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Author Topic: SM Talked about a Thermonuclear explosion  (Read 37047 times)

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I am glad there's some interest here.

Borderland showed how to convert to and from Longitudinal waves using caps and inductors in a ladder configuration.

I am going to try and show that switching noise does not obey conventional transformer action, and that there can be apparent power but that it's not usable in a conventional way, i did this experiment some time ago and came to these conclusions, i will try to replicate the experiment and post the results.

Group: Tinkerer
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Too many people avoid HV.

Group: Tinkerer
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Many following the TPU may not know it, but SM emailed several people as "Mercury Manilla" to say that the US Navy had a similar device in the 1950's.

A search of US patents reveals that there were several patents filed for Nuclear Batteries using radioactive components.  These are interesting as they produce a very high voltage with little current, indefinitely.  there may be some similarties between nuclear batteries and Tesla's Radiant Energy.

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Interesting papers there tao

Because due to the symmetry of a spherical terminal, most of the magnetic field vectors arising from the dynamic electric field cancel each other. What are emitted are concussive waves made of divergent vector potentials, and vector potentials are merely gradients of a scalar superpotential field, a.k.a. ether. So the spherical terminal would essentially radiate “sound waves” into the ether, just as Tesla surmised. For more on longitudinal waves and potential fields, see my other science-related research notes.

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
Because due to the symmetry of a spherical terminal, most of the magnetic field vectors arising from the dynamic electric field cancel each other. What are emitted are concussive waves made of divergent vector potentials, and vector potentials are merely gradients of a scalar superpotential field, a.k.a. ether. So the spherical terminal would essentially radiate “sound waves” into the ether, just as Tesla surmised. For more on longitudinal waves and potential fields, see my other science-related research notes.

See?  What is he describing with those colorful metaphors:

the magnetic field vectors arising from the dynamic electric field cancel each other

concussive waves made of divergent vector potentials

vector potentials are merely gradients of a scalar superpotential field, a.k.a. ether

“sound waves” into the ether


Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3893

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See?  What is he describing with those colorful metaphors:
Tesla's wireless energy transfer.

The Secret of Free Energy

In case you missed it, there is a critical implication here. The transmitter does not lose energy by generating longitudinal waves, yet the receiver responds to those waves and generates a measurable current. This means that if the transmitter uses a million watts, and the receiver outputs the same, ten more receivers can each output a million watts without putting additional load on the transmitter. Where does the extra energy come from?

Well, there is something very special about an oscillating divergence in the vector potential, namely that it creates an oscillating time field that extracts energy from the flow of time itself. If you have ever wanted to know the secrets of free energy, this is definitely one of them. Under ideal conditions, the transmitter sends an information signal that nudges the receiver into extracting free energy from the time stream. Some would call it extracting the zero point energy, same thing if viewed from the quantum mechanical perspective instead of general relativistic. Due to the first equation showing the relation between divergence and charge density, charges vibrating in a compressive / expansive manner automatically extract free energy that adds to the amplitude of their oscillation.

That the transmitter and receiver electrically oscillate at resonance is how one can dial specifically into the other, and that their mode of oscillation involves radial electron compression makes the entire process assisted by free energy.


Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
Tesla's wireless energy transfer.

The Secret of Free Energy

In case you missed it, there is a critical implication here. The transmitter does not lose energy by generating longitudinal waves, yet the receiver responds to those waves and generates a measurable current. This means that if the transmitter uses a million watts, and the receiver outputs the same, ten more receivers can each output a million watts without putting additional load on the transmitter. Where does the extra energy come from?

Well, there is something very special about an oscillating divergence in the vector potential, namely that it creates an oscillating time field that extracts energy from the flow of time itself. If you have ever wanted to know the secrets of free energy, this is definitely one of them. Under ideal conditions, the transmitter sends an information signal that nudges the receiver into extracting free energy from the time stream. Some would call it extracting the zero point energy, same thing if viewed from the quantum mechanical perspective instead of general relativistic. Due to the first equation showing the relation between divergence and charge density, charges vibrating in a compressive / expansive manner automatically extract free energy that adds to the amplitude of their oscillation.

That the transmitter and receiver electrically oscillate at resonance is how one can dial specifically into the other, and that their mode of oscillation involves radial electron compression makes the entire process assisted by free energy.

I underlined some absurdities.  This is so "Bearden-esque" that I could barely stomach it.  A couple of blurbs about "negentropy" and I would have lost my lunch.  How can "charges vibrating" extract free energy?  They totally miss the point and people with good intentions suffer for it.

There is so many of these "assumption-filled mis-interpretations" around that it is almost impossible to find good, truthful information.   These good men lay down reams of typed hoopla, explaining this and that over and over, but never once do they offer up the goods.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 1580
Frequency equals matter...

