Brad, you said this in the other thread, which I did not want to derail so am addressing it here.
And,as far as Mark's(TPU man) being a fraud,well it go's like this--
There are video's showing the device working as claimed.
There have been many witnesses to the device's working.
There have been independent tests carried out,and data supplied by reputable people.
There are video's showing the device's working that !as yet! have not been debunked,where the workings/energy source simply cannot be explained,E.G-power density to large for batteries,no RF that strong in the vicinity to deliver that much power-ETC.
Mark's simply cannot be put in the same boat as RF,and seen as a fraud simply because !we! have not yet cracked the secret's to the TPU's workings. So much presented toward the TPU,and nothing but unfounded claim's by RF,along with hours of video's that show or tell nothing.
The two are nothing alike.
You make good points, but there is more.
Most do not know the history or evolvement of the TPU so let me expand on it a bit with a few facts.
1) Steve Mark never posted any of his documenting videos on the internet. After 1997 he he seemed to disappear. The video posts were done later in 2006 by others that rebranded the videos and used them for their own purposes.
2) Steve Mark stopped all work and talk of the TPU around 1997. He never had a website promoting it nor sought money from the general public for his discovery but was very interested in making a deal with one or more large companies that would be allowed to thoroughly test the device. Whether he was part of a scam for money involving Brian Collins is yet to be determined. We know that Brian Collins in many cases was acting independently and bringing high profile investors to initially observe the device.
3) It is important to remember that very little would be known about the TPU if one had to rely on information given by SM, as he was never after 1997 promoting the devices in any way, and hardly actively promoting them before that. Mostly he was demonstrating them and documenting the demonstrations with videos.
4) Anyone who actually watches the original videos must agree that they are very crude attempts to document something interesting and
in no way are slick marketing tools. Steve was trying to explain an effect that he himself did not fully understand.
I have studied the videos very carefully, in some cases making transcripts of what was said, using equalization and noise reduction. Some of the dialogue is very interesting.
Considering the above, I find the devices of SM curious as these devices disappeared from the scene in 1997 and did not reappear again until 2006 when others posted the crude documenting videos on the web. This did not in any way benefit SM monetarily.
This is a very important point to keep in mind.So as Tinman said, these devices fall into a different class, not easy to compare to the scams of today, where the "inventors" are actively promoting the devices on the web, and in many cases living off the proceeds as away of life.
Granted the web was in it's infancy back then, maybe it would have been different if it happened instead in 2007.
You will not find a build diagram or set of instructions anywhere on the web, but some have carefully reverse engineered elementary schematics from the videos. It was not SM's intent to give away the operating principle, which he himself did not fully understand.
There is more but all for now. I understand that there is some investigative work being done by you and Jim, and I hope you will post your findings here when you feel the time is right.
I would urge those who only wish to do a surface level study of SM and his devices to find something else to do as the waters surrounding this issue have been muddied enough over the years from surface dwellers. If you have a lot of time and are curious enough to want to to dive deep into the subject there is ample information on this site as a starter.
"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy