Lesson 7: Better late than neverLooks like the previous lesson did not produce a fire. The tinder was too wet perhaps. So lets try again.
In the following video at the linked time stamp, Derek from Veritasium arguably shows the most interesting part of the video on Blackbird (the cart that keeps accelerates faster than the wind):
https://youtu.be/yCsgoLc_fzI?t=806In his home he made a cute little cart, an analogy of blackbird and shows how it can be pushed around by a wooden beam. Notice how it moves in the direction of the applied force. This might not seem special and you would assume F=ma but there is more going on here because we are not talking about your typical force here, we are taught that friction impedes changes in velocity as to bring things to a rest rather than promote motion.

So lets dive in and go through this like a naive person would and perform a rigid body analysis to answer the simple question; In what direction will the cart accelerate when we apply a force on its "floating" middle wheel?

Perhaps your first intuition would be that it would roll like it would on the ground if the middle wheel was isolated and thus the floating middle wheel will spin CCW making the ground wheels spin CW and move the whole cart to the right like this:

Well that somehow conceptually makes sense, the force of friction always applies opposite to any velocity difference to bring any change in velocity to a halt, conservation of energy and all that good stuff doing its thing. Right?
Good guess. But Bzzzzzt, sadly you would be wrong. That is not the correct answer as we were too fast with this conclusion and have not performed a FULL force analysis.

You see the real answer is; "it depends". Because we can freely choose the direction based on the constraints and parameters we use on the cart and can even make it go IN the direction of the applied friction force:

Wait what is this preposterous answer. The force of friction can act to push something IN its very direction to keep accelerating said thing essentially forever? That is a violation of so many laws! That cant be!
Ok let me elaborate.
Lets do a deep dive and zoom in on the points of interest and investigate what is really happening. Let us bring back rigid body dynamics as discussed before in this thread:
https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4672.0To breakdown the problem to its most essential form, we will only concentrate on the left side of the cart, as the right is not doing much for us now. When we do our rigid body dynamics analysis again we discover that the friction force will want to torque the
green top wheel
around its point of contact with the
red ground wheel (this is the rigid body rule talked about in the previous thread) and it will want to rise and roll upwards out of its previous position. This essentially induces a torque on the below green ground wheel making the whole cart move opposite to the direction of the force. So your initial intuition was right after all? Everything comes to a halt because the friction force is opposite to the direction of motion after all? So then did I lie to you?

Nope. we glossed over things too quickly. As I said our rigid body dynamics analysis wasn't complete. We must ALWAYS follow the force ALL the way to the hard immovable ground which is our "final" constraint point. Remember any force acting on a constrained rigid body does NOT act on the CoM ,like in a free rigid body, but manifests as a linear force acting on the constraint point AND as a torque
around it (yes yes I know there is also the parallel axis theorem but that is not relevant for our analysis unless we want to know the moment of inertia too). So this is different from a
free rigid body floating in space where the force and torque manifests
around the
CoM. If we include this
rule, out pops a new torque equation for the ground wheel this time, an equation which contains the same force as before but now includes the radial arm distance of the ground wheel instead of the floating wheel:

It doesn't take a math genius (know your Pythagoras theorem kids) to figure out that we can choose r2 of the lower ground wheel to be
arbitrary big in order to overcome the backward torque of the floating "air" wheel and push our cart IN the direction of the friction force.

The only thing we sacrifice is velocity but who cares, we have plenty of distance on the "ground" to build velocity, more so if the ground was itself a big round circle and we can choose the ground wheel radius radius to be as arbitrary big as we want:

And finally the analysis would still reduce to an even simpler problem if the axles of our wheels were all aligned showing how simple this is:

Or we could even make it more compact by letting the floating middle wheel ride on an "inner" hub of the ground riding wheel, as the amplified "forward" torque would remain the same anyway.

This is essentially a new type of dynamic mechanical advantage. Aka a "rotational lever" unlike the "linear lever" which trades in differences in distance to amplify the force and transfer work, the rotational lever trades in difference in velocity to amplify torque and transfer POWER
NOT work. Because Power is Force times the velocity over which it acts. Something we can provide plenty of due to the nature of constraints and the interplay of rolling and sliding friction. In ANY medium we want. NASA has been using it for ages in space travel and calling it "gravity assists" aka the "soft" rotational side of matter aka the elusive "dark matter" giving galaxies more angular momentum than the apparent mass in them. Yes even gravity/matter has its own gravity/matter fields. Everything is a particle with an energetic "field" around it.
Do you SEE now? Do you SEE now how it always has been the same pattern of something small and soft riding on something hard and big, propelling and driving each other forward rather than coming to a halt. Do you SEE now how the electron keeps riding its proton? Do you SEE now why things form stable orbits. Do you see now why every "hard" thing is oozing with an energetic soft cloud thing around its surface which we always call a "field" because of the massive potential energy buildup that is occurring inside of this particle. It is a continuous cycle of accumulation of potential energy, or as Einstein would call it "rest energy" (E=mc2) so that it would attract similarly "field" emitting particle until there are so many pressing on each other that they start leaking their "rest energy" out of their closed container shells into the environment as a "field". Said "leaking" manifests as "kinetic" energy which Einstein said was different from rest energy. Just like little volcanos they shoot out fine "stuff" which we always end up calling a new "field" but its just the same thing on a smaller scale.

Do you see why the sun is emitting all these fine hair like filament structures like a "field"? It was all in front of us we only needed to look.

