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Author Topic: Itsu's workbench / placeholder.  (Read 138175 times)

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 782
Believing in something false doesn't make it true.
I also agree with you both.  O0  O0  O0

 I really didn't expect the leopard to change it's spots.  And I told Chet that when he asked if I wanted to participate in that thread.  When that individual is gone I will go back to posting there.


Just because it is on YouTube does not make it real.

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 4160
Triggered by some PM's from members on OU.com concerning the original Dally nano-pulser, i decided to do a revisite of that original nano-pulser build by Dally using his components.

The diagram can be seen below and shows mainly the KT926 transistor, the KD203 diodes driven by a pair of KP1554 (74HC(T)00) chips.
A picture of the circuit can also be seen below.

The problem we had then was that the driver was unable to fully switch on the transistor thus preventing from the nano-pulse to reach the required 1KV.

After building a similar setup as Dally, see 2th picture and using KD226D diodes instead of the KD203's (still on order), i have managed to get some nano-pulses going with it, but again the drive section is unable to fully switch on the transistor at 150V resulting in poor output on the nano-pulse (about 147V).

I tried severall driver circuits like the one shown in the diagram and the more modern by verpies designed one shown at the bottom.

This latest driver design i am using right now, but i included a MOSFET driver to boost the driver signal (12V).

Even with this MOSFET driver included, the results are modest as that the max. nano-pulse seen was about 470V see screenshot.

So i will be waiting for the KD203 diodes and see if that makes much difference, else i have to conclude that this original design by Dally was unable to create the claimed 1KV nano-pulse.
There was an idea that the used Russian KP1554 chips could be "stronger" then the 74HCT02 and could fully switch on the transistor, however i doubt it seeing that even with a MOSFET driver it does not work.

Group: Guest
Just a suggestion, use normal MOSFET transistor like IRF840 and higher supply voltage. You will be able reach relatively easy 1KV.

Group: Moderator
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Posts: 4160

Hi Vasik041,

thanks, i know, i have build them up to 2KV, but my intention here is to use the components Dally suppose to have used back then, meaning the KT926 transistor, the KD203A diodes and driven only by the
KP1554 / 74HCT00 chips.

This seems to be impossible, so that means that Dally did not reveal all, used different components/diagram or plainly misled everyone.

Group: Guest
Hi Vasik041,
thanks, i know, i have build them up to 2KV, but my intention here is to use the components Dally suppose to have used back then, meaning the KT926 transistor, the KD203A diodes and driven only by the
KP1554 / 74HCT00 chips.
This seems to be impossible, so that means that Dally did not reveal all, used different components/diagram or plainly misled everyone.

Hi Itsu,

I think it is obvious, otherwise somebody already  would replicated the device.
KT926 is old high frequency transistor from USSR times, I don't see why anybody would want use it.
Especially because "switching" in this setup happens in core and diode.
And I think coax cable connected in a wrong way, I would rather connect it like this


Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 4160
Hi -V.   

thanks for confirming the obvious.
Yes there must be severall ways to connect the severall parts, including the coax, but as mentioned, this was how Dally claimed his device worked then.

It is mind boggling to me that someone would go through all this and setup circuits that in theory can work, but by using wrong or inadequate components ending up with some dysfunctional junk device
that then somehow have to be faked as working  :D

Group: Guest
Hi all, hope you are all well and comfortable here, however reading your posts on the OU problems, well the individual you refer to has since the turning of midnight hour operas to have been given more powers,
and appears to be able to delete in none moderated threads, so being dragged into line doesn't appear to be something that’s about to happen in the near future. It would appear.


Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 4160

Hi AG,

thanks, sounds impressive (3ns), would you care to show your build and resulting screenshots?

Concerning being "some what superior to the Dally device", as mentioned also to -V above, i have no doubt better designs are possible, but i want to see if the Dally setup would work as claimed.

Regards Itsu

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3500
I was cooperating with Itsu on the design of two nanopulse generators. One was DSRD based and the other one was based on transistor avalanche.
The latter one was had low power within the pulse but the pulsewidth was even below a nanosecond and for that reason I think it was called a "picosecond" or "picopulse" generator.
The DSRD nanopulse generator has gone through several design iterations and eventually it could be even triggered externally from a FG and the power within the nanopulse was on the order of 70kW but the pulsewidth had never gone below 1ns.

