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Author Topic: Dally, Shark & Ruslan workbench  (Read 320285 times)

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4165
Not so fast
So there are two factors which need to be matched in this scenario:
a) The time it takes the charge carriers (electrons or positive ions) to travel 1 pitch distance of the coil (GC,SWS) while moving through air.
b) The time it takes to reverse the voltage polarity on adjacent turns of the coil (GC, SWS, each turn is separated by 1 pitch of axial distance).

So lets assume that the the coil is 10cm long and its pitch is 1cm and the Kacher/TT provides a 10kV acceleration voltage over the length of the entire coil. If so then we can calculate this:
  • 1. The acceleration potential between each axial pitch distance of the coil is 1kV because 10kV * 1cm/10cm = 1kV
  • 2. If we assume no collisions of the electrons with air molecules then they gain 1keV of energy between 1 pitch of the coil (1cm).
  • 3. According to the non-relativistic formula ve=(2E/me)0.5 then the electrons become accelerated to 18754631m/s over one pitch of the coil (1cm) because ve = (1 keV)0.5 * 593073.5m/s
  • 4. At this speed it takes an electron 533ps to travel the axial distance of one coil pitch (1cm)
  • 5. Inverting that period yields a matching frequency of 1.88GHz  to obtain the optimum TWT energy transfer to the moving electrons :o

This is very far from the kHz operating regime of this device.  So there is something wrong.

The error is easy to spot - it is in pt.2 and pt.3 because in reality electrons collide with molecules of air and they do not get accelerated to such high speeds as in vacuum (and no the paper you quoted does not state otherwise).

So we need to use the drift velocity of electrons in air which is much slower.  According to the attached paper, the most pessimistic drift velocity of electrons in air is 300000m/s.  That is 62x slower than the velocity in vacuum.

...so continuing the analysis with this slower electron speed we get:

  • ...
  • 4. At this speed it takes an electron 33ns to travel the axial distance of one coil pitch (1cm)
  • 5. Inverting that period yields a matching frequency of  30MHz  to obtain the optimum TWT energy transfer to the moving electrons

Hmm, still ~100x too much to agree with the kHz operating regime of this device :(

What else can we do to make it work?  Here are some ideas:
a) Measure the electron drift velocity in air ourselves experimentally - maybe we'll get a lower speed at our acceleration voltage and air pressure.
b) Lower the electron acceleration voltage potential between the turns of the coil to lower the charge carriers' acceleration and velocity.
c) Increase the gas pressure to decrease the distance & time between collisions and consequently lower the charge carriers' velocity.
d) Try larger pitches of the coil.
e) Consider the speed of the positive ions which move ~150x slower than the electrons.
f) Play with harmonics.

The relativistically corrected formula for the velocity of electrons in vacuum yields only 1% slower speeds for electrons below 24keV.

Nice theory verpies, very impressive again  O0

But there are some for me confusing parts, like how you assume "the coil" would be: "10cm long and its pitch is 1cm"......
This sounds to me you are describing the "antenna" which is around the Inductor L4, while solarlab is talking about the Grenade coil (GC) as being "the coil",

see Solarlab's post #2377:

Essentially there are three (3) variables we control and one (1) consideration;

 -  Slow Wave Structure (SWS), our grenade coil, including pitch and length (transaction time) ;
 -  Signal Frequency on the Grenade Coil, which sets the signal wavefront speed along with the SWS;
 -  Electron propagation speed or velocity, determined by the Voltage set by the Katcher or TT;
 -  Physical placement of the components need to match a viable layout for the interactions to occur.

For me he calls here the grenade L5 the "Slow Wave Structure (SLS), aka "GS".

I cannot imagine how to calculate the electrons drift velocity in such a complicated coil.

Anyway, the below diagram shows another problem i have with Solarlab's (animated) GIF's.
My setup (like most all others) have the kacher secondary on the left side of the Grenade L5 with the Grenade L5 thick / hot side on the left.
The Inductor L4 is over the Grenade's thin / cold side with the antenna across this Inductor L4.

So the fields from the kacher secondary through the ferrite gizmo will be strongest around the Inductor L4 and the thin / cold side of the grenade L5, and thus not
at the right side of the grenade as shown by the original GIF (that's where i understand that Solarlab projects the strongest fields will occure).


