Hi all, 2 days ago i have had installed a 15kWh solar battery system hooked up to our 11-year-old 6kW (24 panels of 250W) solar panel. The idea is to collect the free solar power during the day to use it in the evening. This was driven by the notion that the current netting (netting the supplied energy delivered to the grid with the energy taken from the grid) will be stopped in the near future here in The Netherlands. We have / had a 50% netting, so we did not pay for any electricity these last 11 years (we even often got a nice bonus at year's end). Anyway, this is the battery system, which is tuning itself right now and seems to work as we expected it would:  We could add a 4th 5kWh module, totaling 20kWh of storage, but this will be decided after some time and only if needed. With a daily consumption of about 7kWh we could last 2 days on a full charge, but this will change drastically nearing the wintertime as we have some infrared panels supplying additional heating in some rooms relieving the natural gas heating system. Regards Itsu