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Author Topic: Lets start the new year with a bang!  (Read 78002 times)
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 703
I am an electrician I don't even make any claims to the vaunted title of 'engineer' I used to work on oil rigs some times however for my sins of writing openly on forums particularly this one I got  'Blacked' that's an unofficial list that virtually makes you unemployable which like the linear wave isn't supposed to exist .. yeah right !
To those of you who have been kind enough to read my performances some I must confess scribbled drunk and some stone cold sober and very angry I am very obliged.
I promised at the start of this trip that you would be in for a 'hell of a ride' I didn't really fully comprehend what a dangerous and frightening drive it would be for me. Put yourself In my shoe's for a moment , unemployed and somewhat down at heel , and you win a huge lottery ticket .. your saved! Ah but then your asked to give every ha’p’orth of it away , Not even a button left to give your children. For all the comments on here of people being selfish and greedy and playing mind games ask yourself this … If it was you could you give the only thing you had ever won in your life away?
Except this isn't even 'won' by chance  Its hard fought for, and Its a question many have had to face I suspect , you have seen Matt and David claim success and clam up and then go ''the investment route' I don't blame them at all as I said .. Its a big .. Its a huge ask and that route is a holding cell for the gollum that’s Inside of us all. Its possible to convince yourself your 'developing and perfecting' for the sake of all whilst actually keeping the precious ring .. well hidden. Well I've tried each of the pieces of this .. or at least as far as I can I durst not build the whole thing .. yet. If I am right and I am very sure of it .. and it works as I predict , could I trust myself to give it away?
In this hard fought battle I have been helped by many but before I could become a trooper I didn't realise I had to do a great deal of basic training. I like to think I have many friends on this particular forum. In truth I have few in real life I have been far to busy engaged in this war .. one way or another.
One of the most shocking and really frightening discoveries I made was this is nothing what so ever to do with energy. It is all to do with good and evil, (and in the case of energy it happens to take the form of greed) . To be a free people or to be slaves? A  frightening concept stares us right in the face .. will our son's or daughters even understand the concept of something that used to be called privacy ? Never mind freedom.
At that point I really felt the battle to be a rout but have kept doggedly at the task battering my head yet again against the wall, luckily there are but few brain cells inside to be disturbed, In fact were there to be another one , It would be lonely. Every one knows free energy researchers are deranged lunatics anyway don't they?
However Soon their smirks will change to astonishment I promise. In days if I'm right and in weeks if I'm wrong.
Gradually I have learned who the enemy is, where he is, I like to think I’ve managed a few pot shots
in the right general direction. I have also I think wounded some good friends accidentally and for reasons they are perhaps still puzzled about ..( sorry orion not your fault at all).
There are a few battle tactics I have watched that don't work, The video for instance  … It doesn't  
why ? Because Its a mind twist and if there is any possible way for humanity to believe its a trick
then they will, The reason ? The alternatives are far to unpalatable to contemplate ! If free energy exists then the rest of the odious stinking midden heap is also true. (and it is I'm afraid. I know it is because I’ve had one or two minor successes, enough to know which way to point my cap anyway.)  
They are then obliged to fight! Rather as when Germany invaded Poland Britain was obliged to fight. So will you be for the sake of your sons daughters and grandchildren.
So you see in the war 'free energy'  is just a skirmish never the less it is one I am now determined to help win regardless of cost. I’ve been working quietly alone planning how I might secretly change the course of the fight entirely. I thought of old battle tactics that might be used that could overwhelm and utterly destroy the enemy at one go.  And hopeful before he could destroy me,although no doubt he will destroy me, I'll try to ensure its a Pyrrhic victory.
so you can see the plan and be part of it. here is what I conceived the battle tactic is based on one from nearly a hundred years ago combined with one of seventy years ago I rather hope it catches the enemy (tptb) by surprise the first world war was in full swing, It was a bitter conflict that developed into two trenches stretching for many miles a total stale mate, exactly as we have on these forums … power in … power out rubbish , sell your machine make a fortune ,  well I'm sure you all know the banter be you  friend or foe as we take pot shots and lob the odd Mortar at each other.
Well I remembered an  action called the ' Lochnagar mine '  It wasn't particularly successful at the time but I think it has possibilities here providing my side is prepared to quickly assemble and help,
by doing the right thing, not the profitable thing but the right thing!  If not my sacrifice is for naught.
At  Lochnagar a team of British basically 'coal miners' tunnelled quietly across no man's land, then working as quietly as mice they dug a cavern under the German trench. Of course every morsel of earth had to be carried back to the British lines and disposed of surreptitiously so as not to arouse the suspicions of the enemy and particularly their observation pilots ,  The British then began to quietly fill the cavern with tons and tons of high explosive. At 7.30 in the morning  On the first of July 1916 exactly 97 ½ years ago today …  the plunger was pressed, Nearly a hundred years later this is a picture of that attempt to break the stalemate


