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Author Topic: UFO propulsion circuits as such, regardless of how far out they may seem...  (Read 21201 times)
Group: Guest
This idea was brought over from giantkiller's "Space: The Final Frontier" Bench thread, my posted Reply #136.

I said I had a cross-section drawing of a basic design, and it's at the botton of the page as an attachment.

Time's about up on this computer, so I'll get back when I can.   This thread will not "stick" to the top of the page and I won't lock it, either.   Post something or look, as you like.

Here's the original thread that I had posts on:
        (Page 6, Replies #'s 130 & 136)


« Last Edit: 2012-01-09, 20:36:39 by the_big_m_in_ok »

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1591
Frequency equals matter...

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Can you say Townson Brown?
He did it.

Where to next?
« Last Edit: 2012-01-09, 03:02:42 by giantkiller »

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Posts: 2735
I have often thought that we have approached this problem from completely the wrong perspective. Normally we whirl blades around which beat at the air or build devices belching flames from the rear which we call reactive mass. That is we are always losing something in order to move forward which seems like a primitive way of doing things. As well many experts like to use an interesting analogy in regards to the more exotic theories on mass-less propulsion, that is it is not unlike trying to lift oneself up by pulling on our bootstraps.
Which raises the question, why would we pull on our bootstraps when we should be pulling on a region on space, Ah but space is supposedly empty and we cannot pull on something which is supposedly not there or is it?.
Now imagine we are standing in place and we reach our hand up and grab onto "space" then climb this region of space not unlike one would climb a ladder, how could this be possible?. First we know that space is not empty and it must be full of energy because energy is continually in transition from one place to another therefore our goal was never to grab hold of an imaginary space which is supposedly empty but a volume of energy inherent in every given space. Which leads to yet another question, what is the nature of this energy we know must occupy any given volume of space? what is energy?, what is volume?, what is space?.
I believe part of the answer may relate to what Tesla referred to as "rigidifying space", that is to project energy through a distance of space to modify the properties of another region of space not unlike a laser beam which hits an imaginary balloon a few meters away causing it to expand and this expansion causes an increase in the electrostatic forces of attraction between the balloon and the laser. Now if what we call energy in a volume of space were like tiny balloons expanding and contracting in a wave like fashion then we could modify a portion of a wave in front of our craft and have an effect not unlike a donkey chasing a carrot which is attached to a stick which is attached to the donkey,lol.
I believe these thought experiments are interesting and highlights the fact that we have very little understanding in regards to supposedly empty space and what energy is fundamentally.
I think it's kind of comical, supposedly mass-less propulsion is impossible because we do not understand it and the fact we do not understand it is the reason it is impossible which is not unlike our little donkey chasing a carrot tied to his tail.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest
Can you say Townson Brown?
He did it.
You probably meant this:

I'd say he needed more voltage; modern, 21st Century materials, and a different approach.   I gave you a cross-sectional view of a ship that uses the ionosphere to attract itself to---and repel the Earth---at the same time.   Nothing to do with ions, for example.
Where to next?
I was just only getting started, time permitting.   BTW, I like your uploaded cross-section ship view.   I have a wiring diagram somewhere of a similar arrangement.   Damn it!!   This library computer has a defective USB port.   Nothing here works as it should!
        But, there're other schematics I have as well.   I'll have to do this later.

In the meantime, merely using ions in a more efficient way can still get you places.   This patent uses the power generated by a fuel cell electromagnetically to accelerate ions and/or(?) hydrogen protons, depending on the size of the cell.   Exhaust velocity depends on electrode spaceing (farther apart for more velocity) and higher voltage.   Proportionally.
Here it is:
        (Beware:  34pp and ~2.6 MB)

With a big enough ship, one can get to Mars in a couple of days of nearly nonstop acceleration.


Later reedit, 11 Jan 12:  Punctuation clarification.
« Last Edit: 2012-01-11, 18:56:30 by the_big_m_in_ok »
Hero Member

Posts: 805
There has been a new breed of UFO's lately.    

Unmanned Flying Objects

 ;D  :D  8)

Iran has recently captured a Lockheed Martin drone, named RQ-170.   Initially, I did not want to believe they "hacked" it, but after reading the report by the Iranian engineer,  I realized how clever they were.  Spoofing GPS is a very serious flaw to the GPS systems because the signals from the satelites are well below noise levels, and anybody can amplify the signals and transmit a more powerful signal to the drone that is delayed appropriately to deceive the drone or any GPS receiver for that matter.   Next time you fly,  make sure your pilot is AWAKE and not relying on GPS navigation.    Some evil mind can spoof your plane right into the face of a mountain,  or  tall building for that matter!    :o      Can we say 9/11     LOL   ;D     oops,  wrong topic!

