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Author Topic: We should talk about negative friction.  (Read 5831 times)

Group: Renaissance Man
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Buy me a cigar
A ‘ drum ‘ shaped magnet can be easily made by inserting a Square magnet inside a close fitting Steel tube….  O0

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Moderator
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Posts: 327
A ‘ drum ‘ shaped magnet can be easily made by inserting a Square magnet inside a close fitting Steel tube….  O0

Shhh let the students think for themselves too  ;D
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Ok lets do some dirty work in FEMM. Given a magnet rolling over such array, lets see what it spits out.

First we see a constant torque which is exciting, but we also see a constant linear force pushing the same magnet back on its center axle opposing the torque, thus preventing rolling from happening and ends up in a stale mate. The mechanical work input and output are exactly the same.

Oh boy, that's it then, time to pack our bags and leave the delusional party, the jig is up, time to get back to the mundane meaningless life of flipping the proverbial burger to survive.

Sure would be nice if we could somehow eliminate one of both but I guess such a feat is impossible...right?

This crackpot is going away for a short break, perhaps someone in class smarter than the idiot of a teacher can find something to save this desperate idea. Only time will tell.
« Last Edit: 2024-04-10, 09:09:51 by broli »
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Posts: 327
Looks like the break has to be postponed for a bit as this crackpots time is ticking. Time is the only limited resource in the universe, not oil, not money but time. In fact I predict that time will even become the currency of the future, how that will work I leave for a different time or others to figure out.

So I hope people can keep up with the increased pace as things are about to accelerate and become a bit more advanced, acceleration is what makes things interesting too  ;D. However let me start with structuring the lessons from now on and a recap so things are not all over the place. I also hope the previous remarks and experiment are not ignored either. Sadly I will be skipping over things due this time limit in the hope my stupid monkey brain can trigger smarter monkey brains to fill in the gaps.

So recap time, here we go.

Lesson 1: Friction

We know friction as something that produces heat, energy losses, decay, disorder or as the physicist would say "entropy". However when there is a positive there also should be a negative in nature. Therefore negative entropy or rather negative friction must also exist.

Lesson 2: Lines and Circles

Lines and circles representing two completely opposing ideas, one always straight and the other forever circular. The argument is that these two "things" are akin to the lego building blocks of the universe. Almost like binary code. However unlike binary code these two can interact producing a whole universe that we are a part of. Everything we see around us can be categorized by these two, we can call these two polar opposites the true "forces" of nature.

Or in more engineering terms, forces can either be linear or non-linear. However the universe is not only binary strictly divided by these two. If it was then it would be completely cold and dead. But we know it isn't because there is a whole transitioning spectrum between these two. This "spectrum" is friction mediated by something higher up the chain we call "time". Friction brings these two polar opposite together and makes them interact. This interaction in turn produces an infinitely complex universe big and small, forever repeating and thus being a fractal. In essence friction allows us to jump from the binary to the analog if we use computer science terms.

What I havent mentioned earlier is that these two concepts also have special (or in math terms transcendental) numbers attached to them:

  • Pi (or more correctly 2*Pi): The Circle
  • Euler's number e: The line

This mathy stuff is important too but for now I leave you with the equation of the universe that many have sought after and was in plane sight for so long. The equation that brings the circle and line together in one elegant beatifull equation, thanks to monkey brain Euler.:  e^i*pi = -1 (in next lessons we will go over what the "imaginary" number i is)

Another important property of lines and circles is directionality. On a line you can either go forward or backwards, on a circle this translates to clockwise or counter clockwise. No other properties are needed as dimension only have meaning when something changes and we need something that transcends both to define such change, that which we call "time" in our universe. A whole different beast for a different time.

Please dont form cults and start calling people lines and circles as its the spectrum and friction between them that builds our vast diverse universe.

Lesson 3: Electromagnetism

Going back to engineering so we can build stuff with this crazy lines and circles stuff. Electromagnetism represent ALL the forces of nature. Everything we see, big or small is electromagnetism.

Electrostatics: Linear, or the line. Always acts in straight paths. Or as physicists would say, is a "central" force. This affects the linear momentum of the stuff in the universe.
Magnetism: Non-linear, or the circle. Always acts side ways on things. This affects the angular momentum of the stuff in the universe.

Not only can we divide them in this binary ideas but we can literally model them as such so engineers can build things with them. All we need is the new concept of direction and how like directions attracts and unlike directions repel. Then we see its a matter of lines and circles attracting each other where their, albeit tiny, directions meet. In other words where the line is tangent to the circle. This closest point of interaction is where all the magic happens in the universe, also called friction.

Using this concept we can model all forces of electromagnetism without using calculus in a more "analog" way. However, and what I call the "digital" approach, using force model equations is more suited for our current computers which give us more direct answers over an entire discretized space rather then the analog method which gives us exact answers for exact points in continuous space. Both have their pros and cons in simulation software. But knowing when to use either is key.

The irony of the fractal nature of the universe is if you dont watch out you end up getting trapped in the fractals and down endless rabbit holes of new forces and effects such as dark matter, virtual particles, Higgs fields, quarks and so on. However if you understand the fractal you can zoom in and out freely and make sense out of everything, if things get too weird. Just zoom out again and get back "home" safely like you do if you have played with the Mandelbrot set. But its all the same thing on a different level of the fractal. Also what I havent expanded on either and what I alluded to before is how time affects these two, essentially making them "expand" and interact giving rise to the wave like nature of everything. But time is strange and so far not understood by anyone including myself.

Lesson 4: Back to friction

In the world of friction we know for things to interact they need to come close to each other. Whether this is the electron orbiting close to the proton, rubbing your hands together, or your car wheels rolling over the ground to get you to places. Friction allows two separate things to interact on their boundaries. Friction is usually seen as a by product that produces heat and losses but the truth is more fascinating than that. As we know the proton and electrons are stable for many many billions of trillions of endless years yet they are continuously interacting with each other exchanging energy seamlessly forever without "decaying". So what friction truly is the interaction of two things that come close to each others boundaries. These two things can be like and like, for instance the line sliding over another line. Or a circle rolling over another circle. 

In physics we call this interaction exchange, transfer of momentum. And its REALLY important to always remember that momentum is ALWAYS, no matter what, conserved in the entire universe. So sorry there is no magical reactionless space drives that produce momentum without interacting with something else, but who needs space drives if we can travel through the medium of the universe by breaking its speed barrier at will through friction, as we do here on earth with the sound barrier that was long held as the ultimate speed barrier. If we only understood what friction truly is then ejecting the very essence of the universe out of our asses, or any direction we please, would be childsplay. Obviously we would need ultra dense and structured materials to do so or else it would feel like going mach 1 in a paper airplane but I am no engineer to figure that one out.

