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Author Topic: Daniel McFarland Cook Generator  (Read 236080 times)

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 1938
Dear Smudge

Thank you for the current paper. I follow what you are saying. In section four (Cook) you consider the capacitance between the winding and the core. Would it be helpful to model this as a transmission line, as each turn has both inductance (increased by the core) as well as the capacitance you mention. This would however require that the core be part of the circuit, and I'm not sure this is part of the Cook apparatus, but who knows?

I have looked into magnetic transmission lines elsewhere and would be happy to contribute more.  I do think this is part of the Cook apparatus but I am sure Cook didn't know this.

On a separate note, I think it would also be valuable to explore the recent work and video posts of Melnichenko. I would like to start a separate thread for this and invite comments. He has about 100 videos ( 6 months ago is latest and going back 2 years) all with the same theme of an iron core surrounded with two copper windings, the outer one is loosely fitted. The scope waveforms are interesting. Anyone else find this interesting?
I would find it interesting, could someone start this thread?  If anyone is interested in following up on that "Could this work" paper I would be pleased to contribute to a thread on that, it need not be tied to the cook thread.
Group: Elite
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Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
Dear Smudge and all:

For now I have started the Melnichenko thread on my bench here:


Peter can move it to an appropriate place if it gathers momentum.

Hope it is visible. Post any papers regarding his work there for now until it is moved.


"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy

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Posts: 420

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This may help:  Some Mcfarland Cook terminology explained.  If any trained person could give present names to the terminology used, it would increase our understanding of what DMC actually meant. O0

Electrostatic induction: Put a 1KW charge on 1 plate of a  capacitor. What does the environment do to the 2nd  plate?

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Induction coil:  Note the battery and morse key can be omitted from the circuit.  The spark gap is also optional and the experiment can be attempted with both configurations.

Electrostatic induction: Put a 1KW charge on 1 plate of a  capacitor. What does the environment do to the 2nd  plate?

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3055
In this illustration he is describing:

(235)  The Magnetizing Helix would today be called an
ElectroMagnet or an Iron core of small diameter with
several layers of Copper Wire wound over it as we wind
our coils today.  He is making in essence the primary winding
of a Transformer to study Induced Currents in nearby other
coils or secondary windings by using the common source of
electrical current in those days for experimenters which was
the Electro-chemical Cell or Battery.

It was known then that when DC Current was switched ON to
energize a coil that there was a Back or Counter EMF induced
to oppose the Battery Voltage as the coil energized and
again, that a voltage was induced in the coil when the current
was switched OFF which was much greater and of the opposite

(236)  The Momentary Waves of electricity excited by electro
dynamic induction in a conductor conveying a current, or in
a neighboring one
describes voltages induced in a secondary
winding placed in close proximity to the primary coil.  A voltage
impulse (wave) is induced when the current switch is Closed to
initiate current flow and another impulse (wave) when the switch is
Opened to interrupt current flow.  The voltage impulse (wave)
induced with a switch closure is called the initial Counter
EMF and the voltage impulse (wave) induced with a switch opening
is called the terminal CEMF.

He is here describing how switching the DC current in the primary of
a transformer will induce in the secondary winding what could be
called Alternating Voltage and Alternating Current.

(237)  Figure 95 illustrates an Air Core Step Up transformer which
is powered by a sustaining battery and a switching scheme consisting
of a rasp and a zinc plate to produce a stream of rapid ON and OFF
switching of current to the primary winding.  A sustaining battery would
be a large galvanic battery assembly capable of supplying current for
a prolonged period of time.  In those days experimenters made their
own electro-chemical batteries in small sizes for certain experiments
and also in large sizes of multiple cells when high current was needed for
longer duration of current flow.  Inexpensive batteries then were current
limited by polarization of the Positive Plates and a special more expensive
type of battery was needed for sustained current applications.

(238)  Here he describes how initial and terminal shocks may be felt
as a result of the induced impulses (waves) when current is switched ON and
OFF.  Today we use Oscillator controlled switching transistors in place of the
Rasp and Zinc Plate to switch current rapidly or a single pole single throw
switch in place of the cup of mercury with wire immersed to make and break
contact for current flow.

