BR 10 2023 026639 8
Here is the original application. Unfortunately, there is no patent documentation here.
BR 10 2022 026022 2 A2...
RESONATOR SYSTEMS FOR CAPTURING ELECTRIC CHARGES FROM THE EARTH and USE OF A METHOD FOR TRANSFERRING ELECTRIC CHARGES FROM THE EARTH FOR TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION AND SUPPLY OF ELECTRIC POWER CIRCUITS. The present invention relates to the improvement of the circuits of the objects of patent application BR 10 2021 019838-9. The present application includes in the electrical circuits the use of the circuits of the objects of the present application and reveals one of the alternatives of the non-limiting variants of the circuits of the objects of the present patent application that strongly contribute to the generation of green energy using the perfect mastery over the resonance effect that naturally resonates at the fundamental frequency and now achieves the effect of electrification and polarization of the electrical charges of the earth, and provide the transfer of electrical charges from the Earth as reverse active power to the electrical power circuits, consuming only the excitation energy from the primary source. And alternatively they can be designed through the addition of suitable devices that hinder the passage of energy to cause resonance at negative frequencies of up to at least -70 GHz and/or resonate at a positive resonance frequency of up to at least 7.8 GHz. The aforementioned application also refers to a method that makes use of independent grounding structures, making these grounding structures operate in a permanently energized manner, uninterruptedly transferring electrical charges from the earth to the electrical power circuits through the circuits of the EARTH ELECTRIC CHARGE CAPTURE RESONATOR SYSTEMS.
..positive resonance frequency of up to at least 7.8 GHz...

You criticize me for Kapanadze, and meanwhile you don't know who this Barbosa is and what he lives off of. Maybe from promises. Today it's easy to find people who want to invest even a lot of money. It's enough to show them that they can earn billions of dollars on this and they will agree to all concessions.
I don't expect anyone to give a real scheme or even a principle. We've seen and heard a lot. Let me remind you that none of these inventors have kept their promises of a working device for others. I don't know of a single such real case, do you?
I can name a few right away that you also know, but it doesn't change anything.
Where is the previous B&L device? Capptor? Why don't we know how it works and why couldn't anyone repeat it? just like Kapnadze, Steven Mark, Don Smith, Morey, SweetFloyd, Grey, Colman, Hans Coler, Newman and companies... Lutec, Innovatechno, infinitysav, , N.Machine, Testatica, SEMP etc..
I don't believe that this is a big secret and it is hidden from our eyes.
You have everything to repeat it but nothing comes of it and I know that you know no one who has even 1W more if it is not a lemon or a potato.
Yes, I am suspicious but not skeptical because I know that there is a way and that is why I am here and writing. I am not waiting for a ready device from Amaz.. although I am 1000000% sure if tomorrow someone shows it, sooner or later it will be on Ali.. and then on Amaz. Unless they are afraid of it that they will ban what I doubt. It depends on the scale. Let's think: are PVs available everywhere!? yes, you can make a 100% self-sufficient source of energy for yourself and even your neighbors. What's the problem? Will someone come with electronics and break your solar panels? possible, but it will probably be an angry neighbor.
I'm curious what will come out of it.