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Author Topic: what is electrical current ?  (Read 37727 times)

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
Welcome to the forum, Si vis pacem

(Si vis pacem, para bellum is a Latin adage translated as, "If you wish for peace, prepare for war")

At the time of those posts, I was exploring non-ionic currents as a source of energy.  I am no longer pursuing this path, since I determined that something else must be happening.  I am convinced now that "magnification" is indeed real, and that it occurs from scalar fields, via electrical impulses, and in some cases from magnetic fields changing.  The interaction of the scalar field with other fields is what allows the magnification to be used.
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Thanks for your welcome!

With the "Si vis pacem, para bellum" I stick to the first half of the sentence...  O0

OK, with your answer you jumped right in! I read in other posts from you (and like in the "full disclosure paper") how you image this magnification to occur - or better: I think I got a clue of how you see things.

Where I've not yet arrived is a conclusive picture of the aether - and for me to have one is quite essential, especially before starting building something.

I like to start with the simple tests you mentioned (pulsed coil with a magnet in proximity / two coils with delayed pulses - "SM's starting point").

I still cannot imagine (...and found no hints so far...) how the bifilar coil experiment should work.
You send a pulse through, better: across, the first coil, followed by the second one. The first pulse is a scalar shockwave, the second one too. As long as there are no reflections, this would mean two scalar waves taking off. Hm.
Or: the first pulse is not only generating a scalar shockwave (which is unimportant in this thought experiment) but also causes a rise of a magnetic field in the first coil. This is then amplified by the second shockwave and induces a strong response in the first coil.
Would make more sense.

But then: wouldn't it be enough to power the first coil with DC to have the magnetic field? ...wouldn't then timing be absolutely uncritical? ...it's obviously not...

When I think about these things, always the sentence "You generate a pattern in the aether that is LIKE a magnetic field" drops in my head... so, what is the aether?

I just do not get the puzzle pieces together yet...



BTW: ...are we in the right thread or should I post in a "better suited one"?

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
The bifilar coil produces a compressed pulse with an amplitude much higher than the two input pulses.  Poynt99 was able to reproduce this in spice, and this by itself is just a pulse.  This pulse, when HV, produces a scalar wave that will interact with a magnetic field to magnify the magnetic field.  Sequence your pulses in a circle and you rotate the magnified magnetic field, inducing current.  The magnification can be 1:10 or even 1:1000, or more.

I don't have a good model of the aether, yet. 
Group: Guest
This pulse, when HV, produces a scalar wave that will interact with a magnetic field to magnify the magnetic field.

Have you a model describing a "scalar wave" interacting with a magnetic field, with more formalism than layman's terms under which anyone can put anything?


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Have you a model describing a "scalar wave" interacting with a magnetic field, with more formalism than layman's terms under which anyone can put anything?

See these two articles:


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1580
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
All very good articles!

In layman's terms:
I have always looked at all matter like the 3 states of matter, i.e. Gas, liquid, solid.
We can take a form, apply frequencies to it, and change its form whether to a solid or to gas.
I see the aether as these 3 states also. Each state depends on the inflection of waves or interference at any one spot in this void(as humans, in our current technology, see it).

As an example I use a tub of water. Stir it with a stick and the water spins.
Swish a stick back and forth and we produce chaos.
Push it at a resonant frequency and we can empty the tub and with less volume of the interference as compared to the volume we are trying to move. Sounds like a start to Overunity here.
Take a paddle, smack the surface and there will incur more damage to the paddle or source. The destination target hardly moves at a slow speed yet transmits the force quick at relatively low resistance. Sounds like we are playing with a block of ice.
Put a square board on the surface and at a quick speed one could walk across the top.
So what we did here was to change the attack speed to the target but never changed the target speed.

In referencing the aether I don't believe that humans are capable of changing the form of aether, at this time. As an example a nuclear detonation does two things, it partially changes the target(space) by impacting the surrounding space with speed, producing chaos. Getting past the mystery of trying to understand what the surrounding environment is and look at it like it is malleable is a big step. How do we impact and how do we alter it? The companion wave generation is a step in this direction. Unfortunately we trying to swish hot water into ice.