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3511
But there are some for me confusing parts, like how you assume "the coil" would be: "10cm long and its pitch is 1cm"......
This sounds to me you are describing the "antenna" which is around the Inductor L4, while solarlab is talking about the Grenade coil (GC) as being "the coil",
That's not surprising because I just pulled these dimensions out of thin air so I could do the calculations without pulling out the calculator.
The purpose of these calculations was to get an idea if these numbers are in the general ball-park of feasibility, i.e. if they have a chance of working out.
I can change these dimensions to something more precise - just write them for me.

For me he calls here the grenade L5 the "Slow Wave Structure (SLS), aka "GS".
Yes and that description captures what happens in that coil quite well, because the propagation of the signal along the helical wire in the coil, happens almost at the speed of light, but the propagation of this signal along the coil's axis is much slower. 
This is typical of all helical coils and is influenced by the ratio of the circumference of one turn to the axial distance between turns (the pitch) ...and the dielectric properties of the insulation.

I cannot imagine how to calculate the electrons drift velocity in such a complicated coil.
The electron drift velocity inside the windings of the coil is quite slow ( on the order of millimetres per minute [mm/min] ), despite the signal propagation velocity being close to the speed of light. See this.

I do not think that Solarlab had the speed of electrons in mind as they move through the copper wire.  Rather he meant the speed of the electrons as they move through air in the vicinity of the coil.
As you can see on the basis of that paper and my calculations, the electron drift velocity in gas is much slower than in vacuum and it strongly depends on the gas pressure.
I don't think that this speed can be calculated - it has to measured empirically as it was done in this paper or that one.

The paths that the electrons take in the vicinity of the energized coil cannot be easily calculated either. It certainly is too complex for my brain.
Thus, the only feasible way to obtain these paths is by FEA simulation package (like the HFWorks which you should be familiar with). Solarlab's sims only show field strengths - they do not show the paths of electrons, which are accelerated by these fields.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3511
Anyway, the below diagram shows another problem i have with Solarlab's (animated) GIF's.
My setup (like most all others) have the kacher secondary on the left side of the Grenade L5 with the Grenade L5 thick / hot side on the left.
The Inductor L4 is over the Grenade's thin / cold side with the antenna across this Inductor L4.

So the fields from the kacher secondary through the ferrite gizmo will be strongest around the Inductor L4 and the thin / cold side of the grenade L5, and thus not
at the right side of the grenade as shown by the original GIF (that's where i understand that Solarlab projects the strongest fields will occure).
These are good questions.

Also, if the Kacher/TT is the source (cathode for electrons) - where is the anode ?

Notice that in all devices, which accelerate charged particles by alternating electric potentials (e.g. Linacs), the distances between the consecutive accelerating segments get progressively larger to keep up with the ever increasing velocity of the accelerating charged particles.  So any accelerating structure, which uses this operating principle, will be asymmetrical like in this device or in the animation of the Linac below:

NOTE: The asymmetrical construction of the GC can be dictated by similar considerations.

I will defer tackling these questions until Solarlab replies.
It is his baby after all and he should have a better grasp of it than any of us.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4165
Also, if the Kacher/TT is the source (cathode for electrons) - where is the anode ?

In post #2410 Solarlab mentioned:

Also, what is the source of the electrons?  Where do they come from ?

- Katcher/TT & so called Antenna combination (cathode - anode, but observing voltage levels).

But if that means that the "Katcher/TT" is the cathode and the "so called Antenna combination" the anode, that makes no sense to me.

What would make sense to me is if the "Grenade" is the cathode and the "Katcher/TT & so called Antenna combination" is the anode.

Thus, the only feasible way to obtain these paths is by FEA simulation package (like the HFWorks which you should be familiar with).
Solarlab's sims only show field strengths - they do not show the paths of electrons, which are accelerated by these fields.

Yes, perhaps it is possible for Solarlab to provide the base files from his animated gif's so they can be imported into HFWorks.

Anyway i agree with you, still a lot of unknowns, but thanks for taking a shot at them for now.