I thought perhaps such a tactic might prevail here and so I've been quietly assembling the explosives under the enemy trench , win or lose I'm sure the opposition tptb (the powers that be) won't like this bang very much.
you may then be wondering what the other vintage tactic is I try to bring into play why it was called
kamikaze all my own personnel dreams are sacrificed.
I have committed my explosives to a PDF I have published it under my own name most I have come to the conclusion these guys know who you are anyway If you think your anonymous think again !  of the protagonists at  Lochnagar most were vaporised in the conflict .. at least I have the option to be known. I view that as a great privilege.
In one page I have dissembled the  Steve Mark TPU for you, with a rough explanation of its operation . But that alone won't take and hold the enemy line I'm sure!
I go on to explain how each part fits into the whole of the machine. IMHO that still won't hold the line either! I go on to describe some of the detective work involved in the investigation of Steve Mark and the material he must have stolen from his company and how its used …. perhaps then enough to blow the line but not to hold it,  .. I go on to explain the resonance and the waves that have been hidden from you and the way they fit into the whole issue .. you see I want you to fully understand each step. Savour each morsel. Whilst our oppressors taste only ashes.
I get hold of lenz law by its scuff and turn it back on its self  .. and show you how its done and why.
I still didn't think that would be sufficient to take and hold the line … Its the core of the lies and filth of this part of the conflict that needs exposing the Dupe Albert Einstein who in turn has duped all of us.
I am more a hewer of wood and drawer of water than a man of science still I often watch EPD and hope little gems of the man's genius might rub off on me , Not in a higher maths form you understand but in such a way I can understand and give form to the lies of Einstein such that others might see and clearly understand the filthy tricks being played out on humanity by so called 'public servants' if this bloated  filth is the servants one wonders what the masters are like?
Its certainly extremely difficult  to drag them and their criminal bankster friends away from the teats
of society at large

I here then add substantial weight to Professor Dollards work in my own humble way  and identify the illusion and try to give it form.
youngsters who's pencils are still sharp can quickly resolve the distance of the deception given the direction I would hope. They can run much faster and harder than I.

Here's what I would like you to do next then …  first and most importantly down load this PDF next download any of the pertaining web pages you might feel you need to learn the material. Because they are sure to be attacked in order to render the PDF worthless.(That is really why I introduced and explain the whole concept on the first page!)

http://dnp.s3.amazonaws.com/b/b5/Duncan's real doughnut.pdf

Digest and understand as much of what I have written as you can .. check it out any which way you like. .. I have explained each step as an engineering progression So you can understand why and how and then adapt to what materials you have.  

I wish you all a Happy, and I hope very different new year ! Bless Duncan. O0

PS  for some reason the link on induced magnetism didn't survive the conversion to PDF .. here it is again

« Last Edit: 2014-01-01, 06:48:02 by Duncan »

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Hero Member

Posts: 805
Happy New Year guys, lets achieve great things this year!