(239)  Here he tells us that with a single cell battery the initial shock felt
when current is switched ON is not as intense as the terminal shock felt
when the current is switched OFF.  The voltage induced in the secondary
winding when current is switched ON is not as great as the Back EMF impulse
generated when the current is switched OFF.  In those days there were no
oscilloscopes to evaluate and analyze impulse voltages so experimenters
took shocks in their hands to determine which impulse was the stronger one.
Fortunately, with small electro-chemical batteries, those shocks were not

(262)  Higher order currents are induced impulses produced by repeated
closings and openings of the switch to produce a stream of pulses to the
coils and demonstrate that the stream of DC current pulses produces in
the secondary a stream of AC pulses.

He may be here referring to additional secondary coils of the transformer
and the voltages induced in those windings.  The transformer at that time
had not yet been perfected and a transformer with multiple coils or
secondary windings was yet in the future.

It is also possible that here he is referring to Harmonics of Oscillation but
without amplifying data it is difficult to discern what is truly meant.  He may
make reference to this in other areas of his writings.

(263)  Here he elaborates on the process of producing alternations in the
induced secondary winding voltages by switched DC current into the primary

(264)  Here he tells us that Electro-Static Generators may be used to
energize the transformer as well with their very high voltage output
and a spark gap to accomplish the switching.  Most experimenters
then did make some sort of frictional electricity producing machine
which was hand cranked to generate the sparks needed for experiments.
Leyden Jar condensers (capacitors) were also hand made.
« Last Edit: 2019-01-11, 20:57:22 by muDped »

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4042
Just a note of gratitude to Aking and others here
I see the Document provided By AKing recommends a specific Gauge [22"B.S." gauge ,Is that similar to AWG ?] and a country of origin Sweden and Russia .
   Glad I have not yet taken the Cutter to the spool of soft Iron Rod I Dug out from the Pile last week .
For Clarity we have a commitment from a member here to Run some "Cook Tests" once the proper
material is shipped to him.

I suppose I will need to qualify the Quality of the wire I have here since the Data from AKing infers a quite particular quality  :-\ [hopefully not unobtainium from years gone by]??
and My soft iron wire [actually bald rod ] is much bigger at .250 Dia. [approx 600 Ft]

for additional Clarity the diameter of the wire form or cardboard cylinder is approx 3 inches and the length is between 3-4 feet.
pretty Big core to fill with 22guage wire ,sourcing from Vendors here has been surprisingly expensive [for 99% pure]

what could the wire from Sweden and Russia have as ingredients [besides an assumption of quality control of purity ?
I believe the reason I am getting such high price quotes is due to insurance of purity to lab grade mil specs .
My Scrappy spool picture below [prior to "treatment for Cooking

and AKing21's Document again

Ps to add
Happy birthday to Centraflow {Mike N} ,and may you have many many more  O0


« Last Edit: 2019-01-11, 22:11:37 by Chet K »

Group: Renaissance Man
Hero Member

Posts: 2760

Buy me a cigar
Hi Chet.

I would think that 22 B.S. would equate to British Standard Wire gague, perhaps before your country adopted its own standard of AWG?

Your other concern about country of origin, these days we can make " Electrical Steel " anywhere, they were the best available at the time for their properties.

Cheers Graham.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)

Sr. Member

Posts: 420

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Build your own coil and interrupter for  $25

Electrostatic induction: Put a 1KW charge on 1 plate of a  capacitor. What does the environment do to the 2nd  plate?

Sr. Member

Posts: 420

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The Tribune  Sept 18186  -  Interview with DMC

Electrostatic induction: Put a 1KW charge on 1 plate of a  capacitor. What does the environment do to the 2nd  plate?

Sr. Member

Posts: 420

Buy me some coffee

Electrostatic induction: Put a 1KW charge on 1 plate of a  capacitor. What does the environment do to the 2nd  plate?
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4042
much to ponder ,one thing is certain ,these suggestions or ideas will be investigated in the coming weeks,
as there is a commitment to Build this here and post all results .

thank you

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1768
With the new printer I can get up to 400mm lengths with iron PLA.  I think if I print 30 x 5mm rods  I'll get a 50mm diameter core.
Full Member

Posts: 152
Has anyone made any progress here?

