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Author Topic: voltage intensified transformer  (Read 49690 times)
Group: Guest
Hi stevie, Sorry but i do not follow half of what you have said.

The reaction involved in the wfc is triggered by the vic. You cannot explain the chemistry in the wfc with electronics , this is what you are trying to do.

The dublin technology institute have examined one of meyers wfc, here is a few quotes picked from there write up.

"effectively the water molecule is marginally unstable in water solution and constantly acting as a `radioactive` molecule tossing out h+ and oh- ions. The energy of the process comes from the formation energy of these ions."

"On the chargeing up side the ions are pulled out of the dielectric and moved towards the metal electrodes. On the discharging side they may go back into the solution. The circuit succeeds in increasing briefly the number of ions which are out of solution."

"A portion of these ions are able to form hydrogen and oxygen by normal electrolysis type processes. The hydrogen and oxygen bubble to the surface. The circuit is novel in that it is a form of electroylsis but there is no need for any net current to flow."

"The dielectric water itself provides the charge to charge up the capacitor and create the high voltage. this charge comes from the hydrogen and hydroxyl ions"

"theoretically there is no reason why the process cannot be totally efficent in producing hydrogen and oxygen. the efficiency depends on the tuning frequency of the lc circuit and having this balanced with the mobility of the ions and spacing between the plates"

I am hopeing the new choke wireing will work then maybe i can have a correctly build vic for testing the wfc.

Good luck with your projects stevie sorry i could not be of more help.

Group: Guest
Meyer vic update

Haveing found meyers patents do not work and can not be made to work from the information in them and with no real interest from this forum accept the odd person mostly questioning my ability to take on this project >:(  it was time to research a little deeper on my own.

The first question is what is happening with meyers longitudal primary. Well mainstream science has no answer, so i dug a little deeper and uncovered the spin orbit of electrons. This creates emf in transformers, the angle of the magnetic flux affects the spin orbit of electrons and so the amount of induced emf. I was finding some answers.

Things got more interesting when i uncovered the fact that different metals have different effects when the electron orbits are manipulated by magnetic flux. In iron wire they form tiny magnets, they have a north and south pole they can attract and repel, i now have the effect meyer describes in his patents.  8)

First theorised around 1860 then proven in 1920 the spin orbit of electrons is where electronics meets magnetism, this science has been around a long time but not common knowledge.

I located some insulated iron based wire, after a number of experiments i found that a all iron vic works, the mystery is over. Also the primary is not dual bi-directional longitudal, it is a normal winding.

So the patents are wrong, they have been altered i have proven what i eventually suspected and that bit that says "to another dimension", i think thats bullshit as well.

Someone pointed out to me that if his patents were released in 2007 and he died in 1998 that means his patents were keep under national security and not released into the public domain as they should of. They have been cleverly altered to have us fools running round in circles. There is a lot of effort to spread dis-info and it works, ever noticed how many over unity type forums sprung up in 2007? You almost certainly have spoken to or have read posts by dis-info agents who know how meyers technology works.

One problem i have encountered is the primary winding, it needs to be compressed to work properly, i think this might be to do with it being iron based, impuritys can cause "electron scattering". Can anyone get hold of enamelled iron wire or enamel wire themselfs?
« Last Edit: 2011-08-09, 09:59:04 by rizla »

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Enameled Iron Wire is definitely
a manufactured item.

Finding it may be difficult.  Hobby shops are often able
to special order it.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

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One problem i have encountered is the primary winding, it needs to be compressed to work properly, i think this might be to do with it being iron based, impuritys can cause "electron scattering". Can anyone get hold of enamelled iron wire or enamel wire themselfs?

By compressed do you mean the windings need to be as close as possible? Is the garden wire insulation too thick?


Group: Guest
take a look at this site


What it says is ferrous metals can have each atom give a 1 or 0 state, its a typical spintronics site, you have to look thru a lot to get the full picture.

The 1 or 0 are actually north and south poles, this is unique property of ferrous metals and it does not just apply at a nano level unless you wish to manipulate each atom individually.

The problem with the metal i have is it`s desciribed as iron based, impuritys cause "electron scattering", while i may align all the electron orbits with a magnetic field the impuritys can scatter a percentage.  This could be the reason why my primary has to be so compressed, that is close together. I do not fully understand the physics involved however i have worked out enough to get the vic working.

Meyers vic is no longer a mystical device, you do not even need the inhibit and charge chokes to test, if it is leaky the inhibit choke will make a considerable reduction in current while the charge choke when added will increase current.

So really enamelled iron wire, preferably pure iron with a thin enamel that has reasonable heat resistance is ideal as far as i see it. Its been 4 years since the patents release, i have done the hard work we just need someone with the connections to get this wire.

Thanks for the replys i hope this makes things a little clearer

Group: Guest

Tried one wire shop with no reply, another place wants £75 for 5 metres basically iron wire for electronics is hard to find


Yes my primary has to be very closely wound, it may be due to the wire, maybe all primary coils for this have to be compressed or a combination of both.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
It does seem that web sources of insulated iron wire
want an arm and a leg for a relatively short length!!

Fortunately, iron wire is inexpensively available at
hardware outlets (un-insulated) and it may be possible
to wrap it with strips of kraft paper to make the kind
of insulation used by the experimenters of old.

Tedious work but the kraft paper gave the wire some
unique properties.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

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So the thinner the insulate the closer the higher flux density is at each turn.
 Over all that would make for a denser overall field across
the coil with out having to raise the current.
More external flux lines. The paper tape would also act as a dieletric giving capacitance.
I seem to recall reading that organic materials do this better than inorganic, paper or tree shelac compared to

Group: Guest

That makes sense, but what factor does the iron wire play in this. If you read thru the spintronics sites (not easy reading) the magnetic flux cutting into surounding coils will align electrons spin to form magnetic dipoles in ferrous metals. I guess they are attracted to the primary, what else could be happening? This magnetic attraction to the primary means it must form a opposite pole, it does not appear magnetic my scapel will not stick to it. Maybe theres something being overlooked?


Thats thinking outside box i never thought of that, do you have a lot of spare time on your hands by any chance? i may have a job for you.  ;D
Hopefully a quicker option will surface before i give it a shot.

A while back you posted your "leave no stone unturned" advice, which i took, and i would just like to say thanks.

Group: Guest
Have you considered gardener's training wire?

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
I have rolls of it. My previous comment was
considering the vinyl coating being too thick.
Although it does react quite well to resonant square waves.
The garden wire also serves as a conductor and core.

Have you considered gardener's training wire?

Group: Elite
Hero Member

Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
Consider using nearly pure (99.5%) iron wire, solid or stranded  such as is used to create the thermocouple pair type "J" which is comprised of Iron and Constantan. The insulated iron wire can be purchased separately from any source of thermocouple suppliers such as OMEGA.

Type "J" wire can be purchased on ebay and is quite inexpensive. Just strip off the Constantan and you will have the insulated iron wire. Usually the pair are insulated from each other and have a plastic overwrap which is easy to remove.

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
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