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3511
But if that means that the "Katcher/TT" is the cathode and the "so called Antenna combination" the anode, that makes no sense to me.
I feel the same way.
It is illogical for one component of the device to be both positively and negatively charged at the same time, ...but it is possible for it to alternate between polarities like these Linac accelerator segments.
If the Katcher/TT is both an alternating cathode and anode, then the electrons should start at it ...and finish at it as well  - perhaps after making a big loopy round-trip somewhere.

Yes, perhaps it is possible for Solarlab to provide the base files from his animated gif's so they can be imported into HFWorks.
The HFworks and his FEA sim package (CST Studio) both use SolidWorks to define the shapes of the elements so providing these files would be helpful indeed.
« Last Edit: 2021-11-14, 16:47:03 by verpies »
Group: Guest
In post #2410 Solarlab mentioned:

But if that means that the "Katcher/TT" is the cathode and the "so called Antenna combination" the anode, that makes no sense to me.

What would make sense to me is if the "Grenade" is the cathode and the "Katcher/TT & so called Antenna combination" is the anode.

Yes, perhaps it is possible for Solarlab to provide the base files from his animated gif's so they can be imported into HFWorks.

Anyway i agree with you, still a lot of unknowns, but thanks for taking a shot at them for now.

@ Itsu this device reminds me of the old Near Red Night vision Glasses the Yanks used in
the 60s in the 'Indo Chinese war' they worked on the same principle, note though no gain is made
with in the charge tube, only on entry thus leaving it, once travelled through the second Earthed tube it's
Possible to add to that a new value with another pair of tubes and another and so on, but as doing so the tubes have to be tuned to the frequency of particle travel time.

One has to ask where is the 'gap' in the grenade and how is the accerlerated charge collected
since the charge is focused down the centre of the tube? :-X :-\


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3511
One has to ask where is the 'gap' in the grenade and how is the accerlerated charge collected
since the charge is focused down the centre of the tube? :-X :-\
I am not sure "the charge is focused down the centre of the tube" but it is a good question.
Jr. Member

Posts: 50

Quote: "Word soup" or "word salad"  is "confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases".
I don't think this description applies to my posts, but that is my opinion and I cannot be my own judge.
I hereby ask other members to voice their opinions about this serious allegation.

Exactly,it does not fit at all, its clearly a defamatory statement and defies reality. Most of us who are here for a longer time cherish your way of approaching the different topics. This "Word soup" or "word salad" allegation is - from my perspective - deliberately focused on exactly that quality of yours to ask clear questions and not being distracted. The only method I know of, to clear the fog which is spread.

20 years ago I learned some management rules the hard way, i.e. I was ignorant of the behaviour-pattern of people under stress.
I had to clear up some serious failures in a coding, the IT-Department had programmed: I was responsible
of the overall layout ( design ) of the application ( a special cost-report ) and when I tested the report I realized that the responsible
programmer was ignorant of a certain data-processing-task as he had just left a starter-course of the special coding language.

During the discussion in which I showed the bugs in the coding, the IT-leader suddenly switched to a mode of attacking me ad hominem
in a very emotional way. That was the time to leave the discussion, just leaving the remark that there was a deadline he had to meet.

Whenever a situation like this occurs, a person with a good management-training-background knows what is going on psycholocally and should not
take this personally.

I predict that solarlab will not come back here - at least not with this user-Id -which I also regret because it was getting interesting at first.

Some remarks of mine about the Karnaukhova Generator-Paper:

First, the description of theory and the apparatus itself can be cut down in size by 50 %

Second, the theory is fuzzy for me and repeating it 5 times or more does not make it more clear.

Third, I absolutely disagree, that there is no current flowing in W2 of the left transformer including the antenna
I know this by my experience of more than 15 years. You just look at the two power-transistors driving W1 in push-pull mode then you
can estimate 20 to 40 watts at least....so this power just for creating no current ?

Forth, the picture of the apparatus does not fit the scheme in Fig. 3 and 4 so I can only guess that the left big helical coil which is placed
on a longer yellow coil on the left is a extension of this coil both being the antenna in Fig 3 and 4. Then what is the function of the right helical coil ?
Is this coil also an extension of the LC-Circuit of the right transformer ?
How do these to helical coils work ...transmitter and receiver ?

Overall this seems to me not a good description to start with.

Too much questions not answered...as verpies already stated.....we are waiting.



Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3511

Your last post is devoid of any technical content.

It resembles an emotional reaction to which Kator01 was referring to in the quote below:

During the discussion in which I showed the bugs in the coding, the IT-leader suddenly switched to a mode of attacking me ad hominem in a very emotional way.

In my previous post I had done some calculations to check the feasibility of the operational principle you had proposed and others have asked you concrete questions.

You have not addressed them at all. 
Are they too difficult ?
Group: Guest
Well I might be a bit out of my depth on this, but from what i can gather it's like this

Lets suppose our katcher is out putting 2mhz  and out grenade is wound proportionally with the whatever  or 2 M

          so section 1 is 2Meters , next section is 4Meters, next section, 8Meters, adds up to 14 sections

          so by my calculations the wave length goes up but the frequency comes down, thus F for 8Mtrs is 37.5 Khz

         any views on this ?

« Last Edit: 2021-11-16, 14:51:09 by AlienGrey »

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3511
so by my calculations the wave length goes up but the frequency comes down, ...
Even if that was true, that period associated with that decreased frequency has to match the transit time of the charge carriers (e.g. electrons) between the nodes. 
If the nodes are very close together in space and the electrons move very quickly (even 6% of the speed of light), then this transit time becomes very short and the frequency must be very high to match it. 
See the animation here where the green dots represent the moving charge carriers (e.g. electrons, ions).

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4165

Exactly,it does not fit at all, its clearly a defamatory statement and defies reality. Most of us who are here for a longer time cherish your way of approaching the different topics. This "Word soup" or "word salad" allegation is - from my perspective - deliberately focused on exactly that quality of yours to ask clear questions and not being distracted. The only method I know of, to clear the fog which is spread.

20 years ago I learned some management rules the hard way, i.e. I was ignorant of the behaviour-pattern of people under stress.
I had to clear up some serious failures in a coding, the IT-Department had programmed: I was responsible
of the overall layout ( design ) of the application ( a special cost-report ) and when I tested the report I realized that the responsible
programmer was ignorant of a certain data-processing-task as he had just left a starter-course of the special coding language.

During the discussion in which I showed the bugs in the coding, the IT-leader suddenly switched to a mode of attacking me ad hominem
in a very emotional way. That was the time to leave the discussion, just leaving the remark that there was a deadline he had to meet.

Whenever a situation like this occurs, a person with a good management-training-background knows what is going on psycholocally and should not
take this personally.

I predict that solarlab will not come back here - at least not with this user-Id -which I also regret because it was getting interesting at first.

Some remarks of mine about the Karnaukhova Generator-Paper:

First, the description of theory and the apparatus itself can be cut down in size by 50 %

Second, the theory is fuzzy for me and repeating it 5 times or more does not make it more clear.

Third, I absolutely disagree, that there is no current flowing in W2 of the left transformer including the antenna
I know this by my experience of more than 15 years. You just look at the two power-transistors driving W1 in push-pull mode then you
can estimate 20 to 40 watts at least....so this power just for creating no current ?

Forth, the picture of the apparatus does not fit the scheme in Fig. 3 and 4 so I can only guess that the left big helical coil which is placed
on a longer yellow coil on the left is a extension of this coil both being the antenna in Fig 3 and 4. Then what is the function of the right helical coil ?
Is this coil also an extension of the LC-Circuit of the right transformer ?
How do these to helical coils work ...transmitter and receiver ?

Overall this seems to me not a good description to start with.

Too much questions not answered...as verpies already stated.....we are waiting.


Hi Kator,

i agree with you on the "Karnaukhova Generator-Paper", the one Partzman linked to some posts ago.

A picture shows the Ruslan setup complete with kacher and Grenade etc., but the description is about the asymmetrical layout of the Yoke transformer and the Grenade/inductor transformer which
suppose to be able to generate respectively 20 times and 50 times (totalling 1000 times) more power then putting in without the use of the kacher.

So i might open a new thread exploring this setup but for the time being things are still rather fuzzy (like the yoke secondary should have more turns then the primary while now its not (3 turn secondary)).


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4165
Hi Girls,

Oh no, he's back...  Awww!  :D

Kator -  it was meant to be defamatory; or at least a wake up call to flush the "Ace MacCool" ego stuff - first, read the information presented and then form a educated technical opinion on the subject, then comment or inquire - grabbing a bunch of unrelated junk from Wiki doesn't contribute - it makes you look stupid at best.