With winter approaching I want to tinker with something that can be done inside the house. I’ve studied the Cook coil battery and induction coils for a long time and I think I may have a unique perspective on it, so … from what I have seen, nobody has tried a build with actual induction coils constructed as they were in the 19th century.

Drawing out the coils and connections, there is a resemblance to a joule thief. Both work on induction and both use that to trigger a magnetic collapse that in turn induces a separate winding. The difference with the Cook coils is there are three induced windings, two of which are on a separate core, and the output is oscillatory like a Tesla coil. There is a cap involved that everyone says is to prevent arcing across the interrupter but never seem to acknowledge that it plays a critical role in obtaining the oscillatory discharge at each interruption.

Two coils on a separate core may be enough to recharge the first coil with the inductive discharge. Or would it really be recharging the cap? (I didn’t watch the RF video so apologies if this was covered)

Then, there is the missing circuit D. Could that be as simple as two terminal connections on the outer loop?

What do you think?

'Tis better to try and fail than never try at all

Group: Renaissance Man
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Posts: 2760

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Does anyone in the US know where we could find " actual " Davis coils on display to get a "feel " of the dimensions?

DMC's patent drawings look remarkably similar.

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Daniel Davis coil

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
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Posts: 1579
Daniel Davis coil

They appear on the antiques market, at auction, but at a huge price. It would be
easier to wind one.

Group: Renaissance Man
Hero Member

Posts: 2760

Buy me a cigar
Thanks for the link.  O0

Paul, that wasn't the point of the question. I was interested to know the physical dimensions with a view to winding. From the link that AC provided it suggests that the secondary coil might measure between 9"&10" long.

I have my own ideas about a " possible " switching arrangement, something on the lines of the old bell ringers from a telephone.  ( attracted ( seesaw) armature )

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Thanks for the link.

No problem, if you have problems finding info on something let me know. If it's on the net I can find it, it's all about keywords and how there arranged to fall in line with the algorithms. If you want to find all the old stuff include the keyword "archive" in your search.

I have my own ideas about a " possible " switching arrangement, something on the lines of the old bell ringers from a telephone.  ( attracted ( seesaw) armature )

On my Cook coil setup I used the standard induction coil interrupter which is basically a self-activating relay. I also tried high speed, disk type multi-pole interrupters like Tesla which are good for high voltage up to around 30kV. What many people don't understand is that mechanical contacts arc creating ionization in the gap acting similar to a vacuum tube. They also produce a wide spectrum of frequencies at high voltage which electronic switching could never achieve. So when people use mosfets and transistors and get no results there is a tangible reason why.

My theory was to build a given device as the inventor intended then once we learn what's going on refine the process as we see fit. So far as dimensions are concerned Cook claimed it could be one coil or a pair of coils ranging from 24" out to 72". He also claimed bigger is better however the dimension ratio was fairly standard with respect to width versus length.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Hero Member

Posts: 2735

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Came across this site which I have visited in the past and excellent video...


A repost from OU.com
The video is really good, here we have a man in 1859 who not only invented the light bulb years before Edison but also free energy and antigravity. Like most FE inventors of the time we can see his time line of progress...
1)He was researching telluric currents and atmospheric anomalies.
2)From this research he invented FE motor-generators.
3)After inventing FE motor-generators he learned how to build motionless FE generators.
4)The research from motionless FE generators eventually led to the discovery of anti-gravity phenomena.

It's mind boggling that so many people from as early as the mid 1800's discovered what still eludes us today. With all our technology, supposed intelligence and theory we still cannot do what a man from 1859 did with basic hand tools in a wooden shed.

There is another common thread between all these FE inventors of the past. Above all else they were curious about nature and how it works. Why the stuff we see all around us acts like it does. No global communications or internet, hell they would be hard pressed to even find a book let alone one that explained basic electrical theory. All these great men did hands on experiments with basic tools learning as they went along to find the truth of the matter.

I find Daniel McFarland Cook's story truly inspirational in this respect...


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
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