Here's what I built a few months ago. 5 Cylinder Blocking Oscillator using BJTs, as per the Patrick Kelly document. (It's an EM Helmholtz Chamber, as I see it) I have yet to tune it to resonance, however if I am not mistaken this can be done by using the correct C/R values (easily replaced) with optimal supply conditions (I have several options to hand) At 12v+ BJT temperatures rise but not equally despite cr values being nearly identical. My assumption is that the values should not be identical for this to occur as the individual transistors themselves will vary by amounts my meters can't detect (not beta matched) this, also inductors will not be exactly 1 ohm per winding. Trimmer capacitors and variable resistors are on hand, hoping these can "take up the slack" Oscillates with AA battery (1.2v) goes even lower. 12v vrla fully charged does 220v (on the nose) with current config have not gone further than 18v Dewalt battery yet but I have an 8-80v 600w boost module if needed. Have not yet included an L2 choke in the design as I plan to construct this as a separate module when I understand its function better. I have only progressed this far as I have been working on other projects and busy elsehow as it would appear most are, unfortunately Thoughts and advice appreciated
« Last Edit: 2024-01-19, 02:54:17 by Excelsior »