'Frequency equals matter', you can quote me on this.
« Last Edit: 2011-05-31, 16:40:07 by giantkiller »

Group: Guest

If I understand you right, then "your" basic principle of getting OU is influencing / transforming the aether in a way to let it give energy. Mother nature will take care of "restoring" the aether to energetic equilibrum. Right?
One appearant form is the cool running of a device (thermal energy is transferred to another form, nature restores the temperature difference with the surroundings).

This reminds me to the post of Grumpy: http://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=45.msg1325#msg1325
(Letter to T.E. Bearden from the TVQ Group):

"...Any "free energy" system which causes a resistive load  to  run cold
is malfunctioning and should be shut down immediately as a matter of
safety.  Just try  to  keep warm with one and you will see the point
here.  The goal is to provide pure  vector  power to the load.  If a
resistive load runs cold, or cooler than when run with  conventional
power sources, then the translation process is suspect.

If we pollute  the  space-time that our virtual lepton fed generator
is operating in with lots of unhappy  virtual antileptons, something
is going to  give.   This must be avoided.  The virtual  antileptons
will pinch off the flow of virtual leptons and the system will stop,
or suffer performance degradation at least...."

I didn't find much about this TVQ Group, but they seem to have a point.

Could you (...or anybody else...?) give a hint about this group?



Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1580
Frequency equals matter...

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Google Johnathon Worrell Keely(heterodyning) and Viktor Shauberger(vortex)


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948

If I understand you right, then "your" basic principle of getting OU is influencing / transforming the aether in a way to let it give energy. Mother nature will take care of "restoring" the aether to energetic equilibrum. Right?
One appearant form is the cool running of a device (thermal energy is transferred to another form, nature restores the temperature difference with the surroundings).

This reminds me to the post of Grumpy: http://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=45.msg1325#msg1325
(Letter to T.E. Bearden from the TVQ Group):

"...Any "free energy" system which causes a resistive load  to  run cold
is malfunctioning and should be shut down immediately as a matter of
safety.  Just try  to  keep warm with one and you will see the point
here.  The goal is to provide pure  vector  power to the load.  If a
resistive load runs cold, or cooler than when run with  conventional
power sources, then the translation process is suspect.

If we pollute  the  space-time that our virtual lepton fed generator
is operating in with lots of unhappy  virtual antileptons, something
is going to  give.   This must be avoided.  The virtual  antileptons
will pinch off the flow of virtual leptons and the system will stop,
or suffer performance degradation at least...."

I didn't find much about this TVQ Group, but they seem to have a point.

Could you (...or anybody else...?) give a hint about this group?



I tried to contact Bob Shannon and Joe Misiolek of the TVQ group through old contact information from their old articles/posts.  I was not successful.  I do not know what happened to them, they just faded away.  Lester Hendershot was contacted by Geza Korcsmaros, a member of a group active in aether vortex research at that time.  I could not find any more info on them either.

I considered that Joe of Bob may have been "spherics", but I never found any evidence to support this.

I think Joe is talking about virtual particles changing into real particles in the excerpt above (from his letter to Tom Bearden).  I have read about this possibility for a long time, but I was not convinced that this occurs on the scale that it must for many OU devices to work.  I toggled back and forth between "converting virtual or potential energy into real energy" and "a new means of inducing curent" and settled on the new means to induce current.  Both may be occuring depending on the system, since there is an electrical manifestation and a magnetic one.  The radiant electricity charging effect reported by Tesla appears "electric" in nature, but the rotating induction effects of the TPU appear "magnetic".  Either way, if you magnify the process, you get more out than in.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1580
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
Lets look at it this way:
Tesla stated that metal objects sometime floors away became charged or discharged, not glass or biomass(human or wood).
The radiant energy went through glass and biomass. Hold a lightbulb and it lights with the user expressing no feelings. So all metalic matter is called charged because of the coherence of the energy to current. The metallic latice has a certain property that produces magnetic fields while the glass(ceramic) or biomass does not. So if the metallic latice can produce a magnetic field then is can produce current. The radiant energy was said to be all over the area. The reason why a diode is just a piece of wire is the metal leads cohere the energy while the silicon passes it. Sounds like a form of kinetic energy.
When a Telsa coil fires it seek metal, concrete, dirt or ground.

Group: Guest
Thanks for the reply. Viktor Schauberger is well known (...he lived 4 driving hours away from where I live...  ;)) and he was the starting point of my OU activities. It always leads to vortices...