I don't remember how Dally's original pulser was supposed to work but I'd like to notice, that it is possible to drive the gate of a MOSFET with a high voltage picopulse from an avalanching old BJT, even if the amplitude of this picopulse across a resistive load significantly exceeds the VGS_MAX. This is possible because the gate presents a capacitive load and a sufficiently narrow pulse MIGHT NOT have enough energy to charge this capacitance higher than the VGS_MAX.

I like narrow high power pulses because they deliver energy to matter over a very wide bandwidth (especially when the PRF is low) and they can stimulate almost any kind of resonance within that bandwidth...all without much tuning. Their downside is that they waste energy on these parts of the spectrum where resonance does not happen....but when you have tens of kilowatts of power within the pulse, then there is power to squander. 

The alternative approach to stimulating resonance is a targeted CW tone burst at the exact resonance frequency, but that requires very precise tuning, ...which might be hard when the target is moving.
The FM sweep is a compromise between these two extreme approaches.
« Last Edit: 2020-06-20, 13:52:14 by verpies »

Group: Moderator
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Posts: 4160


the pico-pulser we worked on still is in use here for measuring impedances using time domain Reflectometry.
It was shown here: https://overunity.com/12736/kapanadze-cousin-dally-free-energy/msg338331/#msg338331

I guess the one mentioned by AlienGrey above falls into that category.
Its a pitty the screenshot is not more clear as it hardly shows the data, but it shows a bi-polar pulse, not sure that is a benefit or not.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
What are you going to use the pulser for?

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 4160
Hi Grumpy,

the pico-pulser i still use sometimes for measuring / adjusting 50 Ohm impedances.

The Dally nano-pulser i am revisiting is an attempt to show to myself that that original shown nano-pulser does not work as claimed as we were not able then to create the 1ns / 1KV pulses.

Now that i have almost all those original components, it again shows that 1ns / 1KV pulses are impossible with it.

« Last Edit: 2020-06-16, 21:04:48 by Itsu »

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 4160
Hmmm,  i received the KD203A diodes today  (they are huge, see picture) and put them in instead of the KD226D's.

It showed directly a similar nano-pulse output (470V) as the KD226D diodes, but after some tuning i was able to increase this pulse to about 1KV, see screenshot.

So i have to reconsider my earlier statement about it being impossible that Dally had a 1 KV nano-pulse with his components.

Its not 1ns wide, and it still uses the MOSFET driver to boost the input signal, but the backend components are able to produce something very close.

I had to increase the W2 toroid winding series capacitor from the mentioned 1nF to 4nF to reach this.

All in all i think i should change my earlier conclusion from impossible to plausible.

I will move the driver components, now on a seperate breadboard, to the same PCB as the nano-pulser to make the wiring as short as possible for a possible further increase/decrease in amplitude/width.


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3500
I bet that picopulser with the 4pF energy reservoir (C1), would not be even able to charge the gate capacitance of a power MOSFET which is around 1nF.  You can try if you have some ready-to-burn MOSFETs laying around.
If it was stronger then the bipolarity of the picopulse would only help with turning off the MOSFET faster.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3500
Hmmm,  i received the KD203A diodes today  (they are huge, see picture) and put them in instead of the KD226D's.
In what circuit did you put them?  I lost track.
Anyway, thank the Russians for making such "crappy" diffused diodes.

I had to increase the W2 toroid winding series capacitor from the mentioned 1nF to 4nF to reach this.
Besides the DSRD, that toroid and the associated cap are the most critical components for good nanopulse formation.

All in all i think i should change my earlier conclusion from impossible to plausible.
I would, too.

I will move the driver components, now on a seperate breadboard, to the same PCB as the nano-pulser to make the wiring as short as possible for a possible further increase/decrease in amplitude/width.
If I were you, I'd skip the breadboard or stripboard and assemble it with the "dead bug" method using very short wires (litz for any interconnects longer than 5mm ...and for the toroid windings, too).  Air construction is ugly but it has much less parasitics than a construction on a board. 
This is especially important in the section containing the DSRD, tranny, the saturable little toroid and the associated cap. The "driver" section is less critical.

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 4160
In what circuit did you put them?  I lost track.
Anyway, thank the Russians for making such "crappy" diffused diodes.

Besides the DSRD, that toroid and the associated cap are the most critical components for good nanopulse formation.

I would, too.

