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Author Topic: Simplicity  (Read 25226 times)

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Hertz was a student of Helmholtz.

How did Hertz/Hemholtz' views differ from others in the era, or the 21st century consensus on Electrical Engineering?
« Last Edit: 2022-09-15, 05:43:02 by giantkiller »

"An overly-skeptical scientist might hastily conclude by scooping-up and analyzing a thousand buckets of seawater that the ocean has no fish in it."

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I misplaced that article but in it the 'differing'(bad term)..... It seemed to me in the article that there were additive conflicts interjected. As each person got ahold of the model they changed it thinking there were .......
Forget my dissertation about this. I google it again and it is blatant all over the internet because of published works and papers.https://www.jstor.org/stable/41134117

But I add this: Different modalities of electron effects appear at different pressures depending on what the test is being performed. I also believe that different views arise between people when they can only view the dynamics through their filters.


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GK, would you mind going over this diagram in more detail?
I'm curious on things like:
 - Wire gauge
 - Wire length
 - Measured inductance
 - Coupling factor between various coils (loose, tight, 90deg,uncoupled, etc)
 - Critical minimum voltage or other critical minimum factors

Also curious about disconnecting the stun gun portion and just studying the remaining configuration by itself (attached)

Instead of starting with a complete system, I'd like to break everything apart into base components to help understand them individually.

"An overly-skeptical scientist might hastily conclude by scooping-up and analyzing a thousand buckets of seawater that the ocean has no fish in it."

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The design is predicated on Watts out.

Size the wire and components correctly.
Nothing critical.

Scope the amplitude gain of the feedback and snub at component wattage level.
This engine works at any size.

One can raise the component size or tier up successively larger stages like Adrian did.
The smallest of this engine that I use is in the electric flyswatter.

Its great for testing the units.

This is why SM had many sizes.


Hero Member

Posts: 568
The design is predicated on Watts out.

Size the wire and components correctly.
Nothing critical.

Scope the amplitude gain of the feedback and snub at component wattage level.
This engine works at any size.

One can raise the component size or tier up successively larger stages like Adrian did.
The smallest of this engine that I use is in the electric flyswatter.

Its great for testing the units.

This is why SM had many sizes.

All coils air-core?  I take it the red+black 'transformer' is in-fact standard 10-14awg PVC/silicone power cord wire?

Is accoustic-range frequencies (3-40khz) a critical factor?  If-so any theories why? (acoustic resonance/magnetostriction/etc?)

All-copper or is iron/nickel wire required at some stage?

Quote from: giantkiller
100% Cu, air, non-critical at this juncture. The spacing is the tuning. Snubbing the harmonic destruction is the protocol.I did the first acoustical tests in 2007, the middle one was the 3 canon heterodyner, the large one was the controller into the Bose and the small one was the TDA2003 test.If things bounce then there is capturable energy. Everything bounced. I did the swr field strength meter test with the LTPU. It could perform a 6 foot toroidal field at 1 foot to 10 feet while an LED was lit coupling off the verticals at a tuned frequency.

While doing the small TDA2003 test I realized I could replace the audio with oscillatory mechanics by moving a microphone  close to a small DC motor/pager motor. I could easily move the mic or dampen the incoming signal through a potentiometer(snubber). This removes the audio component after I found the reverb and harmonics there. The volume potentiometer(Voltage level control) stays but the frequency potentiometer function is replaced with a square wave pulse width adjustment  It is proportional speed control now. Variable harmonic thumping. THe kill switch stays too.

The verticals are in series with the microphone while the motors are in series with the center TPUs, for now. I have an idea to incorporate another spark gap in series with the motor to increase the stadium/verticals input. The microphone is still located at the motor.This gets housed between the aluminum discs for harmonic compression. The previous audio and TCoil test moved the suspended discs. The discs are getting mounts made so that the magnetic field from the speakers reflects inward.
The current setup is multi-phased and previous tests were all open bench experiments and validation. This next configuration needs a container for the antennas in order to capitalize on the greater feedback loop. Its essentially two magnetic parabolic reflectors facing each other and driven from inside using compressed audio and magnetic fields. The harmonic ringing will bounce inside. Pulse Wave Cymatic Tectonics.

I am currently working the design of the container through the router table workflow.

SMs LTPU had two potentiometers and a switch.

« Last Edit: 2023-04-30, 18:49:28 by Hakasays »

"An overly-skeptical scientist might hastily conclude by scooping-up and analyzing a thousand buckets of seawater that the ocean has no fish in it."