« Last Edit: 2012-01-10, 03:13:42 by EMdevices »
Group: Guest
In the meantime, merely using ions in a more efficient way can still get you places.   This patent uses the power generated by a fuel cell electromagnetically to accelerate ions and/or(?) hydrogen protons, depending on the size of the cell.   Exhaust velocity depends on electrode spaceing (farther apart for more velocity) and higher voltage.   Proportionally.
Here it is:
        (Beware:  34pp and ~2.6 MB
Here's a better reference:
#5,211,006   "Magnetohydrodymanic Propulsion System"

Here's a related patent describing only the accelerator ring and thrust-producing means for the flying saucer above:
#5,291,734   "Primary Force Ring for the Magnetohydrodynamic Propulsion System"
65pp total in the patent.

Here's another; ion-based as well:

#3,774,865   "Flying Saucer"

There are a fair number of these patents to choose from on the Patent Office database.
Another post below is devoted entirely to patents in this field of endeavor.


Reedit, 21 Feb 12:  Added reference to subsequent post for patents below.
« Last Edit: 2012-02-21, 22:42:29 by the_big_m_in_ok »
Group: Guest
...there're other schematics I have as well.   I'll have to do this later.
More frustration!!!!!!!!   I'm noticing more and more that this thumb drive, being older, isn't being recognized by newer Windows systems.   Some older computers are okay, though.   I'm stuck until I can figure out a better way.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1591
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
I have had similar problems. Get a 2 gb Sdard and USB reader. The 2gb should work. SD cards are more generic.

Group: Guest
I have had similar problems. Get a 2 gb Sdard and USB reader. The 2gb should work. SD cards are more generic.
I was given a free 2 GB generic thumb drive from the V.A. Admin.   It's got all my backups on it, but it occurs to me to make additional backups of my most important files on another drive.   I merely need the money.

You're probably right about the drive you mentioned.   When I get paid, I'll get a 2 or 4 GB SanDisk at Walgreen's.   It'll be new and should run better than the one I have now.

Just FYI, I'm starting to look at Shinichi SEIKE's G-Strain Amplifier as a power source for a saucer ship.   I'm going to have to look at it carefully.

Later reedit,
, 11 Jan 12:  Spelling correction.

« Last Edit: 2012-01-11, 18:46:09 by the_big_m_in_ok »
Group: Guest
...But, there're other schematics I have as well.   I'll have to do this later.
Finally.   This computer runs like it should.

These three .PDF's are part of an integrated whole power generating system.   It isn't designed to levitate anything, but it will power a system like U.S. Patent #5,211,066.   Thusly:
      ( http://www.pat2pdf.org and also  http://www.google.com/advanced_patent_search) has the means to look at this patent and download a copy, if you like.   Lots of similar patents as well.
For more esoteric concepts, say, involving something like differential equations dealing with unusual types of energy in a transfer of power or energy transformation, thereof, then a lot more thought and probably more education in the math would be needed by me.

I still have a couple more schematics to upload later when I have more time.   The basic principle is a center-mounted vertical coil that can transmit or receive---or both(?)---power from surrounding coils.


Reedit, 11 Jan 12:  Punctuation addition.
Reedit, 17 Jan 12:  Additional info entered on patents.
« Last Edit: 2012-01-17, 17:30:50 by the_big_m_in_ok »
Group: Guest
Here's a better reference:
#5,211,006   "Magnetohydrodymanic Propulsion System"

Here's a related patent describing only the accelerator ring and thrust-producing means for the flying saucer above:
#5,291,734   "Primary Force Ring for the Magnetohydrodynamic Propulsion System"
65pp total in the patent.
       (This article can follow the line of manufacturing process to supply H2 and/or O2 to the fuel cell(s) in question above.)

Take a look at the patent at the bottom of the page.   The (in)famous WWII U.S.S. Eldridge  was rumored to have on board, in reality, a Mobius coil to affect "radar invisibility" for the ship.   Just a rumor though.   The question I have is:  Would a Mobius coil confer levitation or other attributes to a UFO, flying saucer?   What do you think?

Group: Guest
But, there're other schematics I have as well.   I'll have to do this later.
So, here's a later addition to the archive(bottom of pg):

This uses a central power coil in the same way as a Tesla coil, and smaller power takeoff coils can be added as needed.

Group: Guest
I still have a couple more schematics to upload later when I have more time.   The basic principle is a center-mounted vertical coil that can transmit or receive---or both(?)---power from surrounding coils.

From,"Flying Saucers" in Misc. Discussions,
Lee said:
I have 3 new drawings to upload later to OUR.com's server involving an integrated power for electrical generation, water fuel (H2O2) generation, and fuel cell propulsion engines.   I need to go to the library for that.

Bottom of page,
(I'm still missing the top of the page.)   Will do later.