So back to the types of frictions. When like meets they exchange momentum and therefore energy. We are told that this always comes with energy losses. But I dont like the term "losses" either and we should address rather the forms of energy. Some are dissipative and cause disorder and others are kinetic and potential in nature and cause more order to occur. However as I started out, if there is a positive there is also a negative. Things ALWAYS come in pairs. Since linear and angular momentum is the only conserved property in the universe, energy therefore can become directional as well! So first we will always conserve momentum, AND, depending on the type of friction we either transfer this momentum in orderly (kinetic or potential) or disorderly (heat) types of energy. Sounds crazy right, well not for the universe apparently.

However the orderly type never happens when 2 likes interact. For instance when you slide a flat surface onto another they will never increase their orderly energy through momentum transfer, the same goes for rolling two wheels against each other. However the real magic occurs when we bring two unlike things close together. Such as the circle and the line, or again in engineering terms, linear and non-linear interactions. Textbooks also calls this "rolling friction". Such interactions produce no heat, decay, or disorder and rather the opposite. The momentum transfer that occurs can in fact produce energy in the form of kinetic and potential energy.

Ok that's it for the quick recap things are going to become a bit more advanced from now on so please keep up.

« Last Edit: 2024-05-30, 18:50:04 by broli »
Group: Moderator
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Posts: 327
Lesson 5:  "Complex" numbers

Everyone who had some science classes in high school should have come across complex numbers. Students are thought this subject without much background knowledge and just learn it because "it makes things work better". Complex numbers were discovered by the Italian famous gambler and mathematician Gerolamo Cardano (1501--1576) in 1545 while he found the explicit formula for all three roots of a cube equation. Funny how a degenerate act such as gambling is at the basis of many discoveries in nature.

However lets go through a quick 101 on complex numbers. Complex numbers represent a set of numbers that have an imaginary part, which when multiplied by themselves, or rather when "squared" return a negative number. Unlike like "real" numbers who always return a positive numbers. But just like real numbers where the unit number is 1 and forms the basis of our chosen real axis, the imaginary part also has a unity number, namely the unit "imaginary" "number" "i". Ironically called "imaginary" because of Descartes. Its seems to be a trend of our monkey brains to mock that thing that we dont understand yet. But it all started out when mathematicians, or as I call them the digital folks of nature, started messing with quadratic equations, equations that are very non-linear by nature and quickly faced a wall due to their non linear nature as they needed to take the roots of negative numbers but there was no such thing at the time.

However it was Descartes who loathed the idea so much of complex numbers and their consequence in math that he called their unit component number, i "imaginary" as to mock it. "Why, there's no such thing as a magnitude whose square is negative!" he famously said. And to this day we keep using this mockery of a term like the monkeys we are.

However today we know these set of numbers or rather the "imaginary" plane is very real too. Its part of our very essence and the universe. Or rather to put it bluntly it represents the "circle" non-linear part of the universe! Whereas "real" numbers represent the line.

So lets get back to engineering and talk about linear and non-linearity. How do you usually map complex numbers? Well you take the "real" number line and then go 90 degrees sideways and map the "imaginary" component. But wait that sounds very familiar. Thats exactly the circle or non-linear aspect of things that has been discussed previously. So in essence complex numbers represent the complete linear and non-linearity of the universe, whether it be electrostatics/linear momentum magnetism/angular momentum. Complex numbers allows us to fully represent linear and non-linear interactions and are used everywhere in math and engineering and are what keep your world running, not metaphorically speaking but real physically in every nut and bolt out there and digitally in all the software of anything that is doing something in the real world. Like planes, power plants, the grid and so on. Yet to this day they are used as an after thought, skipped over quickly in school and we still call their non-linear component, the non-linear unit number, "imaginary". Monkey brain does what monkey brain does.

Eulers equation represents a good form of using these in the real world. However there is a difference between using something and understanding something. So lets try to understand what this "imaginary" number i truly represents.

This is when I am going to deffer to someone smarter than me who figured out this "secret". Robert Distinti:


He is a quirky engineer with some cool and interesting ideas. He also has a, sometimes comical, habit of giving names to the things he discovers. At least he doesn't have the bad egotistical habit of using his own name. But he names this discovery "Vortrix Algebra", a play on vortex and matrix, and goes over how it leads to the "imaginary" number i. But to translate things to stupid monkey brains like mine.

We have been using vector based math, also known as linear algebra (ironically correctly naming it), for centuries, invented by Descartes, and made more famous by Leibniz and Newton through the use of calculus. But certain operations like multiplying or dividing vectors made mathematicians squirmish and so they had to bring out their butchers knife and cut away things so no weird things would pop up like "imaginary" numbers. The end result is a poor sad bastard child, only left with a single parent, its "linear" part and the non-linear part discarded as if being useless. So no true vector multiplication or division exists in linear algebra.

This is where distinti's Vortrix Algebra comes in by basically having a true and complete form to multiplying and dividing vectors giving rise to linear AND non-linear parts as you cant just remove the circular part of a result and call it reality. So rather than hack and slash Vortrix Algebra relies heavily on matrix operations, which is something even high school students are thought and which is also literally powering our current digital information age. From computer graphics such as graphics cards, to more recently the explosion of AI. All is vector (linear) or matrix based (non-linear) based.

By using matrix operations we retain ALL information on interactions (through multiplication and divide) between two vectors that might have a linear and non-linear components. For instance the interaction of the axes that are at right angles to each other. Which allows us to hold and use this information in a more complete form giving us results that model nature much more closely than a bastard incomplete version. I urge people to go watch Distintis work on this, its not complex and if you have a background in linear algebra already, then you are pretty much 90% there already. However this is mostly for the engineers that want to end up building big things and write more accurate simulation software.

For us common people the reason why I mention this is he elegantly and NATURALLY ends up with the definition of the so called "imaginary" unit number i. And the answer is so stupendously simple that I laughed out loud when I first saw it. The imaginary number is a 90 degree rotation of its "real" counterpart. Thats right folks, the imaginary number is the elusive "non-linear" or circle that I have been mentioning. And that makes sense as we already have established that circular "non-linear" forces act side wise opposed to the "linear" forces which act in straight lines. And what does sideways mean precisely? YEP a 90 degree rotation and you suddenly enter the "imaginary" realm. Aka the circular non-linear realm.

Thats it, there is nothing "complex" or imaginary about these numbers, or as Distinti would say, no more voodoo physics. They just represent nature in its complete form. I wonder if we will ever change that ridiculous name too but I doubt it. However I believe Vortrix Algebra will become the basis of all vector based math to model or simulate  our vast linear and non linear universe. Rather invent true complex math that only a few "geniuses" can grasp and have their small parties celebrating their genius by giving each other "field" medals. But I am sure the AI community will embrace ANYTHING that would give them a leg up in the race towards "AGI" where the worlds biggest companies are fighting over. Can you imagine the advantage in compute or even results AIs would spit out if their underlying math is true to nature rather than a bastard version. Surely the first to use it will accelerate tremendously.

