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Author Topic: Dally, Shark & Ruslan workbench  (Read 316866 times)
Group: Guest
   Ideally we would want to use the exact same yoke core as used by Akula or Ruslan, or whoever has shown a real self runner. But now each passing day makes it that much more difficult to find them, especially in the junk piles, for free. But, I saved a few, that I could find locally here... although they aren't from Russia. It's the best that I could do, for now. Or buy one of those big 3inch ferrite toroids, like Geo has, if there's no Tv yokes available.


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3504
Ideally we would want to use the exact same yoke core as used by Akula or Ruslan, or whoever has shown a real self runner.
I entirely agree

Posts: 17
I see some other possibillities to

TopRuslan 05 video       toroid

TopRuslan 11 video       toroid

TopRuslan video 24      ETD  core

TopRuslan 30 video       toroid

TopRuslan video 38       ETD core
Group: Guest
   The thing is, we don't know which core works best. Or if any of them even work at all.  As everything that Ruslan makes, works and self runs.
Or does it?  But, not one of us can show a single working replication of any of his builds. Such as mine, which is a TopRuslan7 replication effort.
   I understand that the Tv yokes are designed to be used at around 15KHz, in Tvs. And, that same frequency is what some of the induction circuits that Ruslan, Stalker and others have shown, are also running at. Or thereabouts...

Sr. Member

Posts: 276
Hi All,
Having a bit of fun with the oscilloscopes functionality at the moment. I've dropped the feed voltage to the kacher down to 7 volts and it still produces long arcs that freeze the scope making setting up the pulse train a tad difficult. I've utilised the frequency generator scan mode with the ubiquitous 5 M ohm tee to locate the kachers' F,res and this is too low at present. The frequency of the whole arrangement (gizmo and antenna) from the masses of data is 1.24MHZ I believe which I'm now working on obtaining. I hope this will reduce the interference and permit further testing with the other components so far constructed.
Not yet tested the grenade and will do so once the kacher is conforming to the assumed specifications.
These yokes are a mission to obtain and I possessed many similar in years gone by, I now have none. I do have the core from a large line output transformer and will use this hoping it has the generosity to function well. It's from a 1960's valve TV so there may be hope for me.
I have experimented with the kacher drivers settings without monitors running and have obtained the whiter scratchy sparks shown in one of the many videos using 12 volts feeding the primary. This is a good sign and I will change the location of the scope to obtain a few trace pictures so the data displayed can be viewed by all.
Progress is continuing slower than I'd like but the tortoise won the race all being said.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4164

Thanks for the update Steve, i also have severe problems using my Owon scope as it freezes up quickly, so i went over using the older Tek scope.

1.24MH seems ok to me for the the frequency of the whole arrangement (gizmo and antenna).


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4164

After kind of optimizing the kacher i went back to optimize the Grenade L5 and Inductor L4 resonances.

They stil are not resonating at the same preferred frequency (24.4KHz).

When tuning one, the other gets de-tuned and V V.

This video shows that problem: https://youtu.be/ENOekS6zQos

Screenshot shows the Inductor L4 current in green and the Grenade current L5 in purple (tuned to max Grenade current).

Group: Guest
   Thanks for the video, which is showing clearly what the problems are. But, it is as I've said that you will not find the best resonance where we calculate it to be, but somewhere close by. I would tune for whatever provides for the max output at the bulbs, but with the Kacher on, as well.
  Once you've tuned the Kacher to the 3 turn inductor circuit, as I've previously mentioned by the use of the CT, after that don't touch or re-adjust the trim pots. Just adjust the caps on the grenade output side, for highest output.
   Have you tried to see what happens if you re-tune the device for max output, but without the ground line going to the water pipe. As the ground is very much part of the whole system. As not even Kapanadze nor Ruslan are using the water pipe as the ground line, now.
   This is where things get very tricky, and most of us give up...  I hope that Vasik won't be one of them, nor anyone else here, as well. As we need all the help and cooperation that we can get, at this point. 
   My scope is about 15 inches or so away from the grenade/Kacher/antenna circuits, and I've not seen any negative effects, no freeze ups, as yet.
And, no negative health effects, at all. Only feel good when I'm working on the device, tuning and such... when time stands still...
   My Pc is about 2 meters away from my device, and I've never have had any issues with it or the mouse, either.
Only with my camera on the cell phone, if it gets too close to the antenna coil, when trying to show the scope shots.
   My unloaded grenade voltages can reach to 850v to 1000v. Still, it won't self run.


  PS.  Sometimes, adding more bulbs helps to raise the output voltages. In any case you need to tune until you get the interaction from the Kacher signal. Radio Moscow, not your favorite tune, I know...
« Last Edit: 2021-08-31, 22:23:57 by NickZ »

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4164

I swapped the Grenade L5 leads (or more specific, the 25 turns yoke secondary leads) and with the 25W bulb as load the DC voltage went up to 250V, but also the 24V input PS current went from 2.5A to 5A or so.

