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Author Topic: Dally, Shark & Ruslan workbench  (Read 320287 times)

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4165

Itsu, I don't know of a way to "go back" in SW.


Thanks Solar,      i thought perhaps you could do a "save as...."   in an older version, but there is no older version apparently,   no problem.

I will see what i can do with your instructions,  many thanks.

You can remove that post if you feel like it, i have made a copy of the text.

Group: Guest

Since you didn't ask, I'll give my interpretation of the function of the multiple HV pulses that happen precisely at the Grenade/Resonant coil signal peaks, anyway.

The "HV stuff" (call it a high speed electron stream, high voltage electrostatic pulses, or whatever you want to call it) is emitted from both the Katcher hot end and the open circuit Antenna. Anything in the neighborhood gets hit with this "HV stuff" which, in turn, some how influences the electron flow (current) within these coils, in turn, causing an increase in this current.

There are a lot of ways of thinking about what actually happens here. I've heard quite a few but none are well researched or documented, they're just some hand waving, unfounded speculation and a few lit lightbulbs.

One mechanism that closely parallels this device's scheme happens in a Traveling Wave Tube - it's refered to as Velocity Modulation and I've presented information and references regarding this recently both in this thread and the Documentation thread.

In this case the "high voltage propelled electrons interact with the Grenade/Resonant Coil signal wavefronts causing some of the kinetic energy found in these high speed electrons to transfer to the signal in the coils. To be effective precise polarity and phasing of the pulses and accepting signal have to be observed.

Rather than the Velocity Modulation transfer in TWTs using a steady electron beam, this device uses pulsed high voltage electron bursts - this amounts to the same energy transfer mechanism. One pulse burst is good but 10 are better. Early TWTs had various "reaction drift zone lengths" which is analagous to the number of HV pulses.

A test was conducted a few years ago where a single HV pulse was injected into an open transformer and the measured voltage and current were elevated over several cycles. A diagram of this occurance was included in the 109 schematic zip I posted.

So, IMHO, it DOES NOT look like "Back EMF."  Again, Occums Razor! Study about the mechanism of how an RF signal is amplified in a TWT. It contains a lot more technical insight and logic than BEMF. BEMF from what, where, how?

Also, the first two patents I refered to in my original discussion, if you look closely, the "pseudo electron beam (or what ever you want to call it)" flows along the outside of their helical coil.

Have you watched the Jefrey Dove video over on his thread on youtube ?
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 326
Have you watched the Jefrey Dove video over on his thread on youtube ?

Just watched them.

Group: Guest
Oh dear Jefrey  seams to have removed ‘piles of vids’ there were two of them of stuff he had bought off Nelson Rotcher that were interesting
and another ran on BEMF now that was impressive and he went into detail, I don’t have a copy of it as such but i did get an audio of it.
He had managed to get some power from nothing very much at all using a simple relay coil and a small battery.

Group: Guest
   Nelson Rocha has repeatedly mentioned that his devices DO NOT self run. None of them...  They just run off of the previous charge from the capacitors, for a little while. So, he did not get "power from nothing".  Or he would be working for VW creating self running electric cars, like he was at one time. But, that is not the case now, as things did not go well for him in Germany.

    Nelson's last video looks like a self runner, but it's not, (according to him): https://youtu.be/9H3JMMKu-DM
   I don't see how it possible to run on that small a charge (one or two second charge from a small 9v battery), for as long as he is showing it doing so. But, I have to trust what he has told me, and also that he does not show the device running for over a minute, without any other power source.
Group: Guest
   Nelson Rocha has repeatedly mentioned that his devices DO NOT self run. None of them...  They just run off of the previous charge from the capacitors, for a little while. So, he did not get "power from nothing".  Or he would be working for VW creating self running electric cars, like he was at one time. But, that is not the case now, as things did not go well for him in Germany.

    Nelson's last video looks like a self runner, but it's not, (according to him): https://youtu.be/9H3JMMKu-DM
   I don't see how it possible to run on that small a charge (one or two second charge from a small 9v battery), for as long as he is showing it doing so. But, I have to trust what he has told me, and also that he does not show the device running for over a minute, without any other power source.
Your spliting hairs on that argument so whats the difference with a 9 volt battery and Akulas lead acid battery ?

Group: Professor
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Posts: 3511
Nelson Rocha has repeatedly mentioned that his devices DO NOT self run. None of them... 
Mine don't either.
Group: Guest
Your spliting hairs on that argument so whats the difference with a 9 volt battery and Akulas lead acid battery ?

  The difference is that Akulas device self runs, and Nelson's device does not.
I guess that is not too obvious, to you.


   PS.  Verpies, are you nitpicking about your device not self running? Splitting hairs about the details, what's the difference...

Group: Professor
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Posts: 3511
A well done job.
Group: Guest
Bull shit!

You give up to easy!  None of it adds up all the inventers dead, your telling me energy harvesters don't exist Bull Shit!
So where is Nelson now ? why is all his stuff deleated ?
Henry Morey's device ran for days ! was that a charge ? pull the other one!


Did you notice the MOT in the video ?

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3511
2)Dr. Walter Lewin’s Paradox.
Do you mean this one ?
Group: Guest

  The difference is that Akulas device self runs, and Nelson's device does not.
I guess that is not too obvious, to you.


   PS.  Verpies, are you nitpicking about your device not self running? Splitting hairs about the details, what's the difference...
The real point is if it generates more out than in, and the exess is more than it takes to run the device in idle then any idiot can make it self run! once you know where the exess is comming from.