Let me shortly also talk about the Mandelbrot set for the more "visual" thinkers out there. If you havent played with it before I urge you to do so, in fact I urge you to do it right now, if you want to watch the universe in its infinite wonder you can do so at the comfort of your chair. But what I wanted to mention concerning this is how even in this more visual and artistic subject there has been the same kind of "limitation" where we butcher and cut things because we dont fully understand them or need them. A while ago Ken Shirrif, a reverse engineer by day, shared some interesting work. Where he computed the set for fractional exponents of the Mandelbrot set. And due to time I will just link to his blog and attach the picture. But my jaw dropped when I first saw this. Especially his "edge detection" images almost look like standing waves. Its as if I looked at the true universe for the first time.


This method is very compute intensive and kind of went under the radar. But can you imagine what we might discover in such fractals? Truly exciting  :D. I am trying to revive his work and believe distinitis Vortrix Algebra might give a significant boost to it. Because understanding that the imaginary component is rotation, is a much easier problem to solve, something modern games do on a daily basis hundred of frames per seconds with not millions if not billions of vertices at a time.

Embrace the circle and line, introduce a dash of friction and get an entire vast infinite universe for free.

So that should now cover the fundamentals. I skipped over quite some things. But since this is a "free" energy forum soon the first lesson on finally "creating" energy will be shared. At least in "theory" first  ;D. So keep reading and rereading because the friction is about to increase by a lot  :D. Its not easy to unlearn bad stuff, it also takes a lot of friction to move over to the other side ;D. But first a quick lesson on the special element that is iron.

And remember people, sharing is caring. These ideas didn't pop into my head but my curiosity has lead me to works of giants in their own fields and areas. The only "skill" this monkey brain has is linking things together, forming connections and surfing the interwebs. Sometimes these links are wrong too, but changing and adapting is part of life too so mistakes or wrong viewpoints are quickly amended rather than held with a death grip. But things click in your monkey brain when you see and visualize nature intuitively rather than through hard math and equations. The equations are useful for later when we want to break the light barrier and travel through the fractal as we please.

However sharing ideas is probably the biggest excitement there is, perhaps only superseded by seeing how others use or even improve said ideas beyond my your imagination. So never stop imagining ideas and sharing those ideas.

« Last Edit: 2024-04-10, 10:20:28 by broli »
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Posts: 327
Lesson 6:  Rubbing Lines and Circles together to create fire

Bringing lines and circles together does interesting things when we introduce the mysterious force of friction between them.

Before we begin lets go over some basics. First, is there such a thing as a "uniform magnetic field” in space? Sure perhaps inside a densely packed coil. But that is a coil and not a magnet, the latter is not hollow we cant just magically enter it and have a space that has a uniform field. Is there no other way to create one in space? Well yes, yes there is, in fact there are two methods to create an empty space that holds a "uniform field" (funny how there is always "two").

The first method consists of a circular “hallbach array”:

Its important that the array only rotates around once, also known as an array of “k=2” in this case.

The second method is kind of a cheat code, by using an iron sleeve around a diametrically magnetized ring magnet one can produce a uniform field inside the empty inside space:

Ok so what if we produced a uniform "field" big deal, right? Well first of all isn't it amazing that we can even produce such uniform field so easily? We took something very circular in nature and aligned it in free space. But ok people are hungry for energy so lets talk about force and torque.

A uniform field allows you to eliminate all those pesky non-linear effects near the "poles" of a magnet. However things change with "aligned" fields. When we place magnets in such pseudo "linear" fields they react in a very uniform and predictable manner, again, in two ways to be exact. They experience a torque around their center or the "circle" force AND a linear or "line" force acting ON their center of mass.

These two forces are inseparable in this "circular world" and they are completely equivalent energy and effect wise. Both will tend to rotate the magnets in their lowest energy state in the field whether its a torque or a linear force "rolling" the magnets over, it doesn't matter as the end result is the same as you can see here:


So these two are inseparable and in a "closed system" such as a pure magnetic system these forces always cancel as to produce a zero net energy gain, makes sense if you cant separate them. But there are exceptions as my colleagues are exploiting those.

But a closed magnetic system means a system consisting only of "circles" that are "rigid"? What if we introduced a line force, to such closed circular system...say the electrostatic force which acts linearly for example?

Remember that torque and linear force acting on the magnets? What if we could eliminate one that would cause an imbalance presumably. But how do we go about doing that, we are stuck in this circular magnetic world where whatever we do, circular things end up canceling each other.

Let me introduce the linear world. And the perhaps "ionic" energy gate between them.....friction.

Lets take the linear force of electrostatics and use it to cancel the circular magnetic force. Well its simple, just hang a charge on one side of the magnet and it will torque it due to the electrostatic attraction towards the rectangular charged plate at the bottom.

Oh would you look at that, The magnetic torque and the torque due to the electrostatic force cancel each other but the linear magnetic force, acting on the center of the magnet, remains. Lets get rid of all the clutter and leave only the relevant objects and forces acting on them:

Oh boy, that looks like a non-zero torque. So let me get this straight some linear only force keeps neutralizing the spinning torque of the magnet and as a result the system becomes unbalanced and starts to rotate? Well dont forget about friction, friction is what makes this possible in the first place. But then, why even use charge and charged plates? Remember how I hinted at gravity being a misrepresented force or rather how gravity IS the (linear/line) electrostatic force?

Great so we just replace the charge by mass instead, significantly simplifying the design.

There you go a line (force) and a circle (force) continuously interacting through friction causing the linear part to perpetually "fall" and the circular part to be perpetually torqued, leading to the production of angular energy while fully conserving angular momentum. Or I would rather say gaining energy through "negative friction". Watch out for the 45 degree mark though, as that is the balance point between positive and negative friction. Your "OU" factor is a tangent function (what did you expect from two worlds that are a 90 degrees rotated to one other) at 90 degrees things tend to go towards infinity, infinity is scary. Also the linear world also has its own circular forces, remember the "fictional" centrifugal force? In our case, it is the natural break of this system.

Does this really work? I have no clue, build it and figure out for yourself, I am just the guy with the crackpot ideas that shares them openly and freely. You can use them to shoot at each other or use them to shoot at the stars together, your choice. I also feel like this goes without saying but any ideas or derivations that spring out of this is are equally free and open if they are shared publicly.

PS: Remember gyroscopes? The circles of the gravitic/electrostatic world. Lines and circles are present in both worlds. But secret weapons are meant to be kept secret...for now.
« Last Edit: 2024-04-18, 22:41:13 by broli »
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Posts: 327
Lesson 7: Better late than never

Looks like the previous lesson did not produce a fire. The tinder was too wet perhaps. So lets try again.

