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Author Topic: HELP PLEASE! 40hz light to restore gamma waves to the brain to fight Alzheimers  (Read 56619 times)

Posts: 18

what is really needed is the ability to see if this Dormant or "effected" Gamma wave form is being manifest in the patient during treatments

seeing _that_ part of the brain react to the stimuli is imperative,

what does this gamma wave form look like ?
what part of the brain does this particular Gamma wave  manifest from?[where to place the sensor/electrode?

are sharper pulses relevant to effect treatment ?
softer ? [the answer would be in the data or viewing

having the whole picture would hopefully enlighten Us and help those suffering from this horrible disease?

I have a Muse unit and the SDK: http://www.choosemuse.com/developer-kit/

I got it for developing a Stroke Rehabilitation app but at the time the SDK was more work than benefit. It has much improved over the last year and I'm going back to that project now.

I can do a parallel project for 'flickering lights' and will take suggestions on the requirements. It would be a fully integrated Muse/lights app.

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Thank you so much for offering to help with this .

while the MO seems simple [flickering lights]
what are they actually doing ? ,or better yet,   what does this necessary reaction look like and what part of the brain does it manifest from ?

the idea that we may actually be able to investigate this very passive and non invasive claim is amazing !

Chet K
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« Last Edit: 2016-12-20, 15:04:27 by Chet K »

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Group: Tinkerer
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Thank you for all your help. Sadly my Dad passed away today. I'm sure he would have loved to have known about the collaboration here. In case it helps anyone else, I really don't think my light was bright enough or close enough to him. It was on every morning for an hour. About 4m away though. I think it needed to be much more intrusive than that.
Good luck to you all working on fighting these shitty illnesses. Unrelated I also found this research http://www.salk.edu/news-release/cannabinoids-remove-plaque-forming-alzheimers-proteins-from-brain-cells/
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I am shocked
sorry to read that ,It is a horrible disease .
will keep you and yours in our thoughts ,and also the science you and others have
shared here.

perhaps this path will help others, and who knows... even Us ??



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Dear Jim.

Our sincerest condolences.

We tried the " Android " option for my fatherinlaw but sadly he found it irritated his eyes too much. So it's back to the steady decline.

You and your family will be in our thoughts.

Kind regards, Graham.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Frequency equals matter...

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Thank you so much for offering to help with this .

while the MO seems simple [flickering lights]
what are they actually doing ? ,or better yet,   what does this necessary reaction look like and what part of the brain does it manifest from ?

the idea that we may actually be able to investigate this very passive and non invasive claim is amazing !

Chet K

Here is the bomb of the millenia:
Any aggravation using high frequency(40hz is high freq?), that is and can be caused by a very high speed transition(this example equals 40 on, 40 off in the giga, tetra to femtohertz) causes the body's immune system to trigger. In this case its not immunology but stem cell release. Stem cells come from two places, bone marrow and stored fat. Exercise helps lose weight because the fat cells are triggered in the muscular stress. They build muscle. Gee who would've thunk that? Muscle builds, fat reduces. Tesla had his throne that he sat in everyday. He touted the cures it could promote.

In using the eye, the organ is stressed and causes a protein to be released by the body that cleans up the brains of plaque or unwanted debris. The body simply 'KNOWS' what doesn't belong(ah the miracle of life...). In the developed countries the diet has migrated towards a high content of undigestables. We know the list.

Back to the stem cell release...
The simple way to enable this is to:

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Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Frequency equals matter...

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Coconut oil for ketone infusion. Now! A table spoon in the morning and before bed. Stop all deodorants and chemicals(including shampoos, dryer sheets, laundry detergents) in the household. Stop all gluten foods especially white doughs. Mryhh essential oil on the temples in the morning, Frankensence at night and inhale both. Stop all sweets. We want the brain to crave nourishment so it will suck up the oils.


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Posts: 4112
I was wondering what had happened with this 40Hz flickering concept against dementia after 6.5 years, so i did a quick google search (dementia 40Hz).

It came up with i big list of hits, some with good results, some with little to no results (replications of the initial mouse tests).

There are now some items to be bought like light boxes and sound applications, but the general outcome seems to be that there is no reduction in the plaque noted in mice after all.

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I do have some contacts in that Area ( university)
Will ring this week to see if the original Student
Has continued her research.