I constantly monitor the Inductot L4 current.

Changing over to a 100W bulb drops the output voltage to 168V and with 200W bulbs as load to 85V.

In all cases when activating the kacher shows a drop in output voltage.

So i am trying all kind of variations, but until now no surprises are seen.


Group: Guest
   Sounds like the lead swap was a step
In  the right dirrection
   Maybe try to tune for highest current, not votage.
Use your CT, on the 3t, to tune into the best kacher signal sync, first.
That's what T-1000 suggested. I think....and he should know...


  P.S. Only truck drivers will know what I mean...And, that's good.
« Last Edit: 2021-09-01, 02:37:10 by NickZ »

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4164


i am using only my CT and my current probe as i cannot use a voltage probe across the Grenade/inductor due to they are floating from ground.

The current probe i use is in the inductor lead which is in series with the 3t secondary so the current should be the same there.

Group: Guest
  Yes, that's good.
  Try tuning the kacher signal by looking at the current output of the kacher signal at the CT. But without the PP on.  And then with the PP on. See any improvemeent?

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4164

Nick, not sure i can follow you.

I have the CT (current probe in my case) in the Inductor L4 lead (same current as in the 3t Yoke secondary).
I have disconnected the Push Pull (primaries yoke disconnected) and the Kacher on.

What the CT (current probe) picks up in the inductor L4 lead is a similar shaped signal as what the near by probe at the kacher secondary picks up, only in mA's instead of hundreds of volts.

If i now connect the Push Pull, that small current probe signal disappears as the current through the inductor is many times higher (20A pp or so) then the signal induced by the kacher (mA's), so no improvements can be seen.

Group: Guest
   Understood. The point being that you should observe a better sync and higher output at the bulb(s) than before. But, if there is no improvement, it can only mean that your frequencies are still way off, or your ground line is not working as it should.  As the bulb should get brighter, even if it's still underunity, especially with the lower wattage bulb.
 I would try to forget about tuning to the frequencies that are supposed to work, as you can see that there is no body home, there. And just tune away searching for the best match and sync. Remember, that once you turn the Kacher ON, you can't connect a scope's negative probe up anywhere on the device, or you will ground out the Kacher signal to your water pipes, and AC ground. You can also try to tune without the ground line connected, to see if it makes any difference.

   Good luck,
« Last Edit: 2021-09-03, 14:07:14 by NickZ »
Group: Guest
Hi all I have been out of it (the tread but not researching and experimenting) I notice a page back Vasic uses an actual transformer with M type material,
I haven’t had any success using such a device (it's a blotch wall killer) where a torroid isn’t.

You also mentioned the Catcher I think the idea is to drive it like a Relay coil so as to not use a perfect sine wave driver or square wave but as a fly back pulse generator
Charge and discharge pulses are produced with the shortest possible on time as that’s
So as to generate large switch off BEMF pulse.


Hero Member

Posts: 2735
You also mentioned the Catcher I think the idea is to drive it like a Relay coil so as to not use a perfect sine wave driver or square wave but as a fly back pulse generator
Charge and discharge pulses are produced with the shortest possible on time as that’s
So as to generate large switch off BEMF pulse.

The majority of successful FE inventors in the past such as Moray, Hendershot, Figuera, Hubbard, Tesla etc. specifically called for open solenoid type coils.

This was because the coil charge/discharge occurs much more more rapidly with an open coil. They specifically mention not the frequency but the field rate of change we call the "slope" on our oscilloscopes. I picked up on this right away because most only consider voltage, current and frequency not the actual rate of change.

We could think of it this way...
A Sine Wave of X frequency has a given rate of change/slope associated with that specific frequency. However a square wave or impulse can have the same frequency of X but any rate of change/slope. So the frequency or rate of oscillation could be low however if the rate of change/slope increases/decreases in nanoseconds then that slope is resonant with any resonant frequency lesser than itself. Here we could ask an obvious question, are any two frequencies resonant because of the frequency of oscillation or because the rate of change/slopes are resonant?.

This may be why a single impulse with an absurd magnitude and rate of change/slope generates such a wide spectrum of interference with every other oscillation. As Tesla said, his goal was to produce the highest magnitude impulse in the smallest time frame... now we know why.

It's kind of funny when I think about it, everyone including myself was barking up the wrong tree and not listening again. Tesla said in no uncertain terms it was not the frequency but the time period that mattered. In fact I reproduced Tesla's radiant matter experiments and under the right conditions large amounts of physical material are ejected from a conductor at high velocity. Not Electromagnetic waves but actual material which carries an absurd amount of energy on it's surface.

We could think of it this way...
I have a tin foil covered ping pong ball ie. large particle and I want it to transfer X energy across Y distance, how do I do it?. Well, there's only one way and said particle must carry the maximum allowable "energy" with it. The higher the surface charge and the greater it's velocity the greater the energy transfer. Translation, the highest magnitude in the smallest time period, aka Tesla's disruptive discharge.

