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Author Topic: Romerouk's Muller Replication  (Read 513756 times)

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
The thing i cannot get my head around is that i am yet to see someone try replicating Romero's motor.

I think one can do better with a non-moving device, that offers a higher magnification factor.

Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3966

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Yep i agree G but lets try getting the original to work, then we can take measurements if we get lucky.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Yep i agree G but lets try getting the original to work, then we can take measurements if we get lucky.

Consider a simpler experiment to velidate the operating principle before you build the entire device.  If you can not produce the magnified magnetic field, then you will probably not get the gernator to work.  Muller reported that he achieved an increase in magnetic field strength of 400 times the base field strength.  Spherics mentioend that magnfiication of 1000 times can be achieved in the TPU.  ED Gray mentioned magnetic fields increased beyond normal magnitude, but I don't recall if he gave an actual number.  Energia Celeste claimed magnification of "thousands of times".
The basic premise is to wrap a coil around a magnet and apply hv DC pulses.  Try that first.

All of this BEMF this and that, and timing of push and pull are all secondary and do not offer any "gain".

Hero Member

Posts: 520
Before anything maybe @MH or anyone else can answer this question which is Romero wheel pertinent.

Take any center tapped coil. Put the pulse on one end and the other polarity on the other end. I does not matter what frequency or what power is used to drive the pulse.

Now take your scope probe and put it on the coil side that is being pulsed. Grab the waveform image. Now take your scope and put it on the center tap and grab an image. Then put your scope on the other end and grab the image. Very simple. So you have a coil that is pulsed on the ends, and you scope the pulse side, center tap and other side.

So the question is.

1) What waveform will you see at each location and if there are any differences between these three waveforms, WHY?



Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

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I choose not to defend my position but the position. I am working on configurations that Grumpy posted about from simple to complex. But no moving parts except a magnetic field. I have all the combinations I need to do any of this type testing. And I am.
I saw Muller's flux cutting videos. He uses an aluminum disc with holes done in California in 1996. I saw Don Smith's flux cutting design done in California in 1996. I saw SM's flux model TPU done in California in 1996. Do you see a pattern here? Oh and guess where Dollard was? Is the pattern becoming clear now? Have any here been to or witnessed something new outside the pattern of devices mentioned here? Come on speak up!

Grumpy mentioned the basis. I have mentioned the basis. Marco mentioned the basis. Spherics mentioned the basis. If you can not see the simplicity then keep wasting time beating your plowshares into swords. I have alot of tests pursuing this. They might look all over the board but I was chasing one thing in many avenues and builds. This one thing. I don't have any mechanical builds. I started right off the bat with the GK4 from Tesla's patent. Pretty simple. I didnt need to build a cromagnon wheel spinner to understand what Bedini had done by shearing the field between 2 magnets. Same thing again. This is the answer that everyone wants. Or better yet why am I yelling in the dark?

And here is the Coup' de etat': Almost everybody here has had their fun slamming Magnacoaster. Well guess what? He got it with no moving parts and he started out with moving parts! Wadda yuze gotz? Nada.

I got Frankencoils made from FrankenLegos and am tired of the lightning shows.
Forgive if I have offended anybody. Sometimes my Jersey fire gets to goin'.

Hero Member

Posts: 520
No need to use the ground of the scope. Just the scope probe on the three points. I am not asking you to troubleshoot a resistor.

Anyways, even if you put the ground on the negative of the coil, it will show the same thing.

If the pulsed coil is a standard ac transformer that has a primary or secondary with a center tap, just use it and pulse on the ends. On the other coil of that transformer, connect it to a dioded capacitor with an LED that will light up. This LED is witness to the energy transfer at the time of scoping. Then I could simply say put the scope probe and ground to the transformer in any way you want as long as the LED still lights up. Take the three scope images and show them here.

But I could also save you some time by saying, the probe ground is not needed and LED or not will not change the waveforms.



Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
I choose not to defend my position but the position. I am working on configurations that Grumpy posted about from simple to complex. But no moving parts except a magnetic field. I have all the combinations I need to do any of this type testing. And I am.
I saw Muller's flux cutting videos. He uses an aluminum disc with holes done in California in 1996. I saw Don Smith's flux cutting design done in California in 1996. I saw SM's flux model TPU done in California in 1996. Do you see a pattern here? Oh and guess where Dollard was? Is the pattern becoming clear now? Have any here been to or witnessed something new outside the pattern of devices mentioned here? Come on speak up!

Grumpy mentioned the basis. I have mentioned the basis. Marco mentioned the basis. Spherics mentioned the basis. If you can not see the simplicity then keep wasting time beating your plowshares into swords. I have alot of tests pursuing this. They might look all over the board but I was chasing one thing in many avenues and builds. This one thing. I don't have any mechanical builds. I started right off the bat with the GK4 from Tesla's patent. Pretty simple. I didnt need to build a cromagnon wheel spinner to understand what Bedini had done by shearing the field between 2 magnets. Same thing again. This is the answer that everyone wants. Or better yet why am I yelling in the dark?

And here is the Coup' de etat': Almost everybody here has had their fun slamming Magnacoaster. Well guess what? He got it with no moving parts and he started out with moving parts! Wadda yuze gotz? Nada.

I got Frankencoils made from FrankenLegos and am tired of the lightning shows.
Forgive if I have offended anybody. Sometimes my Jersey fire gets to goin'.

If there is a mechanism for "gain" in Romero's version of Muller's Generator, then this should be identifiable without building the complete device.  So, where is it?  Find the mechanism for "gain" and study it.  Start with one magnet and one set of coils and look for something unusual.   I hate to see money and time wasted on full builds without the basics to make them work.

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3966

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Ah Memory Lane

The good old 6502, i learned on the commodore pet, and wrote a defender style game, mind bending graphics as well  ;D

Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3966

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I have got to say it is really good to see Romero still posting on OU

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...

I have got to say it is really good to see Romero still posting on OU


It would be nice though if he would come clean regarding his statement that it is "fake", and explain really what happened.


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Hero Member

Posts: 520
Here are a few questions for all.

1) In Romeros wheel he has many singular magnets on a rotor. So is the north and south field of a magnet identical in field strength?
2) When you put two drive coils in series and pulse the pair from one end, do both coils have the same field strength?

If you answer "no" to 1 and 2, then you agree there are two pairs of varying strength fields and now know how to match each side to get the best average. He He He. It's not only the coil plate distance.
Sorry but there is logic to the madness Nature always finds the perfect balance.

Guys with wheels need to use just one drive coil (if only one pair) or two drive coils one in each of there positions (if using two drive coil pairs) but the drive coil should be in series with the second drive coil but not already placed on the plate. This will give you the exact strength comparison when using two drive coils.

But in each position drives coils have to be tested and experimented in all the variables.

Single mounted drive coil.
1) Mount drive coil and connect to pulse.
2) Switch wire on the coil.
3) Turn the coil to the other side and connect to pulse.
4) Switch wires on the coil.

Single mounted drive coil with second coil in series but not mounted on the plate.
1) Mount drive coil and place second drive coil in series without mounting it and connect so pulse hits mounted coil first. Test.
2) Switch the mounted drive coil wires around and test.
3) Turn the mounted drive coil around and test again.
4) Switch the mounted drive coil wires around and test.
Single mounted drive coil with second coil in series but not mounted on the plate. Test for the second series coil.
1) Mount drive coil and place second drive coil in series without mounting it and connect so pulse hits NON mounted coil first. Test.
2) Switch the mounted drive coil wires around and test.
3) Turn the mounted drive coil around and test again.
4) Switch the mounted drive coil wires around and test.

Keep a record of all the variables and see what the highest rpm is achievable under each. You may have to play around with the distance of the drive coil from the rotor.
Done on north side of rotor, then repeat for south side.