If I were you, I'd skip the breadboard or stripboard and assemble it with the "dead bug" method using very short wires (litz for any interconnects longer than 5mm ...and for the toroid windings, too).  Air construction is ugly but it has much less parasitics than a construction on a board. 
This is especially important in the section containing the DSRD, tranny, the saturable little toroid and the associated cap. The "driver" section is less critical.

I can imagine you lost track, this one thread is starting to be a hotchpotch of different projects, not good, i have to open more threads for the different projects.

It started a few posts above, see Post #676:

The purpose of this little project is to see if Dally with his nano-pulser on his PCB and the components he used was able to produce the claimed 1ns / 1KV nano-pulse.

It seems that it is plausible looking at my results.

I wanted to stay as close to Dally his layout, so therefor the similar PCB layout and setup.


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3500
The purpose of this little project is to see if Dally with his nano-pulser on his PCB and the components he used was able to produce the claimed 1ns / 1KV nano-pulse.
I know, I know. It's a worthy goal.

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 4160

Thanks AG,

looking good, execpt for the blurry picture  ;)

But why all the different names like AlienGrey, Raycathode and Grey Wolf?


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3500
I only had a 4011 nand gate to play with...
What logic family ?
Group: Guest
   "why the different names"?  I noticed that also. Along with your endless questions, without follow ups.
   Perhaps, you guy's spelling gave you away?
   itsu: Did Dally use an outside Earth ground on his nanopulser device? Are you using one on that same type of replication? And have you tried a ground connection. Sorry for the questions, but I've lost track, as well.


   AG: Your son. Ok, now I get it. Thanks.

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 4160

Hi Nick,

Guess it was before your time  :P

yes, Dally used a ground, see page 1  reply #1 (so second post) of the "Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY" thread.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VDab7cIW1I&feature=player_embedded

Or super big diagram here: https://overunity.com/12736/kapanadze-cousin-dally-free-energy/msg337931/#msg337931

And yes i used a ground on my replication then too.


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3500
CD4000 it works doesn't it see scope shot, I bet we could get it better than that over time !
Do you realize that CD4000 is one of the slowest logic families out there now ?
For alternatives see e.g. this.
Group: Guest
Hi Nick,

Guess it was before your time  :P

yes, Dally used a ground, see page 1  reply #1 (so second post) of the "Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY" thread.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VDab7cIW1I&feature=player_embedded

Or super big diagram here: https://overunity.com/12736/kapanadze-cousin-dally-free-energy/msg337931/#msg337931

And yes i used a ground on my replication then too.

   itsu: Thanks for the schematic, and the video. You had always amazed me in the later Dally thread, yes, when I finally got there. You knew so much about each component that we were using in the Ruslan type replications, which I was only just learning about. Now I know why. The Dally circuit seamed very advanced for it's time, much more advanced than what Kapanadze showed. As they are family, I can see the similarities with the later Ruslan, versions etz. I wonder if if the Dally circuit was also one of Oleg's designs, all along.
   I'm sure you know what I was getting at with the ground line, the long thick tuned Earth ground line. As I know your situation back then, and possibly has not change, now.
  Great circuit recreation, worth the effort.
   Good luck, and thanks again.


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3500
yes but under the lockdown it was all i could get any way in that circuit we arnt using it's speed we are using a window.
What "window" ?!

if i can get some 74hc00 or ac or hc i might be able to alter its fold over speed but it's not easy as the lower 2 nands has its pin outs
reversed could do with a 74HC4011 but i dont think it exists.
Yes 74HC00 exists and contains four NAND gates just like the CD4011. So what is the big problem with a different pinout?

that circuit will never work like that, can you see why ?
No. Could you be more direct?  i.e. no riddles to solve

Also,  this is Itsu's workbench thread.  This means that talking about your own circuits here is off-topic.
If you want to talk about your circuits then make your own workbench thread.  If you want to talk about other people's circuits without the originator's participation, then create a general thread about it. 

Here, discuss only what Itsu is currently building...and right now he is building a high-power nanopulser based on a crappy old Russian transistor and crappy old Russian diode, because he wants to verify whether Dally's original claims were plausible.

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 4160


good advice from verpies, open your own thread so you can present your circuit there, explain what it
suppose to do, have diagrams, pictures, PDF's, video's, etc. attached and have a discussion started.

Regards Itsu
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