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Author Topic: Platform 2b  (Read 2587 times)
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Platform 2b

The perfected design of an apparatus that should allow us to set up a conical field on the bench and contain it safely, to study if we can extract EM energy directly from it, with a correct field design in the air between the gap distance of two electrodes.

If we can also have it interact with a compass, magnet, or a copper coil winding to produce measurable EM effects.

The device must be kept at dimensions of conical manifestation smaller the 200 mm to insulate it from the current power grid in the US.

I finally got the area here cleared enough to access the radial arm saw to cut the pieces perfectly square, so they can then be drilled using small wheels to align the 3mm drill bits, as I do not have a drill press. As the two electrodes must be able to meet in the center for gap adjustment, the holes have to be aimed correctly that neither of them drop or raise up.

I have all the parts already, including various metals to use for the electrodes. Aluminum Brass and Tungsten, and a few others here of 3 mm diameter.

As I have already seen this stuff working at the dual cone level, right up to one field that was effected by a magnet, it will just be a matter of having it all stable and fixed on this set up so it can be left active and studied as we apply different calculation techniques. I already know the energy forms we bring up will self power forever until they are taken back down using TDF's.

We can then address the more accurate NVR calculations and tap directly into either the 333000, or the Planck Length fractals to see what comes up.
Once it is stable then EM readings will be possible rather then just feeling an electric tingle while trying to hold a wire at the right distance from a crystal tip, or a caliper that shorts out both ends of the field electrically. The platform 2b will be the center of a host of these experiments.

It will not be near the computer desk to avoid electrical interference and having my hands and arms moving through the powering fields.

Dave L
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Posts: 274

Some diagrams of configurations I have already witnessed on the desk in front of the computer here, and possible EM producing effects.

I will also have to make a couple more scalar bismuth coils with aluminum center wires for injection of take down and set up field controls to demonstrate how that works.

We can then do other things like shooting the laser through these fields and such to see how it effects the EM side as well.

Hoping I can stay with this long enough to hand people some proof of concept on a small scale that may go un-noticed by the mainstream for now.

This is what it all comes down to, raising energy fields up from the Quantum Field Fabric, seemingly out of thin air, and then having them become detectible with EM test gear. The methods found then may be able to produce equipment of measurement as well that works with EM.
That has always been one of the major goals of this work.

The great advance however, is to have comprehension of how to calculate these fields, and then put them to work for us in a practical way.
This is the development process of the hardware and always comes after the comprehension of how it all works.

Dave L
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Posts: 274
Tensor Coil Core

The Bismuth core amplifies the power of a vibration field by adding mass to it, and because it is already diamagnetic outside it's physical boundary layer any frequency can access through it. The entire mass will come up with a coherent field with no need for the mind to activate it.

The core is shown there setting on a pi/2 ratio copper plate that self vibrates with a harmony ratio. While it is a bit subtle to feel, when the vibration passes through the Bismuth it becomes much stronger, and a finger at the tip of the Aluminum wire will get a surprise. Vibration energy will travel towards the smaller dimension.

This is the perfect delivery system for mass vibration energy.

A reverse spin metal like Niobium or Magnesium will not do that, they must be vibrated up on a fractal of their Isotope frequency to have a field come up outside the dimensions of their physical shape to access it.

Photo shows the basic core, with decorator Aluminum tube 3/4" OD cut to 1.5" long, filled with Bismuth core and 14 AWG Aluminum wire through the center to feed the power of the vibration out from a smaller diameter wire at the point of convergence of the field.

If you were wondering why bismuth is used in the outer hull of a saucer craft in layering, this will show it to you with a touch.
Combined with a single layer scalar winding it is a universal transmission system at any frequency with an F gen.
Bismuth is the heaviest element we have access to on earth with these nuclear diamagnetic qualities.

Dave L
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Posts: 274
Scalar Bismuth Coil System

If you build this coil system it may be the first time you are able to feel stable nuclear energy, as Bismuth is a very stable element, non radio active and will not ionize other elements brought near it. The destructive radiation is ionizing radiation that can begin to break down the bodies atoms and blow holes in the DNA of the cells.

The next heavier diamagnetic element in theory is element 115, with a diamagnetic field so strong external to it, it can be shaped to levitate a craft. This is according to Bob Lazar. It has been synthesized and named Moscovium [Mc] by the people who did this, but there are a number of possible Isotopes, so a lot of unknowns. We will not ever have access to it unless we make it ourselves in a Joe Cell using the NVR frequencies I have theorized in scanning with my caliper. I found one resonance in that part of the spectrum that seems to weakly repel all matter.

Element 115 scan and search 287.18 AMU
A spherical form at 65.05 mm peaking with intensity there.
Spread sheet attached showing some fractals.

Dave L
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Posts: 274
4 Injector Coil Cores Constructed

1 - 10 - 2022

Photos showing construction technique.

These are quite heavy, although rather small. Bismuth has been used in fishing weights and is about the same weight as lead, but very different in it's diamagnetic qualities. It melts just over 400 degrees or so, and is easy to work with. As it cools it tends to expand a bit. You can see mine ran over the top on a couple of these.

Unlike iron cores there seems to be no upper frequency roll off on the vibration frequency side. Higher mass is more energy.
It is important to realize the entire weight [mass] of the Bismuth is suspended and floating inside the electron shells that bond the atoms together.
Thus we can vibrate it up as one coherent mass vibration field bubble that will expand around the cores to any dimension we choose using the mm = khz formula.
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Posts: 274
Coil Winding Dynamics

The coil wind creates a platonic form vibration effect, compressing one magnetic pole towards the center of mass of the core, and the other pole is released outward. This interacts directly with Bismuths diamagnetic field, as we understand, it is repelled from both poles of a magnet so compresses on both polarities. Thus the best pulsing technique may be to pulse with DC from positive charge to ground for a relaxation time.
The frequency received will then be the same as the F gen setting.

If we reverse the polarity of the F gen signal using an AC signal, it will also cause electron shell activity but will not really release the tension on the nuclear core except during the transition.

One can play with duty cycle and DC bias on the F gen to verify how these adjustments feel very different.
Important to know they are different.

See Experiment 3
In this document the magnetic polarity was measured with a compass and then reversed.
« Last Edit: 2022-01-12, 01:13:29 by DaveL »
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Posts: 274
Getting ready to wind the coils, but a few comments first

In the document sited, my buddy down under made one and ran some electrostatic tests as it effected his hands. By resonating the Quartz crystal he got a relatively large field bubble, and then noted a change in the electrostatic charge on the hands.

As the hands become stronger on the nuclear vibration level they started to stabilize all through the field distance, they did not change the static meter, as before it would change very fast due to distance from the probe. The indication went to a positive charge on the hands from the coil system but effecting the probe all the way out to the edge of the field bubble. The nuclear charge is positive.

This was the first indication that a Tempic field vibration can also transport an electrical charge over a distance.
Since a T field can move right through an EM shield, this is what was observed in some of the Tesla work I have seen people make videos of. The Tesla wave could send a radio signal right through the faraday cage to a radio inside it. The coil had to be aimed to do this however so in that device the T field was very directive.

In some of our experiments I have seen a charge applied to one of the elements in a platonic vibration system and appear on all the others with only air between them. 6 vdc in one case.

This seems to indicate that vibration lies underneath the EM level, and is again a confirmation of Wilbert Smiths model of the structure of the universe. While most EM signals ride over the surface of objects they hit, a vibration field can go directly through them and deliver an EM potential internally to an object.

Another of the experiments I did using a bismuth pellet I placed two pennies around it with one layer of black tape to insulate one of them. When I set 60 vdc across the two pennies it brought up a spherical field bubble that extended out about 2 feet in all directions. In that case the nucleus would be pushed to one side towards the negative charged penny, and the voltage of 60 vdc would have a vibration frequency around 60 cm or so, now I wish I had measured that field size.

Bismuth has a pretty high resistance to electrical currents compared to copper or aluminum.

In another experiment I melted some bismuth on top of a Hard Disc platter, spun it up, and when I set a sharp needle point down on it dragging, it started to arc blue. Bismuth is a very interesting metal.

Dave L
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Posts: 274
Coil Winding and testing

I use a hot glue gun to set the first wrap, and at the bottom once it is wound to secure the wires.
Be sure to twist the same direction all the way down, and keep compressing the winds as they tend to slip a little if you let go.

Perfection is not required on the line up of the turns twisting back point.
24 AWG white jumper wire 12 foot long, comes out perfect.

This is the only scalar wrap coil I have found that can be shut off.

Short the two wires together, and feel what happens on the tip of the Aluminum wire.
Release the short and feel how it goes completely dead again.
This is an important function for using the coil to program field bubbles, as the frequency we inject must be accurate.
Other kinds of scalar wraps and mobius coils will add more frequencies that cannot be shut off.

You can also test with an ohm meter to make sure the copper wire is not touching the aluminum tube.

Dave L
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Posts: 274
Non Destructive Nuclear Energy Systems

This concept has been totally ignored by current science. The notion that we can tap into a stable atom and extract useful energy from it, that will sustain itself as atoms do from the Quantum Field Fabric. It can recover from anything we take from it repeatedly, as long as we do not destroy the atom as a fuel, but use it as it was designed to work. This concept is "self evident" from the study of physics.

1 - 12 - 2022
Most of today was wasted on a medical MRI for which I had to be drugged almost all day to accomplish. A lower back problem causing problems in the legs failing. Glad that is over with, and it will likely confirm what was found last year now progressed much worse.


I have one more coil to wind, and then the risers to be cut and drilled to get this project off the ground.
Noted a few people still following this progression, as most have stopped reading it on the last few posts.

In the groups with sensitives, most are off on the conspiracy theory stuff, and not focused enough for the technical part of the work.
I have watched conspiracies come and go for a lifetime, and still they are far more popular then any new science, even if it works.

I also respect the ones of EM science, who may not be ready to back up and start to question where the energy comes from to power this universe.
Consistent EM does not just fall out of the air or the space between the earth and the moon, not enough to power much of anything really.
Some getting a good response from vibrating up ferrite rings and cores at specific resonant frequencies, with little comprehension of why it works, so getting no respectable focus from mainstream science as expected.

I am a bit surprised more are not experimenting with coils at 90 degrees, as was found in many of the past designs that worked.
To harness those spurious spikes and transients and keep that energy inside the circuits. I even handed everyone the correct ratio of winds to use being used in the work of Floyd Sweet. His device was far too complex however for duplication in the garage environment.

Everyone is trying to self educate, and that is good to see. We have to build on what we already know to be true.

I did do something today to stay active with the vibration energy. I sat a quartz crystal on my pi/2 copper plate and found the crystal putting out a new vibration further up! LOL! After all the drugs today, I can still feel it. They finally wore off near midnight. The pills I was taking last for about 8 hours!

Fostering the pure curiosity seems to be rare in our society. There is now so much to know, who can keep up?

I studied lightening and the ~7.8 Hz or so frequency, Schuman resonance, and as usual the ignorance of many of the sensitives about this frequency range.

While raving how that frequency is supposedly good for us, it turns out from dream work, that frequency is where we have nightmare's and agitated dreams. As I recall it is the theta range of turbulent dreams. Stands to reason the lightening hits around the world are not a smooth constant frequency.
The path around the earth is one of skipping between the earths surface and the ionosphere, and every frequency that makes that journey will have a slightly different time interval, so it is not even a regular frequency.

Lightening itself is a turbulent thing to experience close up, causing thunder to follow it, and even shaking things, if not exploding trees. Not a soothing phenomena to be focused on.

What is consistent and does not change is the diameter of the planet, the earth grid and nodal points of vibration which travel the path of platonic vibration, along with the gravity field. It is funny how so much is spouted that is not true but the opposite of truth, yet people believe the psychosomatic things they are widely told. Schuman resonance is good? Wow what a lie. Any amateur radio operator knows that is a crock of nonsense.

The gravity fractal is a lot more peaceful to experience as a vibration energy that is always present and very steady at 74.5 mm / 74.5 khz.
The GL frequency that also comes from the earth is heavenly and very steady!
The EM realm is filled with many nasty transients that then quickly decay!
The electron orbits are kept in place by the nuclear force which is very constant and works to correct any disturbances on the electron shell!

A device that truly captures the power of the atom, may end up with a blue field developing around it denoting electrons orbiting the device. There is only one source of energy that can cause that to happen. Nuclear strong force energy. The Searl disc, some Joe Cells, the TPU, and my 100 watt experiment as well, all developed these blue fields of energy around them at specific distances out indicating a directed flow of electrons around the units. With the Joe Cells they may not even be enough to be visible but they will still deflect a compass at several feet away.

Many electronics people would not recognize this, if there is no understanding of the atoms basics.

One of John Hutchens tools was a compass, and he noted what he called "magnetic mono poles."

If one cannot measure inside the scalar bismuth coil, they would move around the coil and assume it has only one magnetic pole.
The other pole, which must exist, is pointing inwards.

An electron flow in a circle would do this also to any compass approaching it from the outside.

One more set of X-rays tomorrow, and maybe I can get back to progress on the project.

Dave L
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Posts: 274
Scalar Coils are ready

One for each electrode, and simultaneous injection of 2 frequencies at once.


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Posts: 274
Drill Guides Ordered

1 - 23 - 2020

Pondering how to get the electrodes to align perfectly over the 4.5 inch per side gap, and not having a drill press.
The upright PVC risers must be drilled with 3mm holes the electrodes will slide through for adjustments.
I had ordered these sometime back still waiting...

V-Drill Guide Set

Could not find metric ones so will have to drill the first hole smaller at 7/64", then run the 3 mm through the 1/8" hole and keep it centered.
Hope I get the necessary accuracy.

Fun with construction, and the machinist has the advantage in this kind of work.
Get it right and only have to do it once.

Some extracts from the Atree documents at the bottom of this one.


Dave L

Posts: 23
How can one make or materialize moscovium (Mc-287,18 AMU) in Joe cell ? What's the NVR frequency of the Mc? I'd be interested in making a scalar coil in the future. I'd make an aluminum tube filled with 1 kg moscovius. This is not joke. Greetings Philip

Posts: 23
The Mc 287.17 AMU element naturally decomposes in less than 1 second.The device made of it lasts max 1 second and only in the case of Mc 291 AMU.

Posts: 23
 Dual cone system with basic planck length.Height of dual cones = 0.333 meters NVR= 0.333 Mhz. Dual cone system with a lateral surface area is the area of two identical cones without the base areas of both cones. NVR = (333 * 333) = 110889 khz = 110889 square millimetres S= 0,110889 square metres. One cone without a base area have an area of 0,0554445 square metres. Is it true ?
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Posts: 274
Dual cone system with basic planck length.Height of dual cones = 0.333 meters NVR= 0.333 Mhz. Dual cone system with a lateral surface area is the area of two identical cones without the base areas of both cones. NVR = (333 * 333) = 110889 khz = 110889 square millimetres S= 0,110889 square metres. One cone without a base area have an area of 0,0554445 square metres. Is it true ?

Attached Spreadsheet

Posts: 23
What is the principle of so-called ORUR phenomenon ? Using it and cloudbusters, all deserts on Earth can be greened. Could it work with radioactive material that has not been previously affected by the ORANUR phenomenon?


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Posts: 274
What is the principle of so-called ORUR phenomenon ? Using it and cloudbusters, all deserts on Earth can be greened. Could it work with radioactive material that has not been previously affected by the ORANUR phenomenon?


Reich used iron tubes and activated them from locations where there was rivers or underground rivers, dry river beds etc. I would identify these active locations as earth grid nodes at 135 mm resonance and will travel along water paths. When they hit the iron the iron is compressed at the nucleus and it causes the electrons shells to go into a expanding radiant mode, and this shoots off the ends of the tube.

Using iron tubes clears the skies, creating a high pressure zone, and if there are any clouds they move away from it.
Reich then left these up for a couple weeks, and then when he took them down, the field crashed back inwards drawing the clouds in from all directions.

The reaction is impossible to control, if the storms get out of hand, you are committed to whatever then happens, sometimes flooding.


In the RainMaker tube device, we used copper tubes, and these do the opposite when placed over an earth grid node. They pull the clouds in right off, and if it gets too out of hand we can take them down, and they offer real time control.

This shows the difference in how the two elements react to the inflow field of the earth grid. Basically if we use a copper set up to channel the earths energy, into the sky, we can bend a jet stream. We have watched this happen on the weather satellites many times.

So by redesigning the metals used, we actually get more accurate control much faster. Some of the copper layers are tuned to the earth grid frequency so they couple very well to it, while others are tuned to a sky ionosphere resonance, and when they couple through the tubes, it sends an inflow node into the sky. There was an evolution in the design over the years also, the original one worked really well but was more complex to build having a bismuth core as well.


You do not ever want to mess with radioactive elements or x-rays. Aluminum Bismuth Copper and Hydrogen are plenty of power in this regard.

Something few will discuss about Reich, his fixation on sexual energy [Orgone], and some of the things that were being done on that note may have been some of why he was imprisoned. I recall seeing a documentary of a woman who was very young in one of these groups, and today we would call it child abuse. She had no fond memories of that time period. While it was not Reich doing this but his followers in a group that was absorbed with what he was teaching at the time. The basic concept that sex and orgasm is the only method to increase your energy, is incorrect. This is far too short a time period compared to a harmony state experienced in a pi/2 ratio set up, or an E/P ratio set up.

During the California drought, we developed a single copper tube which could break through the high pressure zone off California, and caused the weather to start coming in over the land again.


There are natural underwater fault line oil leaks off the southern coast of California, creating a large outflow area in the water.

The only problem we discovered in California, is no one wants it to rain ever!
We managed to find one person who would try this, and it worked. The sat photos are there to prove it. Rain came right in exactly over him then shot over to the mountains.

I have no doubt, with further engineering, we could create a system to pull the rain and snow into the mountains and keep California supplied with water, while pulling it in from the North so everyone could keep having their sunshine all the time, and get their water from a hose like they are used to  doing. That is what they want down there, eternal sunshine, and probably why many moved there.

Dave L

Posts: 23
Under the microscope, he observed sterile regions where microorganisms spontaneously multiplied, a blue flash appeared, and out of nowhere, microorganisms began to move, glowing with blue lights, spherical in form. Reich started calling them bions. According to official science, spontaneous procreation is impossible. For this fact is groundbreaking in nature and immediately brings further questions and answers, in particular breaking down the notion of our exceptionalism in the universe and showing, on the contrary, the fact that the universe is full of extraterrestrial life. 

Posts: 23
Thank you David for the interesting information about weather management.I was thinking about the possibility of greening the Sahara Desert. Could the merkaba vibration field be related to a ratio of 3,1415/2 or E/P ?
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Posts: 274
Thank you David for the interesting information about weather management.I was thinking about the possibility of greening the Sahara Desert. Could the merkaba vibration field be related to a ratio of 3,1415/2 or E/P ?

There are many meditation systems that address mother earth and father sky.
The Merkaba comes to life when you discover how to make the frequency connections further out and further in.

If you work out the math for resonance, segment lengths, the 2 tetrahedrons form the star tetrahedron, and the distance between the new nodal points is so very close to the radius of the sphere it is amazing. That merging two tetrahedrons, could form into a spherical field, that is amazing. It will only happen when the two comes into the perfect overlay of center of mass so they can then exchange energy.

So in these meditations we ask for guidance and start with the sky resonance to pull the tip of the cosmic energy down through our bodies center line. The second part is to reach to the earths center of mass and pull this tip upwards through our center line of body mass, so it overlays on the descending one.

Next we experiment with the balance between them, and if your body has felt those simple experiments with all the different ratios, then they can be pulled up for trials. If and when you get the sphere to come up, it will become self evident.

At this level, your 4th density body will slide you to the correct frequencies as directed by intention, and if you like you can then measure them for sharing with others. It would be cool to have the data to create the sphere from two cones [tetrahedra that are spinning in opposite directions].

So in the advanced form of Merkaba we are spinning the two tetrahedrons opposite directions. Mother earth is contractive, and father sky is powerfully expansive. We are then creating the first atom to encompass our whole body. This is being born of the spirit in some systems.

If you want to travel and have power with you, there must be the form that draws from the Field Fabric to power your vehicle. MerKaba teaches the first form. The two become the one in the dance that is never ending.

All roads eventually lead to the same root location of the structure of all things. The first atom.

It may be termed yin / yang    E/P    MerKaba

Many systems to explore finding it personally, most have lost all vocabulary to take it back to the atom level.

It is the smallest level of manifestations that becomes totally self powering and stable. Science has studied it well and recorded all the data we need to emulate it.

Dave L


Posts: 23
David thanks for the interesting information about merkaba. What is the meaning of the words second and third harmonic octaves of light ? Is it a kind of high-vibrational light present in a fractal bubble? What's the difference between the second and third harmonic octaves? Physical ordinary light is 1 octave ?
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Posts: 274

Linear Octaves are 2x
Geometric Area Octaves are 4x
Geometric Volumetric Octaves are 8x

With vibration energy the power moves towards the smaller fractal in resonance.

Blue light will feel intense in your eye, but 2x the frequency will feel much more intense.

People will say it is more real then here.

Dave L
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Posts: 274
Platform Built, photo attached.
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Angular Programming

The safest form to set up first is a spherical system, of mass vibration, and it can come directly from the data of an atom.

The next form that may involve EM is the Isotope pattern and we can control the angle of the cones that will manifest from the Field Fabric background frequencies.

We must choose our "seed frequency" and the 333000 Hz seed will work, but it may be the Planck length that provides the most power, unknown at persent, which these experiments should prove out.  Planck Length Fractals

Isotope angle for manifesting is 30 degrees, and for these experiments we want to avoid that angle at all costs, it cannot be controlled at large fractal dimensions and will start to duplicate itself along the earth grid.

Bashar handed us the 33 degree angle, which is safe to use, and I have also found the 45 deg angle to be relatively safe.
These angular pragrams should not duplicate themselves but remain solitary for experimental purposes attached to the aparatus.

The math is most important to get right, so we use a spread sheet to speed this up.

Calculating Dual Cones, Platform 1a Experiments

Dave L
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