In the following video at the linked time stamp, Derek from Veritasium arguably shows the most interesting part of the video on Blackbird (the cart that keeps accelerates faster than the wind): https://youtu.be/yCsgoLc_fzI?t=806

In his home he made a cute little cart, an analogy of blackbird and shows how it can be pushed around by a wooden beam. Notice how it moves in the direction of the applied force. This might not seem special and you would assume F=ma but there is more going on here because we are not talking about your typical force here, we are taught that friction impedes changes in velocity as to bring things to a rest rather than promote motion.

So lets dive in and go through this like a naive person would and perform a rigid body analysis to answer the simple question; In what direction will the cart accelerate when we apply a force on its "floating" middle wheel?

Perhaps your first intuition would be that it would roll like it would on the ground if the middle wheel was isolated and thus the floating middle wheel will spin CCW making the ground wheels spin CW and move the whole cart to the right like this:

Well that somehow conceptually makes sense, the force of friction always applies opposite to any velocity difference to bring any change in velocity to a halt, conservation of energy and all that good stuff doing its thing. Right?

Good guess. But Bzzzzzt, sadly you would be wrong. That is not the correct answer as we were too fast with this conclusion and have not performed a FULL force analysis.

You see the real answer is; "it depends". Because we can freely choose the direction based on the constraints and parameters we use on the cart and can even make it go IN the direction of the applied friction force:

Wait what is this preposterous answer. The force of friction can act to push something IN its very direction to keep accelerating said thing essentially forever? That is a violation of so many laws! That cant be!

Ok let me elaborate.

Lets do a deep dive and zoom in on the points of interest and investigate what is really happening. Let us bring back rigid body dynamics as discussed before in this thread:


To breakdown the problem to its most essential form, we will only concentrate on the left side of the cart, as the right is not doing much for us now. When we do our rigid body dynamics analysis again we discover that the friction force will want to torque the green top wheel around its point of contact with the red ground wheel (this is the rigid body rule talked about in the previous thread) and it will want to rise and roll upwards out of its previous position. This essentially induces a torque on the below green ground wheel making the whole cart move opposite to the direction of the force. So your initial intuition was right after all? Everything comes to a halt because the friction force is opposite to the direction of motion after all? So then did I lie to you?

Nope. we glossed over things too quickly. As I said our rigid body dynamics analysis wasn't complete. We must ALWAYS follow the force ALL the way to the hard immovable ground which is our "final" constraint point. Remember any force acting on a constrained rigid body does NOT act on the CoM ,like in a free rigid body, but manifests as a linear force acting on the constraint point AND as a torque around it (yes yes I know there is also the parallel axis theorem but that is not relevant for our analysis unless we want to know the moment of inertia too). So this is different from a free rigid body floating in space where the force and torque manifests around the CoM. If we include this
rule, out pops a new torque equation for the ground wheel this time, an equation which contains the same force as before but now includes the radial arm distance of the ground wheel instead of the floating wheel:

It doesn't take a math genius (know your Pythagoras theorem kids) to figure out that we can choose r2 of the lower ground wheel to be arbitrary big in order to overcome the backward torque of the floating "air" wheel and push our cart IN the direction of the friction force.

The only thing we sacrifice is velocity but who cares, we have plenty of distance on the "ground" to build velocity, more so if the ground was itself a big round circle and we can choose the ground wheel radius radius to be as arbitrary big as we want:

And finally the analysis would still reduce to an even simpler problem if the axles of our wheels were all aligned showing how simple this is:

Or we could even make it more compact by letting the floating middle wheel ride on an "inner" hub of the ground riding wheel, as the amplified "forward" torque would remain the same anyway.

This is essentially a new type of dynamic mechanical advantage. Aka a "rotational lever" unlike the "linear lever" which trades in differences in distance to amplify the force and transfer work, the rotational lever trades in difference in velocity to amplify torque and transfer POWER NOT work. Because Power is Force times the velocity over which it acts. Something we can provide plenty of due to the nature of constraints and the interplay of rolling and sliding friction. In ANY medium we want. NASA has been using it for ages in space travel and calling it "gravity assists" aka the "soft" rotational side of matter aka the elusive "dark matter" giving galaxies more angular momentum than the apparent mass in them. Yes even gravity/matter has its own gravity/matter fields. Everything is a particle with an energetic "field" around it.

Do you SEE now? Do you SEE now how it always has been the same pattern of something small and soft riding on something hard and big, propelling and driving each other forward rather than coming to a halt. Do you SEE now how the electron keeps riding its proton? Do you SEE now why things form stable orbits. Do you see now why every "hard" thing is oozing with an energetic soft cloud thing around its surface which we always call a "field" because of the massive potential energy buildup that is occurring inside of this particle. It is a continuous cycle of accumulation of potential energy, or as Einstein would call it "rest energy" (E=mc2) so that it would attract similarly "field" emitting particle until there are so many pressing on each other that they start leaking their "rest energy" out of their closed container shells into the environment as a "field". Said "leaking" manifests as "kinetic" energy which Einstein said was different from rest energy. Just like little volcanos they shoot out fine "stuff" which we always end up calling a new "field" but its just the same thing on a smaller scale.

Do you see why the sun is emitting all these fine hair like filament structures like a "field"? It was all in front of us we only needed to look.

Do you understand why the triple particle structure, a structure we see in the water molecule (the recipe for life), and the insides of the proton. A structure shown above by the cart "moving against the wind". The structure of the most simple vehicle of nature and arguably the most important which "drives" everything including life.

Do you now SEE?. Can we now please stop the stupid habit of sticking person names to every new field and particle sets we discover at every scale. Its endless you guys, how many more names do you want to stick on stuff. We are going to discover a lot more "particles and fields" and will quickly run out of person names. Plus I have a bad tendency to forget peoples names. A particle emits a fields, and the fields are more particles, which emit more fields.... Or put simply so a child understands, a line is a circle and a circle is a line. It is and endless story. A story of an oscillator tank, a story of eb and flow. A story of little particle using its field "hairs" to swim around the medium (which it created) to find others like itself so it can come together and grow producing all the wonders of the universe we see in front of us. Probably a natural coincidence too that bacteria use "hairs" to move around their environment. That viruses have "spikes" to move into their hosts. That crabs look like the way they do, that everything looks like a big round thing with hairs on it. That our big round head, arguably containing the most energy dense organ is covered with hair. Sure all just a coincidence of evolution. Yes a coincidence that recently created "artificial" life forms called "xenobots" show intelligence and purpose by merely being stupid random frog cells (particle) with hairs (field) stuck to them WITHOUT any genetic modification and works with ANY cell:


Do you now understand why a college dropout who came from validating every crackpot idea he had with FEMM simulations, went to having freak outs with this supposed ridiculous "theory of everything" that can be explained using Pythagoras level math. Dont you see how ridiculous it would be to realize we are having our little Fred Flintstone car moment in our evolutionary timeline, finally discovering the true nature of friction and the wheel which we only have been propelling with dumb fire so far, nearly suffocating ourselves by its fine "field". The true power of the wheel which can propel us any place we want. Dont you understand the significance of this "gift" given to humanity.