The above variables, if not known, means this build is being done blindly and builders are taking to many variables for granted. So many traps to fall into.
With these results, you will be in a better position to now test with both drive coils mounted, with pulsed side tested, coils turned around, wires switched, and then magnet polarity switched.
In the end, you should wind up with the pulsed side coil mounted where it showed the least rpm (strongest coil on the weakest magnet side) and the coil not on the pulsed side showing the highest rpm (weakest coil on strongest magnet side).


Some will say none of this matters. But unfortunately it does. Otherwise all replications should work by now. I am sure Romero knows all the trials he had to make to get his device going as it does, but the complexities with all the variables to work out are rather daunting and trying to explain it is even more daunting, so I can understand why he would want to pull out of the limelight.


PS: Just answer the question in my previous post and this will be your proof.


Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
Now that Romero is posting again, and has just put up another video showing his work on a smaller device, I think I know what happened regarding all that went on a month ago. I'll keep it to myself or with those that inquire for now though.



"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Hero Member

Posts: 520
Phew, I thought WWIII was about to start. Look guys, it is simple. Nothing personal. @MH has a way of spicing up his minced meat before he puts it on the grill, and I feel rightly so that @EM had to make a stand, but the burger was somewhat overcooked.

Now, since I was next in line, and since no one cares or dares to answer my question previously posted, I will show it myself and push the question along.

So I am putting up four images.

coil-pulse1.jpg - Overall set-up showing an AC transformer with pulse generator on each end of the coil with a center tap. Pulse is at 9khz, 16vdc, 50% duty. The output of the transformer goes to a dioded capacitor with an LED bank on it and my volt meter shows a steady 6.21 vdc on the capacitor while loaded. So I know there is energy transfer happening between the primary and the secondary when I scope my three points.

coil-pulse2.jpg  - Image of scoped waveform taken at the positive pulse point on the transformer.
coil-pulse3.jpg  - Image of scoped waveform taken at the center tap point on the transformer.
coil-pulse4.jpg  - Image of scoped waveform taken at the negative pulse point on the transformer.

@MH or anyone else, if you may please explain what the three waveforms show. @PhysicsProf you are more them welcome to interject also.
@MH I know you may alreayd have your hands full and I certainly would not want to partake in any ganging up like thing which would be purely consequential to my questioning.

What do these images tell you about what is going on energy-wise and pulse-wise inside the transformer? I know this is EE 101, but that's the point.



Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3966

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I am not totally sure i understand your setup fully but

If you are using the scope probe ground and connecting this to the signal gen 0V side of the center tapped transformer, (I know you said it doesn't matter if you connect the scope ground or not) then you would get a flat line trace because the scope probe will be in the same position as the scope ground, next the center tap should be reading half the signal gen amplitude the transformer is acting as a divider due to the driven waveform energy being distributed across both primary half windings, the top transformer tap is where you are driving from so will show twice the middle point and full Sig gen waveform, this is exactly what i am seeing in your scope shots as well.

What am i not understanding?
Group: Guest

Are you aware that the scope and signal generator are already connected to each other via ground?

I imagine you know that already but knowing it should make it easy to understand the scope shots.

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3966

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OK I have put MH on read only and on this basis i would prefer if that's the end of it, this thread will be cleaned up over the next few days, any reference or post by MH and replies to him will be deleted on the Romero thread.

I ask you all to no longer post relating to MH, it would not be fair as he cannot reply anymore.

Hero Member

Posts: 520
I am not totally sure i understand your setup fully but

If you are using the scope probe ground and connecting this to the signal gen 0V side of the center tapped transformer, (I know you said it doesn't matter if you connect the scope ground or not) then you would get a flat line trace because the scope probe will be in the same position as the scope ground, next the center tap should be reading half the signal gen amplitude the transformer is acting as a divider due to the driven waveform energy being distributed across both primary half windings, the top transformer tap is where you are driving from so will show twice the middle point and full Sig gen waveform, this is exactly what I am seeing in your scope shots as well.

What am i not understanding?

Wow, we step out for a few and come back to see the scenery changes again. Hmmmmmm. Must be all those tornadoes changing the world around.


The scope probe ground is not required here or is not used. Just the probe itself. It does not change the waveform. Yes I know the frequency generator and scope are already grounded. But none of that changes what is. Under the same conditions, three images all different.

