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Author Topic: Lester J Hendershot Generator  (Read 189546 times)

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Has anyone read the letter to Hendershot from Geza Korcsmaros, Jr.?

He talks about an "aether vortex"...and "earthquake activity"...
Group: Elite
Hero Member

Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
regardless, 1800 RPM is so clean and even

Was that rounded off or otherwise approximated?  Is this frequency determined by the components selected and tuning?

They probably used a strobe method e.g. neon bulb or flash tube  driven off the power line to determine approximate rpm. Alternately a calibrated relaxation oscillator may have driven the tube, but it would not be exact. 1800 was probably an approximate number and should not be considered a concrete value since LJH said they could be wound to provide any RPM.

I reject notions that substantial power can be derived from the radiated energy of the 50 or 60 Hz. power line at a reasonable distance that would make it useful i.e. able to provide power for a home or automobile, or even my 6 Watt incandescent lamp challenge.

Anyone that can prove contrary, please supply your circuit and operational theory. An extremely hi Q tank circuit tuned to line frequency would still require an antenna in very close proximity.

I would accept the idea that the motor may have synchronized to the ambient 60 Hz, but not that it derived it's power from such.

Perhaps Exn could chime in on this as he is a radio operator and knows what is possible with radiated power at 50 or 60 Hz.

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Someone prove me wrong show me a circuit that can light a 6 Watt incandescent lamp to full brightness at 100 feet from any major power line. Not flea power LED's, let's see some real Joule heating. Not ionized gas in a fluorescent tube.

I agree with you in principal but from a completely different perspective,lol. Take a good hard look at the picture below, look at all those florescent tubes lit by the EM radiation from the power lines, that is real energy it's not imaginary otherwise the bulbs would not be glowing.

Now as you say, how is it nobody is intelligent enough to extract this energy we know is present and light a single 6w bulb? Well it should be obvious that people are not nearly as intelligent as they believe they are. It like saying we should blame the bulbs, the EM energy and the power lines for our own ignorance and I think that is just silly.

Let's be perfectly honest here and just say the words -- I know the energy is there, I know this and I can see this, but I am not intelligent enough to figure out how to extract it. You see that wasn't so hard was it?, the first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one and denial is not a solution to anything.
Again --- We know this energy is present, we can measure it, we can see it, we can feel it but we do not know how to utilize it efficiently due to a lack of understanding. I would suggest people keep repeating this until it makes sense because implying it is not possible is absurd.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Has anyone read the letter to Hendershot from Geza Korcsmaros, Jr.?

He talks about an "aether vortex"...and "earthquake activity"...

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Take a good hard look at the picture below, look at all those florescent tubes lit by the EM radiation from the power lines, that is real energy it's not imaginary otherwise the bulbs would not be glowing.

What might the voltage be on those high tension lines?

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
If a DC HV pulse will put a magnetic field into oscillation, how might this be used to build a generator?

Could it be so simple as wrapping a coil around a magnet and then setting the magnet into oscillation with a pulse? 

I think it would depend on the nature of the oscillation, as I think the oscillation is not like AC but rather oscillating DC, or AC that is biased above the zero line.  Anything resembling an oscillation would be inductive since it is changing.
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
If a DC HV pulse will put a magnetic field into oscillation, how might this be used to build a generator?

I would think a person would start with the most obvious question, what is a magnetic field?. If we do not know what is it then how is a person supposed to understand what might effect it or how it may be set into oscillation. Would you like to know what it actually is in reality?.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Jr. Member

Posts: 69
If a DC HV pulse will put a magnetic field into oscillation, how might this be used to build a generator?

Could it be so simple as wrapping a coil around a magnet and then setting the magnet into oscillation with a pulse? 

You always coming with this idea of yours, DC HV pulse to a coil, and feeling the oscillation with a magnet in your hand.You imply  this simple experiment should be a proof of overunity!

Could you please tell us more about what you think is happening there, or what condition we need, to see that anomalous oscillation?

