There is a lot of info about this plasma effect and it looks like it is related to Correa's abnormal glow discharge but the Correa's used argon and Chernetskii used hydrogen and sparks. The Correa's call it "autoelectronic emission" where Chernetskii calles it "self generating discharge" I will present the schematic as i think i understand how Mr Chernetskii's device works. 5 220Volt lamps are placed in series with the step up transformer that steps up 220VAC to 1KVAC. When Switch s1 is closed the lamps burn slightly, but when switch s1 is opend the spark gap ignites and introduces the negative resistance plasma arc into the circuit. All of a sudden all lamps start to burn verry bright.....etc. This is what led Mr chernetskii to think there was comming energy into the circuit fromsome other source. Power Measurements have to be taken to examine this somewhat further ,which is why this is on my to do list.  Marco.