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Author Topic: The DOVADA transformer  (Read 15299 times)
Group: Guest
EDIT: Post has been renamed to suit the device.
This thread will be a look into mixing some of my dad's work with the TPU,in the hope that we may be able to take the TPU a little further than has been accomplished before.

It is my hope that those who have vast knowledge in the TPU will join in on this experimental thread.
I am going to start of with a simple experiment,that i have tried to interpret from my dad's book. In the book there is a chapter on how two unlike magnetic field's can become one via a third magnetic field being produced around and at right angles to the two unlike fields. This produced field would compress the two unlike field's,and shield any effect they would have on any given device. We may not even arrive at a TPU device setup,we may end up with something different altogether-but as long as it work's.

The picture below is of a toroid i wound today. But this is no ordinary core. The core is ferrite,but it is also a magnet from a large speaker.Looking at the picture,we have one field facing the camera,and one field facing my hand. OD is 5 inches,ID is 3 1/2 inches and it is 3/4 inch thick. I am using 1.2mm speaker wire,and have hooked the two wire's in series-the end of one to the start of the other. This has given me a resistance of half an ohm-very low.But with some quick testing done,the results are far better than any i have seen yet-just on the kickback voltage alone. This will be in my next post,along with the secondary coil sitting on top of one side of the speaker magnet.
« Last Edit: 2013-06-22, 15:46:37 by tinman »
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Below is a scope shot,and a pic of the FG setting's. I am using a 2n3055 transistor to pulse the coil,and being driven by the FG.The P/in is supplied by the benchtop power supply. P/in is 6 volt's at 1mA. Remember that the coil has very few turns and a resistance of .5 ohm's,but look at the flyback voltage on the scope shot. The FG is set to a square wave with a 1% duty cycle,an amplitude of 2 volt'sP/P,and a frequency of 3.326KHz-which seems to be one of the resonant frequency's of the inductor.
Group: Guest
Below is a picture of the secondary coil on top of the toroid. The SG is set to a 1% duty cycle and the amplitude at 3v P/P. P/in is 6 volt's at 2.02mA
Scope shot- Channel A(yellow trace) is across the collector/emitter, Channel B (blue trace) is across the secondary coil. Frequency is set to 100Hz in this test to see if the magnetic field was actually being suppressed when the primary was switched on. The scope seems to clearly indicate that the magnetic field through the secondary coil is being diverted away from the coil upon the transistor switching on,then reforming through the secondary when the transistor switches of-thus giving us an AC voltage across the secondary. I have also noticed that shorting the secondary coil has absolutely no effect on the primary,or the P/in-no lenz force detected. Also i have found that adding a load to the inductive kickback,reduces the P/in,and has no effect on the secondary coil output.
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Below is a couple of scope shot's at different frequency's,where maximum amplitude was gained on the secondary coil. The P/in did not change throughout the frequency range.
This will be the last test using the 2n3055. Next i will be switching to a mosfet,and see how the circuit reacts to the change.

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Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
Good stuff Brad.

It is interesting how you can excite a coil that is 90ยบ from another. I tried something similar before with my coils.

Keep going and let's see where it goes. :)

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Group: Guest
@ Poynt
I believe it is working just as my dad said it would.The coil wound around the speaker magnet is neutralizing the magnetic field from the speaker magnet when the transistor switches on.As the PM field collapses,we get a voltage across the secondary coil in one direction. When the transistor switches off,the PM field shoots through the secondary,and induces a voltage in the opposite direction. So what we are basically doing is switching the PM field on and off with the primary coil. This also means no lenz effect on the primary,as it is between the secondary and the PM field. I also have never seen such a high voltage kickback from a primary with so few turns. Some may say it is because of the high frequency,but the kickback voltage is still way over 120 volts at 10 Hz. This is with a supply voltage of 6 volt's.

The two scope shots below are
1st shot,with the secondary open
2nd shot, with a 22 ohm resistor as a load placed across the secondary(blue trace)
You can see we have 2.56 volts P/P across the 22 ohm resistor. As our supply voltage in this test was 9 volts,and the duty cycle at 3%-if we place that 22 ohm resistor on the input,we know it wont exceed the 9 volt's of the input voltage.I can load the secondary with just over 1/4 of the P/in,and there is no reflection on the P/in itself. You will see that in both scope shots,all the voltages on channel A remain the same,weather the secondary is loaded or open.
Could we finally have a transformer where power drawn from the secondary has no effect on the P/in to the primary?.

A couple of things to concider here.
1-we only have a very small secondary coil(as can be seen in the pic),and we could wind a lot more wire on there yet.
2-we can also place another secondary on the other side of the toroid to double our output of the transformer.

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Posts: 3968

Buy me some coffee
Why would there be constant noise on that second loaded scope shot/blue trace ? any ideas
Group: Guest
Why would there be constant noise on that second loaded scope shot/blue trace ? any ideas
Hi Peter
I only get that when i hook up the resistor?. I think the resistor may be slightly inductive. Also the secondary ring's a lot,as can be seen in other scope shot's. This wouldnt help with a slightly inductive resistor. The noise is very high in frequency,so im realy not sure. I will lower the time and volt devision's,and post another scope shot. Maybe Poynt will have the answer to that one.
Group: Guest
@ Peter
I swapped channels just in case it was the channel itself on the scope-but same thing.Here i have dropped the voltage and time divisions down,so as we can get a good look at it.It is surely there and quite a high frequency i might add-but well within the scope's 100MHz range.So i have no answer for you ,but you can see they are very sharp pulses-which tell me that it's not resistor inductance,as the pulse would be more of a sawtooth shape i would think.You can see the large pulse going through the resistor-this is the primary switching on then off,but as for the rest  ???

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
It's most likely pickup from any or several power sources nearby. Even the switching power supply for your laptop could be producing this, or your CPU.

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3968

Buy me some coffee
Ah power supplies could explain it thanks  O0

Now i come to think about it, sometimes i cannot even use my Owon scope because of it's internal psu noise and have to switch to my laptop DSO which is battery powered, but even then i had to switch the Owon off to stop the noise injection.
Group: Guest
Well after switching every device off one at a time here in the lab,i found the source of the noise in the scope. Seems UPS's arnt so good to have around or near by a scope. Thankfully the scope has a filter which allows you to choose what type of noise to filter out. So no more problem there.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4224

Hi Tinman,

I have red your fathers book (The Living Cosmos The Search For Universal Energy).


And i must say it is a nice read, especially when no previous in depth knowledge about the atomic model and/or quantum physics is present like in my case.
The presented information seems logical and plausible to me.
I think that chapters 22 and 24 hold some important information on which the Dovada device might have been based.

Regards Itsu
Group: Guest
Yes my dad was very good at what he done,and had a mind like no other. As far as the DOVADA device go's-well what to do with that  :-\. Not much good showing something i dont understand,and then to be just hauled over the coal's from those that dont believe it can be done. He knew how it worked,and was in the process of developing the larger unit. But then he became ill,and never recovered.
Group: Guest
There are two terms I'm thinking about:

1)    dQ/dt

2)    d2Q/dt2

We should recognize what those two terms are.  One of them is well known for transformer action.  If there is OU, I expect it to rely on the first term and its associate induction effect... if any.

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