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Tesla had an approach to powering devices wirelessly.
If the process is not transmitting watts then what is transmitting?
The only other approach would be high frequency reactance.


Shhhh, Aetheric manipulation. :o


Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
Tesla had an approach to powering devices wirelessly.
If the process is not transmitting watts then what is transmitting?
The only other approach would be high frequency reactance.


Shhhh, Aetheric manipulation. :o

Tesla's magnifier is an RE source, although is a horrible explanation and very misleading.  Still no one ever builds the receiver, except for that Tesla Radio guy and he got excellent results.

The statement above means that most explanations of Tesla's work are absolute BS.  Also, I seriously doubt the stories that Morgan pulled the plug when he found out the energy would be free.  I think this is absolute BS to perpetuate lies and misleading BS. 

Sure the magnifier was a generator of sorts but one magnifier would not power everything on the earth.  Tesla showed in an article that several towers would be required as they only work over an area. 

His reciever uses a coil and secondary which indicates the energy recieved varies or it would not induce the secondary.  His other RE receivers have a cap and spark gap because the energy recieved is steady, so you have to switch it. 

If you read Tesla Colorado springs notes, many times "resonance" would not be where he thought it would be based on calculations as he tunes for greatest effect and it was not LC resonance.  Of course everyone else is an expert and has perpetuated misinterpretations for 100 years, why should anyone believe me?
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« Last Edit: 2012-10-13, 22:18:41 by tao »

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
So, it seems we need to start at square one so to speak. Generate some RE and try to characterize it, and interface with it for power generation.

So, Grumpy, how you envision RE being 'lenzless'/'non-reciprical'(in the sense of not loading the source)? Is it the fact that we create these RE 'emanations' via HV and very low to no current that allows this, since HV is 'cheap'? That would certainly allow a 'non-reciprical' type of power generation and a FE effect for sure, provided we can intercept and turn that RE 'emanation' back into a 'usable current' for our needs.

The "source" is not "THE SOURCE".  "THE SOURCE" is the environment, the entire universe.  Remember Tesla crowning realization, which is also my own greatest realization:

"there is no energy in matter other than that received from the environment"

What we consider a source of energy is just that which creates the energy imbalance, not the energy itself. 

The more I say, the less people will experiment, and I am beginning to think that people don't really want an alternative generator, but rather just want to know how it works to satisfy their curiosity.  Never-the-less, I have stood, unwavering, by the affirmation that Tesla RE is the answer for several years now.  (It is only very recently that I came to agree that the energy really is in the environment, it is available everywhere in the universe, and there is no limit to it.)
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« Last Edit: 2012-10-13, 22:18:35 by tao »

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
Aha, ok, that makes total sense in relation to Tesla's 'Non-polluting gradient', the idea being that all the energy comes from the 'environment', in Tesla's example it came from a lake, but in general, that lake could be viewed as the 'aether'/'natural medium'.

You are right Grumpy, the more you talk and we talk, the more all this just becomes a talk-fest and no one ends up experimenting because most will just want to keep talking and not doing, its no one's fault, its just what 'always happens'.

I think, for me, I just would like to have something defined, at least somewhat, that we can then test against. First and foremost would be to start producing what we feel is RE, and then once we are producing it and can do it on demand, then we can move forward from there. What do you think?

I think, those adventurous few, I'm sure there won't be that many, but, I think that we should come together, get some relatively simple setups going, that we can all have similar setups, and can all attempt to first produce the RE from these setups. Then we can further collaborate and move from there, figuring out and defining our goals and interactions with our emanated RE productions and move onward toward proper working devices.

Yes, I agree that producing the RE effect is the first step.  Darkspeed and Dollard did it, shared it, but everyone was, and still are, doing other things.  It's open-source.  No one can lay claim to it, or buy it.

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
Does this diagram have an error?  If so, no one has called me on it.


The following are questions and answers from a HAM test:

What is the phase relationship between the current through and the voltage across a series resonant circuit?
The voltage and current are in phase

What is the phase relationship between the current through and the voltage across a parallel resonant circuit?
The voltage and current are in phase

We can derive from this requirement, and a bunch of other indications from Tesla-ish literature, since he ran everything at resonance, that you need the current, and it's associated magnetic field, to be present at the same time as the electric pulse.

It would probabaly be a good idea to add a steady magnetic field coil around the coil in that diagram.