Group: Renaissance Man
Hero Member

Posts: 2765

Buy me a cigar
Happy New Year dear Duncan.

Thank you for sharing your "Pet" with us.

Do you see any problem with the attached sketch? Apart from the fact it wasn't drawn on a Christmas card. !!  :)

This idea for construction could greatly simplify a build !!

Cheers Graham.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)

Group: Renaissance Man
Hero Member

Posts: 2765

Buy me a cigar
Dear All.

This post on OU.Com may also be significant !! Then follow on. Using a pair of Ferrite "U" cores.


Cheers Graham.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Sr. Member

Posts: 345
Thanks Duncan!   One question on the last page - you have a link to a flip flop oscillator driver.   However it seems to point to a high efficiency inverter circuit.   Am I missing something there or is that a wrong link?   BTW what do you think it would take in terms of money to buy the core material you need for the TPU?   

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
Air gaps between the magnets are essential. The gap size depends on the gauss strength. If the loop is continuous you need more power or higher frequency as in mega,giga,terra hz to make an effect. The best way is to lower the FE content and make a weak field gap by using a cabinet magnet.
Because with a solid magnetic race track that goes in only one direction you will have trouble controlling the flux flow. The bucking areas that repel will be quite strong and difficult to manipulate.

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 703
ok  the reason for the toroid is it has the least flux leakage of any magnetic circuit bar none . putting a magnetic circuit at 90 deg as you consider is the very least efficient magnetic circuit known, Its akin to a hose pipe with a kink in it.
the for small air gaps are essential to force magnetic pole change which in turn allows you to split EMF and back EMF and use both forces to the good  O0
sorry if I sound a little curt just a bit tired  O0
« Last Edit: 2014-01-01, 20:45:51 by Duncan »

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 703
Thanks Duncan!   One question on the last page - you have a link to a flip flop oscillator driver.   However it seems to point to a high efficiency inverter circuit.   Am I missing something there or is that a wrong link?   BTW what do you think it would take in terms of money to buy the core material you need for the TPU?   
No your on the right page . and the right circuit . that circuit essentially sends current first one way then the other through the transformer , it is only the chip section I used and instead of switching transistors and the transformer just connected it straight to the H bridge to switch it first one way then the other

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 703
Graham U cores is a fair option ... that's next best to the toroid four of them, I considered two links of an Iron chain each cut in half,( anchor chain used to be made of pure Iron) to combat the rust problems but I didn't find any suitable  :(

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 703
Air gaps between the magnets are essential. The gap size depends on the gauss strength. If the loop is continuous you need more power or higher frequency as in mega,giga,terra hz to make an effect. The best way is to lower the FE content and make a weak field gap by using a cabinet magnet.
Because with a solid magnetic race track that goes in only one direction you will have trouble controlling the flux flow. The bucking areas that repel will be quite strong and difficult to manipulate.

Oh .. please don' t think  I chide you, not so .. I want you to clearly understand .. Its far far simpler than gauss and the like … so don't worry your pretty heads so!

We could form a small chain of nails and paper clips as shown below:

You really don't need to make things complicated ! Do you think a fool such as myself could possibly work it out if it was complicated ?  And luckily
'What one fool can do, another can (ancient simian proverb) quoted by Silvanus P Thomson another FE researcher of note!

Silvanus PThompson

This is so easy you rush by but don't see . You see the Bar magnet holding Iron nails ? If you very gently removed the bar magnet from the top nail why all of the nails would Immediately separate and fall to the floor …. that’s because Iron is a 'Soft magnetic material' this is what our four separate  cores are made of .  Soft magnetic material .
The other end of the magnet is Holding paper clips , They are not made of Iron they are made of mild steel  MS is a 'different kettle of fish' if you carefully remove the magnet all the paper clips will remain stuck together, they will remain magnetised because Mild steel is a very hard magnetic material . Exactly what we do not want .  
Now so you under stand a little better what is occurring picture the particular Iron nail the arrow is pointing at to be one of the four electromagnets I have drawn , (in fact one of the electromagnets supplying the load) what would happen to the poles of that Iron nail if the one above it and the one below it reversed polarity ? Why it would have to instantly reverse poles itself.
Now to take your Imagination just one step further I'm sure most have an Idea how a transformer works ,, or rather how we are taught it works … now imagine that nail to be the secondary core of a transformer . With windings on it . Each time the flux changes direction .. why It induces a voltage
and the formula for the voltage produced is

