The last picture looks somewhat akin to how I picture resonance. Adding more energy per cycle, while also maintaining motion gained from previous cycles. Minus friction, which is similar to resistance.
What's most interesting is what happens at the interface. If we consider a circular light or fibre optic cable. Due to total internal reflection the light ray keeps bouncing inside. But this will not happen forever, every light bounce will impart some energy. And this energy packet will hold information about momentum as well so when the reflection happens all momentum can be accounted for after the 'bounce' against the wall which caused it to bend the direction of momentum to keep it inside the 'core'. All momentum is always conserved. So this 'lost' momentum could only be imparted to the outside container/wall. To skip over a few steps, essentially this is also called Surface Plasmon Resonance: Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) is a physical process that can occur when plane-polarized light hits a thin metal film under total internal reflection conditions (1).
Total internal reflection When a light beam hits a half circular prism, the light is bent towards the plane of interface, when it is passing from a denser medium to a less dense one. Changing the incidence angle (Θ) changes the out-coming light until it reaches a critical angle. At this point, all the incoming light reflects within the circular prism. This is called total internal reflection (TIR).
Although no light is coming out of the prism in TIR, the electrical field of the photons extends about a quarter of a wavelength beyond the reflecting surface.
Surface plasmons Now the prism is coated with a thin film of a noble metal on the reflection site. In most cases, gold is used because it gives a SPR signal at convenient combinations of reflectance angle and wavelength. In addition, gold is chemically inert to solutions and solutes typically used in biochemical contexts (1). When the electrical field energy of the photon is just right, it can interact with the free electron constellations in the gold surface. These are the outer shell and conduction-band electrons. The incident light photons are absorbed and the energy is transferred to the electrons, which convert into surface plasmons.
Photon and electron behaviour can only be described when they have both wave and particle properties. In accordance with the quantum theory, a plasmon is the particle name of the electron density wave. Therefore, when in a TIR situation the quantum energy of the photons is right, the photons convert to plasmons leaving a 'gap' in the reflected light intensity. you understand what that is saying? If you get the light incidence angle just right, and using just the right material the electrical field extends outside of the surface a bit and starts to resonate with the material as traveling surface phonon waves imparting 'mechanical'/'electrical' momentum into the crystalline structure that came from an energetic/light energy wave. Energy being transformed into 'mass' through a bit of energy trapped in a crystalline structure or E=mc2.  Nature has us beat at this 'surface' wave effect thing. However we are catching up in biology:  Maybe when the super smart scientists finally discover that everything is just a surface plasmon resonance. We can stop for a second and realize how simple it is to build surface plasmon motors without all the 'this parameter needs to be juuust right' or million dollar labs BS. Some magnets, a conductor and a 3d printer will do just fine to create your own giant surface plasmon wave generator/transformer that transforms radiant/light momentum into mechanical momentum. Acting like an energy diode going from 'hot' to 'cold' from E to m in E=mc2, you know basic entropy stuff. But it's ok, i will give you guys all the time in the world to catch up. You already had Nikola Tesla dreaming of building huge Plasmon Resonance Waves stations to emit vast amounts of energy across the surface of earth. i would say do not let yourself be held down by low vibrational energy. We are meant to resonate with boundless energy and collectively keep building the most vibrant resonant surface we can. There is a beaty in knowing we are just a bunch of light containing crystals that project their 'souls' to the outside of what happens inside it. Like our earth core projecting us on the surface, the sun projecting the planets on its surface, the galaxy projecting its stars and so on. Enormous energy bouncing inside a container and leaking/projecting energy outside of it interacting with similar leaking energy containers. The container that keep self resonating throughout time making the whole human experience a resonance dance. An experience that can be beautiful if the frequency is harmonic or painful when it is all random loud hurtful noise going in all directions like the state of our current world.  Or for the simple minded. A bunch of higher dimensional perpetual moving/spinning hall bach array fields.
« Last Edit: 2025-02-01, 10:33:29 by broli »