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2024-10-23, 17:43:59
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Author Topic: UFO sightings and study disclosed by the gov't ...  (Read 12917 times)

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1591
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
Notice these toroidal generation @ 1:02 - 1:05

Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4042
Yesterday over state capital (Hartford Connecticut )
About 9 AM

Noticed while driving, was much clearer one minute prior to me fumbling for phone to take pic
Looked like clear hieroglyphics  on leading edge of huge object

Disappeared remarkably quick

Much fuzzier by the time I photographed ( photos taken while driving)
Sr. Member

Posts: 345
Interesting pics Chet!   I used to study clouds and micrometeorology for flying conditions.  That seems very unusual unless it was a chemtrail that was getting turned on and off quickly.  To clarify did you see a large object before the pictures? 
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4042
At first it was magnitudes crisper,
Actually like weird letters in motion from center of each outward ( rolling or “growing”?)
Otherworldly letters and experience…

 And once noticed it was gone in 30 seconds !( constantly deteriorating from original view

I would say I got it Ten seconds before it was mostly fuzz
You can still see in center left a sideways V (<?)
And other characters were much weirder /unusual

It gave illusion of being leading edge of something very big  … and then it was gone quickly into fuzzy fingers

Got me looking skyward a bit more now …
Have more pics on phone I will look through
On big screen next day or so
No other contrails or similar in view
Just a weird sky
Yeah weird
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Notice these toroidal generation @ 1:02 - 1:05

This is a cool video showing a rocket launch some thought was a UFO.
However with respect to a real UFO there are a few red flags as the author notes.

1)Any vapor trail, jet plume/rocket exhaust generating light or noise is a clear sign the object is man made. The UFO I saw made no noise and generated no exhaust of any kind.

2)Another red flag is a slow or constant speed. The UFO I saw could levitate in place then accelerated at near 100G to an estimated 60,000 mph in 1/2 second. For example, the 2 or 3 stage rocket in the video might travel across the horizon in 5 minutes where a real UFO like I saw can do it in under a 1/2 second.

3)Another tell tale sign a UFO is real is advanced control and acceleration. The UFO I saw started accelerating like a bat out of hell on a horizontal plane, made a perfect sweeping 90 turn to vertical and went into orbit in under a second. It made a conventional rocket look pathetic by comparison and it could literally run circles around any of our rockets or aircraft.

So when a person does see something strange it's important to note any details outside of the norm relating to physics. Does the craft accelerate or move much faster than normal, does it make sound or produce a vapor trail.

For example, a year later I saw another UFO type craft at night. It had no conventional aircraft marker lights like red/green wing lights and a strobe. The large craft had three dull red lights forming a triangle. However I knew it wasn't a real UFO because it made noise and moved very slowly across the horizon like a jet. I suspect it was a military aircraft of some sort.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Sr. Member

Posts: 329
Be the change you wish to see in the world
Certainly sounds like a UFO to me!

You know - unidentified and all  ;D :-X

I am glad to see these matters taken more seriously these days

I don't like - however - how willing mainstream media is to cover all of this suddenly..

It's as if they have a vested interest or something, you know

Never a good sign

I place my wager that Lazar, like Don Smith, was truthful at least in part
And these technologies have been understood and used for a long time
It only takes rational analysis of the topic and witnessing material from both sides in an unbiased way

The "real" ET craft are what fascinates me ..
I have little doubt that it's just ultra billionaires, laughing at us from up high, invisible (mostly)

I'd like to know how much of what Greer has been saying is truth ..
If you believe his followers - he is the Messiah
If you have any sense you'll know it's probably not that simple.

Those press conferences are pretty undeniable though TBH

Greer is a fascinating dude regardless of authenticity IMO
And a good place to start listening for any "newcomer" to the topic
Most people I have met have seen something they could not explain
Our view of this world is pretty narrow, all things considered
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
I am glad to see these matters taken more seriously these days
I don't like - however - how willing mainstream media is to cover all of this suddenly..
It's as if they have a vested interest or something, you know
Never a good sign

All modern media is not specifically designed to inform but more so to turn a profit. Mainstream or not has little to do with it. "Fox News" recently declared in court there not a real news agency only an entertainment company. They claimed nobody should believe all the nonsense they peddle. Basically, the majority of media is designed to addict the user so they can sell advertising and turn a profit.

The "real" ET craft are what fascinates me ..
I have little doubt that it's just ultra billionaires, laughing at us from up high, invisible (mostly)

As I understand it money, power and politics never enter the equation. Only the most intelligent, mentally stable people who have something of value to offer are allowed in the loop. As such few if any business people who are inherently semi-psychotic and self-serving would ever be considered. How do you think they got so rich?, it wasn't because there nice people, just the opposite. They only understand greed and power which is the last thing any intelligent person wants in a functional advanced technology program.

There just business people and middle men not real scientists or engineers and have little of real value. For example, what good are all these psychotic business people if we could transmutate lead into gold, platinum or other precious metals as needed?. This is why there seldom if ever invited to the party...


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Full Member

Posts: 123
Like in the series Max Headroom! It all revolved around the "Ratings" and not reality.  :D

Sr. Member

Posts: 329
Be the change you wish to see in the world
They only understand greed and power which is the last thing any intelligent person wants in a functional advanced technology program.

Agree fully - we are ruled by the least of us unfortunately
This seems to apply transnationally

"It's a big club, and you aren't in it"

In the words of Terence Mckenna (who I wish were still alive today)
DON'T watch TV - DON'T read Magazines - DON'T even listen to NPR - make your own damn roadshow

Mckenna never spoke about OU as such (tmk) but I suspect he may have been
"in the loop" personally .. Spoke about some very fundamental stuff imo
Regarding UFO's, Power, Sociopolitical issues, Psychology, etcetera ..

Was way ahead of his time

If only his perspective could have been better absorbed and implemented
Instead of the mad all encompassing capitalistic BS we see today
We could be even "further along" in living standards etc. than we are as a species IMO
(Many have no plumbing / power still needlessly it seems  :()

What I would suggest to anyone concerning themselves with these issues is, intergrate your shadow and, take matters into your own hands! As much as reasonably possible


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