                                                                  .. where T is the number of turns
                                                                               dΦ is the changing magnetic flux  
                                                                                dt is the time it changes in

For those who hate to tangle with calculus in any shape or form this is the poor mans version ..

E = Turns x (Φ1-Φ2)      its quite sufficient where Φ1 and Φ2 are the minimum and maximum flux
                     (t1 – t2)             whilst t1 and t2 are the times of each cycle

should you want to 'bone up' on any of this transformer theory you can fill ya boots here


So now do you grasp how simple it really is ? There is no need to get complex .. there is nothing complex or complicated happening here and never will be .. Its just very simple basic electrical engineering all the way through .. you can 'most of you' no doubt do it all faster and much better than I , Its just you have rushed by whilst I being more stupid have had to look carefully under every bush.
Now perhaps you also see why Steve Mark was so busily engaged in working out turns ratio's It is essentially a transformer action.. although much faster than you would normally be used to . Which is why as I say I  am struggling to find suitable core material.  I hope that clears things a little bit for you all.  
« Last Edit: 2014-01-02, 05:33:07 by Duncan »

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Sr. Member

Posts: 345
Duncan,  Thanks for clarifying the flip flop question.  Would I be correct in assuming you seek something like Metglas or Iron with a very high content of Iron like hydrogen annealed iron which is 99.95% plus iron for a core?
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 703
wow you sound much more clued up on the subject of magnetic materials than me e2matrix . I can see how he's done it but the engineering of magnetic circuits is a dim area for me.
He says himself that he was operating at about 8 Khz and I see no reason to doubt it , Its the centre of a speakers frequency range after all . Its what he would have 'borrowed' In fact In one of the video's Its clearly stated that's where the cores came from .. I'm kinda hoping some one with a bit more nous in the magnetic area (and it might by you) can pick up the magnetic issue .. Its obvious that there is stuff that can do it .. that's how every loudspeaker works , some converting hundreds and hundreds of watts at many KHz with an electromagnet I did phone up a speaker company here in the UK but the man started talking numbers with lots of zero's.
I do have some pretty pure Iron I have bought from this company


which they proclaim to be very pure .. I bought 2M of 20mm round bar , but I don't have the means to bend it  so I now await a blacksmith to sober up after Christmas and even then he says a circle is beyond him and I'm going to have to try with four U shaped things .. Its all very frustrating Its obvious whats actually needed and how its done and put together but then the fates seem to want to trip you at every turn I'm not even sure if pure Iron will suffice but in the absence of what I really need .. of course I have to try it.

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Sr. Member

Posts: 345
Well no not an expert by a long shot.   I just know Don Smith used Metglas in at least one of his projects.   I've looked into permeability before for some other projects a bit and I assume it is permeability that we may be interested in.  See this chart on Wiki:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permeability_(electromagnetism) about half way down the page and you'll see it is interesting that 99.8% pure Iron has only a permeability of 5000µ whereas 99.95% pure iron has a µ of 200000.    The company you posted where you got your iron says they get 99.85% pure so you'll probably be coming in somewhere closer to 5000µ than 200000µ.    Metglas is quite expensive although once in a while I've seen some on eBay.   I think something like 6 inch diameter toroids were coming in around $150 to $200 or so.   I've seen it in toroid shapes but it's more often in U shapes with fairly squared off corners.   Seems like there has to be a good reasonable source from somewhere.   I wonder if some very big old speakers might have what you need.  

