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Author Topic: What is wrong with science today  (Read 8071 times)
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2023
If a changing magnetic field cannot produce a changing electric field then how do we explain Electro-Magnetic waves in a vacuum?.

A changing magnetic field cannot produce an electric field, it's the same reality. In conductors, charges moving relative to an observer at rest are seen to be surrounded by a magnetic field. The charges produce the electric field, seen from their own reference frame, and the observer who sees them moving sees a different electric field due to their speed, which Maxwell translated into the magnetic field model.
If the charges are moving at constant speed, they cannot exert a net force on all the electrons in another looped circuit, because the resultant is zero. In contrast, if the speed is variable, the resultant is non-zero on the circuit, creating the phenomenon of induction.
In a vacuum, the EM field is autonomous. The observation is that the 2 electric and magnetic fields are concomitant and both necessary for the wave, with no known causal relationship between the two, nor any delay that might evoke it. Whether it's the result of the propagation of a disturbance in the medium, such as virtual positron/electron particle pairs, virtual photons or others, or not, changes nothing in the model. It's normal to want to understand the exact mechanism, but that's another debate.

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"

Full Member

Posts: 217
How can water with different densities at the boundary of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans not mix from the point of view of thermodynamics?
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2023
How can water with different densities at the boundary of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans not mix from the point of view of thermodynamics?

Your question is a sophism, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loaded_question .
Your presupposition is not shared, I think you'll understand which one I'm talking about.
Rephrase your question in an open-ended way so that we can answer it.

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"

Full Member

Posts: 217
I had read a few more sites .In fact, the oceans mix. I just fell for the yellow press.
What a pity. I thought that I discovered supposed source of free energy.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4719

Buy me some coffee
A great movie, and a powerful scene from that movie that screams truth.



Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 4719

Buy me some coffee
Another thing wrong with science and physics is those that preach it, seem to be able to defy it when the need to do so fits.

For example, the apollo 11 ascent stage had a dry mass of 2.3 ton, plus the two occupants, and whatever little fuel they had left.
So lets say a mass of 2.5 ton.
Can someone show me the science that allows this mass of 2.5 ton, to instantly come to a stop from rotation?
Watch from 4:15



Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2689
Can someone show me the science that allows this mass of 2.5 ton, to instantly come to a stop from rotation?
Watch from 4:15


The answer which relies on the least assumptions is probably the right one.

Which seems more likely,
1)The mass instantly came to a stop.
2)The video is running at a higher frame rate than the camera which took the video making everything appear much faster. You don't honestly think the astronauts were throwing the craft around like a bunch of cowboys do you?. I have seen many old films which seem to run faster.

Just googled it and it seems I'm probably correct.

So we need to be careful regarding what we think were seeing. Always check our premise and look for alternative answers more so regarding FE devices.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4719

Buy me some coffee
The answer which relies on the least assumptions is probably the right one.

Which seems more likely,
1)The mass instantly came to a stop.
2)The video is running at a higher frame rate than the camera which took the video making everything appear much faster. You don't honestly think the astronauts were throwing the craft around like a bunch of cowboys do you?. I have seen many old films which seem to run faster.

Just googled it and it seems I'm probably correct.

So we need to be careful regarding what we think were seeing. Always check our premise and look for alternative answers more so regarding FE devices.


Not buying that. Even at twice the speed, we would see it slow down at the same speed it sped up, not speed up slow, and then instantly stop.
It went from rotating to a complete stop in a single frame, when played frame by frame.


Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2023
2)The video is running at a higher frame rate than the camera which took the video making everything appear much faster. You don't honestly think the astronauts were throwing the craft around like a bunch of cowboys do you?. I have seen many old films which seem to run faster.

I think you are right. The video certainly does not run at real speed but is accelerated, so the deceleration time of movements including rotations is therefore reduced. This is confirmed around time 5:30 where the relative speed is much greater than in reality. The approaches are delicate phases always done at very slow speed, much slower than in the video, to avoid any shock.

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2023
There was a great civilization in the past, the Greco-Roman civilization, from which we come. 2000 years ago, the Romans mastered concrete, had built industrial water mills to supply the populations, brought water to the cities by aqueducts of tens or even hundreds of km, had public toilets, and the richer, central heating and bathrooms with running water. The arts also flourished, and literature.
And then what happened in the first centuries AD? It is said that the barbarians gradually destroyed this empire. Yes, but it is not the root cause. The root cause has been lack of trust, lack of great ambitions, and deficient political or intellectual elites. The system collapsed first from the inside. And we lost a millennium with the regression of the Middle Ages.

This is what is happening today with Western civilization. In the Age of Enlightenment, intellectual elites wanted to elevate the people, particularly through education meant to liberate men. Reason has enabled this formidable organization of societies which has made possible the 10-fold increase in the world's population in 300 years, thanks to hygiene, abundant food and technology.
But today people doubt, people prefer to take drugs than face reality, people trade culture for easy fun, and people feel guilty about global warming and ultimately despise each other. They no longer know how to choose their intellectual elites, who themselves are declining due to lack of motivation.
They listen more to appeals to emotions, alarmism, visceral reactions than to reason, which is the door open to appearances and arbitrariness. As in the time of the Roman Empire, through our weaknesses our democracies open the way to barbarians, Isla*ists or Putins and all that vermin which swarms more and more on earth.