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The operation is obvious in the stun gun circuit. The built up charge is snapped out by the spark gap dumping the coil and that cap in one direction, into of the primary of the output transformer of the charge pump stage. The charge pump is the output stage of an Armstrong oscillator in synch with the series LC of the charge pump stage. That energy ejected from the output stage into space is a ridiculous waste. Harvest it by using it to thump resonance in the TPU tank stage. The verticals are part of the tank circuit. There is where the encompassing field resides that is collapsed by the spark gap. The microphone assists as the incoming trigger. The microphone also puts information in the charge field that promotes other harmonics. The spark gap discharge is a broadband EMP. Every inch of copper will read.


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This picture has a double meaning that I later pointed out publicly.

By building it that way I did was to show the relationship between the vertical microphones and the TPU verticals. Also that the horizontals were analogous to the speaker rims but they also can create or read. The speaker center is the center toroid. Set this up as a parallel pair. Two frequencies or one on dual channels that are out phase. Harmonics that amplify need to be snubbed. This all comes from prior art or previous work of others. These segments are easily attachable as one pleases. The previous information points out stages that work already in the real world.


Hero Member

Posts: 568
GK, I assume 'stun gun modules' refer to these dime-a-dozen HV charge pump circuits that you can find everywhere online, usually for under $5.00/ea:
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09724L5VK (one of the many random sources)

The full teardown and characterization of the modules in the video will help us a lot when making simulations and designing test/tuning protocols.
Usually they are rated up to around 40-70kv intermittent duty, though I've found they energize around 1v with significantly lower output.

As a small note/tip for using gas discharge tube (GDT's) as a 'spark gap' ->  I have found that GDT's tend to ionize somewhere around 2x their rated voltage.  So a 200v GDT will actually trigger somewhere around 400v, and a 1kv GDT will tend to trigger around 2kv, and so on.
Like spark gaps, they tend to be very noisey compared to solid-state snubbers, with irregular trigger voltages and lots of weird harmonics, which in this case may actually be desirable, or even necessary.. ???

"An overly-skeptical scientist might hastily conclude by scooping-up and analyzing a thousand buckets of seawater that the ocean has no fish in it."

Hero Member

Posts: 568
GK, regarding the 'stun gun' circuit:

Are you using direct off-the-shelf or are you modifying/simplifying as-per pics 2 or 3?

"An overly-skeptical scientist might hastily conclude by scooping-up and analyzing a thousand buckets of seawater that the ocean has no fish in it."

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I use CFL ckts, Harbor freight swatter and some I replace the t092 with a to220 trannies, Stun gun weapon ckts. I even built my own with audio transformers. And ignition coils. I have yet to try mwave trans in the mix. Thats a bit too big for the bench. It need a larger setup like Adrian does. I could do this with the router table cuts for framing.I have yet to find a need for that size unless I need plasma arcing. But these little engines do just fine producing low power EMPs. I just need the bandwidth ejections. I am sure that specific ranges would suffice but that would come under tuning for plasma gases which again I dont need.
SM showed loud white sparkage and there are only two circuits that do that, a charge pump with a sparkgap and the Walton-Cockcroft. Both are fed with an Armstrong oscillator.
This reiteration is for the new comers, if there be any.


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 Standing waves show up as cymatic patterns but not as a single plane but 3d areas of compressed, uncompressed - nodes/antinodes energy.Standing waves can be moved harmonically by random or controlled forces.The harmonic movement is every 7th wave in the high seas. The harmonic movement must be dampened in HV power lines and transformers in power distribution networks. The harmonic movement is what turns solid earth into a moving slide.The greats that got shut down knew about harmonically moving the resonant fields. The difference between them and the rest of the world is that they captured the rhythmic action instead of letting it go to self destruction. This self destruction is what has caused all the grief of ignorant fools. They shunt, filter, dampen, and ground out the most explosive power on the planet. The power when not channeled destroys metals and unconstrained items. Think Hendershot, Moray and there are others.What is interesting and mostly missing is that the resonant fields can be kinetically shaken by spark gaps. Don Smith and Steven Mark showed this. I promoted it early on in 2006 due to what I saw from the greats. Telsa mentioned that men would amazed at the power available when the fields reconnect. It is nature's law that it ABHORS a vacuum. Moving a copper wire through the field is a fine example of this as the field reconnects after the wire passes through the 3d area. The wire captures that energy.The excitation can be accomplished by rhythmic or kinetic execution. Its your choice as to how you want to deal with the entropy.
In case this gets deleted from other benches. This the correct approach.