And just thinking out loud here.   Maybe it would be easier to find a big chunk of flat round or square pure iron that is about an inch thick and then you could drill out the middle.   If it's square band saw off the corners to where they are round.   Drill enough small holes in the middle to get one big hole and then grind until smooth.   On the other hand I guess you actually want to end up with four 1/4 rounds don't you?   That being the case there has to be someone that can bend that bar for you.   I'm thinking ship builders.   I think you already mentioned chain.   Someone that makes large ship boat chain would certainly have a machine to bend large iron rod if they didn't already have some the right size.   You just need to cut it into quarters anyway.    Okay rambling done ....   ;)

Group: Renaissance Man
Hero Member

Posts: 2765

Buy me a cigar
Dear All.

I have been giving this thread a deal of thought and being the Newbie I might as well take the flack for my following remark!!  :)

A loudspeaker as far as I am aware has a powerful doughnut shaped permanent magnet. This magnet also has a linked soft iron inner core that the speaker coil runs in between of. There lies the crux !! An alternating current applied to the coil causes the cone to vibrate in, as Duncan rightly suggests a linear wave.

So what I am trying to say is that the speakers magnetic material would not be suitable for this application because it would become a permanent magnet !! A loudspeaker's magnet doesn't change strength whilst in use does it ??

My neck is on the block !!  :)

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 703
oh grumage that's not thinking like an engineer is it? 1000 watts goes in (say) and moves the cone accordingly it is of course physically moving the cone back and forth that consumes 1000W . it can't be a PM magnet can it ? indeed here's an animation .
The material the core of what is called 'the voice coil' is what Steve Mark used ... that coil is taking all the input power ,changing it to lateral movement and physically moving that cone very fast back and forth.  the big PM magnet your thinking of is effectively a counter balance .. I'm not interested in that at all . it is the substance that the voice coil is wound on probably a sintered material of some sort  .. Steve Mark .. had access to it , it has every quality needed here ... light weight, very soft magnetically, capable of handling huge power. capable of being' formed ' obviously for different speakers . actually absolutely the reverse of what you say Grumage the stuff has no magnetic retention at all the speaker cone always returns to the centre position . pressed into the right shape it has every requirement I need , so I know what it does, I know how it does it , I know its frequency response , I know its power handling, I know its Retentivity  I can even work out its B/H curve . That's not guess work or thinking about it ... that's just simple pure engineering every step of the way .... I've never seen the stuff, and I cant remember the last time I ever butchered a Loudspeaker ... but that 'stuff' has all the qualities required to make the Christmas card jump about! perhaps I cant get my hands on it, but someone out in forum land can and will I'm sure. I didn't put the post up for me ultimately anyway I posted all the engineering and the principles of every step and that sir is very unusual (as you know) from here anyone at all has as much chance of building ,proving ,demonstrating  the thing as I do. I'm quite sure the principles, technology and logic /detective work are right .... who's got the exotic magnetics is the question still your 'thinking on' and that's super Grumage  ;D

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Elite
Hero Member

Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
google "voice coil formers"

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
Sr. Member

Posts: 345
I'm having a hard time understanding what I just found.   I was digging around for 'speaker voice coil material' and I keep seeing Titanium being sold for speaker voice coil making.   Titanium is completely non-magnetic so I don't know what I've found but it's not making sense at first look.   At least titanium does not attract to even strong neo magnets so I may be wrong but I didn't think it would work as a voice coil material.  

Adding this info I just found on voice coils:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voice_coil
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 703
Now that's all interesting stuff .. I haven't got my head around the dynamics of it yet ... the Penny will no doubt drop  .. in fact It has whilst I'm writing .. so just thinking allowed here ... that thin material , with the coil wound on it . ... projects virtually all of its magnetism laterally (obviously) the toroid permanent magnet counter balances the "pull of the cone" sooooo the cone is in the neutral position (effectively) then a big BINGO it explains how Steve Mark could cut straight through the toroid !!!! its physically flimsy for all its brilliant magnetic properties and huge power handling  ... yeah thats the stuff .. me thinks, thats what was all around the inside of what looked like a hollow toroid he cut in half I dont have the video to check .. but pound to a pinch   wonder if we can get BH curves and wot not 

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus

Group: Renaissance Man
Hero Member

Posts: 2765

Buy me a cigar
Dear Duncan.