Vipies - "professor" - your in the weeds - present your information and soliciate feedback, sorry man but IMHO it appears "what you know about this subject" fits on the "head of a pin!" When asked about your understanding of the subject presented - well, your answer doesn't even register  - and your the expert?

Itsu - keep following these fools suggestions and you will be still trying to find FE in 2077. Study the system, analyze the technology, think. If these guys knew anything they would have figured it out by now!

You guys sound like a bunch of 5 year olds ranting in the school yard for God's sake. Scientific Method - yea right - quit fooling yourselves and do some real work.

OK - BAN me for telling it the way I see it and ruffling a few feathers in the process - I'll get drunk for a week...  O0



Thanks for the documentation in the other thread, looking into it.

Itsu - keep following these fools suggestions and you will be still trying to find FE in 2077. Study the system, analyze the technology, think. If these guys knew anything they would have figured it out by now!

Also thanks for this advice, i will follow any suggestions made by anyone which makes sense to me.
The problem is that more then often someone comes in with a refreshing idea / theory / design, but fails to follow up on it after tests / replications have shown it does not work as suggested.

The questions which then follow are then considered as harassing or ad hominem or whatever and being used as excuse to leave the thread.

Verpies has shown over a decade to NOT back off when things get tough and keeps on searching for answers even though the problem is not clear from the start.
He has deserved my respect for that and keeps me amazing with his general knowledge, and so should anyone else imho.

Anyway, i hope you will go back and try to answer any open questions / requests still out there.

Regards Itsu
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Verpies has shown over a decade to NOT back off when things get tough and keeps on searching for answers even though the problem is not clear from the start.
He has deserved my respect for that and keeps me amazing with his general knowledge, and so should anyone else imho.

I would agree however the fact remains that in 1920 a 16 year old boy, Alfred Hubbard, understood this technology better than all the scientists and physicists and engineers today. This is true because he succeeded and they have not. How is it that a 16 year old boy in 1920 could succeed where Verpies with his vast knowledge and experience cannot?. Answer that question and you will be well on your way...

Not unlike Elon Musk and space X doing in less than 10 years what the best and brightest at Nasa could not do in 70. Make space flight efficient, affordable and routine.

It's a brave new world making progress at the speed of light. So we don't have to do anything and this technology is coming out very soon whether we like it or not. As Tesla said, the present is there's but the future is mine... his future is our present.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Jr. Member

Posts: 50

Thats interesting, what makes you so sure that a 16 year old Hubbard understood this technology better than all the scientists and physicists and engineers today. I myself would not dare to say that I know what "all scientists today" know or not know. There are many scientists and technicians who never show up in the public for reasons we here know.


- what kind of technology do you refer to exactly ?
- what reports do you have that provide scientific or good technical evidence of a working device of Hubbard with COP > 1 aside from   
  journalist reports and layman witnesses ?

I really would be interested to see such reports. I could never figure out what he did except that he was using this honey-comb coil and
sort of a electro-mechanical relais-like device which had to be tuned correctly. So I was always asking me : tuned to what ?
Do you know more about this device ?

The only practical attempt with a vortex-based concept I have seen, you can see on Konstantin Yurevichs channel here:


see attached picture

So what documentation based on what principle do you know about Hubbards device which you can provide us so some of us might
start a fresh approach ?

What is your assessment of the above presentation of Konstantin ?




Posts: 6
Frequency, Vibration, Energy
Absolute schematic (4th try - gif)

SolarLab, where did you get this information??
These files, from which website??

Have you an idea what you just discovered here 0_0... :o

I have never seen calculations like this before and even  seems so useful!

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4165
I would agree however the fact remains that in 1920 a 16 year old boy, Alfred Hubbard, understood this technology better than all the scientists and physicists and engineers today. This is true because he succeeded and they have not. How is it that a 16 year old boy in 1920 could succeed where Verpies with his vast knowledge and experience cannot?. Answer that question and you will be well on your way...

Not unlike Elon Musk and space X doing in less than 10 years what the best and brightest at Nasa could not do in 70. Make space flight efficient, affordable and routine.

It's a brave new world making progress at the speed of light. So we don't have to do anything and this technology is coming out very soon whether we like it or not. As Tesla said, the present is there's but the future is mine... his future is our present.



