is known for his microscopes, which he claimed could observe live microorganisms with a magnification considered impossible for his time, and for an "oscillating beam ray" invention, which he thought could treat various ailments by "devitalizing disease organisms" using radio waves,... wiki
His Microscope is infinitely more valuable than his outdated 'electric' modulation process.
Rife was studying disease and pathogens and their connection back in WW2 days when Disease was caused by Pathogens and yes, a small life form can be killed by its 'harmonic' Frequency. As the video states, hand held electrodes is NOT what Rife invented, which is a modern 'adaption' of Battery Healing Technology.
Cancer in the 'word' today is nearly entirely a 'fungal' infection caused by the fungi Candida and only survives in the body in an Acid or South Pole Positive body of water. It takes hold because the tissue has been DAMAGED by smoke or other such 'chemicals' or an infection by a bacterial or Microbe infection.
Today we have cancer causing agents in every food thats processed, ALL treated Municipal water and dont get me started on Fluoride.
The Medical 'terrain' has changed since Rifes days of killing disease by removing the pathogens and not the underlying cause of the 'disease.
Rife has no chance of stopping, for example, colon cancer where the Gut Bacteria or Microbes have been Modified by the GMO Glyphosate in your High Tech Farming Foods. No 'frequency' can fix this. Not even Rifes Original machine.
This is a simple overview of how disease and medicine have changed in the For Profit Medical Industry.
And now we have 4 or more Billion who have 'cancer' due to mRNA injections.
The Med Bed known as BEFE/AquaChi/Cube/Q2EnergySpa is the only device designed to Inert these Modern Industrial and Medical perversions to Human Health.
We claim, like others before us, that to clean up the Terrain within the body and strengthen the Immune system with ENERGY (made by scalar energy by the way) has only ever been the right choice.
Here is a vid of the Water Module cleaning up the IMPURITIES within a body of water and nothing else on the planet can do this.
Its just another example of how a Magnetic Field TUNED to the Frequency of Water (which is Life) inerts or Restructures that which is NOT part of the dominant (DNA) frequency of the Body of Water. I can count many testimonials of curing cancer with Med Baths. I would estimate many 1000's of people are now alive because of this Med Bath depriving the Medical Mafia of their much deserved profits.
Rife has been superseded by yours truly and we have made near the entire Pharmaceutical industry obsolete.
The sad part is, the indoctrination of slice and dice, radiate and chemical poison medicine is Strong within humans who almost always reject anything NEW upon first introduction. I dont expect that to change anytime soon now that the 4 billion vaxxed have LESS critical thinking skills than they had before the vaxx. The VAXX is a goldmine for new 'medicines' and treatments for Died Suddenly or nearly so. Joe actually brought this Magnetic Frequency Healing to the World.... You know that guy who spikes water with alcohol to make water burn...... And the Y factor doesnt extend to the Audience.... Sheesh you cant make up this level of stupidity unless its done for Shekelism (capitalism by another name)