Excellent observation AC your instincts haven't let you down . However it took me rather longer to focus where you have all be it a few years ago. still we can bounce it back and forth as I have enjoyed doing many times in the past.
I do understand the workings but the term frequency is a misnomer and a careless error of speech with this equipment and we all find ourselves using it. Even Rife himself . Even if I shout it out and show the error clearly to you – you'll do the same but the end difference is huge – one is natural and not injurious to life The other very much the reverse.
A huge clue is there in the documentary I offered when Rife says “I sat in front of that thing for 30 years going through (frequencies?) and that is up to many Mhz and was not harmed in any way .
The thing being a Phantatron tube which he shows you beaming 50 watts of power through Argon gas about 10 feet away.
The Argon gas itself is significant as light, unlike a pulse does have a frequency the medically accepted practice of 'blue lighting' jaundiced new born babes is a very well known example.
a pulse does not have 'a frequency' only a 'repetition rate' and a 'duty cycle' Its really the America's fault

, they don't speak 'English' There is the English language which used to be spoken correctly in England or there's mistakes.
These mistakes then filter back and contaminate the mother tongue.

Electrically only a 'sine wave'
has a frequency and its directly related to 'wavelength' and the speed of light .
That relationship is simple and its here to view
https://electricalacademia.com/electronics/radio-waves-frequency-wavelength/ It should then be very clear that its impossible for a square wave to have any relationship to frequency or wavelength and the distinction is critically important if you wish to understand the pitfalls many researchers make because of American'ees
A square wave has a 'repetition rate' it also has a 'duty cycle' it is a pulse repetition (if you like)
another term used with gay abandon on all OU platforms is 'resonance' there are almost as many types of resonance and inferences of resonance as there are confusions caused by American'ees use of frequency in the subject of Rife and how the thing works .
As I say I'm liable to the slip myself but I'll try to be good and avoid it in this post . The pulse is not a wave and so can it possibly be made resonant and so travel the a'ether as a radio wave does ?
I'll borrow from the work of a fellow member here to show you that it most certainly does and can .
With thanks in advance to - Gotoluc I'd like you to study his video and specifically note that a pulse or square wave can indeed be made resonant
https://youtu.be/lJQvqTpBdiQI afraid the terminology miss interpretation and language difficulties might have overcome most already Its so very important I'll try and amplify there are two basic electrical resonances known broadly to electricians as series and parallel and broadly to electronics and radio guys as acceptor circuits and rejector circuits (Luc shows both if you continue his lessons)
so please if you want to comment of an area of Rife equipment so everyone might understand you
please state whether its series or parallel resonance you are considering Rife is clearly a genius himself aided by another , Lee de forest inventor of the triode and the birth of amplified radio .
This pulse resonance and sine wave resonance are both incorporated in this system . I hope you follow that a Radio wave is sinusoidal and the antenna tuned to parallel resonance in order to transmit an 'electromagnetic wave' at the velocity of 186000 mile per second . The speed of light.
Previous to Radio there was Wireless indeed the wireless attributed to Nikkola Tesla and it certainly uses the other resonance (series) and a pulse (square wave) as opposed to a (sine wave.)
The work was well researched by many in the era and the velocity of the pulse wireless system established at 291000 miles/sec (considerably faster than the speed of light)
The effects at resonance of these different transmissions are radically different. Much of it is amplified by Eric Dollard - you'll quite clearly see the theory of the pulse wave shown to us by Gotoluc explained.
https://youtu.be/uy5Qo8AtjWcThe transmission here is 'electrostatic' and the effects at reception totally and radically different .
This technology has been heavily suppressed and isn't 'officially' used any more.
It certainly isn't taught and typically normal instrumentation will not read the effects.
Rife as you have seen in the documentary I posted for you Rife uses a Phanotron filled with Argon pulsed to produce LIGHT light by definition is composed as a wave .
The wavelength (and yes I can use it correctly here) is important its been used officially by medico's around the world typically for newborns with Jaundice they call the treatment Phototherapy by all means research that all you wish , But as far a Rife's equipment is concerned all you need to keep in mind is courtesy of being a light it has a wavelength and has long been proven to be able to none intrusively effect vital systems deep inside the body.