Anyway, you can't extract energy from a moving or oscillating magnetic field! You always extract energy from the cause of the movement or the oscillation. When a permanent magnet accelerate an iron piece towards itself, it's not the magnetic field which doing the work, but the electric field!  Basically it's free, atomic energy, which caused the iron piece (mass) to accelerate. If you don't plan to take them apart ever again, you can say you harnessed a free energy source, and forced it to doing work for you.  :D

"A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Group: Elite
Hero Member

Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
From AC:

I agree with you in principal but from a completely different perspective,lol. Take a good hard look at the picture below, look at all those florescent tubes lit by the EM radiation from the power lines, that is real energy it's not imaginary otherwise the bulbs would not be glowing.

Actually those bulbs are barely lit on a dark night. Yes there is an electrostatic field under high tension wires that can cause fluorescent lamps to barely light. Can you collect this and do something with it? Perhaps the answer is yes, but it would not be worth the return on investment.

That photo is representative of an old argument which is not very well thought out. Believe what you will, I'm not gonna dance.

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
You always coming with this idea of yours, DC HV pulse to a coil, and feeling the oscillation with a magnet in your hand.You imply  this simple experiment should be a proof of overunity!

Could you please tell us more about what you think is happening there, or what condition we need, to see that anomalous oscillation?

Anyway, you can't extract energy from a moving or oscillating magnetic field! You always extract energy from the cause of the movement or the oscillation. When a permanent magnet accelerate an iron piece towards itself, it's not the magnetic field which doing the work, but the electric field!  Basically it's free, atomic energy, which caused the iron piece (mass) to accelerate. If you don't plan to take them apart ever again, you can say you harnessed a free energy source, and forced it to doing work for you.  :D

You and I agreed not to respond to post made by the other.  I have honored this agree since the time you requested it.

Anyway, you missed my point since you let emotion translate my words.

In the letter to Hendershot from Geza, he states two profound things:
"From all out work up to the present we have arrived at the following facts:
1. the magnetic field possesses a resonant frequency
2. the field can be put in a state of resonance by utilizing pulsed direct current"

Group: Guest
I'll dance because I done the fluorescent tube and LED thing. Both will light easily in a strong electric field and both will be dim. Both will light even more easily when subjected to higher frequencies. An incandescent bulb will not light in either case unless connect by at least one wire and a fair amount of capacitance on the other side to complete the circuit.

No way in HE-double-toothpicks will a 6 Watt incandescent light to any reasonable brilliance, if at all, in the first situation. The second would require a well completed circuit (capacitive or otherwise) and only connections located at the proper points (nodes - anti-nodes).

I have used a 100Watt incandescent bulb to work on my transmission lines and antennas.

All of it is explainable and conventional. There is no way to pull a reasonable amount of energy from power lines without climbing the pole and risking your life.

Hero Member

Posts: 2735

In the letter to Hendershot from Geza, he states two profound things:
"From all out work up to the present we have arrived at the following facts:
1. the magnetic field possesses a resonant frequency
2. the field can be put in a state of resonance by utilizing pulsed direct current"

Now that is a really interesting letter ;)


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Geza and his group have their own device that is very different from Hendrshots, but he does not disclose any details of it.  They appear sincere, and secretive.

From the way the two facts are stated, it sounds like a magnetic field can be put into a state of oscillation with a DC pulse, not that it is normally oscillating at some frequency.

These facts may very well be the fundamental facts required to solve our goal.

So, what can we do with these facts?:

1. the magnetic field possesses a resonant frequency
2. the field can be put in a state of resonance by utilizing pulsed direct current


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quote from: DC
...anyone, what do you think of the plasma experiment
on TinselKoala's YT channel apprently showing that the
magnetic field is rotating naturally ?

Charged particles in motion do create their own magnetic
field which interacts with any static magnetic field nearby.

Does TK's demonstration actually show that a permanent
magnetic field rotates or does it show how charged particles
tend to move in circular patterns within a magnetic field
when they intersect that field?

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Elite
Hero Member

Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down

For what it is worth I did read the letter by Geza a while back and also noticed the points you mention.

My guess is the resonant frequency is some function of coupling with the earth magnetic field. Due to the very large area covered by the earth field, it may have a time constant or reactive component that can be coupled to to produce resonance.

If using a long open ended coil, it may be possible if the pulse is clamped to prevent reversal or rides on top of a DC component.