So in some sense we don't need what many conceive as a "conductor" as it can take many forms. I was dissipating kW in the form of a very fine black powder ejected from the surface of an 8" SS sphere. There were no sparks, no corona so where exactly did the energy go?. These were unidirectional impulses with no reversal onto the sphere and every impulse caused the sphere to emit a very loud "ping" noise and eject charged material with every impulse.

What's kind of messed up is that I don't think I'm all that smart, I don't feel all that empowered or intelligent. The other day I moved some round bales, fed the horse and other critters, watered the grass and garden then hit the bench trying to devise a way to double the input energy of a device with 6 basic components. It's so messed up and such a contradiction in terms even I don't know what to make of it. So how does this happen?...

What I do know is you gentlemen are better than this, what I see in the forums... ramp it up, kick some ass, you got this.


Hi there i'm a little lost in the jargon your using sorry.

Regards Sil

« Last Edit: 2021-09-04, 05:41:05 by AlienGrey »

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest
Well here is a device I have been playing with, notice the windings how they are spaced and the primary winding
is a little unusual to say the least see photo. The sec is 115 Turns 0.8mm and the pri 3 Turns multi strand with
an air core.

Well lets look at the scope shot, but before that I will add it's carictoristic behaviour is much the same over its entire
wide band width and needs driving, but notice the unusual 3 wave forms it produces.

Any way here is it's current pic.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4164
Still working on the Push Pull part trying to get a higher output across the load (100W bulb).

A major manipulator for getting a higher output across the 100W bulb is the duty cycle of the TL494.

Below screenshot shows  the value's of several parameters when changing the Duty Cycle from 0 to 43.8 % (max) in 3% steps.

The measured parameters are:

# Output Voltage across the 100W bulb
# Input current from the 24V PS
# Temp of the MOSFET's
# Current (rms) through the Inductor L4.

There is a turning point at 27% duty cycle where the temperature of the MOSFET's start to decrease again.
But the needed output voltage (220V) can only be reached at almost max duty cycle (43%).
At the needed 220V (100W)  output, the input current is almost 10A so pulling 240W.


Posts: 17
Hallo Itsu, quite an achievement 226 Volts across a 100W bulb.
Maybe it is sufficient and you don`t need 220V and can do with much less Voltage.
If I watch this Alex video I see low voltage across gradient coil with Kächer switched off and much higher voltage with kächer switched on.

Yellow probe
Blue probe
Gradient Coil with Kächer on and with Kächer of.
Heating element as load
His Push Pull duty cycle is only 15 to 18 % he says

Itsu I think your Push Pull is working more than good enough.

But what other piece of the puzzle do we need to grasp, find, create ..

Let us all imagine we get new insights, ideas, links, info , visions !    :)

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3504
If I watch this Alex video I see low voltage across gradient coil with Kächer switched off and much higher voltage with kächer switched on.
Don't forget about the frequency doubling when the Kacher is switched on in that Alexeev's video, which was discussed here.
Group: Guest
  After watching the video(s) that you posted, there is nothing there that indicates that he has a self runner.
  He is using a long Kacher secondary, the smaller yoke, no ferrite rod, no Wima capacitors, no load using big bulbs so we can see the output,  and no feed back circuit, etz...
Or am I wrong?
Bah Bah... is not showing a working self running device... Don't be fooled.

  Nor is lighting a 100w bulb, with a 240w input,  such as what Itsu has shown, "an achievement".

   "But what other piece of the puzzle do we need to grasp, find, create .."
 end quote.
    The "piece" that makes it all work...

  Geofusion has also shown the same type of response, from his controlable kacher, but no OU. At least none shown, so far.

   Below: My device running on 18v, lighting 3 200w bulbs. Again, no OU, just showing it as a comparison.

« Last Edit: 2021-09-07, 17:42:54 by NickZ »
Group: Guest

 Deleted. Double post.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4164

My understanding is that at about 26% duty cycle, there should be around 300 to 400V DC output across a load.
Not sure what load.

At 26% duty cycle i have about 145V DC (across 100W load) which is a far cry from the 300 / 400V.

I also do not notice any effect when activating the kacher other then a slight decrease of Grenade L5 output DC voltage, so no increase in DC output voltage nor any doubling of the Grenade L5 frequency (before rectification).

The influence of the kacher onto / into the yoke as verpies mentioned earlier could very-well be the trigger for this doubling of the frequency (and increase in output voltage)

But my doubts are also still with the ground connection.
I presently have it on the kacher secondary bottom wire only, so i wonder if this will be enough to pull something from it.

Group: Guest
Have you noticed the way this device is wound ?????????

The other thing is Dally used 75ohn coax not 50ohm.

Regards Sil

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3504
Have you noticed the way this device is wound ?????????
Your screenshot depicts orthogonal circumferential windings as well as some kind of foil or paper under the red winding.
This winding arrangement is not typical for an ordinary transformer.

The foil is reminiscent of this ( marked with the red lines on the schematic ).
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