No you have no clue what I am going through. You have no clue of the significance of this and the turmoil it will bring with it. And you have no clue what it takes to remain sane working on so it can be put openly and freely into the world with little to no benefit for me and probably only serve to destroy what little personal peace I had. I didn't want this. I dont like this overly preachy stuff. I dont want money or attention. Building stuff has always been a huge pain in the ass for me. I was hoping more smart and responsible adults would clean up the mess we got ourselves in. I wanted to be left alone in peace. But here we are, sometimes fate choses our path for us and there is nothing we can do about it.

Hopefully this gentler and colder form of friction does not destroy us like its predecessor nearly did and instead propel us forward into a better future of unlimited resources and possibilities. So our next generation can look back and be proud of us rather see as the disappointment that destroyed everything. So please put your fire clubs down hairy gentlemen its all going to be ok now.

I have nothing against science I love people doing the hard work in the world of science, doubly so those doing the difficult and meticulous experimental work out there. They do amazing work, anyone can come up with a theory but only a few do the work to validate it and I enjoy reading scientific papers bringing forward new ideas and experiments to explain the try and explain the unknown or anomalies of nature. Lots of amazing work has been done in a short time in cosmology too lately including for the very first time seeing the black hole's true vortex shape. And for me confirming what I was slowly discovering the last couple of months. Even though some people like to bundle all "crackpots" together, I am here to say that crackpots also are on a spectrum. Some are more "out there" than others, but some can find and see reason in both sides. Perhaps it took a crackpot between both to filter the nonsense of both sides and contribute something useful for a change to both communities. We crackpots dont ask for much, just give us a crackpot lab with basic crackpot equipment and leave us alone and we will be out of your sight. From time to time you will maybe hear some crazy stuff coming out of the lab but dont worry, we will adhere to all safety rules and the scientific method... most of the time. But what will come out of the lab are not weapons but ideas to improve our lives which we will share with the whole world so everyone can enjoy them and not be hoarded by the greedy few. I really dont want to make enemies, friends come to ask how you are doing. Enemies only come to bother you.

Congratulation everyone it only took us a couple of centuries to figure it out. Yes its embarrassing, including my dumb slow ass for taking so long to figure it out, build and validate it. But hey better late than never.

So yeah time to get back to the science and engineering side of things. I couldn't have done any of this either if I wasn't inspired by the greats of our own times. In due time credits will be given. But for now I am ready to put my ego aside and build stuff, stuff the world has only seen in science fiction movies. I hope you are ready for what is coming because its going to be wild, but before we learn how to fly we need start crawling on the ground and understand this rotational lever and its ability to transfer power. Gear heads rejoice, your time has only begun.

I thought you guys were builders? Well show me what you got. I highly recommend everyone to build or 3d print a little toy cart as shown by Derek and discover its unique dynamics:

Once you have it in front of you, push it around back and forth you will see why its unique.

This will be the last lesson for a while. The next post will be a disclosure and replication thread. So see you soon.

And a small teaser for what is to come:


"Class dismissed" - Xy

PS: @Tinman, taking holidays now are we. You better not get too comfortable and come through with that magnetic variant of yours. After I am done making a point about the idea working with any "medium" in order to convince the brick heads and turn them into gear heads I will come with my own magnetic version of the idea that provides electricity AND torque in one package. Built and 3d printed mostly at home, with off the shelves parts that even a child can assemble, so you better get out of that holiday spirit and start moving fast because this caveman wont play with toy cars on the floor forever.
« Last Edit: 2024-06-01, 17:06:47 by broli »

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That video showing the little trolley moving faster than the applied force could be the answer to Bessler's wheel.  The weights inside the wheel are shown to be cylindrical masses that have small diameter extrusions at each end.  I have long held the view that, when the wheel is rotating, they don't fall freely under gravity from their top position but run down a pair of inclined rails set apart so that the small diameter extrusions are the wheels that engage with thr rails (by friction) thus imparting angular velocity to the weights.  That gives each mass some angular energy obtained from gravity some of which can then be imparted back to the wheel somehow (by friction) so the next lift requires less energy then the first.  If the weight retains some rotational energy when it then reaches the top of the wheel it can then gain even more energy on its second run down the rails.  Over several cycles it (and all the other wieghts) can accumulate more rotational energy than the linear mgh energy needed to lift them from bottom to top.

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Lesson 8: What is precession?

What is precession really? Okay a gyroscope resisting a torque which sets it in precession. But we need at least a contact point or else nothing happens aka the gyroscope drops in a straight line to the ground. We could make this contact point as frictionless as we want even use magnetic bearings but at the end of the day we are still using "magnetism" to hold everything together the same force that occurs at the atomic level when two materials are rubbed against each other, which ends up being called "friction" so ball bearings or magnetic bearings, just the same. So precession is intimately linked to friction. What does this mean on the atomic scale then when we talk about electrons precession, especially in the field of spin orbit coupling? Since friction is a requirement for precession, this means there has to be a continuous energy exchange occurring to keep going as we know no matter how well the contact point is lubricated the gyroscope will die down. But how about the little gyroscope of nature, the electron. How does it keep precess, which we established needs "friction" and thus a continuous energy exchange.  So where is energy coming from that allows electrons to precess indefinitely around a proton?

Its funny and terrifying how easily we can blind ourselves with glorifying names and stamping them on everything but obfuscating the very simple nature of things for instance that you need energy to keep something precessing and in the case of the electron this energy could only come from the proton as its the only thing around. Like a constant source of energy transmitting its energy to the electron to keep it precessing. But hey lets call it a "first order 'correction' to the energy due to spin orbit coupling". Meh, I dont care about the stupid names we come up with, I like to see things for what they truly are and ask the why questions. Why is there constant energy coming out of the proton if the electron is "pushed" against it. What is causing this continuous "energy correction" that seems to come from inside the proton if you apply pressure to it, why are these quarks ticking and beating like a very precise clock transmitting waves of energy when they are compressed. Who or what is releasing this energy out of the proton? Why 3 quarks and rubberbands between them? What does rubber do when it expands and contracts?