Quote  Know that man so often masks himself. that what is simple is rarely understood. the dust of truth swirls, and seeks its own cracks of entry.
Jr. Member

Posts: 50
Hello AC,

Capacitor-Problem ?

I think in one of the papers (Kirk T. McDonald) the loss is explained very well...despite the fact that endless discussion of different scientific institution took place... actionism  :-[

Interesting the mechanical analogy , Heinrich refers to ( Gupta)

Group: Guest
I congratulate you guys on completely trashing the topic  >:-)

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3511
I congratulate you guys on completely trashing the topic  >:-)
How true.

I refrained from discussing these "paradoxes" in this thread especially to avoid this.
Group: Guest
    What were you thinking would happen, when you left the thread? You are why we are here, remember...
    I mentioned what would happen..
. When no one is building anything, and just guessing, about a device that they will never build. 

                                              But is this true ?    i DON'T THINK SO

    What distractions??? Verpies said... All very important points, he thought...
    Thanks, to SL for letting us continue on, also. I think that I was the only one he didn't insult.
    Some people may not catch my drift. That's ok, too.

    PS:  We miss you anyways...  And good to see Itsu back, as well.


Excuse me but weren’t you praising his expert expertise ? Now LS has exspertly done what no Troll managed on OU or what ?
« Last Edit: 2021-11-26, 22:00:02 by AlienGrey »

Sr. Member

Posts: 389
Dissappointing Results

With deep remorse we must now conclude that sustained Overunity, FE, CE (or what ever you want to call it) is extremely unlikely from any Dally, Shark, Ruslan type device.

Extensive investigation and analysis of a variety of these apparatus has not uncovered any means by which this excess energy phenomenon can be sustained. This conclusion is also supported by years of failed reproduction attempts done by scores of developers and researchers and considerable, extensive, internal work.

Our latest batch of detailed CAE runs were inconclusive at best.

With sadness and disappointment we now conclude our search. We hoped that we were wrong; but our efforts must come to an end.

Best of luck to all.


It might seems impossible, but it exist, a subtle end game.
Group: Guest
May I propose possible explanations where is the excess energy coming from ?

1. McFrey atomic transmutation
2. Russian or US hidden military transmitter based on Tesla magnifying transmitter
3. Collecting radio waves
4. Radiant energy from Sun and others stars

any other propositions ?
how about ion exceloration ?

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3511
...any other propositions ?
How about this ?

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3511
Ion acceleration is one of the method of using radiant energy to speed up electrons in electron trap like a closed loop. Barbosa and Leal used it , Steven Mark probably also.
Do you mean only ion acceleration or ion avalanche where the creation of one ion leads to creation of multiple (>1) ions ?
Also, what happens to the electrons, which get stripped from these ions ?

In case you meant only ion acceleration: Is the energy needed to accelerate these ions smaller than the energy collected from these ions in the end ?
Group: Guest
Review at least the first video to the end (probably "old hat" for you physics types).

No further comment!

SL perhaps you would like to list the points that do produce OU or accelerated electron or particle flow for every one to see ?

and perhaps a brief description on how the device could be modified to produce OU or zero point in your view

Many thanks on behalf of us all.  ;)
Group: Guest
Well you said it all, I thought you might say that.
Group: Guest
Good to hear you agree with these significant concerns and the way forward to avoid them; if that's, in fact, what your indicating. Hard to tell from your response.

You continually ask for the "Holy Grail" to be handed to you on a silver platter; without any discussion or comment. Strange don't you think? do I?

Quote from: AlienGrey on 2021-11-28, 20:04:46Well you said it all, I thought you might say that.SilGood to hear you agree with these significant concerns and the way forward to avoid them; if that's, in fact, what your indicating. Hard to tell from your response.You continually ask for the "Holy Grail" to be handed to you on a silver platter; without any discussion or comment. Strange don't you think?What's your motivation I ask?    Is it to simply argue, demean, nay-say, play silly Reindeer Games, what? I have yet to see any real value add from your side. Apparently you have no intention of building anything or researching.I'm stumped, having a hard time figuring out your motivation, maybe you could shed some light so we can understand where your coming from a bit better.  Enlighten me. Thanks...SL
Too many personal searching questions
And your answering your own questions
I did notice your supporting Nick Z  Apparently you have no intention of building anything or researching.I'm stumped
Here is a strange thing you started in what was it June but your first post was the 16th of October yet you say you posted stuff before that or so you say so who deleted all that info ?
So who is playing games really ?

Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 326

FYI - Stalker's full Youtube channel (Вопрос [Q&A] included)




Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3511
-  Electron pulse burst speed is set by the Katcher voltage [recall e = mc2] where e=energy, m=electron mass and c=speed of light, but in this case the velocity is v2 set by the Katcher high voltage,...
It is more convenient for the readers to have a ready formula for the electron velocity in vacuum as a function of its kinetic energy, instead of the mere relation between its energy and mass.

VNewtonian = (2Ek/me)½
VNewtonian = Ek½ * 593073.5m/s

Ek = electron's kinetic energy in Electonvolts [eV]
V... = electron's velocity in [m/s]
me = electron's rest mass in [kg]
c = the speed of light (299792458 m/s)

The Newtonian formula above deviates from reality by only 1% for electron energies less than 24kV.
If this is unacceptable or the energies considered are higher, then use the more precise relativistic formula listed below:
VRel = c*(1-(1/(1+(Ek/(me*c2)))2))½

The average drift velocity of electrons in air is 100s times slower than in vacuum ...and it doesn't depend only on acceleration voltage.

the square part is bonus...
Why ?
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