I prefer the latter as it is in line with Spherics suggestions.

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Does TK's demonstration actually show that a permanent
magnetic field rotates or does it show how charged particles
tend to move in circular patterns within a magnetic field
when they intersect that field?

This is why it is so important to consider what it is we are actually seeing or measuring in reality. The plasma in the video is constantly dissipating thus there must be a constant current flow to maintain it. If this was not the case then we could simply establish a plasma field and no additional energy would be required after establishing the field. In the video I imagine he is using a DC source and following the right hand rule the plasma should rotate in proportion to the current flow or rate of dissipation which in this case are equal.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest
I thought that but the former seems intuitively more likely, why would the particles 'decide' to move in a spiral path, surely it's more likely they are following a path laid out before them.


Try http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorentz_force

Look at the graphic to the right of "Trajectories of particles due to the Lorentz force"

Even though the analogy is rather loose...... Look into "Gyroscopic Drift" under the subject of ballistics.

Basically, there is no spin or rotation of the magnetic field but spin is an intrinsic part of a charged particle (I don't like the word 'particle' except to define a point in spacetime. It isn't a little spinning sphere of dung or some other material.) and there is momentum in static fields (that should start an argument  ;) ).

The analogy is a spinning projectile moving through a static air mass is like a particle with spin moving through a point where the magnetic flux density is static (and the correct orientation to the path of the moving charged particle.

Gyroscopic drift happens even when the air isn't moving  :)

Where the analogy really breaks down is the bullet sees air resistance and gravity -- and there is 'work' done by each on the other. There is no such resistance or work being done between the moving charged particle and the static magnetic field.
Hero Member

Posts: 805
I think it is wrong to say a static magnetic field has a RESONANT frequency,  because it has many resonant frequencies, or can excite many resonant frequencies.

Take for example a proton precession magnetometer.  After the spins are polarized by the coil, the current is stoped and the proton spins begin to precess around the external magnetic field vector, and the resonant frequency of precession depends on the strength of this field, but the static field is not in resonance.    

Ferromagnetic materials owe their properties to the electron spins not protons, and the resonant frequency is much higher.  I think it is 29 GHz or so at a field strength of 1 T.   So in the earth natural magnetic field of about 50 e-6 T,  this resonant frequency is about:  1.45 MHz   (in comparison, proton in earths field is resonant at about 2130 Hz)

But let's get back to Hendershot,  I don't read that he generated a lot of power from his motors, because spinning at constant RPM is really very little power dissipation, just a bit due to friction.

I find it very currious that the secret was premagnetizing the core, or causing a magnetic bias.   This is similar to the TPU, a magnetic bias to the iron wire, or ferrite or torroids, etc..

Hero Member

Posts: 805
Looks like Hubbard's coil falls in the same category

The boat traveled at a speed of between eight and ten knots--silently, except for the whirring of a chain belt which connected the motor with the propeller shaft.  When the chain belt was removed, the motor ran free at a speed estimated at 3,500 revolutions [the rest of this line is unreadable]

3500 RPM is very close to the synchronous speed of 3600 RPM which most AC motors are designed for.   (2 poles 60 hz)


PS,  I think that premagnetizing a core of a coil or biasing it magneticaly, eliminates the losses from magnetic domain flipping due to an AC magnetic field (hysterisis loses), so perhaps building a coil that has a magnetic core of high permiability induces enough signal that can be useful, especially if a high Q tank circuit is utilized, or regenerative feedback is employed.

Please don't get hysterical on me!   LOL   :D

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
What if an electric circuit is just an aether pump.  I.e. it just circulates the aether (virtual particles?).

