 I was amazed about an increase of translation-quality and it was obvious that AI was optimized after these years.

Now it is my suspicion that AI has improved in selective downgrading the translation quality depending on the language, a new
stage of censoring.

i.e english to german ...very good
     russian to english or german ....very bad.

That is the reason why i asked for another alternative translation machine ( of course deepL - Translator but its not for free )

@vasik, no I do not think, crystal radio fits in here but its just my opinion.

Hero Member

Posts: 2735
This guy Romanov is referred to by some other guys and it seems to me that he is some crucial figure these Kacher-based Long-Runners,  so I posted some of my findings in Vasiks thread about "different things"

That's an interesting phrase, "long runners", with a neat history.

Many use batteries as a source however they have many drawbacks including trying to measure energy. If we try to use capacitors which are superior we run into issues with the input voltage dropping and effecting the switching/process. Then many creative FE inventors started to realize we could use an input capacitor and an output capacitor and loop the output back into the input... a circle with no beginning or end.

Once we start looping using capacitors energy calculations are super easy and based on the voltage, Energy = 1/2 C V^2. At this point we simply monitor the input/output voltage showing us energy and also the system run time. I like using these methods because it gives us quick feedback whether were moving in the right direction. Not wasting time with complex measurements/calculations or wondering what's actually going on. In this respect many people are fooling themselves pretending there's a gain using ambiguous or complex measurements.

I don't like wasting my time, I want to know exactly what's happening and whether there is a real gain or not every step of the way.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest
Hello Vasik

Understood...I fully agree. The problem is that I did not know anything about this guy. Also I noticed something hard to prove
concerning the quality of translation with google.
When I was - after a pause of 3 years - resuming my research in 2016 I was amazed about an increase of translation-quality and it was obvious that AI was optimized after these years.

Now it is my suspicion that AI has improved in selective downgrading the translation quality depending on the language, a new
stage of censoring.

i.e english to german ...very good
     russian to english or german ....very bad.

That is the reason why i asked for another alternative translation machine ( of course deepL - Translator but its not for free )

@vasik, no I do not think, crystal radio fits in here but its just my opinion.



there are some things you need keep in mind about translation:
google works quite ok nowadays, but if original text/speech is not clear... you get fuzzy translated text.
It depends on culture of speech of the person. Also Russian is way more complex than English, and also spoken language could be quite confusing, it developed during many years of oppression. Every word separately can be clear, but not whole meaning :)

You know old saying "soup from one can can't have different taste" ? Why would suddenly Russian troll disclose you some working FE device ?  ;D

Jr. Member

Posts: 50

You know old saying "soup from one can can't have different taste" ? Why would suddenly Russian troll disclose you some working FE device ?  ;D

Haha..agreed. But that would presume that I have the ability similar to an X-ray like troll-sensor ;D

So I will learn in time...of course your help is very much appreciated

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