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Author Topic: Vacuum Energy. The JoeCell Aether Battery.  (Read 1422 times)
Full Member

Posts: 140
The Following is only what I believe to be my interactions with Scalar Energies as Tesla would have known them.

Jim W, from Washington State got introduced to Joe in around 2007 or shortly after. Jim was pursuing over unity devices around the world and would travel in an instant if there was any chance of a working device to negotiate over. He flew to Cairns to see the Lutec 2000 and quickly realized it was Joe he needed to talk to. Ive met him on most occasions at Joe's house. He would actually request of Joe I not be told but some how I knew it was time to visit again. Each JoeCell that Jim would be privy to, as was I, all came after 2007 from a 10 year break in "inventing" when he returned with more Magic JoeCell Wands. (that literally operate on the Power of Prayer) This time using Ferrite Ring Magnets instead of water and batteries. Oh how Jim tried to get a Magnetic In Line Cell, that he witnessed de-salinating water with this same Cell here... https://rumble.com/vhrdlh-magnetic-in-line-joecell-restructuring-ocean-sea-water-into-fresh..html   

On that same day Jim saw Desalination with an Inline Magnetic Cell he also saw it done with an In Line Electric Tube Cell as well. There were powder batteries. There were 'generators'  of electricity on the output pipes of flowing Charged water. Making every Mains Town water supply their source of electricity for everything by "placing" a Ring Magnet around the pipe. Place a JoeCell on the reservoir and abracadabra, free electricity all along the pipes. and much more he saw. Joe had a dozen albums with all the construction pics of every Cell he built but that pesky flood took them all. Joe built 3 'electronic' boxes the size of a pack of cards that were "doublers" of Vibrational electricity. So a AAA battery at the end would run a house for days. To laugh at back EMF Maths is all one can do in a clown world they say these days and laughter is such a good medicine. And until the WEF/Covid came along, Joe and I could Qure anything with a couple car batteries and/or some stainless steel tubes. Modern Man cant get past 'electroplating' or electrolysis or how Iron and Copper make a Battery. The Force of over educated too far in the Other direction is too strong it seems.

Then Joe invented the Vacuum JoeCell. It was a few years ago maybe 5, but a few years before the Bio war started. Jim was quick on the plane and wanted one. Joe spilled the beans on how he made the Vacuum but Jim was sure particle science could make one too. Despite repeated explanations not to buy a 50 grand industrial strength extraction pump, he did anyway. Joe lit up a whole board of lights and a couple hot plates with one the size of a 12 inch 'candle'. Then he showed Jim how to capture the vibrations in a closed circuit and remove the 'candle' and the Lights all stayed on and they could be removed and reinserted and as long as just one was kept on in the circuit, it remained a'live' created by a Coil in bulb as an 'add-on'. Coils may create Neutral Centres. Every House could be its own closed circuit and when you got back from holidays you had the Starter Guy charge up the house circuit and you're back i business. This is the Dendra Vacuum Cell. You can take the "charge" away and create 'life' or your own generator, with it. But mostly it was used for Healing by activating ones Battery through the Hands and Head just like the instructions on the wall depict. The Pic of the "finned" support, Joe duplicates by attaching the Candle to a ring of Stainless Steel. This amplifies the Field many times and you most definitely do not touch this Ring Field Setup until instructed by Joe. Jim has the only video of this. I took Kathy the second time and was asked to not video it. That visit Joe and Kathy did the Battery Energizer technique. An hour 20 minute instruction Video. Fixed her Thyroid as it had others.

Its a Water Based Universe in Particle Science but its a Light Universe in Field Science.

Some call it Energy from the Vacuum. Its also known as Zero Point energies. I prefer Neutral Centre Aetheric energy. It cannot be made mechanically as this Aetheric "battery" (energy source from 2 differing frequencies) needs to generate (Keelys) Neutral Centre attachment to the Aether. Tesla said rotating magnetic fields will do it every time. A Vacuum battery is 'different' from other batteries. This difference is that its 'output' is SCALAR or has No Frequency. A Lead Acid car battery has "Frequencies" of Direct Current WHICH ARE residual frequencies of elemental lead and the acid. which are the Vibrations that make Direct Current. Scalar doesnt even have these. Nothing. Pure Flat Line DC as Joe calls is and Tesla called it. Its from the Aether energy Field. You need to feel these batteries in your hand to believe this. This is the energy one is looking for to broadcast around the world without wires to receiving antennas. The tower was only a cover for the antenna to vibrate a Field effect around the Planet. The Scalar energy was generated by a 2 phase motor/generator that is in a museum somewhere.