Same Gentleman I am calling about that researcher had mentioned another interesting claim
last we spoke… he was helping a few enter this contest ( open source)

The researchers he was helping to enter contest had magnet powered units ( of some sort)
Two entirely separate groups with Magnetic devices.
I believe cutoff to enter is this month ..
I think contest is hosted by United Nations ( originally (no comment ))
Goal is 2500 watts continuous for 24 hours ( completely autonomous of Grid 600kw total .

Sorry to mix topic , just a bit of FE news ,
last we spoke
They were still trying to reach the goal.?
Would be nice to speak with that researcher on the frequency claims.

Thanks for reboot of topic been something I wanted to ask about for quite some time.
And the open source Milkeninstitute subject is something I have been waiting for feedback on .



Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 4112

Hi Chet,

no problem, it would indeed be interesting to know if the original student has continued her research on the 40Hz signal.

Thanks for the info on the Milkeninstitute subject, hopefully something of value comes out of it.


Group: Tinkerer
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I miss Dad. I wish I had known about the VitD back then. Live & Learn
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Vitamin D ?
More info?

Regarding contact at MIT will be calling Monday on information regarding this research ( thread title)
Also the Milkeninstitute contest entry mentioned post # 110 above..seems they have not met the threshold of 2500 watts continuous ( as per contest requirements)

Still very interested to understand how they improve moving forward…

 Here member physics prof did share another claim along similar lines ( also in early development)

Sorry for some off topic
Just FE gossip…
Chet K
EDIT for comment below
I will certainly pass this along to Stefan ( any health things he can consider)

« Last Edit: 2024-03-04, 19:53:58 by Chet K »

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 1591
Frequency equals matter...

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Let me blow your minds as I am famous for doing for decades.
First of all stop reporting to the academic follies. They slow you down, steal your stuff and then charge ginormous amounts for inflated products.
Because I am posting this here and other places it is copyrighted by me and I freely open source this and give duplication rights to any body that copies this.
Yes you can make money off of this. I concur and allow.
Its white LEDS, a timing trigger and batteries.
I built a dual white LED flashlight using a digistump board for the timing.
The code in the Digistump flashes the LEDs at 40hz for 2 seconds to avoid heat issues. Release the [On] button and the timing will restart.
Now see that purple light? That is the fluorescent starter bulb in the schematic.
That area of the device is placed on the forehead between the eyes.The patient looks forward while pressing the [On] button.
The White LEDS shine into the eyes.
The EMP field from the starter causes the bone of the skull to eject stem cells into the body.
That lighted band is a cable tie.

Now whats interesting is put the LEDs in a Christmas tree star ornament and place in on dining hall tables in Nursing homes and Altzheimer care centers.
Incognito repair. The medical studies and peer reviewed white papers are out there.
Maybe Stefan on OverUnity can use this.

Stayed tuned for other great hacks. On the wrong planet again...


The patient has to want to be better seems to guide the process. We have found this with a model that only has the starter in it and no LEDS. Of the 20 patients that had units submitted to them only 3 didnt care. They used the device once in the test window and put it away. The placebo effect can be a part of the process and there is nothing wrong about that. The only problem with the Placebo effect is the authorities are not involved.
Addressing the Placebo effect with external remedies is illegal but only if a 'Healing' claim is made for a price.
I sell dog whistles and flashlights. What you do with them in not my business.
« Last Edit: 2024-03-05, 00:28:29 by giantkiller »

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Giantkiller link

Tremendous gratitude, you saved a lot of time.
And honestly, I always have suspicions around
Entities that Dismiss research as unviable ,

When it’s apparent that with this  type of light therapy there is not sufficient financial return
Or a Big Revenue stream ( AKA drug or long term treatment) .

Sort of a hot potato… ( easy cure that might jeopardize drug company revenue
as you have written in the past.
“Nothing to see here move along”

Chet K


Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3217
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
GK, is the goal just to entrain the brain to 40Hz by whatever means, or does it specifically have to be done with light and be visual?

Brainwave entrainment can be accomplished through sound and mild electric shock as well.

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Frequency equals matter...

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GK, is the goal just to entrain the brain to 40Hz by whatever means, or does it specifically have to be done with light and be visual?

Brainwave entrainment can be accomplished through sound and mild electric shock as well.