I'm bringing this point because there are many reports of people experimenting with OU devices, who experienced bad effects on their health. Even Bearden lists a number of them in his book "Energy from the Vacuum" (but in a quite "hidden" section... :o). ...and he admits that "...things are not understood completely..." or "...not yet clear...". These were the pages were I woke up from Bearden...
The aether vortex side with Wilhelm Reich (et al.) and his Orgon / DOR / Cloudbusting activities are even more eerie... A good friend of mine has direct contact to people who are working with this today. There are some activities, one of the "negative examples" is presented at www.desert-greening.com. When he also wanted to start activities in this sector, a clear response was given: this "technology" is one of the most dangerous ones one can imagine, and, if applied in a let's say "selfish" way, it often ends lethally. The group estimates the number of persons who know how to work with it and have the "right personality structure" as max. 8 - 10 worldwide. They "hoped to have wakened his attention"... ("desert-greening" is an example of non-responsibility with this technology - in a desert it's simply not normal to grow seeds - and there are definitively side effects on a scale not too constrained...).

I think there is so much "aetherics" below the level of quantum mechanics we know today and this "underworld" is much more complex than we all may imagine.

But please don' get me wrong - I do not intend to be the "party pooper"! I just want to be aware of the dangers that may appear - and I am also convinced, that there are ways to "free energy" that do not harm any living beeing.

Grumpy, then if I understand it right, you are now further on the track of "classic magnetic induction" - the trick is to set up a huge magnified magnetic field with a little input power by a clever combination of the different field (scalar, magentic,...). Right? This would appear to have the potential of a "healthy technology".

...still need to get my head around things... and, who restricted the day to 24 hours...???  :D


Group: Guest
Lets look at it this way:
Tesla stated that metal objects sometime floors away became charged or discharged, not glass or biomass(human or wood).
The radiant energy went through glass and biomass. Hold a lightbulb and it lights with the user expressing no feelings. So all metalic matter is called charged because of the coherence of the energy to current. The metallic latice has a certain property that produces magnetic fields while the glass(ceramic) or biomass does not. So if the metallic latice can produce a magnetic field then is can produce current. The radiant energy was said to be all over the area. The reason why a diode is just a piece of wire is the metal leads cohere the energy while the silicon passes it. Sounds like a form of kinetic energy.
When a Telsa coil fires it seek metal, concrete, dirt or ground.

Giantkiller, this is exactely what keeps me going: Tesla grew very old while the Curies suffered cancer... from this perspective no doubt which choice to take!

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Grumpy, then if I understand it right, you are now further on the track of "classic magnetic induction" - the trick is to set up a huge magnified magnetic field with a little input power by a clever combination of the different field (scalar, magentic,...). Right? This would appear to have the potential of a "healthy technology".

Right, you alter the density of a magnetic field and then move this denser region around like a big magnet.  It may have some properties that are not classical. 

I think technology is as healthy as people are responsible.  If you use it in a bad way, you get a bad result. 
Group: Guest
See these two articles:


Thanks for the link. I had already read Vlaenderen some years ago, in particular his older paper http://www.andre-waser.ch/Publications/GeneralisationOfClassicalElectrodynamics.pdf.
Unfortunately there is not one experiment supporting his theory and making the difference with others. Either he reinterprets or misinterprets facts that are more simply explained by conventional theories (for example there is no need to name "scalar wave" a displacement current), or he based his theory on facts that have been proved to be false, such FTL speed of scalar potentials in free space, coaxial cable, wave guide... old idea already seen even in the mainstream science in the 80's, 90's (for ex. http://fr.arxiv.org/abs/physics/9710027, http://fr.arxiv.org/abs/physics/0209102, http://fr.arxiv.org/abs/physics/0201013...) until the mid of 2000's when it was discarded due to the evidence of measurement mistakes.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Thanks for the link. I had already read Vlaenderen some years ago, in particular his older paper http://www.andre-waser.ch/Publications/GeneralisationOfClassicalElectrodynamics.pdf.
Unfortunately there is not one experiment supporting his theory and making the difference with others. Either he reinterprets or misinterprets facts that are more simply explained by conventional theories (for example there is no need to name "scalar wave" a displacement current), or he based his theory on facts that have been proved to be false, such FTL speed of scalar potentials in free space, coaxial cable, wave guide... old idea already seen even in the mainstream science in the 80's, 90's (for ex. http://fr.arxiv.org/abs/physics/9710027, http://fr.arxiv.org/abs/physics/0209102, http://fr.arxiv.org/abs/physics/0201013...) until the mid of 2000's when it was discarded due to the evidence of measurement mistakes.

http://fr.arxiv.org/abs/physics/0201013 deals with optical pulses

http://fr.arxiv.org/PS_cache/physics/pdf/0209/0209102v1.pdf  - isn't this dealing with EM waves?