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« Last Edit: 2012-10-13, 22:18:30 by tao »

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
I guess, my thing is, we are not going to be making large magnifying transmitters, and therefore we need to characterize and confine the effect into a smaller portable setup where we can use the RE effect to imbalance and then intercept the energy for use. What that setup will eventually look like, I don't know at the moment, but that is what experimentation would bring forth. So, in my mind, the first step would be, create the Stinging Effect, why?, so that we know we have RE, and because it stings, we can clearly define it as RE, then from there, we can do some experimentation to characterize the RE some, and then from there, we can try to 'intercept' the 'imbalances' in the 'environment' that we are making with our manifested RE. Sound like a plan or no?

Based on currently available information, I don't feel the Magnifier is practical for alternative energy.   Kapanadze's green box device is a step forward, but still has the ground connection and a ground reference grid would probably be a good idea to keep the output steady.

RE doesn't always sting.  This is only at a certain range of repetion rates.  Around 15kHz as I recall, but this should be confirmed.  So, create the charging effect - that is the plan.  Forget about the imblances for now.

I have posted several references to density changes of the vacuum itself and that this increases the permeability.  Nipher performed experiments indicating that electric potential increases permeability.  Apparently no one has stopped to think about what this implies.  Ferromagnetic materials increase permeability.  Moving a piece of ferrite into and out of a coil changes the inductance of a coil.  A magnet increaes permeabilty.  Move the magnet into and out of a coil and a current is induced.  By changing the density of the vacuum, I make a very strong magnet, and move it very quickly, and very little work is required since I do not have to move the mass, but the current induced is based on the magnetic field density and rate of change - not the mass.   ;)

Anyone can put together a coil and magnet or two coils and a piece of ferrite and verify that changing permeability induces current, as a proof of concept.

Anyway, all this is interesting but fruitless without effort and experiments.  You need a HV DC pulser and some wire, magnet, power supply or batteries for the DC field.  A magnet will react without the DC field.
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« Last Edit: 2012-10-13, 22:18:23 by tao »

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
Attached is a file of an article by a man that tried Bearden's Radiant Battery Charging idea from his latest book.  Results were less than he expected, but he did get his hands dirty and learn from the experiment. 

Side note: Back in elementary school, I entered a failed experiment into a science fair and win an honarable mention for it.  My father help me cleverly word the results to show that experiment had indead shown that the hypothesis was incorrect, and therefore was successful.

Even failed experiments provide results.

My take on the whole thing is to stick with what Tesla actually said and did.  Do not follow the advice of using "any" material, such as steel, and 70 foot long wire.  Tesla used a polished plate for good reasons.  Tesla states in his patent that a battery can be placed across the capacitor instead of a ground connection.  I guess the B-B Team didn't read it.

The the B-B Team of "charletans" have poisoned good minds with their crap, like the whole "different kind of energy stored in a capacitor" BS.  "Negative energy" - what the hell is that?  It's really sad that the B-B Team soils the name of Tesla like they do.  Granted Tesla was human, not a God, an as fallable as anyone else.

When you start experimenting, it will help to have resistive voltage dividers that draw very little current, so you can see your hv signals on your scope, but keep in mind that the signal is attenuated, so detail is lost.  Values can be calculated on the hyperphysics web site.

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Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 1580
Frequency equals matter...

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Lets run this up the flag pole...

I have done the compwave generation tests multiple times, but with 12Vdc on a paper towel tube coil.
I have never raised the voltage. So this I will do with the newest coil. I have the electrostatic ec600 @ 2000vdc to involve also.
To me this looks like a new entry.

Also I live close to top secret testing areas. The other day some neighbors and I were watching a fighter jet circle the area when it just disappeared in plain sight. Not over the horizon but right above our heads at about 1k feet. It was not ascending but traversing horizontally. It wasn't a glint or a flash then reapperance but totally disappeared. We could still hear it though. The neighbors dont know what I do...

So I am apprehensive about my testing. I tend not to do it in the day time. But I also don't know what spectrum the tracking sites are looking at either.
Or one day I become MIB cloak property. I could end up in a new lab or in the ground.


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It's not as complicated as it may seem...

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
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« Last Edit: 2012-10-13, 22:18:18 by tao »
Group: Guest
Yes, but you may think about the possibility of -VL actually being -L resulting in -VL.

At least, this is something I am wondering about for the moment.
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Posts: 805
A negative inductor behaves almost similarly to a capacitor, they are reciprocal to each other,  however,   a true capacitor exibits a lower impedance with increased frequency,  while a negative inductor exibits an increasing impedance with frequency,  but it behaves as a capacitor from the standpoint of the phase, meaning the current leads by 90 deg  (or is it the other way around?)

Here's the math,  let's calculate the impedance of a negative inductor:

Z = j (2 pi f) (-L)  =  (1/j) (2 pi f) (L)

See how simple that was.    ;D

Group: Guest
Thanks EM.

You've provided the math for the current definition of a negductor - one simulated with digital electronics.
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