Rick Anderson wrote a very intersting article back in 1997 - well worth posting:

Notice the coil on the plant picture - two coils separated

read the description of the circuit and what it does:

The output of this voltage amplifier is then power amplified and made to drive a solenoidal- or Helmholtz-type coil arrangement which is oriented axially, i.e., at right-angles to the radial electric field, generated by the subject with respect to the grounded Faraday cage which surrounds the subject. Thus, every variation in the subject's natural radial electric field is highly amplified, then "re-broadcast" back into the subject as a correspondingly-modulated magnetic field, at right angles to the original electric field. Of course, a varying magnetic field gives rise to an induced varying electrical field and current in a conductor (the subject)-- and so a "regenerative" effect occurs just as in the old radio sets of the 1930's: A weak signal is picked up, amplified, and fed back to the input, in phase with the input, to give what is known as regeneration or positive feedback. The overall effect will be to "boost" or regenerate the body's own natural electric fields and modulations, presumably strengthening and organizing these fields, which is believed by some to be the key to "rejuvenating"
body processes.

there's more:

In actual use, of course, the magnitude of the subject's electric "aura" field will be small, it will be modulated by many frequencies across the spectrum, it will be mixed with amplifier noise, and it may even exhibit momentary reversals of polarity. In spite of all these variables, the small Lorentz "force field" will continue to circle the subject in one direction only-- because any polarity reversal in the electric field causes a corresponding reversal in the amplified/injected magnetic field, and reversing the sign of both fields produces the same direction in the third vector as was the case before they were reversed. Only when one of the fields is reversed, can the Poynting vector "point" the other way. But since the magnetic field is an amplified version of the electric field, they must always reverse simultaneously, if at all. Thus, like pumping a child's toy top, any "wiggle" in the fields gives the Poynting vector a "push" in the same direction. A small-scale, personal "whirlwind".

In the proper rotational direction and strength, the Lorentz "regeneration" field should have the overall effect of "recharging", reinforcing, or realigning the force fields of the body in a way that may be related to the effects that are reported to occur when certain Yoga-like "spinning to the right" exercises are performed over a period of time.

Group: Guest
...Take a good hard look at the picture below, look at all those florescent tubes lit by the EM radiation from the power lines, that is real energy

- A power line doesn't radiate. You are confusing quasi-static fields and waves.
- What is real is the power plant that makes current from generators thanks to mechanical forces, and the tranfert of a part of their energy in the lamps by induction.

Well it should be obvious that people are not nearly as intelligent as they believe they are.


I know the energy is there, I know this and I can see this

Group: Guest

Possibly  :)
AC Reply #84 on: 2013-01-14, 20:01:43

How to search with Google:
Put the text with quotes in Google, add " site:overunityresearch.com" and you win!

Group: Elite
Hero Member

Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
We should consider the magnetic avalanche effect. If this propagates at meters/second, might it obey the rules for transmission lines i.e reflect off the open end of a core or circulate in a poleless (ring) core if reset to the opposite polarity.

Since hard drives seem to have the problem we might experiment with the thin magnetic film platter from a removed hard disc. Winding a few turns through the center and pulsing with DSRD circuits, we might be able to measure the speed of propagation to a coil wound on the  opposite side.

We could also test with iron wire of a sufficient length e.g. try to determine propagation speed in a linear one meter length with driving and pickup coils at either end.

An interesting test for the new year.

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
Group: Guest
Don't know how i missed that ! I'm obviously not as observant as i thought i was ;+}


No problem, DC !

Hero Member

Posts: 2735
- A power line doesn't radiate. You are confusing quasi-static fields and waves.
- What is real is the power plant that makes current from generators thanks to mechanical forces, and the tranfert of a part of their energy in the lamps by induction.

You may have noticed I did not use the term power I used the term ENERGY, and yes ENERGY does radiate from the source and it is fairly well understood why this happens. Are you disputing the fact that ENERGY is radiated by the power lines which lights the florescent tubes?, because your post is incoherent and overgeneralized.

AC Reply #84 on: 2013-01-14, 20:01:43
How to search with Google:
Put the text with quotes in Google, add " site:overunityresearch.com" and you win!
Well it should be obvious that people are not nearly as intelligent as they believe they are.

Exn we don't need to play these silly games of semantics do we?, as well you have made the false assumption that I do not apply this thought to myself. Unlike yourself I will be the first to admit I am not nearly as smart as I may think I am which is part of the reason I made the statement. Also unlike yourself I automatically assume I may be incorrect in some way, I may not state this outright but as a rational person I automatically assume I could be incorrect.

Do you have an intelligent point to make or can we expect more of the same nonsense?.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
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