The Aether Grid or Quintessence, also known as 'God' by some texts and Heaven in others, is different to the Christ Consciousness which is the act of achieving or recognizing (finally) this is as THE Source or your "Neutral Centre", being what your sliver cord attaches too. You can begin to see the Light around everything and become enlightened to the Magnetic Fields or the cocoon of the Aura. Your apparatus invention must create a Neutral Centre for Scalar energy to manifest when there is a 'Load'. Joe sees this and its very difficult to give such IP in a Patent for replication.

In the human body, the load is the 'action' of muscles. The Neutral Centre is created by the figure 8 pattern of them magnetic red cells swirling around your body in an infinity loop like the number 8 which is Gods number. All JoeCells create a Neutral Centre. Without the Intellectual Property or IP of Creating Neutral Centres and how to turn them on and off, the Wardenclyff Tower will escape your understandings. The God Particle of CERN may actually be the God Energy. Their 2 counter Rotating Energy Beam Fields will create this Neutral Centre Attachment to the Aether and its this "Zero Point" attachment that enables Spirits to animate Flesh. (for those who see the statues at CERN)

Will Power or sudden super strength may occur in life threatening situations, which is your Conscious Being asking the Aether (god give me the strength) to pump more energy through 'as required'. Its the same for hands on healing or Chi igniting paper with fire clasped in the palms of one's hands. Its all them things we dont understand about ancient archeology. Its a Mental Universe. Scalar Energy is manifested by Neutral Centres being Alive. You ARE ONE with the Universe already. Now have some Faith in yourself to invent knowing the real Laws of the energy you are looking for. Again, why wait? Use the words Universal Consciousness instead of god if it makes you feel better.

In this Video, the Implosion energy is more impressive than the explosive or burning energies. It is using the North Pole energy like the North Pole gas 'hydrogen'. Incidentally the Hydrogen Bomb was an IMPLOSIVE Bomb. TNT is explosive. Implosion Tech has been kept from Planetary physic and Cold Fusion will end your career, as will espousing water 'memory'. Its a Military secret. Comprehende? Is any here still falling for the psyop of indoctrination?


Joe Collects the Implosive Gas and places it inside a sealed Stainless Steel Candle sized tube. He then 'sparks' it with a battery and the gas inside Implodes to create a perfect vacuum. You cant pump it out. Its the wrong KIND of Vacuum. This Vacuum has No 'elemental' Frequency within or inside the tube. It resonates with the Aether by default so to speak. They are the same. Both are without 'form' or non Hertzian. (in the Wave lies the secret of creation, Russell) The Elemental Frequency of Earth within the Steel and the No Frequency of the Vacuum constitutes the 'battery effect'. Two differing frequencies sharing a medium for vibrational transference. Its a Candle thats alive and knows how much energy you need when holding this in a Healing Technique. Tesla made it with magnetic Fields in a samsung motor like design. It can also be made with a Zero or Vacuum Field. Gods Laws are Aristotle's Science even if lots were lost in the millennia of translations. Separating the Waters from the waters gives us all the 'elements'.

