Here we can post tips for new and not-so-new users. Here are two to start... Adding embedded linksSometimes url links are long and complicate/mess up a post, or are so long that they "break" the post and go off the page. A nice way to keep a post clean and simple is to use embedded links on a text string. As an example, rather than pasting the link to OUR as:, you could simply type "OUR", highlight it, and hit the "Insert Hyperlink" button under the I. What pops up is [ url ]OUR[ /url ] (minus the spaces). The trick to using it requires you to add a "=" after the first "url" and pasting in the url so that it looks like the following (minus the spaces) [ url= ]OUR[ /url ]. This change will add an underline to the text string indicating it is an embedded link, and in this case it will look like OUR. Adding horizontal linesRather than typing a gazillion -'s to make a line, simply click the "<---->" button. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vs.
"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa