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2024-09-08, 09:52:23
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Author Topic: Paul, inventor3 Ambient power collection  (Read 1265 times)
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
Full disclosure https://youtu.be/joZAVrchlLo?si=SJHcGQMBIlmpN0QI

Anyone can take it to next level ?
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
Belive it or not, it is same with this one : https://youtu.be/srwU9d5bsHs?si=hSa_oiFD4mlXwaFa

Both of them open source working on the same principle based on Tesla’s patent.

Worth to mention, that “what if I did this …”  has no need for an oscilloscope for his work.
And to be honest i haven’t seen yet any simulator software able to reproduce any fe/ou … because all of them are based on wrong things and follow mainstream “science”.

Like people talking about skin effect and inter/intrawinding capacity for a bifilar spiral coil aka pancake coil … when all of them are nullified in such arrangement and simply multiply the output by sitting on top of each other same coils as receivers. Simple design need to start backwards from the load and input shouldn’t be anything more than 12v battery or just a 9v that can be easy replaced or recharged.

Edit: batteries should be used in series-parallel aka “Tesla switch” where the energy can be used for far more time than usual single use.
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1705
Belive it or not, it is same with this one : https://youtu.be/srwU9d5bsHs?si=hSa_oiFD4mlXwaFa

Both of them open source working on the same principle based on Tesla’s patent.

Worth to mention, that “what if I did this …”  has no need for an oscilloscope for his work.
And to be honest i haven’t seen yet any simulator software able to reproduce any fe/ou … because all of them are based on wrong things and follow mainstream “science”.

Like people talking about skin effect and inter/intrawinding capacity for a bifilar spiral coil aka pancake coil … when all of them are nullified in such arrangement and simply multiply the output by sitting on top of each other same coils as receivers. Simple design need to start backwards from the load and input shouldn’t be anything more than 12v battery or just a 9v that can be easy replaced or recharged.

Edit: batteries should be used in series-parallel aka “Tesla switch” where the energy can be used for far more time than usual single use.

Please see attached pdf-

Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
Please see attached pdf-

This is very intersting finding and seems to be very recent 2023. Thank you for sharing  O0

Regarding: “ This paper is to explain the apparent energy gain using my RLE (Reduced Lenz Effect) technology with conventional circuitry in a proper configuration.”
How should I judge this apparent energy gain ? It is real gain or possible gain ? How much is accounted for resistive losses ?

Anyway, i have shared those 2 video because the capacitors used for tuning are very important, any system that is not tuned properly won’t get any real gain.
Voltage, inductance and capacitance must be corellated with frequency, also duty cycle will dictate how much we drain the source (do not kill the dipole !) even if it is self powering system. That’s why is important to design the system for the load. Doing otherwise when we need to generate continuosly for any load will lead to huge losses that will overcome any gain … this is what energy suppliers are currently doing.
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1705
This is very intersting finding and seems to be very recent 2023. Thank you for sharing  O0

Regarding: “ This paper is to explain the apparent energy gain using my RLE (Reduced Lenz Effect) technology with conventional circuitry in a proper configuration.”
How should I judge this apparent energy gain ? It is real gain or possible gain ? How much is accounted for resistive losses ?

Anyway, i have shared those 2 video because the capacitors used for tuning are very important, any system that is not tuned properly won’t get any real gain.
Voltage, inductance and capacitance must be corellated with frequency, also duty cycle will dictate how much we drain the source (do not kill the dipole !) even if it is self powering system. That’s why is important to design the system for the load. Doing otherwise when we need to generate continuosly for any load will lead to huge losses that will overcome any gain … this is what energy suppliers are currently doing.

The gains shown in the sims do not take into account resistive losses, switch losses, etc, so the calculated gains from the plot maths should be slightly understated and real.

Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
The gains shown in the sims do not take into account resistive losses, switch losses, etc, so the calculated gains from the plot maths should be slightly understated and real.

So, we can simplify this by saying that having very few losses combined with some little gain will lead to ou. HV +HF = real gain and reducing number of components in circuit will lead to very few losses.
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