(Group velocity faster than C is already accepted.)

I think that many people misinterpret the physical meaning of a "potential".  When a potential is created, it's effect on other objects is created at the same time.  One might jump to the conclusion that the potential field is communicated instantly to the entire universe.   The potential does not have to transmit an electromagnetic wave to the rest of the universe. 

If I have two spheres, 10 feet apart, I connect one to ground and I apply a potential of 10kv to the other one.  How much time will pass after I apply the HV and the potential of the grounded sphere changes?  In other words, what is the velocity of the change in the electric potential?   For all I know, any measurement other than "instantly" is due to measurement error.
Group: Guest
...I think that many people misinterpret the physical meaning of a "potential".  When a potential is created, it's effect on other objects is created at the same time.  One might jump to the conclusion that the potential field is communicated instantly to the entire universe.   The potential does not have to transmit an electromagnetic wave to the rest of the universe.  ...

Here I like the wording Tesla often used - an analogy to liquids (e.g. electric pressure).

If you have a swimming pool 50m long and splash waves on one end, it takes quite a time for them to travel across the pool.
If you take a tube or a garden hose 50m long, which is under pressure, any pressure release on one end will be noticed (nearly) instantly at the other end.

For my understanding, such a comparison fits better to "potentials" than any EM travelling...

exnihiloest (...I like latin "revivals"...  O0):

...Unfortunately there is not one experiment supporting his theory and making the difference with others...

I don't get your point... I've read it only once (...so maybe I'm not yet "in"...), but it appears that his theory may explain some phenomena, which for I haven't read an explanation before. These phenomina (like the Hutchinson-effect) ARE experiments in my eyes.
I just like theories that are very open to the "underworld" of classical physics. There are so many things not yet explained, or even explainable, that demand for a very "able" underworld / aether / whatever you want to call it.

Just an example attached: M. Montagnier - the discoverer of the HIV-virus - transmits DNA information by "electromagnetic effects". He is right now under a certain "pressure" from colleagues, who think he turned from a genius to a crackpot. ...I don't think so...




Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1580
Frequency equals matter...

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It is interesting to observe that, should the cyclotron orbits around the water shell be
saturated by an ion species which does not match the Schumann resonances, the activity of
the biological system would be inhibited. This prediction is in agreement with facts since
we know that there are ions promoting biological activity and ions inhibiting it. The above
conclusion holds, of course, if the only em background is the natural one (Schumann modes) or
an artificial em background with frequencies similar to the Schumann ones; should an artificial
em background with a different frequency distribution be present, a reshuffling of the favorable
and unfavorable ion species would occur. This feature could provide a rationale for the observed
impact of ELF fields on the physiological activity.

Sounds like a possible health or death ray. Star trek sick bay next stop.

Fascinating: To create a coherence domain to resonant ring other CDs that allow these biased environments to talk to the resonancy of DNA and control the phase-locking for manipulation. This can be done by external means to inject controls internally to a subset that needs a specific control for promotion or demotion.

Also sounds like a form of baptism where one human form projects a harmonious clause over another human form in water.

Group: Guest
Fascinating: To create a coherence domain to resonant ring other CDs that allow these biased environments to talk to the resonancy of DNA and control the phase-locking for manipulation. This can be done by external means to inject controls internally to a subset that needs a specific control for promotion or demotion.


I think it is time for me to change medications again.

GK, I understood that statement on the first read  :D
Group: Guest
If you take a tube or a garden hose 50m long, which is under pressure, any pressure release on one end will be noticed (nearly) instantly at the other end.

It is false. And it is well known that it is false. The reason is that an infinitely rigid body doesn't exist, there are deformations along the body, and the time travel of such a pressure has already been easily measured.
Any pressure at one end produces a pressure wave travelling in the material by progressive deformation, at the sound speed, i.e. much much slower than the speed of light and naturally not instantly.