Brain entrainment seems to be the commander. The EMP into the bone marrow shows the greatest effect. People that really want to be healed in and of themselves get the most benefit. It seems to be what ever stirs the mind along with the greatest injected discomfort. The bizarre placebo is the mind directs the [energy] ( I hate to use this word) to an area of focus. If you have no problem then you wont notice anything. If you choose to deny the events by others then you will likewise have no event. I will not deny the effect for I had a broken rib heal in 2 weeks from sitting in the field of the QuantumPulse by Vibe tech. Gene is a member here. I watched the doctors call my labeled xrays incorrectly labeled from the xray table when the [before(from Swedish) and after(from St Joes)] xrays where side by side with my name, med number and L for left. I did not correct the doctors or offer information as to the possibility of a grand healing that took place. To this day I have no rib cage malady. I snow board at 12.5k feet altitude.

So I took the EMP process and downsized it. Lo and behold it works too, just like Tesla told us. There is a patent from 1910( I can not find it in my piles nor on the internet anymore) where the inventor puts a screen in a regular bed and EMP clicks it every hour. Tumors disappeared. Whats odd about that patent is it documents patient results in the patent!

I sold a QuantumPulse to a male that was going to die from Prostate cancer. The big machine caused his numbers to drop and his life has been extended. He uses the big one every weekend and the 'Heeler'(dog whistle) wand every weekday. The very fact that what he saw lifted his spirits caused every one around him to take pause and enjoy a healing moment. I have many of these stories and the small units in multiple countries. One Costa Rican lady asked me how do I get it past customs? I told her to say its a female toy. Boom and its in place. Get it?

Now this technology will not reverse structural damage that has healed in place or scar tissue. But fresh problems are easily repaired.

I know what I did, what I saw and what was reported to me by others.
What pulled all this together for such a time as this? You, OVERUNITYRESEARCH.COM, You!

I broke my rib in 2013 way after I had been involved with Tesla tech since Overunity.com in 2006.

Christ told Matthew 'You can do this and more'. So why not?
We have reached the point in society where people are through being told what they can not do by faux auths. Kapeesh?

Blessings from the stun gun king.

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I have had very recent experience with a pet and a radical treatment for an always fatal illness.
A treatment that actually works ( high success rate ..denied access by mainstream medicine with a big private following online)

However I am uncertain of your “painful” comment above ..
This is very painful ?shockingly ( no pun intended))

If so it definitely connects some dots with me ..
EDIT for GK reply below

Thank you for clarifying ( to me) my perception was pain ( stun gun shock etc)
In the case of the pet treatment I referred to ( extreme pain involved)
Somehow that treatment takes an always fatal Cat illness ,
And gives incredible results.( not mainstream treatment .
And Cats and Kittens can’t placebo..BTW this Can’t Placebo is not a critical statement
Placebo /faith/belief etc etc is absolutely genuine in human trials.. set in stone !

« Last Edit: 2024-03-10, 15:00:37 by Chet K »

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Hi Chet,
If you are referring to me making a 'painful' statement I am not sure what you mean. I suffered no pain in using this tech.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Hi Chet,
If you are referring to me making a 'painful' statement I am not sure what you mean. I suffered no pain in using this tech.
Nope. What comment are you referring too?These devices are not painful at all.

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I had replied in edit to my last post 118 ( a habit I got into over the years to not bump threads with my nonsense)

To directly answer your question ( besides my stun gun assumption in Edit above)
“The EMP into the bone marrow shows the greatest effect. People that really want to be healed in and of themselves get the most benefit. It seems to be what ever stirs the mind along with the greatest injected discomfort”
End quote

Sorry I misunderstood
It’s that EMP “greatest injected discomfort “ part
That got me thinking pain involved.
  And on my end the cure mentioned by “FIP warriors “
Is insanely painful ( yet claims some antiviral medicine)
It’s the Medicine and virus part that sounds suspicious ( viri mutate before breakfast)
How could they have a generic anti viral ( perhaps my ignorance or ?)
I started thinking perhaps the extreme pain triggers some super antiviral reaction against the FIP disease ,
Since it is always fatal disease, yet the very painful( and illegal in medical community) treatment has incredibly high success rate (90+ percent?)

And as I mentioned.. in animals there is no placebo effect to account for .( as part of the cure)

Sorry for off topic bits
But I truly would love to try this technology with the animals ( usually kittens ) who are doomed to a death ..
The FIP treatment mentioned is perhaps a 10 thousand dollar cost and dooms the animals whose owners cannot afford it ( most can’t).
With gratitude

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Oh I see now. The discomfort I am referring to is to disrupt the bone marrow stasis. The marrow gets shaken.

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