New initiative from Graham Gunderson:
Any thoughts?
Hi Itsu and All,
So many words in the video to say nothing or clichés, and a site that is an empty shell, it's very impressive

. This guy thinks he has discovered hot water and he takes us for uncultured when it's only him. The question is not to shout "energy is everywhere" but to extract it. And the idea he proposes is the worst, he obviously hasn't understood anything about thermodynamics. A diode with a threshold voltage so low that it would rectify the thermal agitation of the electrons is impossible, because at equal temperature, the thermal agitation of the electrons at the junction of the diode would compensate that of the rest of the circuit.
A diode works because the "temperature" of the electrons is higher than the temperature of the diode, there is a generator that boosts the kinetic energy of the electrons.
For the same reason a solar panel on earth, facing the sun, provides electrical energy. But if it was placed on the surface of the sun, assuming that its material is temperature resistant, it would not produce anything because its temperature would be the same as that of the source. If today we extract energy only from temperature differences, it is because there are well known physical reasons and constraints that prevent us from doing it from a single thermal bath.
The heat/mechanical work equivalence has been known since 1842. We know that the thermal agitation of particles comes from their kinetic energy.So the idea of extracting this energy came at about the same time as the knowledge of this equivalence, more than 150 years before Graham Gunderson, when James Clerk Maxwell suggested in 1867 the thought experiment of his demon to which his name was given. Maxwell's original demon was shown not to be able to function. We know today that information is related to energy, and that the demon should have spent energy to know when to open or close the door between the two containers.
Since then, other Maxwell demons have been proposed (example here: and it has not been demonstrated that they are impossible.So there is a small hope on this side. I don't deny the possibility of doing it, but certainly not with Graham's naive and outdated idea, a useless new one (just like Captainloz who talks about "cop = 2" without having looped his system).
Thermodynamics are statistical principles. One may think that the second principle no longer applies to a single particle, or on very small scales of time and space, and therefore in the quantum field. And we can also think that a very large number of quantum phenomena could be made to cooperate to create a macroscopic effect. It remains to be seen how. The idea of using a second natural phenomenon, such as the asymmetry produced on the electrons by a magnetic field in the experiment in the link that I passed, seems to me a good approach.