I'm not going to spoon feed anyone and there are areas I'm none to sure about myself (quantum entanglement for instance) however to simplify as much as I can so a radio guy might understand what AC has 'suspicions ' about rife talks about this light is the 'carrier wave' which transmits the 'content' (potentially resonant pulses ) to the 'disease or cancer' - It does no harm and travels through the body just as a radio wave might. Rife used to use one Phanotron to treat a room of people suffering from the same condition .
(radio waves doing no harm is contentious too I know. electromagnetic radiation can effect some folks terribly) but if every ones happy that waves used to the good on newborns and which rife used beaming at himself for 30 years are minimal risk – I'll continue.
A present 'official' very scarce cancer medical therapy and its contrast in operation to Rife theory may help you picture this better I hope . This therapy has only very recently become available in the UK and previously residents had to travel abroad to access it . I'm not a medico although I have had some medical training .
I have never seen one of machines but my doctor has and described its operation – In other words I'm painting with a broad brush to try and give you a picture – and so of course a contrast .
The treatment is called proton beam therapy . There are parts of this NHS description that I find myself taking a hard look at – still it is the NHS release
https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/treatment/radiotherapy/external/types/proton-beam-therapyHas anybody ever seen a 'atom ' never mind 'proton' Special microscope or not ? Anyway it serves my purpose for the moment to 'go with the flow' and nit pick later.
It is admittedly ' very directional' which Rife equipment isn't and doesn't need to be at all.
The active killing agent is your every day standard 'energy' (and there's a whole host of nay sayers here who firmly believe there is no other) Rife equipment and Rife himself showed that's incorrect .
The desire here then is to 'Burn' a cancer away with heat .
If it clarifies the picture for you the energy 'beam' becomes resonant with the cancer at point of contact transforms into heat which is directed and controlled as best the operators and machinery can.
Its very expensive ,intrusive and crude not capable of working inside vital organs and incapable of distinguishing cancer from 'self'
Rife technology addresses all of these issues . You have now seen Gotoluc demonstrate a pulse wave tuned to a resonant condition . In the case of Rife technology that 'potential resonant' package is the 'passenger' on the carrier wave . It doesn't hurt normal healthy cells as longitudinal electricity is natural and all around us at every repetition rate imaginable . It drives the worlds huge irrigation system. Static electricity is all around you all the time.
Rife spent 30 years in front of that machine – should say it to you.
Doing what ? --- discovering which longitudinal pulse resonances matched every disease he could .
The effect of this very different energy encountering a cancer cell – for instance - is not to generate heat . It simply vibrates and destroys the objects which are not 'self' .
You can see from gotoluc's video how critical that tuning is and its essential to get the right frequency (I told you I'd slip - mark space relationship) - Rife slips as well in his speech so I'll forgive myself.
The machine and software I suggested you look at talks of frequencies but outputs square waves.
I'm afraid its entrenched which is a shame because the difference is huge.
You really don't need to re invent the wheel here or prove anything , Rife proved the system worked beyond any shadow of doubt .
The spooky gang I've directed you to are spreading the technology and common folks in their thousands are learning how to use it and healing themselves and others all around them .
You can now I hope grasp how its supposed to work – and its weak points the major one being the intentional obfuscation of frequencies ( balls there I go again) .
I hope this is impacting on folks and causing a few little gray cells to move about.
I certainly haven't insisted an exponential is a curve .
Helping this technology will collapse the cabal very much faster than even the free energy route i.m.h.o its already there with massive use being made of it. Everything's free , programs ,training and if you wish at a push function generators and ten pads could be used.
We are all going to need serious help soon – quite apart from anything else your going to get older
"The elderly are useless eaters." - wrote Henry Kissinger born may 27 1923
who it seems at well over a hundred years old doesn't seem inclined to fall on his own sword.
Let me invite you to watch a TV documentary made here in the UK but the actions were duplicated
around the world. Which will give you good reason to involve yourself in Rife technology not for just your own good but for humanity and your youngsters
https://www.bitchute.com/video/2gNrklMgO4FH/ Kind regards Duncan