For a potential, it is the same, except that the speed is the speed of light. This is confirmed by the speed of the field which derives from the potential and therefore propagates at the same speed.

Group: Guest

It is false.

Yes, you're right that it's false (...nice wordings...). That's why I mentioned "Nearly". This "Nearly" is literally the scalar pressure gradient in the water - which is, in my eyes, the same as the scalar "effect" regarding potentials. It needs not necessarily be infinite, but it may be well faster than light. So, simply taken: Water surface waves = EM waves; water pressure gradient "wave" = scalar "wave".


Group: Guest
http://fr.arxiv.org/abs/physics/0201013 deals with optical pulses

http://fr.arxiv.org/PS_cache/physics/pdf/0209/0209102v1.pdf  - isn't this dealing with EM waves?

(Group velocity faster than C is already accepted.)

Recami and Nimtz were the proponents of ftl speeds, and made us dream. But their arguments were not solid and have been discarded.
In particular the most frequent mistake is to not consider that a EM pulse is reshaping during its transmission, changing the time dispersion of the energy, so the error is due to the fact that the threshold triggering the time measurement is not the same at the start point than at the end point. The pulse seems to go ftl due to its reshaping, while in fact, the front of the wave is still under the light speed.
Another frequent mistake is due to the addition of several wave periods going back and forth, inducing a phase shift that can be easily confused with an increasing speed, especially in tunneling waves, and in near field experiments (where the receiver and its antenna radiates back a part of the received wave).

I think that many people misinterpret the physical meaning of a "potential".  When a potential is created, it's effect on other objects is created at the same time.  One might jump to the conclusion that the potential field is communicated instantly to the entire universe.   The potential does not have to transmit an electromagnetic wave to the rest of the universe.

This statement can be discarded by lack of facts. If it was true, we could communicate instantaneously. None experiment allows to do it.
And when the field like an electric field derives from a potential, if the potential was instantaneous, the field would be so, which is not observed.

If I have two spheres, 10 feet apart, I connect one to ground and I apply a potential of 10kv to the other one.  How much time will pass after I apply the HV and the potential of the grounded sphere changes?  In other words, what is the velocity of the change in the electric potential?   For all I know, any measurement other than "instantly" is due to measurement error.

What you know is obviously not enough. This case is typically a transmission by displacement current. It needs the same time as a transmission between one plate of a capacitor to the other, i.e. t=d/v where d is the distance between plates and v=1/sqrt(ε*µ).

Group: Guest
It needs not necessarily be infinite, but it may be well faster than light. So, simply taken: Water surface waves = EM waves; water pressure gradient "wave" = scalar "wave".

I'm interested neither by "what it needs" nor by "what it may be". I'm only interested by "what it is", i.e. by facts and observations.
When facts and observations don't support statements, these statements are outside of science and useless relative to our goal which is to obtain real free energy. At least, I suppose this goal is shared. But I'm not sure. I often feel that many participants prefer to have fun, pleasure and easiness by dreaming a reality that we don't have, rather than to confront our real physical world which requires much more intellectual efforts, austerity and rigor.

Group: Guest

I think it is time for me to change medications again.

GK, I understood that statement on the first read  :D

LOL. If you understood that WW, you certainly do need to change your medication... and go for a good lie down too!  :)
« Last Edit: 2011-06-03, 19:09:23 by Farrah Day »

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1580
Frequency equals matter...

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Let me dumb down my previous statement into a more basic example:
Ring a tuning fork and others in the room ring also without using the same action as on the first i.e. the mechanical strike.
But wait! A mechanical strike? Only once? What strikes the other tuning forks? A wave? A pressure gradient?
Is a mechanical strike only achievable by beating a club on the ground or our neighbor?

While the destination is harmony the journey is chaos.

Group: Guest
LOL. If you understood that WW, you certainly do need to change your medication... and go for a good lie down too!  :)

I checked after a good nap. I still understand GK's post  :o

Guess I'll cut my medication (beer) in half.



We must be careful. We're not supposed to have fun or enjoy this effort. After all, if we look like we're having some fun we risk not showing more intellectual effort, austerity and rigor. Some folks have their fun theorizing and trying to run their own theory into the ground. Others.... Well, running into the ground must be enjoyable  :-\

I smell a degree in general physics or psychology. I'm not sure which. Multiplicity via Google translate?

Maybe I won't cut my medication in half  ;D
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