Reedit, 25 Jan 12:   Added the top drawing to attachment list (Pt1D)
« Last Edit: 2012-01-25, 17:15:27 by the_big_m_in_ok »
Group: Guest
In regard to the same subject of this thread, this post will concern American Patents involving UFO/Flying Saucer propulsion electronic/electrical circuit exclusively.
This is another archive post in an archive thread for all to see.   The whole thread will remain as is now, in terms of accessability.

To begin and continue, with a breakdown of pertinent subject headings:
#6,404,089   "Electrodynamic Field Generator"   http://www.google.com/patents?id=0jILAAAAEBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=patent:6404089&hl=en&sa=X&ei=xusiT4zONsHUiALbzoH0Bw&ved=0CDQQ6AEwAA

#4,663,962   "Dipolar Force Field Propulsion System"    http://www.google.com/patents?id=Z2k8AAAAEBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=patent:4663932&hl=en&sa=X&ei=EVIwT7yvGoWhiQLg36WMAw&ved=0CDQQ6AEwAA
40pp.   Fairly long patent.

#4,023,751   "Flying Ship"   http://www.google.com/patents?id=6687AAAAEBAJ&printsec=abstract&zoom=4#v=onepage&q&f=false

#3,774,865  "Flying Saucer"  http://www.google.com/patents?id=9uM5AAAAEBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=patent:3774865&hl=en&sa=X&ei=T-oiT5WcMajjiAKjurzKBw&ved=0CDQQ6AEwAA

#3,464,207   "Quasi-Corona-Aerodynamic Vehicle"   http://www.google.com/patents?id=8vxvAAAAEBAJ&pg=PA1&dq=patent:6404089&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=2#v=onepage&q&f=false

#3,177,654   "Electric Aerospace Propulsion System"   http://www.google.com/patents?id=KgxiAAAAEBAJ&pg=PA5&dq=ion+plasma+disc+craft&hl=en&sa=X&ei=5fEmT-HGMMqiiQKv0MWBCA&ved=0CDcQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=ion%20plasma%20disc%20craft&f=false

#3,159,967   "Variable Thrust Ion Engine Utilizing Thermally Decomposable Solid Fuel"   http://www.google.com/patents?id=sM1RAAAAEBAJ&pg=PA1&dq=patent:3138919&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=2#v=onepage&q&f=false
Uses CsH2 in thermal decomposition as fuel.   The Cs vapor & H2 gas can be also be subjected to a plasma torch and then have the exhaust products accelerated by a high voltage DC inductor coil.

#3,138,919   "Electrodynamic System"   http://www.google.com/patents?id=0I1qAAAAEBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=patent:3138919&hl=en&sa=X&ei=IyUwT7qQJKmGiQKgg5C0Cg&ved=0CDQQ6AEwAA
Unusual design:  An electromagnetic rocket powered by ordinary fuel.

#3,071,705   "Electrostatic Propulsion Means"   http://www.google.com/patents?id=BsRHAAAAEBAJ&pg=PA1&dq=patent:6404089&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=2#v=onepage&q&f=false

#2,949,550   "Electrokinetic Apparatus"   http://www.google.com/patents?id=YBldAAAAEBAJ&pg=PA1&dq=patent:6404089&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=2#v=onepage&q&f=false

#8,004,250   "Pyramid Electric Generator"   http://www.google.com/patents?id=yBfsAQAAEBAJ&printsec=abstract&zoom=4#v=onepage&q&f=false
Note:   This is a little different;  Pyramid power generator.

#7,825,543  "Wireless Energy Transfer"   http://www.google.com/patents?id=AYbYAAAAEBAJ&pg=PA5&dq=2813242&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=4#v=onepage&q&f=false
Note:  My question is,
"Does this compare favorably in Fig. 14 of the patent with Tesla's energy transmission systems?"   This one is in space, though.

#2,813,242   "Powering Electrical Devices with Energy Extracted from the Atmosphere"   http://www.google.com/patents?id=CcdUAAAAEBAJ&pg=PA1&dq=8004250&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=2#v=onepage&q&f=false
Crump's well-known atmospheric power extraction patent.

