Acne Solution
University testing was done long ago and published, regarding curing acne. I purchased my copy. 300 college students with poor acne were treated . The resultant that was most positive was,.............. greatly reduce sugar related food intake, take DRY tablets Vitamin A + take small value consistently of Vitamin E. Sugar/glucose reduces A level in body, and everyone needs a different level amount of A. Sugar DESTROYS the A level in body. Body reacts at weakest point as the skin. Those with rough skin from ravage infections over time were told to rub on Bravisil, (coarse cream)which wears down the outer skin layer, with outer reddish skin . The skin heals from the inside out and forms another way inner layer, repeatedly. I did this methodology myself long ago, and told my cousin about it. The prescription Retin drug that's' costly, is just a derivative of the same Vitamin A, for company to make $$$ profits.