Education will have been of no use, the people prefer to return to the gutter of superstitions, conspiracy, sensationalism, mindless amusement and vulgar stardom.
We are not reaching this point of decay because of our rationality over the last 3 centuries, but on the contrary, because today we are abandoning it.
« Last Edit: 2024-06-02, 17:12:23 by F6FLT »

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4027
Did send you a note

Will remove this ( my post here )  when …

Sr. Member

Posts: 410
Be the change you wish to see in the world
because today we are abandoning it.

This seems like a big generalization to me - There are, increasingly (exponentially) more individuals than ever becoming involved with this particular field of study.
And a whole bunch of reasons that certain individuals may not divulge their knowledge, whatever that may be.

Depending on where you stand, it's always darkest before the dawn.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4719

Buy me some coffee
I think you are right. The video certainly does not run at real speed but is accelerated, so the deceleration time of movements including rotations is therefore reduced. This is confirmed around time 5:30 where the relative speed is much greater than in reality. The approaches are delicate phases always done at very slow speed, much slower than in the video, to avoid any shock.

well here it is at a much slower speed.
As you can see, toward the end when making their rolls, it comes to an instant stop, without slowing down first.
2.5 tons of mass stopped instantly.



Never let your schooling get in the way of your education.
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2023
Ideas such as "us vs them" indeed start at imaginary borders beyond which always a group of "barbarians" live. Barbarians with "barbarian" cultures, "barbarian" customs who even have "barbarian" children...

I didn't say that the “barbarians” had brought down Roman civilization, but that's what history says. Roman civilization was no longer able to ensure its security, and left the field open to those who wanted to destroy it.

Of course, “barbarians” may not be barbarians, that's a relative notion. We can undoubtedly behave like Putin's hordes, like Kim Jong Un's governmental and fascist mafiosi, like the Iranian theocrats who issue their fatwas, or like the Isla*ists of Ham*s or Da*ch and all the groups who claim to be them and commit massacres in our democracies, and still be seen as “civilized” by some.

We can have brought about social progress, eliminated illiteracy, brought about massive education, comfort of life, tended towards equality between men and women, abolished the death penalty, generalized communications around the globe, accepted homosexuality or transgenderism, and still be seen as “barbarians” by some because not everything is perfect.

That's not my point of view, but I leave it to you. The idea that the actions, organizations and civilizations of some are just as good as those of others because we're all human, in short your angelism, makes no sense. The Nazis were humans too. If, as a human being, you put everyone in the same basket, throwing victims and aggressors, fascists and democrats, honest and mafioso, yourself and those ready to eliminate you, you are either incapable of judgment or too cowardly to make one. You have to make civilizational choices, or stop complaining if someone comes to slit your throat.
People have always made their own misfortune, when they no longer know how to choose or refuse to choose or refuse to fight for their choice and follow the smooth talkers on the basis of their impressions aroused by promises that will never be kept, rather than on the basis of realistic ideas put to the test of their rational reflection.

What happens in the FE is what happens in the whole of civilization. You won't get FE because rather than rationality, you only follow appearances and impressions, the pretty Youtube videos, the demagogic chatter of egomaniacs. You can't tell the con man from the good person, or the complete crackpot from the competent. You refuse to exercise judgment, or are incapable of doing so. When the same thing happens en masse to a civilization, it collapses.


"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2689
Well said and I agree with your last few posts.

Our history is very clear about what happens when people abandon logic, reason and facts and replace them with false beliefs and wishful thinking. It looks like history is about to repeat itself.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1580
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
Lets see how deep one can go, shall we?
What book material did Hitler burn?
How many jews did Hitler burn?
Have any of you read 'Dr Mary's Monkey'?
Have any of you read 'The gold warriors'?
Have any of you read Mein Kampf, stalag version 357?
Is anyone aware of how many Christians were genocided by Stalin? 18 million around ww1.
Another suicide: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stefan_Marinov Yeah, right.

One of the requirements is to not mention political or religious foes, right? IKR?
All your education and public allowances are controlled by the descendants of Canaanites via the Kazarians to Bolsheviks, to communists.
Are any of you aware that Hitler pleaded with the free world to stay out of his country and that he did not want war? You better do a deep dive on this.
Does any one know why and what the treaties and secrecy about Antartica are? Because we were told 'In the beginning' the children of abomination would be hid under the earth.
Sure does cover a lot of censorships to get this message out now doesnt it?
But we are supposed to keep our mouths shut on certain subjects to expose any lies. How can this be true science?
And I am sure the elbow bending Karens will be triggered.
Welcome to 1984 2.0 and 451F 2.0. And yes, the Chinese have armed robodogs. That didnt take long did it?

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