I would first like to thank you for using one of the sharper axes from the armoury !!  :)

I was totally unaware the loudspeaker drive coil formers were made of exotic materials !! Most of the ones I took apart in my youth were just plain old cardboard, showing my age a little !!  :)

I am now on the same page !! So with a little lateral thinking does that supplier you found supply the pure Iron in wire form?  We could make up bundles and create the radii to suit. Rather like the cores from the days of your !!
Alternatively my two youngest sons are employed by a steel fabricators/blacksmiths works and I have learned that their power roller can create a 12" dia or could heat and form down to 3" dia but with some waste created !!

Anyway we seem to have some options available to help progress the project.  O0

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Guest
I'm having a hard time understanding what I just found.   I was digging around for 'speaker voice coil material' and I keep seeing Titanium being sold for speaker voice coil making.   Titanium is completely non-magnetic so I don't know what I've found but it's not making sense at first look.   At least titanium does not attract to even strong neo magnets so I may be wrong but I didn't think it would work as a voice coil material.  

Adding this info I just found on voice coils:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voice_coil

Titanium is not magnetic, and if it was it could not be used as a voice coil former as it would immediately glue itself to the speakers permanent magnet. Titanium is used because it is strong and light, so allows for better hf response. Only the toroidal permanent magnet is magnetic. The titanium is just the coil former, onto which the enamelled copper wire - or aluminium - is wound. The speaker cone moves in response to the magnetic field generated in the voice coil interacting with the permanent magnet. Once the signal in the voice coil ceases, so too does its magnetic field.
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 703
 ;D back to the drawing board with that bit of brilliance then!

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Guest
;D back to the drawing board with that bit of brilliance then!

Like you say, you're only an electrician.

Besides I figured e2matrix was looking for a simple, straight-forward answer rather than a 10 page, beer-fuelled lecture. Happy New Year!
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 703
I simply cant be bothered with you Farrah day --- I should think e2matrix would be considering anything that might work . just as I am, and as for 1 page 2 or 10 so what? it is a transfer of information .. all you have ever transferred on FE forums is snide . I doubt it would ever dawn on you that if there were a 'simple straight-forward answer' every man and his dog would know it already, IMHO  Its about time you got bounced off this forum too ! 

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus

Group: Renaissance Man
Hero Member

Posts: 2765

Buy me a cigar
Dear Duncan.

So where are we ?? Are you now having second thoughts regarding the Xmas card sketch ?? Or can this idea be implemented with a not so exotic material instead ?

I have just read your remarks on the Crème de la crème (perhaps) thread and being one of those less fortunate to see OU in any of it's guises !! would love to see, even a small clue !! :)

That said I have been out today and purchased the first part for my upcoming Chas Campbell replication, the most expensive part will be got next week, a 6 Kva alternator. Being mostly a pessimistic type of person, I know at least I can couple it up to an old Petter diesel I have tucked away and maybe try out Johan's oil and water mix !!  ;D