How is it that a 16 year old boy in 1920 could succeed where Verpies with his vast knowledge and experience cannot?. Answer that question and you will be well on your way...

Alfred Hubbard.
At Portage Bay on Lake Union, Seattle, Washington in America, Alfred Hubbard, an acquaintance of Nikola Tesla, demonstrated in 1919 a self-powered electricity generator design.
The generator was about 14 inches (350 mm) tall and 11 inches (280 mm) in diameter.
It powered a 35 H.P. electric motor, which pushed an 18-foot boat which contained no batteries, continuously around the bay for several hours.
This demonstration was witnessed by thousands and ended because the wiring was beginning to overheat.


I can imagine that these first inventors also had the need to attract investors same as today.

So they to had to resort to all kind of spectacular demonstrations to get into the news, so far nothing has changed.

Why could he not demonstrate his generator on land in a lab?   I think i have an idea.

« Last Edit: 2021-11-17, 15:46:33 by Itsu »

Sr. Member

Posts: 389
SolarLab, where did you get this information??
These files, from which website??

Have you an idea what you just discovered here 0_0... :o

I have never seen calculations like this before and even  seems so useful!

It is very instructive!!!!

The success of this device lies greatly to some extent on the success of grenade coil.


Sr. Member

Posts: 389
AC Rocket man  C.C C.C encase you havent noticed Rockets and rocket sciance is old
hat it's a wast of time
money and what more it needs fuel to burn encase you hadnt noticed it's also slow DEAD Slow
encase you also hadn't noticed ET can get here at 40 times the speed of light! and thats a fact
they use worm holes and vortexes They also solved anty gravity in 1952 when the EBONS
got here the Yanks back engineared a crashed craft from SERPO.

And whats all this got to do with this thread topic ?????????????????????????????????????????

I will erase this later to day !

The ET you mentioned(especially the EBENs) don't fly. What they do with their craft is to teleport. Otis Carr, a protege of tesla replicated them. He learnt it from Tesla who told him then that the world was not ready for his technologies, maybe they would listen to him(Otis Carr) in his time.

This was referred to as spooky science by Albert E.

« Last Edit: 2021-11-21, 21:28:04 by Maxolous »

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4165
SolarLab, where did you get this information??
These files, from which website??

Have you an idea what you just discovered here 0_0... :o

I have never seen calculations like this before and even  seems so useful!

Geo,   Max,

There must be something wrong with that overview drawing, for starters, that E-F waveform (Push-Pull output) can not be right.
I have never seen a sine wave there, have you?


Sr. Member

Posts: 389

Geo,   Max,

There must be something wrong with that overview drawing, for starters, that E-F waveform (Push-Pull output) can not be right.
I have never seen a sine wave there, have you?


E-F might be wrong, but C-D& H-G are correct


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4165

How about the winding direction of especially the Grenade, but also for the Inductor, the kacher and the yoke, all the same direction as shown?


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3511
How about the winding direction of especially the Grenade, but also for the Inductor, the kacher and the yoke, all the same direction as shown?
There must be something wrong with that overview drawing, for starters, that E-F waveform (Push-Pull output) can not be right.
Oh! Itsu,
Now, you are just nitpicking.

I can imagine that these first inventors also had the need to attract investors same as today.
So they to had to resort to all kind of spectacular demonstrations to get into the news, so far nothing has changed.
Why could he not demonstrate his generator on land in a lab?
How dare you question the testing methodology of Tesla's student !

This post of mine is devoid of technical content.


Sr. Member

Posts: 389
How about the winding direction of especially the Grenade, but also for the Inductor, the kacher and the yoke, all the same direction as shown?


For the grenade coil, Stalker said they could be wound one direction and it doesn't matter. Most of us took the option of winding in bifilar style reason being that we want reduced inductance to match up with grenade Inductor's inductancee value in it  multiple not more that x2. That's .

  You may also wish to wind your yoke coils one direction if it suits you, in as much that you interchange terminals. That's; hot ends become cold and cold ends becomes hot


Sr. Member

Posts: 389
More so, the author might not had laid any emphasis on winding directions here. He might had assumed that you already know what to do.
However, he was probably concern about numbers of turns to get it right.

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