Joe has a natural ability to recognize truth when he sees and hears it. I took Anika who wished to visit Joe. An ex swimsuit model trying to find something to believe in. After energizing and fixing her Thyroid with a couple car batteries, she asked Joe if it was true what Lynn said in that you can read my mind? He replied, well I dont know. lets see, and began to tell her about her hidden lover and why she is with the guy downstairs. What brought her there that day and a host of other things I'm sure she'd rather I forget. Another time, a group of investors came to negotiate like they had Govt oversight. About 15 minutes into the meeting, Joe looked at one of them impersonating the Dept of Whatever and said "you're a Pig Farmer". The meeting could now begin with honesty. Or when Jock came to get a JoeCell for his F150. Until he finally admitted what he wanted it for after 3 hours of asking for a honest answer, namely for ASIO to examine, did he build him one. Walk the Talk. So it is with the Bible. Joe can pick it up and KNOW what the original meanings of the words are as written by the ORIGINAL Author of the passage. Yes bible study can be very interesting when 8000 year old authors of Genesis is translated. For example, the man they call Jesus came from the House of David. In fact he was the Head of the House making him a King. (like Charles is the from the House of Windsor) But he was King of a House and born about 5 miles outside the Realm of Control by Rome in a Pizza shaped water management system or Manger. So Pilot had no jurisdiction over him. I cant judge him. He is royalty of a neighboring Kingdom. So a Spear that was hanging in the Temple which only Priests could handle as it was the 'sacred' Spear of Destiny and was used to end the debacle before the sabbath begins at 6pm Friday. They couldnt wait as a lot of burial preparation needed to be done and get home before dark. And on it goes. All the biblical stuff aside. If this is the way Joe Says to build Vacuum Cells and how they operate and if he gets the IP Instructions from God as to how to interpret them ... Who are we to argue if we want to learn how to do it? No one else has done it any other way and survived.... You may need this faith one day if they throw you in front of Lions or some Bar Association in Camp Covid boiling Climate Lockdown. Who you going to turn to for basic human Rights to be free then? And whats wrong with obeying the 10 commandments and giving thanks to god while tightening the bolts on the JoeCell anyway? If its too much for some, we know who they follow and so dont have to see if they drown underwater or not.

These Batteries or 'light bulbs' were in the Dendra TEMPLE. Not the power house or the light house. Clearly they were part of religious Customs where one went to be HEALED. Better than any Med Bath like the Aqua Chi.com or the Med Bed still to be released by white hats but using the same principle of a Neutral Centre in a Magnetic Device. We are being Lied to, either with 'electrons' or 'batteries' or 'god'.
The pic is some of these Vacuum Batteries  (candles)

« Last Edit: 2023-08-14, 07:03:50 by MerLynn »
Full Member

Posts: 140
The Following is only what I believe to be my interactions with Scalar Energies as Tesla would have known them.

Jim W, from Washington State got introduced to Joe in around 2007 or shortly after. Jim was pursuing over unity devices around the world and would travel in an instant if there was any chance of a working device to negotiate over. He flew to Cairns to see the Lutec 2000 and quickly realized it was Joe he needed to talk to. Ive met him on most occasions at Joe's house. He would actually request of Joe I not be told but some how I knew it was time to visit again. Each JoeCell that Jim would be privy to, as was I, all came after 2007 from a 10 year break in "inventing" when he returned with more Magic JoeCell Wands. (that literally operate on the Power of Prayer) This time using Ferrite Ring Magnets instead of water and batteries. Oh how Jim tried to get a Magnetic In Line Cell, that he witnessed de-salinating water with this same Cell here... https://rumble.com/vhrdlh-magnetic-in-line-joecell-restructuring-ocean-sea-water-into-fresh..html   

On that same day Jim saw Desalination with an Inline Magnetic Cell he also saw it done with an In Line Electric Tube Cell as well. There were powder batteries. There were 'generators'  of electricity on the output pipes of flowing Charged water. Making every Mains Town water supply their source of electricity for everything by "placing" a Ring Magnet around the pipe. Place a JoeCell on the reservoir and abracadabra, free electricity all along the pipes. and much more he saw. Joe had a dozen albums with all the construction pics of every Cell he built but that pesky flood took them all. Joe built 3 'electronic' boxes the size of a pack of cards that were "doublers" of Vibrational electricity. So a AAA battery at the end would run a house for days. To laugh at back EMF Maths is all one can do in a clown world they say these days and laughter is such a good medicine. And until the WEF/Covid came along, Joe and I could Qure anything with a couple car batteries and/or some stainless steel tubes. Modern Man cant get past 'electroplating' or electrolysis or how Iron and Copper make a Battery. The Force of over educated too far in the Other direction is too strong it seems.