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James Clark-Maxwell predicted the possibility that electromagnetic waves might exist. In theoretical discussions designed to more thoroughly explain his mathematical descriptions, Maxwell asked his readers to consider two different kinds of electrical disturbance possibly existing in Nature. The first consideration dealt with longitudinal electric waves, a phenomenon which required alternating concentrations of electrostatic field lines. This densified and rarefied pulsation of electrostatic fields necessarily demanded a unidirectional field, one whose vector was fixed in a singular direction. The only variable permitted in generating longitudinal waves was the concentration of he field.
 Subsequent propagation along the electrostatic field lines would produce pulsating thrusts on charges, pulsations moving in a Single direction. These “electrical soundwaves” were rejected by Maxwell, who concluded that such a condition was impossible to achieve.
His second consideration dealt with the existence of transverse electromagnetic waves. These required the rapid alternation of electrical fields along a fixed axis. Space spreading electrical lines would supposedly “bend to and fro” under their own momentum, while radiating away at the speed of light from the alternating source. Corresponding forces, exact duplicates of the alternations produced at the source, would be detected at great distances. He encouraged that experimenters seek this waveform, suggesting possible means for achieving the objective. And so the quest to find electromagnetic waves began.



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People are trying get something to vibrate indefinitely while disregarding entropy. Destructive harmonic feedback conquers this. Yet they have not ears to hear.


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Could someone kindly elaborate on this concept?

Destructive Harmonic Feedback

A brief and basic summary of interpretation would be of great value to myself and potentially others,
Some of us have not the experience to grasp the subtleties of what is being said here.

I have much interest in these devices and the variations thereof (and of course, the implications manifest)

Could an analogy be made to what the goal is here?
In practical terms, how might a less knowledgeable researcher wrap their head around the concept of the TPU
Or similar devices? What is fundamentally required? A high frequency and a high voltage seemingly, but how exactly is an influx actively incurred??

Can standard electron model be considered as being flawed when attempting a TPU style build?
By "orthodox" perspective, a ground - electron pump producing more out than in should not be possible (unless collecting microwatts)
I'm not fully convinced either way personally (anything's possible) , but a further simplification yet could surely be helpful for everyone

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I will keep it simple so it awakens you.
Search rogue waves. When the 7th wave eclipses with another 7th wave they tear ships apart.
Remember sitting in the bath tub a experiencing how such a little butt scootch could cause waves over the edge?
Search power distribution harmonic dampening. Its real and has to be the primary consideration in the designs.
Search cymatics and you will see the patterns then view these as 3d. You now have a multiple axial linear accelerator with energy ejections in all directions.
Now think about reflective harmonics which cause resonant rise. If not snubbed it will destroy equipment. Snub it and capture the release. Tesla said so. 'If man would only realize the amount of power in that discharge...' Think belly flop.
Stick a microphone in front of a speaker. The feedback is an autonomous driver. This comment right here is the second one that caused SM to reply to me. The first one was the huge spark of the TPU demo was a stungun. The stun gun incorporates a resonant charge pump. So does a microwave oven, an MRI machine, and Tesla coil.I know there are a lot of people that are struggling with breaking entropy and they dont even know it or refuse to acknowledge it. But it is the brick wall of the designs.
It doesnt take rocket science. Build an oscillator and add larger power handling stages to it. The head connected at the end determines what the device will do.Most know I harp on 100 dead scientists from the 90s and early 2000's. Its real so keep your demos to your self. I got away dissecting the TPU to its fullest because there are no industry killing demos and there should not be. The trolls will get to you and bad things will happen. I have made it this far due to my presentation style and lack of corporate or academic affiliations. The D.O.D. couldnt even catch me and I worked for them. Build stages and connect them. See the results and then disconnect them and move on to the next stage configuration. Piece meal it to stay under the radar. Dont show you friends or family. This caused my 2nd divorce after shutting down the internet of my previous neighborhood and blowing laptops and routers. 'Nice EMP' ya got there I said to myself. It was transmitted through infrastructure ground. I am here and on OU. I even shut down Berlin for 3 days from a test the choked their routers at Overunity.com. I pride myself at being the most dangerous person on the planet because I know what I saw in my tests. One test even scared the shit out of SM. It was the 20 foot loop of expensive stereo drive cable driven by a stungun next to a commercial and military air base.
If you google 'Aaron Salter' you get huge lists of propaganda and racial misdirection.
But if you google 'Aaron Salter water truck' you see behind the curtain. Its real.
I have documented all the stages and the configuration ad infinitum. It is as simple as SM stated. My posts might look like 52 card pickup but really all the stages are advertised. The TPU is a Tesla coil but the whole operation sits inside the coil. If you want something to play with build the LTPU 17". The instructions are in the threads by pictures and operational stage demos. The device is a speaker, amplifier, radio RxTx, harmonic echo generator as a feedback loop.My last config was to place a a pager motor in front of a microphone connected to an amplifier. Wake up. SM had the same thing. Thats why the TPUs vibrate. In his demos he also swipes, places and removes magnets from the devices. These are the operational switches. All of his little labels are gold, pure gold and expose clearly what he did.I just followed along.
And I caused a lot of trouble.
 Step to the edge but do not jump.
If anyone is looking to be spoonfed I just gave you a whole bowl of Maypo. Feast.
I took the final configuration to the next level and disclosed in the scifi novel I wrote and published. Yep, its public domain, scifi and far reaching. Because it was so obvious. A fellow OUer asked me 'Do you really want the idiots to have this?'
Some might take fault with this post. I know what I did and the whole scheme worked otherwise people wouldnt be asking.
The caveat is if you dont understand or want to search to put the pieces back together in the obvious order then the journey is not for you.
I have never got argued with what I post.
I know there is a lot here to dissect but press on. Its worth it. There is no pdf because some fool would run his mouth and bring trouble the likes we dont want to see.
Stay slick.