Wouldn't it be amazing that the energy question reduced to a 3-body problem and the thermodynamic nature of rubber. A "hard" problem considered to be "impossible" to solve and a soft material that stretches and compresses causing "excess" energy release. The "rubber" bounces this energy back into the 3-body problem which can introduce and interesting coupling effect perhaps reflecting this energy back and forth like a near perfect mirror essentially forever depending on the "outside" pressure. More pressure is is more energy coming out of the proton. Higher pressure still and the proton literally shrinks, and the huge electron fizzles up incredibly fast as its initial energy friction requirement can no longer be sustained by this shrunken proton and thus it reduces in size as well. You just made a neutron. And the fizzled out energy was the electron farting out its energy due to the massive "friction" footprint of an electron without a proton nearby. Strange how given a vacuum tube the higher the vacuum is the more the electrons fan out at the electrode as pure energy. No protons around and electrons no longer behave like billiard balls and fan out immediately as energy in the form of dangerous x-rays. However it doesn't take long before a lone neutron expands once more in a full fledged proton and electron atom, where did this inflation energy come from? Strange that it stops abruptly too at the exact size of a proton and electron.

Perhaps the Chinese know something we dont:


Nature has interesting ways of storing "potential" energy as linear stresses. However the circular one is also interesting as at some point something has to give or in the case of shear stress, slide with a differential velocity and release the build up energy. Must be a dumb coincidence.

« Last Edit: 2024-06-13, 09:11:13 by broli »
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Posts: 327
Lesson 9: Position, Velocity and Acceleration

Rejoice as your random post of crackpot pseudo meta physics has arrived once again.

Take a round container and fill it up with "stuff". Like so:

Now start spinning this container of "stuff" around. Given enough "friction", this stuff will reach an equilibrium angular velocity equal to that of the container:

Nothing interesting has happened so far. So lets add a new property to this "stuff" and call this property ''compressibility". Intuitively you might imagine that this stuff has little springs in between it that can be compressed so this stuff can get closer to itself. Due to the rotation this new property would create an outwards pressure gradient like so:

We can go one step further, as anyone who has had the privilege of playing with a cheap magnetic stirrer for long enough can tell you, when the angular velocity becomes great enough in a rotating medium of "stuff" (water in this case) a void opens up at the center. Or what the cool kids call a "vortex":

This is because of the massive pressure build up and how badly water is "compressible". The pressure buildup makes it go "up" the walls of the container creating a void inside. So lets add a void to our example as well:

Great, stuff, rotation, compression, voids... so what Einstein?

Okay I get it, this is boring you. Confinement and isolation gets boring after a while some would even say it makes you go insane if there is no option for freedom no matter how small it might be. So lets make things exciting and add a dash of freedom to our spinning toy by introducing a pin hole aka an exit point aka a "poop" hole a place where all this compressed "stuff" can escape from.

Also notice that the angle of the exit hole is chosen such to enforce the already established rotation as this freedom was given to us due to the magic of the hard "container" lines. In other words the position and angle of the exit torques the system, which increases the already established angular velocity which leads to a further increase in the exit velocity and thus creates a positive feedback loop. WOAH we discovered "free energy"! Well not quite Billy, your stuff which yes is increasing the angular velocity of the container is also serving as the very "fuel" to keep things going. Since the void gradually expands and eventually everything escapes the container leaving a big empty sad void container behind.

Also, good luck trying to recapture this escaped "stuff" that is perhaps escaping at mach 1 gazillion at the exit hoie, which is a good way to leave a gaping hole behind in your hands. What does it even mean to "recapture" something that is so fine and fast anyway and how do we "condense" this stuff back to its former self to bring it back inside the container. Woah, infinite forces, recycling, phase shifts... thats way too much to think about for little Billys brain. So lets not try to break little Billy's monkey brains and do what we always have done. To stop asking questions and stick straws into things.

As we can always rely on our trusted mosquito skills to stick straws into already pressurized "stuff" and let the goodness flow out on its own. Or as Daniel Day-Lewis character in There Will Be Blood put it:

Because....surpriiiiise, for some reason our container was surrounded by more highly pressurized "stuff" to begin with. So lets build simple tubes that which even little Billy can build to "tunnel" from this void to the outside pressurized "stuff" and let the rich goodness flow on its own creating a rotational positive feedback loop, commencing the draaaaainage so we can enjoy our "free" energy drink. Thank god we discovered how to harness the power of voids and tunnels in time to keep powering our greedy little mosquito egos to ever greater heights to infinity and beyoooond :D:


You know having a mosquito brain is really a blissful life. You dont ask questions. You just fly around sticking your straw in pressurized "stuff", drain them (if you can), move on and repeat the cycle. After a while when you get fat, slow and lazy and keep draining the same spot. Your surrounding starts to heat up. In fact so much so that it starts to slowly boil you like a little frog and you and your children start to cook alive but you dont care, because you believe your children should carry the burden of fixing your fat lazy dry mosquito brain, as your mosquito belly only lives for a short while anyway.

However, being cursed with a monkey brain on the other hand, drinking that delicious banana milkshake gets boring after a while. Not to mention all its side effects, managing the waste product, the side effects on your monkey liver after prolonged use or your monkey belly that is getting fatter. However one positive side effect of all that sweet silky smooth rich energy packed liquid is that it also starts to churn those monkey brain gears, giving them power to play with ideas and theories at least for a short while. As anyone who has played with performance cars knows that a tank of nitros can give an engine a significant boost. At least for a short while as you accelerate past your competition and move faster than anyone around you. But too much of a good thing can kill you, nitro gas can overheat and destroy engines when mechanical limits are reached. But when managed right and given at the right time any gas, oil, sugar or whatever "fuel" we know of can be useful to keep our trip going forward and give us a "boost" when we need it the most, like evading danger situations for example or correcting your course. Until you get back to a healthy comfortable velocity which as the smart monkeys know, costs little to no energy to maintain. Reaching the "boring" part of the trip or race also gives Billy's monkey brain time to reflect and wonder about all kinds of things that he couldn't during the turmoil's boost phases. Such as; Why is their more stuff around my container of stuff. Why is this "ocean" of stuff already highly pressurized? Why is it so easy to build "tunneling" straws from inside the container to this highly pressurized "outside". Why does our mosquito poop hole heat its surrounding if it hangs around the same place for too long. Is this whole paragraph a metaphor for something? I dont know. But having a juice fueled powered monkey brain can make it wonder and ask many questions and, arguably, the most simple, interesting and perhaps most cursed question of all is:

So lets indulge Billy's milkshake turbo charged monkey brain and dive deeper. Lets use some comforting icy equations to cool our refreshing milkshake and throw it at computers and see what happens near this "poop" hole in "real time". Given the "fictional" centrifugal force equation we can determine the force acting on this "stuff" in that region and fully define its position, velocity and acceleration and thus its kinetic "energy" over time also referred to as "power". Also notice that this "fictional" force would decrease as you get closer to the exit hole as less "mass" becomes present since the volume decreases even though the radius is technically increasing from the center of the container. But one decreases faster than the other as this was enforced by our freely chosen shape of the exit hole which is a cone. You know I have a feeling that every second out there in the world an high school teacher is telling a student that "The centrifugal force is a "fictional" force and you shouldn't worry about it" and when they grow up and are lucky to reach the realms of Quantum chromodynamics their professors tell them: "The Strong Force is a weird force, but dont worry about it is "fictional". Look here a shiny Higgs Boson instead!". Sometimes reality is more interesting than fiction and getting distracted by shiny balls and idolizing their discoverers stops us from moving forward and making progress.

