AC, Toni is correct, but it can be also 16awg, all depends on the current you are going to put through it. Steap has near infinite current, all depends on the load impedance. If you induce a current into a shorted coil the current will be infinite, it will also refect back into any other coils inductively connected  If you take the upper mid range audio frequency(6th octave) you will have 5.12kHz, X 3.2 will give you 16.384kHz, divide this by 2.1 it will give you 7.8kHz, 1000 times the earths resonant frequency!!! 16.384kHz is half the clock frequency of 32.768kHz, STEAP needs 2 frequencies of 16.384kHz 180º out of phase, and a modulation frequency of 5.12kHz (audio test frequencies 4-6kHz enhanced room sound range). As SM said, "so many stories to tell". The range of human hearing is divided into eleven octave bands, each band having double the frequency span of the previous band. These are called the 1/1 octave bands. The human ear can hear a maximum of 10 octaves: 20-40Hz, 40-80 Hz, 80-160 Hz, 160-320 Hz, 320-640 Hz, 640 Hz to 1.28 KHz, 1.28-2.56 KHz, 2.56-5.12 KHz, 5.12-10.24 KHz, and 10.24 KHz up to the upper edge of the human ability to hear. The next octave would start at 20.48 KHz, which is barely above the high threshold of human hearing. Years of investigation and experimenting. Regards Mike
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident." Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860
As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.