Just explain what the scope images tell you about the energy pulse (for simplicity I will say) "as it passes through the coil". After all, we are pulsing energy into the coil and the scope sees this energy.

The scope probe does not care about one side, half or other side. It simply shows the energy reactivity at a given point. Yes or no? What does this tell you about the energy being utilized in this transformer coil, since while  the probe is on the point(s), the secondary and LED prove energy is being transferred.

Let me ask it another way.

Do all three images of the scope show that the energy pulsed into the transformer coil is equal throughout the coil?

I need to read this answer from some of you so it does not come from me.


PS: When I posted the post #402 on this thread I was thinking of you and your fantabulous Romero wheel build. Sorry I did not tell you earlier but it is just fantastic. Great diameter, great mass availability, just a top notch approach indeed. I just don't want you to fall into the same trap others are in.

Romero made a wheel. It does not mean you cannot do even better. But you have to work smart, logical, keep track of the variables and results, don't play it by ear.  Don't even drill the holes for your stator coils yet. Give it a good week or more. Just put one drive coil in series with another and only put the first one on an adjustable support and play around with pulse and coil position. Why, because drilling the stator coil positions means you are putting your money on a fixed system. Working with flexible drive coil positions means you are optimizing the device as you build it. Big difference if you can get 10% to 20% or more torque/rpm if the drive coil is off by 4-5 degrees, that is where the science is. Then with the second coil again optimized. I figure you should have both drive coil pairs plus at least two pick-up coil pairs mounted on movable and tiltable supports that run the rotor to find the optimum method. Let the coils teach you how they best work instead of forcing them to work in the confined area you have decided in advance, just because it is symmetric. You will learn 10 times more this way. Let the preliminaries answer all these questions first, then with your experiments exhausted with resulting answers, build this device the way it should be. If you need any help along the way, let me know.

One word of advice from the start to prevent a possible checkmate. Design it so that one of the two stator plates, let's say the top plate can be turned at least the distance of a pick-up coil, so that you can adjust this one last parmeter. This one last variable may come in handy to pass the OU mark. You should be able to test this again before the stator plates are drilled.


Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3966

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wattsup i am still trying to work out where you are measuring, where the Sig gen is connected and where the leads are, is it possible to do a sketch of the circuit maybe just to clarify the setup or was i correct in my previous post where i said the Sig gen was and the points you scoped.
Hero Member

Posts: 520

OK, here is a diagram of the set-up.
Although this should not make any difference since the scope images are shown.


Group: Guest

The ground path is so important to the onserved waveforms.

It is a severe limitation we face when trying to measure floating /seperate / newly created levels .

I wish we had truly floating measuring devices perhaps add mode on the cro ?

It is my personal "belief" that to find magnetic interactions our sources and measuring equipment MUST be isolated from each other at source at least ..difficult for sure
Romeros coils do that very well

There is a large earth loop complicated by square wave transients which make visualisation of the circuit very difficult .

Would you mind drawing the common earth path for us? It may not matter ... but it is hard to get past what has confused so many  and still does .

Hero Member

Posts: 2735
It is relatively easy to understand what is going on when we understand the basics of what electricity is however many textbooks tend to confuse the issue.
In your scope shots we see a waveform which appears to be pulsed AC and it can be seen that your scope is set to DC , this wave form also appears to become smaller as the probe is moved towards the ground connection. We also know the oscilloscope is a Voltage measuring device and Voltage is not something it is a measure of something which is how many free electrons are in one area relative to another area or differential charge density.
In this case the ground plane which we call the negative terminal (-) is a charge reservoir which contains a massive amount of (+)(-)charges and the positive terminal (+) of the Signal Generator is simply adding free electrons above ambient conditions showing a negative charge increase then alternately removing free electrons below ambient conditions showing a positive charge increase because voltage is a measure of how many free electrons are in a given region relative to something else.
An Electric Current is the motion of charges, it is what happens when we move free electrons to one region leaving an equal and opposite lack of free electrons in another area. It is also what happens when a region with more free electrons discharges into another region with fewer free electrons to return to ambient conditions.
Consider that we have a neutral uncharged wire at ambient conditions, we then move some free electrons to one end(-) with a changing magnetic field leaving an equal lack of free electrons on the other end(+), we call this induction. The motion of free electrons is an Electric Current, now if the magnetic field stops changing the free electrons at the (-) end move back towards the (+) end and this motion is an Electric Current and when the free electrons are evenly distributed once again we are back at ambient conditions.