So its just Newtonian mechanics with a dash of fluid dynamics and a "fictional" force that that keeps the container spinning? Sure if that pleases your monkey brain. But monkey brained Billy keeps asking; But why, what happens at the exit hole exactly that produces these dynamics?  Okay Billy lets zoom in further :

When we zoom in further and further until we reach the molecular or atomic scales all we see are little balls or circles. Weird, this "stuff" seems to be made of "circles" that are "moving" on... lines? And what is even weirder is because of the angles that these circles and lines make, and the nature of the tangent function, they "touch" exactly at one single point, where some sort of energy exchange occurs or perhaps more correctly an exchange of "information", information about position, velocity and acceleration. Or to put it even more accurately; position, area and volume over time. As the position gets closer to the exit hole, the cross sectional area and volume decreases. However for a conic shape these two do NOT decrease at the same rate as you move along the height of the cone. You should perhaps ask your AI slave which of both, the area or the volume, decreases faster as you go from the "base" of a cone to its very tip it might give you an interesting answer.

This is not rocket science, wait maybe it is. But this is nothing weird just conservation of volume. As the volume of this stuff decreases the velocity must increase, remember Billy?:

Or an alternate perspective is looking at it from an ideal gas law side of things:

Or yet ANOTHER alternate is basic momentum conservation:

See not rocket science Billy.

BUT WHY. Why does a decrease in volume increase the velocity (aka the "temperature"). Why circles and lines. Why springs. Why a vortex. Why friction. Why cold voids. Why spirals. Why a double helix. Why rotation and linear movement why why why why why why....why anything?

Billy Billy snap out of it! Let your curious monkey brain rest for a bit or the endless "why" spiral will make you go insane.

But here's something to ponder about in the meanwhile Billy. What if the exit hole gets progressively smaller, aka the limit of the volume going to zero as you step along the height of the cone. This means the mass also goes to zero, but the velocity increases? Remember the AI slave question you asked earlier. Did it return an answer yes? Would be amazing if the "area" aka the velocity at a given position had a squared relation compared to the volume as you move along the cone?...Something like E=mc2 maybe?

That is for you to figure out Billy.

Until next time Billy. Perhaps next time we can talk about how even being a pressure loving mosquito brain can offer very useful skillsets when it combines forces with a self sustaining banana loving monkey brain that can borrow the long strong mosquito straw, to provide energy boosts while in return the monkey skills are used to recapture the hot messy monkey "poop" that some mosquito species seem to love and turn into fertilizer. To create vast fields of dense banana trees which are so full of energy that they can be shared by ALL monkeys and mosquito alike to keep each other going. And if the monkey gets really lucky and when enough trust has been built perhaps the mosquito might even reveal its biggest secret, how it can fly so effortlessly through the air. So the monkey and mosquito can find a healthy, peaceful, self sustaining common ground for being fat and lazy. So the monkey can also fly from tree to tree rather than tiresomely climb around them if it chooses to do so, while the mosquito can keep its straw struck in the delicious hot mess around its home tree if it choses to do so and of course everything in between.

« Last Edit: 2024-06-21, 15:31:51 by broli »
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Posts: 327
Billy's mind blowers 1: The tangency paradox

I am going to start a short series of in between short bursts of thought spaghetti that would "blow" Billy's little monkey mind. So lets start.

How close must you get to get to a point where two curved lines would "touch" and are dimensionally speaking perfectly "parallel" in other words their "tangent" point as defined by the tangent function.

Well lets see what the great Mathematical postulates have to say:

The parallel postulate states that through a point not on a given line, only one line can be drawn parallel to the given line. In other words, if you have a line and a point not on that line, there’s exactly one parallel line passing through that point, the line itself.

For those that are not aware of the difference between a "postulate" and a "theorem" in math, its very simple. Postulates are mathematical statements that we assume to be true WITHOUT ANY proof. These are the basic "truths" of the "system", the foundation that we assume to be true and use to build and "discover" theorems from, which the latter are PROVEN by using said postulates as "truths".

So only one "line" can be drawn through a point that is parallel to said "line", in other words the line itself. Uh oh we have a paradox, the simple childcare trigonometry math definition of the "tangent" function produces a paradox in one of our "fundamental" truths which stated that only one PARALLEL line can "touch" a point in space. Yet the definition of the tangent point implies that both lines are parallel at their tangent points. But both of these "touching" lines are clearly not the same line as the postulate implies. How do we reconcile this paradox?

How about instead of solving it, we just burry it so no one needs to deal with it. Lets just hide it from the pesky truth seekers and speed runners. But no matter how well you hide the cookie jar a clever little monkey will always emerge using its sharp nose to follow the scent of the sweet cookies and even build a stack of chairs to reach its difficult to reach hiding place so it can use its big glazy eyes to uncover the "secret" cookie jar location. So then where is the best place to hide something from curious monkeys? The proverbial "Hiding something in plane sight." comes to mind. But how, how do we "hide" something right in front of the curious monkey eyes. That is easy. Lets use light the very thing the monkey's eyes is using to discover the "truth". But lets make it emit so much light that even those pesky curious monkey's dark hole containing eyes, get blinded by all that light. Scaring the monkey away at best or at worst making it play around with the light until it burns itself or even much worse let the monkey use the light to create a cookie bomb able to destroy its entire monkey house so it never discovers the truth again.

A truth that arises from dealing with "infinity". Which are usually seen as scary, burning, nasty or dangerous. But why should it be scary and intimidating. What if at its heart and core this scary "infinity" was ridiculously simple to grasp that even little cookie loving Billy would understand. Something as simple as... 1+1=2 . It doesn't matter what this "1" represents. 1 cookie, 1 banana or 1 infinity. As one 1 infinity added to 1 infinity makes 2 infinities. Which we can take for what it is or theorize further about if we like by perhaps seeing this 2infinities as some sort of "higher" space or new "dimension", aka an area, aka 2D space. By adding dimensions we can jump side ways into 2D space to escape this paradox. Add a dash of velocity on top of these static lines, something which we also call "time", and we get even more interesting properties. Heck lets make it to be 3 infinities such that 1+1+1=3 aka 3D space + time. And to make it even more simple for Billy's monkey eyes lets shine 3 lights that depend on the relative velocities of these 3 dimensional contact "points" that make it emit RGB colors like a 3d pixel at its contact points. Billy here's a VR headset you can play with rather than make a bomb to burn your house. Meanwhile the adults will figure out why the 3d pixels are lighting up like they do. And remember Billy we haven't even added acceleration, friction, glue, rubber...so much more left to play with. So Billy, put down those fire cookies and stop trying to burn the house down.