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Moderator
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Posts: 703
I'm still going ahead with this rummage I want to know if the theories will hold up I have found a magnet core voice coil manufactured by a company called CU  I'll write some more when I find a little more about the stuff . . The Chas Cambell Machine is also I believe Just as I reported, I simply give it my best shot Graham and tell just as I see it. and In the case of that machine as it was told to me. Whilst I have never built one, I have never built one of these either but I'm still quite sure it works , I don't know what the magnetic exchange medium is as I said at the out set but that's neither here nor there . If you going to have a go at a Chas Cambell Clone I'll inject all I can to help, In fact I'll even drive down there and help personally if push comes to shove. That I may be 'just an electrician' doesn't mean I am not an honest man prepared I come among my peers offering information, hoping to inspire and be inspired in return I ride under my own name and try and show the whole vista of each concept . and what success and failure I have had with it. This COP>1 stuff isn't simple engineering Graham its a huge wrestling match to join sometimes confusing dots and information that seems not to relate.
Perhaps more importantly its about us .. all of us ,being open handed and prepared to try and share that which we have ,To give away something you regard as precious is difficult ,there are then those who treat the very act of giving with snide and contempt. Its no matter Graham they are worthless opposition they too have their job to do. So your question which pool to dip your toe into ? I wish I could say wind this wind that bolt that on there plug it in and there's 5 KW for life. If I could do that these forums would have been redundant long ago . whilst I have built plenty of COP>1 machines they all have serious flaws, feeble power. intermittent, unreliable, unpredictable, not understood, or simply a huge expense with little return. I doubt there's any researcher here who doesn't understand all of that. As I describe the Chas Cambell machine with that small motor run seriously overloaded to create the phase shift ... I can't see It lasting long can you ? but as I say I haven't tried it so I can't really say, if you go though the video's I linked to you'll see there's a big one in India some where that's being retarded by hydraulics  (as well as a flywheel ) and it doesn't seem to be suffering, Even The Steve Mark thing has problems grumage ... it heats up and cooks.  Having spoken to you I obviously know a little about your immediate needs and it seems to be taking a big lump off the cost of heating a big box . here then in your particular case is my suggestion . first if your going to supply your own energy you need 'a blind' a few solar panels will do it ! with that of course comes a grid tie system. and depending how your supply works 'off peak' now the reactive charging of batteries is a fact, Its a bit scary as I say but you get used to it . so there's a system described by a researcher called George Wiseman and it works like this ... reactive current .. that is as you drive these batteries close to series resonance  .. will charge a huge bank of batteries as fast as one,
Amp/Hrs remember and so that's what George does . with 20 recycled car batteries . he fully  charges them at near resonance very quickly using very little power during the off peak period when energy is as cheap as ever its going to be.  He uses that huge reserve of energy to heat his house the next day, towards the end of the day whilst still on peak tariff George returns all remaining energy back to the grid via the grid tie meter. The net result of all this Grumage is the electric company by law have the privilege of paying George for using the electricity they supplied . added to that it would also tie into the control system of the other thread ... (if anyone runs with it,) You see every bodies reasons are different , some just won't believe there's COP>1 yet when you tell them to fly a kite in a storm with the string in their mouths .. for some reason.. ;D
I want to build the Steve Mark thing its fascinating and I want to know if I have the theory just so , resonant battery charging however I know that works and in your case could be put to useful advantage right now you can pay a few bangers for the guys book here, and get chapter and verse.

of course there's a few changes to the UK supply system, but as that was once your game You'll know most of that ... and if you don't you'll know someone who does! or...

you can work most of it out from here


So whilst  I think the Chas Campbell thing will be great fun and I know your mate has a different take on it as well , just on a totally tried and tested no thrills bang for your buck COP>1 system that will make mincemeat of power bills .. with little outlay its that one , using resonance to charge a big bank of batteries. which the scrap yard will pay you to take away (Its classified as hazardous waste) and the charger will rejuvenate anyway.

 ;D ;D instead of helping you decide ... I seem to have added another for you to consider .. only because It seems to fit you , I now know the house your in is big ... space for battery bank, ... I know your Ex power .. so Au'fait with meters, off peak and grid tie ups (or you know some one who is), also not to bothered working with hundreds of volts AC or DC ... also if the resonant battery thread starts being progressed It'll fit in .... like us read the form all pick your horse  ;D trouble is most here are now after taming a Thoroughbred now where as  this not quite so flash well tried and tested resonant donkey might do your job better! ( PS Blacksmith still on holiday  >:()

Best wishes Duncan

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
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