Do you understand why the triple particle structure, a structure we see in the water molecule (the recipe for life), and the insides of the proton. A structure shown above by the cart "moving against the wind". The structure of the most simple vehicle of nature and arguably the most important which "drives" everything including life.

Do you now SEE?. Can we now please stop the stupid habit of sticking person names to every new field and particle sets we discover at every scale. Its endless you guys, how many more names do you want to stick on stuff. We are going to discover a lot more "particles and fields" and will quickly run out of person names. Plus I have a bad tendency to forget peoples names. A particle emits a fields, and the fields are more particles, which emit more fields.... Or put simply so a child understands,
a line is a circle and a circle is a line. It is and endless story. A story of an oscillator tank, a story of eb and flow. A story of little particle using its field "hairs" to swim around the medium (which it created) to find others like itself so it can come together and grow producing all the wonders of the universe we see in front of us. Probably a natural coincidence too that bacteria use "hairs" to move around their environment. That viruses have "spikes" to move into their hosts. That crabs look like the way they do, that everything looks like a big round thing with hairs on it. That our big round head, arguably containing the most energy dense organ is covered with hair. Sure all just a coincidence of evolution. Yes a coincidence that recently created "artificial" life forms called "xenobots" show intelligence and purpose by merely being stupid random frog cells (particle) with hairs (field) stuck to them WITHOUT any genetic modification and works with ANY cell:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDfuVsg-G8cDo you now understand why a college dropout who came from validating every crackpot idea he had with FEMM simulations, went to having freak outs with this supposed ridiculous "theory of everything" that can be explained using Pythagoras level math. Dont you see how ridiculous it would be to realize we are having our little Fred Flintstone car moment in our evolutionary timeline, finally discovering the true nature of friction and the wheel which we only have been propelling with dumb fire so far, nearly suffocating ourselves by its fine "field". The true power of the wheel which can propel us any place we want. Dont you understand the significance of this "gift" given to humanity.
No you have no clue what I am going through. You have no clue of the significance of this and the turmoil it will bring with it. And you have no clue what it takes to remain sane working on so it can be put openly and freely into the world with little to no benefit for me and probably only serve to destroy what little personal peace I had. I didn't want this. I dont like this overly preachy stuff. I dont want money or attention. Building stuff has always been a huge pain in the ass for me. I was hoping more smart and responsible adults would clean up the mess we got ourselves in. I wanted to be left alone in peace. But here we are, sometimes fate choses our path for us and there is nothing we can do about it.
Hopefully this gentler and colder form of friction does not destroy us like its predecessor nearly did and instead propel us forward into a better future of unlimited resources and possibilities. So our next generation can look back and be proud of us rather see as the disappointment that destroyed everything. So please put your fire clubs down hairy gentlemen its all going to be ok now.
I have nothing against science I love people doing the hard work in the world of science, doubly so those doing the difficult and meticulous experimental work out there. They do amazing work, anyone can come up with a theory but only a few do the work to validate it and I enjoy reading scientific papers bringing forward new ideas and experiments to explain the try and explain the unknown or anomalies of nature. Lots of amazing work has been done in a short time in cosmology too lately including for the very first time seeing the black hole's true vortex shape. And for me confirming what I was slowly discovering the last couple of months. Even though some people like to bundle all "crackpots" together, I am here to say that crackpots also are on a spectrum. Some are more "out there" than others, but some can find and see reason in both sides. Perhaps it took a crackpot between both to filter the nonsense of both sides and contribute something useful for a change to both communities. We crackpots dont ask for much, just give us a crackpot lab with basic crackpot equipment and leave us alone and we will be out of your sight. From time to time you will maybe hear some crazy stuff coming out of the lab but dont worry, we will adhere to all safety rules and the scientific method... most of the time. But what will come out of the lab are not weapons but ideas to improve our lives which we will share with the whole world so everyone can enjoy them and not be hoarded by the greedy few. I really dont want to make enemies, friends come to ask how you are doing. Enemies only come to bother you.
Congratulation everyone it only took us a couple of centuries to figure it out. Yes its embarrassing, including my dumb slow ass for taking so long to figure it out, build and validate it. But hey better late than never.
So yeah time to get back to the science and engineering side of things. I couldn't have done any of this either if I wasn't inspired by the greats of our own times. In due time credits will be given. But for now I am ready to put my ego aside and build stuff, stuff the world has only seen in science fiction movies. I hope you are ready for what is coming because its going to be wild, but before we learn how to fly we need start crawling on the ground and understand this
rotational lever and its ability to transfer power. Gear heads rejoice, your time has only begun.
I thought you guys were builders? Well show me what you got. I highly recommend everyone to build or 3d print a little toy cart as shown by Derek and discover its unique dynamics:

Once you have it in front of you, push it around back and forth you will see why its unique.
This will be the last lesson for a while. The next post will be a disclosure and replication thread. So see you soon.
And a small teaser for what is to come:
https://i.imgur.com/gdjwxK7.png"Class dismissed" - Xy
PS: @Tinman, taking holidays now are we. You better not get too comfortable and come through with that magnetic variant of yours. After I am done making a point about the idea working with any "medium" in order to convince the brick heads and turn them into gear heads I will come with my own magnetic version of the idea that provides electricity AND torque in one package. Built and 3d printed mostly at home, with off the shelves parts that even a child can assemble, so you better get out of that holiday spirit and start moving fast because this caveman wont play with toy cars on the floor forever.