Then Joe invented the Vacuum JoeCell. It was a few years ago maybe 5, but a few years before the Bio war started. Jim was quick on the plane and wanted one. Joe spilled the beans on how he made the Vacuum but Jim was sure particle science could make one too. Despite repeated explanations not to buy a 50 grand industrial strength extraction pump, he did anyway. Joe lit up a whole board of lights and a couple hot plates with one the size of a 12 inch 'candle'. Then he showed Jim how to capture the vibrations in a closed circuit and remove the 'candle' and the Lights all stayed on and they could be removed and reinserted and as long as just one was kept on in the circuit, it remained a'live' created by a Coil in bulb as an 'add-on'. Coils may create Neutral Centres. Every House could be its own closed circuit and when you got back from holidays you had the Starter Guy charge up the house circuit and you're back i business. This is the Dendra Vacuum Cell. You can take the "charge" away and create 'life' or your own generator, with it. But mostly it was used for Healing by activating ones Battery through the Hands and Head just like the instructions on the wall depict. The Pic of the "finned" support, Joe duplicates by attaching the Candle to a ring of Stainless Steel. This amplifies the Field many times and you most definitely do not touch this Ring Field Setup until instructed by Joe. Jim has the only video of this. I took Kathy the second time and was asked to not video it. That visit Joe and Kathy did the Battery Energizer technique. An hour 20 minute instruction Video. Fixed her Thyroid as it had others.

Its a Water Based Universe in Particle Science but its a Light Universe in Field Science.

Some call it Energy from the Vacuum. Its also known as Zero Point energies. I prefer Neutral Centre Aetheric energy. It cannot be made mechanically as this Aetheric "battery" (energy source from 2 differing frequencies) needs to generate (Keelys) Neutral Centre attachment to the Aether. Tesla said rotating magnetic fields will do it every time. A Vacuum battery is 'different' from other batteries. This difference is that its 'output' is SCALAR or has No Frequency. A Lead Acid car battery has "Frequencies" of Direct Current WHICH ARE residual frequencies of elemental lead and the acid. which are the Vibrations that make Direct Current. Scalar doesnt even have these. Nothing. Pure Flat Line DC as Joe calls is and Tesla called it. Its from the Aether energy Field. You need to feel these batteries in your hand to believe this. This is the energy one is looking for to broadcast around the world without wires to receiving antennas. The tower was only a cover for the antenna to vibrate a Field effect around the Planet. The Scalar energy was generated by a 2 phase motor/generator that is in a museum somewhere.

The Aether Grid or Quintessence, also known as 'God' by some texts and Heaven in others, is different to the Christ Consciousness which is the act of achieving or recognizing (finally) this is as THE Source or your "Neutral Centre", being what your sliver cord attaches too. You can begin to see the Light around everything and become enlightened to the Magnetic Fields or the cocoon of the Aura. Your apparatus invention must create a Neutral Centre for Scalar energy to manifest when there is a 'Load'. Joe sees this and its very difficult to give such IP in a Patent for replication.

In the human body, the load is the 'action' of muscles. The Neutral Centre is created by the figure 8 pattern of them magnetic red cells swirling around your body in an infinity loop like the number 8 which is Gods number. All JoeCells create a Neutral Centre. Without the Intellectual Property or IP of Creating Neutral Centres and how to turn them on and off, the Wardenclyff Tower will escape your understandings. The God Particle of CERN may actually be the God Energy. Their 2 counter Rotating Energy Beam Fields will create this Neutral Centre Attachment to the Aether and its this "Zero Point" attachment that enables Spirits to animate Flesh. (for those who see the statues at CERN)

Will Power or sudden super strength may occur in life threatening situations, which is your Conscious Being asking the Aether (god give me the strength) to pump more energy through 'as required'. Its the same for hands on healing or Chi igniting paper with fire clasped in the palms of one's hands. Its all them things we dont understand about ancient archeology. Its a Mental Universe. Scalar Energy is manifested by Neutral Centres being Alive. You ARE ONE with the Universe already. Now have some Faith in yourself to invent knowing the real Laws of the energy you are looking for. Again, why wait? Use the words Universal Consciousness instead of god if it makes you feel better.