I use an Electrometer which tells me the potential at a singular point in any given region which is really a measure or comparison of how many free electrons are present above or below ambient conditions. If there are more free electrons present than ambient conditions my meter shows a (-) potential and if there are less free electrons present than ambient conditions my meter shows a (+) potential.
Here is a good example of what most people have failed to consider, I have three people holding hands and the last person is holding one end of a 50' length of 20AWG and the other end of the wire is attached to my Electrometer. Now when the first person touches the single negative terminal of a 12v battery this change in potential travels through three persons and the 50' length of wire to the Electrometer which now shows a Negative potential is present. It is important to remember that there are no different types of electricity because fundamentally electricity relates directly to charge density and the motion of charges, everything else just confuses the issue.

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
LOL, I'm not sure I even answered your question in my last post. The ground is ambient conditions (It is both (+) and (-) and neither)and the resistance of your primary coil resists changes in potential therefore as you move the probe along the coil or any resistance you will find the highest potential at the source of the change in potential and the lowest potential near the ground plane. It is no different than changing the water pressure (above and below ambient)at one end of a pipe when the other end of the pipe is open to a lake, the maximum pressure is measured at the source of the pressure change and the pressure diffuses all along the pipe to the end open in the lake which is at ambient conditions.

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3966

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wattsup thanks for taking the trouble to make the diagram, it is connected as i thought it was.

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Hero Member

Posts: 3966

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What is that connecting the back 2 terminals of the bridge, the 1n4001's are huge in comparison, it looks more like a bat type diode we used on philips TVs years ago, very small glass body diode.
Hero Member

Posts: 520

Thanks for your answers. It is what I expected to hear and know.

Well, my EE level is not up to par of course, but to me above and beyond the more technical aspects of the explanations, these three scope shots tell me one major thing.

That the pulse side of the coil which is the positive in this case produces a much higher amplitude effect at the point of pulse then it does in the middle of the coil then it does at the end of the coil. If this is considered to be correct, then what we have with the Romero series coils is the same effect. Nothing more nothing less. Except that in Romeros series case, the pulse amplitude is highest again on the pulse side but since the two coils are in series, at the end of the first coil the pulse is still half the amplitude and not zero as in the case of a single coil. The second coil in series is starting at the half amplitude and this drops to zero by the end of the second coil. The second drive coil is getting maybe 20% or 30% of the pulse amplitude left over from the first coil.

This goes back to the questions I asked in a previous post.

We know the strength of a magnet is not identical on the north versus the south side. We should also know that pulsing two series coils against these magnets will not provide the identical motive field strengths in each coil.

I don't know if anyone with a wheel has tried to pulse only one mounted drive coil but have the second drive coil is series but not installed. In this manner, you can test and determine the difference in strength when pulsing the series coils from the side that is mounted or from the side that is off the mount. Based on this, I would suspect that it would be best to have the pulse enter the top drive coil in one pair and enter the bottom drive coil in the second pair when using to pairs of drive coils. This way, the total energy impulse is the same on both sides of the magnets. Similar to using two identical paddles to row your boat straight out, versus using two paddles of different width.

Also, as indicated above, if the pulse is stronger on the pulse side of the coil then on the pre-biased side, then it would stand to reason that if the pulse entered the coil on the side that has the first layer starting at the drive coil core, that this greater amplitude will provide a greater and more directed or pin-pointed pulse field to create the motive effect against the TDC of the rotor wheel magnets.

Of course all this has to be tested and compiled to determine or identify some generalized rules or conditions that others can use for their builds.


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