I'll stage this post, so my phone doesn't dump it on me halfway through the typing.
1. That black defibrillator Inductor on the right is rated for 7.5 kV AC, with 100 miliHenrys and 5k Ohms. I witnessed a little spherical spark roll from a South Magnet spark gap triggering a second spark capacitor's side electrode. (Three point gap). Those caps were in bug zappers, at that potential. But it was still the same Inductor on one of the caps. A MOT winding has a diminished effect. Same with just a big resistor.
2. The tiny power transformer on the left was in a 1.5V wall plug adapter. (Non switching). It's reverse wired, for an estimated 6.9 kV. I tried 6 mfd in series with the input, for current limiting, but that rattled the transformer. The charging hum does change pitch at least once, after three or four seconds. If having the higher tone first is an issue, two units can be staged. And I see plenty of room for an additional primary winding in the transformer.
3. Static charge bleeds off the condencer'fairly quickly. This version of the circuit basically only fires when it's turned on. But it only takes two or three good sparks to magnetise a piece of wood. (You need the active spark parallel to the wood, rather than using the into the wood polarity.) The air core Inductor Magnet also acts as a Wood Solenoid. Even when pulsed with a photo flash board. But this depends on if you gently curve the wires out from the Inductor.
4. To pull a Plasmoid finger spark out of the arc, use a hole in a dielectric followed by a Positive Magnet ring electrode. This Plasmoid is highly conductive, magnetic, self confining at atmospheric pressure, and opaque. It's also really hot, with two phases discharging through each other. A round oven diode can switch the secondary winding to be an Inductor Magnet. So you can have one or two phase windings.
5. Over a hundred Fusor builds are reported to be successful. Two colliding beams do work, but in a vacuum. A single focus (Z pinch) can also be used, if it Reflexes back into the remaining on coming Beam. At atmospheric pressure. This rather than trying to just squeeze the particles together side ways. A convex sheet reflector like a metal dish connected as a South Magnet electrode is positioned around the Reflex region. And I keep mine in a pressure cooker, to at least block the gamma Rays.
edit: With a regular 3kHz supply pushing a big cap, the Plasmoid can be pulled out quite a ways by spreading out one or more Positive Magnet ring electrodes. But you still need the magnetising Inductor, or two primary transformer windings.
I'm placing this Reflex Beam Z pinch Fusion Spark into the Open Source Hardware Public Domain. Under the MIT Open Source License, derivative works are stipulated as also being Open Source.
What is space? Space is undefined by International Treaties. Only the celestial bodies and the trajectories around and between them are regulated. I say that Space is any region with a large enough volume to facilitate free fall conditions for an extended period of time. Inter planetary vacuum starts about half way to the Moon's altitude, at the top of the Earth's exosphere.
« Last Edit: 2022-04-17, 04:59:52 by Jerry Volland »