In this Video, the Implosion energy is more impressive than the explosive or burning energies. It is using the North Pole energy like the North Pole gas 'hydrogen'. Incidentally the Hydrogen Bomb was an IMPLOSIVE Bomb. TNT is explosive. Implosion Tech has been kept from Planetary physic and Cold Fusion will end your career, as will espousing water 'memory'. Its a Military secret. Comprehende? Is any here still falling for the psyop of indoctrination?


Joe Collects the Implosive Gas and places it inside a sealed Stainless Steel Candle sized tube. He then 'sparks' it with a battery and the gas inside Implodes to create a perfect vacuum. You cant pump it out. Its the wrong KIND of Vacuum. This Vacuum has No 'elemental' Frequency within or inside the tube. It resonates with the Aether by default so to speak. They are the same. Both are without 'form' or non Hertzian. (in the Wave lies the secret of creation, Russell) The Elemental Frequency of Earth within the Steel and the No Frequency of the Vacuum constitutes the 'battery effect'. Two differing frequencies sharing a medium for vibrational transference. Its a Candle thats alive and knows how much energy you need when holding this in a Healing Technique. Tesla made it with magnetic Fields in a samsung motor like design. It can also be made with a Zero or Vacuum Field. Gods Laws are Aristotle's Science even if lots were lost in the millennia of translations. Separating the Waters from the waters gives us all the 'elements'.

Joe has a natural ability to recognize truth when he sees and hears it. I took Anika who wished to visit Joe. An ex swimsuit model trying to find something to believe in. After energizing and fixing her Thyroid with a couple car batteries, she asked Joe if it was true what Lynn said in that you can read my mind? He replied, well I dont know. lets see, and began to tell her about her hidden lover and why she is with the guy downstairs. What brought her there that day and a host of other things I'm sure she'd rather I forget. Another time, a group of investors came to negotiate like they had Govt oversight. About 15 minutes into the meeting, Joe looked at one of them impersonating the Dept of Whatever and said "you're a Pig Farmer". The meeting could now begin with honesty. Or when Jock came to get a JoeCell for his F150. Until he finally admitted what he wanted it for after 3 hours of asking for a honest answer, namely for ASIO to examine, did he build him one. Walk the Talk. So it is with the Bible. Joe can pick it up and KNOW what the original meanings of the words are as written by the ORIGINAL Author of the passage. Yes bible study can be very interesting when 8000 year old authors of Genesis is translated. For example, the man they call Jesus came from the House of David. In fact he was the Head of the House making him a King. (like Charles is the from the House of Windsor) But he was King of a House and born about 5 miles outside the Realm of Control by Rome in a Pizza shaped water management system or Manger. So Pilot had no jurisdiction over him. I cant judge him. He is royalty of a neighboring Kingdom. So a Spear that was hanging in the Temple which only Priests could handle as it was the 'sacred' Spear of Destiny and was used to end the debacle before the sabbath begins at 6pm Friday. They couldnt wait as a lot of burial preparation needed to be done and get home before dark. And on it goes. All the biblical stuff aside. If this is the way Joe Says to build Vacuum Cells and how they operate and if he gets the IP Instructions from God as to how to interpret them ... Who are we to argue if we want to learn how to do it? No one else has done it any other way and survived.... You may need this faith one day if they throw you in front of Lions or some Bar Association in Camp Covid boiling Climate Lockdown. Who you going to turn to for basic human Rights to be free then? And whats wrong with obeying the 10 commandments and giving thanks to god while tightening the bolts on the JoeCell anyway? If its too much for some, we know who they follow and so dont have to see if they drown underwater or not.

These Batteries or 'light bulbs' were in the Dendra TEMPLE. Not the power house or the light house. Clearly they were part of religious Customs where one went to be HEALED. Better than any Med Bath like the Aqua Chi.com or the Med Bed still to be released by white hats but using the same principle of a Neutral Centre in a Magnetic Device. We are being Lied to, either with 'electrons' or 'batteries' or 'god'.
The pic is some of these Vacuum Batteries  (candles)

Pic removed by special request sorry.
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