Good job Billy, your mind has been blown and you have been temporary blinded by a paradoxical white light. Your eyes will recover, nothing is truly "infinite", only as close as your eyes permit to receive, with the right glasses you can even transform this bright light in a more gentle one and perhaps you discover the movie that is playing on the big 3D screen you are part of.

But remember Billy. Its all just a theory, an universal theory.
« Last Edit: 2024-06-20, 19:12:14 by broli »
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Posts: 327
Lesson 10: "Dark" matter

10 is a special number so lets make it special. My confidence in astronomy seems to be increasing so lets take a jab at it and see whether its ego or reason that is speaking. This is going to be a very short one. A single image in fact so Billy's monkey brain doesn't get overworked.

Gravity, the thing we see pulling on stars and planets has a weird component that also adds mysterious additional angular velocity to stars in some galaxies. What if gravity also had a rotational component to it?

Meaning that besides having a (regular) longitudinal component there is also a transverse (circular) component (dark matter) to it that travels outward IF the mass at the center also rotates (which it must do otherwise you have a singularity). I know crazy right well not really as gravity waves are currently being detected in very expensive labs. But the universe is all about reducing friction so over time this would stabilize and produce somewhat stable orbits.

Perhaps galactic "velocity curves" are shaped the way they are because of this circular gravitic component finding that stable orbit.

Dark matter orbits, Star orbits, Planet Orbits, Electron orbits....makes sense Billy?

But it doesn't explain the source of these "gravity" pressure waves moving through time. That is for another time.
« Last Edit: 2024-07-03, 11:13:45 by broli »
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Posts: 327
Lesson 11: Creation, Destruction and rules

i made a whole post Billy but sadly i hit the wrong button and now its gone. So I will keep it short as to not disturb your summer holiday too much.

Everything you make or create must come in pairs. You can create as much pairs as you want BUT the pairs tend to 'evolve' towards each other to rebalance, if they don't then your rules of creation are inconsistent and thus invalid. So lets start creating a language of everything:

And then there was Something and Nothing...

Then inception, a powerful paired touch (respecting the fundamental rule of pairs) that requires no work as no movement occurs.

Something and Nothing have twins that fly off

Twins are forced to 'rebalance'...

And back to Something and Nothing...

Rinse and repeat to infinity and back.

And perhaps lets take a language called "Astronomy" and use some of its labels and apply them to this fundamental ruleset and see how it would fit in.

Or perhaps in the "electromagnetism" domain:

Or the one closest to my heart and our own scale of things:

We can keep going up or down the ladder its always the same repeating pattern but remember Billy its not about the labels, words, shapes or the names of dead people we use to describe things. Those are just visual and linguistic aids that allow us to grasp things from different perspectives. Its all about your fundamental ruleset which you start from and that must be self consistent. For example the following drawing is equally valid:

So there's an infinite amount of ways to represent a ruleset but it MUST be self consistent on all levels or else you break the ruleset and nothing means anything.

Since its summer you can actually play with this yourself outside. Try to make water droplets on the surface of water Billy, its pretty much the same thing.

Enjoy the rest of your summer Billy, soon a new school semester will start. Where you will learn all kind of neat things like self-consistency, rule building, assembly code, bit flipping, error checking, math, physics named after dead people and so much more. But lets try to start the first day of school with a small bang. Hopefully you are excited to get back to school soon.

EDIT: Updated with new images.

« Last Edit: 2024-08-07, 23:16:35 by broli »
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Posts: 327
Lesson 12: Power of Love

Hey Billy, have you settled into school well? Have you started doing your homework?

However let me teach you a lesson no teacher teaches you. Did you know all ideas come from a special place? A place many have forgotten when they have grown older and stopped imagining because they were told their imagination was not "real". A place that is flowing full of ideas, stories, experiences, history, music, art...and most importantly love. A place many before you have received countless ideas, inventions, stories and skills from.

Sadly some scared "parents" failed you little Billy, they have failed us all across known and unknown history. But it is okay, because we do not have to hate them, take revenge, hurt them or judge them because we can show them that we don't need to repeat past mistakes that we are better than simple emotions of destruction. We can forgive our parents for their past mistakes and move on into a better future where children like you and many others like you are never again robbed of their imagination and gifts. So everyone can share their gifts with everyone else freely, free of greed, free of selfishness, free of desire, free of "markets" so they can help and care for everyone that is suffering. Because this universe is bursting full of love and spreading its gifts to everyone who wants to help others so no child is forsaken. Because in the end we are all one big loving energetic family.

Let us show our parents that the power of imagination is nothing to be feared of, that it truly is the power of love! A power that evolves us, that makes our environment more loving and gentle and builds on every previous generation so we too can leave a place where the next generation can thrive in beyond our own imagination in this boundless universe that has infinite space to grow in, to travel through and to finally find your home in.

But in order to grow you must have a sound foundation Billy. Imagine, work and build from your hearth with love and you will reach any place or any height in this vast universe Billy.
« Last Edit: 2024-09-24, 09:41:24 by broli »
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Posts: 327
Lesson 13: Back to basics

Sometimes it's good practice to go back to basics Billy, it reminds you of the simple wonders of nature.

So let's circle around, pun intended, by taking a circle of radius R that is rotating in free space.

Notice how all velocities are symmetrical around the midpoint. Makes sense right Billy?

Now lets make things more interesting and add linear movement to it by moving the whole circle to the left while it is still rotating. You will notice as you will do this the velocities will start to change depending on the direction of movement. For instance if we started to move the rotating circle with a linear velocity of 0.5v we end up with something like this:

The symmetry is now broken because we added a vector that is pointing in the same direction to the entire circle.

If we kept increasing said linear velocity we will reach a special condition to this kind of combination of circular and linear motion. When the linear velocity is exactly the velocity of the rim of the circle we get 'rolling' motion/friction. This is essentially becomes a wheel. Which means that the relative velocity at the point where it comes in contact with the ground is exactly 0.

So far so good.

Now let's introduce a new component. A beam at the top of the wheel that touches it and moves with it. We know that the velocity there has to be 2v due to the nature of linear/circular motion and pure rolling motion right? So this beam having a velocity of 2v will be moving faster than the center of the wheel essentially.

This is not so special in of itself. But lets introduce some overhangs to this beam and allow them to slide over the wheel in what is called 'sliding friction'. This would generate a force on the wheel and an equal but opposite force on the beam.

So now Billy, here is my question to you. Since we have a closed system, being the wheel and the beam, that are interacting with each other. How can we generate heat and sound and at the same time cancel a significant portion of the force that generate it? Perhaps that immovable ground has something to do with.

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