#3,999,072   "Beam-Plasma Type Ion Source"   http://www.google.com/patents?id=W109AAAAEBAJ&printsec=abstract&zoom=4#v=onepage&q&f=false

#3,984,370   ""Method and Apparatus for Neutralizing Potentials Induced on Spacecraft Surfaces"   http://www.google.com/patents/US3984730?dq=patent:6404089&ei=xusiT4zONsHUiALbzoH0Bw

#3,243,713   "Frequency Generator"   http://www.google.com/patents?id=GABdAAAAEBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=patent:3243713&hl=en&sa=X&ei=ECMwT7yZOabkiAKn75DlCg&ved=0CDQQ6AEwAA


Reedit, 8 Feb 12:   Added subject headings and additional explanatory material.
« Last Edit: 2012-02-09, 20:56:01 by the_big_m_in_ok »
Group: Guest
...You're probably right about the drive you mentioned.   When I get paid, I'll get a 2 or 4 GB SanDisk at Walgreen's.   It'll be new and should run better than the one I have now. ...
Okay, I have an answer:   My new thumb drve has 8 Gigs of memory and is from Lexar.   I only paid $8.99 plus tax, but that was also on sale for having a poor color choice for some men.   Light pink.    C.C

On the bright side, it works fine, so the problem was actually that older thumb drives are now incompatable with current software.   Back up ypur work to new hardware occasionally, or make hard copies.    ;)

Group: Guest
This idea was brought over from giantkiller's "Space: The Final Frontier" Bench thread, my posted Reply #136.

I said I had a cross-section drawing of a basic design, and it's at the botton of the page as an attachment.

Time's about up on this computer, so I'll get back when I can.   This thread will not "stick" to the top of the page and I won't lock it, either.   Post something or look, as you like.

Here's the original thread that I had posts on:
        (Page 6, Replies #'s 130 & 136)
Here's part of a more detailed design.   Keep in mind that the drawing shows redundancy so as to remain reliable in the event of partial system damage.
       Bottom of page.

Will return later with the "tower" portion and also having more time to upload.
       I did return.   What I have below is the disc part of the ship.   The 'tower' part is a telescoping 2-wire bifilar antenna that's designed to transmit power to the disc(s) from the batteries, or if they're low on charge, receive power from the space environment to recharge the batteries.  The batteries are connected to this, the electrolysis cells, the fuel cell thrusters and the toroidal acceleration coils that ring the inside of the disc's edge.

Will finish the tower part of the drawing later.

« Last Edit: 2012-02-15, 17:02:10 by the_big_m_in_ok »
Group: Guest
Group: Guest
In regard to the initial post of this thread:
       The science fiction author, Robert Heinlein, featured in his novel, Starman Jones, a propulsion system similar to the following:

#5,211,006   "Magnetohydrodymanic Propulsion System"

#5,291,734   "Primary Force Ring for the Magnetohydrodynamic Propulsion System"

That's the main reason I went looking for a patent like these above in the USPTO database.   The technology of this patent is doable now.   Heinlein's colony ship used ordinary matter (i.e., "a pound of feathers") and turned that into a jet of X-rays or gamma rays oriented downward through the center axis of the ship to produce thrust.  
       Really, now?
Who can direct electromagnetic radiation that penetrates anything except possibly osmium or iridium?   How to annihilate matter completely to radiant energy?   Especially the first question.

Otherwise, I was musing and kicking the same idea of a colony ship with a big propulsion system just like Heinlein's ship in his novel.   His ship understandably took off from offshore in the ocean, but if so, the primary radiation, as well as the secondary radioactive isotope-generated compounds and would kill a helluva lot of sea life.   I'd leave Earth orbit from, say, a LaGrange point.

Hero Member

Posts: 805
There are a number of interesting electromagnetic propulsion patents out there, thanks for collecting some of them here. 
Group: Guest
There are a number of interesting electromagnetic propulsion patents out there, thanks for collecting some of them here. 
       Sure, glad to help.   I'll be around more often in the near future.

Group: Guest
      Sure, glad to help.   I'll be around more often in the near future.
      So, here I am.
I decided to upload this while I had the computer in front of me:


Some of this information I've seen in the past.   A German or Turk may have originated the text.   AND, unfortunately, it's in fluent German.

« Last Edit: 2013-08-20, 03:52:58 by the_big_m_in_ok »
Group: Guest
William R. Lyne posits that UFO's are not alien but earthly craft related to the WW II Foo Fighters and they were and are developed from Tesla's work.

The table of contents is here: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/pentagonaliens/pentagonaliens.htm#CONTENTS

How to build a flying saucer is here: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/pentagonaliens/pentagonaliens05.htm#CHAPTER V: HOW TO BUILD A FLYING SAUCER

Lots of MIB/Illuminti/Nazi/conspiracy/suppression stuff thrown in. Actually he makes a fairly good case because much of what he says is public record.

It's just not my cup of tea. I'm only looking for fuelless power generation sufficient to power a home. Say 20kW.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1591
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
I read the book. Outer space sounds too far away for our limited means. And what about navigation? Read 'Decoding the messages of the Pulsars by Laviolette. The known universe can fit on your smart phone. There 15,000 individual pulsars. Thats right, all different signal protocols. That means the xyz cartesions can be used to triangulate. 45,000 data items are only 45k storage. Create a signature catalogue of timed samples then you have an index to the repository of three locations at any time to find out where you are. You cannot get lost.

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