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Posts: 246
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Thankyou for your fascinating reply.
I will heed your warnings, as they directly coincide with my best informed assumptions.

Given the available information one must conclude that it's all very possible
And there is vested interest to keep these things quiet
Observing this fact should be enough to spur anyone with a spine onto doing something about it
Even if just to further their own personal interests.

How does this relate? A humble joule thief also operates on reactive power iinm?

Would be great to know where we could read your novel!

It seems those of us with an interest / extreme curiosity for this area of research must supply one another with relevant materials.
I have done what I could so far by assembling the "Overunity Smorgasbord" playlist and building various projects here at OUR.

Kudos for the continued "troublemaking"!
We could do with some more of that in EE IMO  O0

PS just noticed M. R. GHALLABs' paper is from Egypt..
Can't help but remember the GPOG resides there..
And all its unexplained technical; seemingly inexplicable geometries and the imposition they proffer to mainstream perspective of HIS-Story
With the work that Ben Van Kerkwyk is doing alongside others, it should be clear that there are secrets abound..
And for many reasons (None in OUR favour, mind)
« Last Edit: 2023-07-26, 14:36:35 by Excelsior »

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To this day no one has mapped the toroidal field being swiped with a cabinet magnet yet clearly SM showed this.

This was the excitation for the feedback loop.


The toroid has its circular inner field morphed by the dipole cabinet magnet.
Any perturbations look like pulses traveling around the toroidal field. Sm used FE wire to create a small saturable inductor.Take note of the balance of volume between the coil's size and the core size. Its not like we have seen before.

A dynamic magnetic field model truly shows the operation of the TPU. Remember SM put a clamp-on Amp meter in the free space in the center of the TPU by the center toroids and showed activity.


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Thankyou for the information  :)
I will deeply consider what has been presented.
« Last Edit: 2023-07-18, 23:17:35 by Excelsior »

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I repeated this here for my own notes.
The Kapanadze is: This is a parallel to Don Smith's circuit. Because Don used open air coils he needed tuning but not a ground connection. Tariel exploits the field storage of the caduceus and the capacitance of the coax to achieve the same thing but he needs ground for an electron source.
The ground mesh of the coax becomes an extremely large EMP transmission to the flame line and the dielectric of the coax becomes a buffer to the kinetic energy thereby holding the charge there instead of completely in a resonant outer field. The coax dielectric area and the caduceus nodes work together at different time frames of the energy entropy.
Filament based resistors always light up in EMP field. Lets see motors.
Twin lead is essentially coax in this usage. The two leads in both are separated by a plastic dielectric.
Just another version of the stun gun charge pump circuit. The driver oscillation can be gotten in a number of ways including pwm.
Armstrong to a Walton-Cockcroft is the cheapest and most passive step up.


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The choice is to determine what purpose is the goal and what head one needs to drive to meet that purpose.
Tesla, Worley, Leedskalnin, TTBrown, Hutchison and many others started with electrostatics. Let the decay start when power is needed at an appropriate point of exit.

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